

疯狂英语·中学版 2013年6期

by Michael Owen

It is almost every young boys dream as theyre growing up to become a professional footballer. We switch on the TV most evenings to see the game played in all its glory[光荣] by athletes[运动员] at the top of their profession. We get absorbed[吸收] in the speed and skill of the players. As we get older and have children of our own, most of us dream that one day it will be our own son strutting[昂首阔步] their stuff.


There are millions of things that need to click[成功] for a budding[崭露头角的] young footballer to make it all the way to the top. If it was easy to make it, it wouldnt be the great game that it is.

I often get asked for advice from aspiring[有志气的] young kids and their parents, but if I were to look back on my career and single out[挑出] one thing that stood me in good stead, it would be the environment in which I grew up. Without that, I could never have become the player I was. Of course, there are many different pathways[路径] to the top and just because I made it doesnt mean that following my path to the letter[丝毫不差地] is the only way to do it. I have, however, seen hundreds of players with huge potential[潜力] drop out of the game for a variety of reasons.

I am one of five children. My brothers and sisters were all lightning fast. It is a genetic trait[遗传特性] that courses through my family. I was born lucky in that respect. Sadly, muscle injuries are another family trait. My dad suffered from[受……之苦] them as a player, and my brothers and I have been plagued[折磨] by them too. It is bad luck in many ways, but some would say it is the price you pay for being quick.

Reaching the top of your profession on your own is next to impossible. Doing it with the support of others gives you a small chance. Having the support of all your family, while being guided by a father like mine, made it hard to fail. My dad, Leslie Terence Owen, was a professional footballer for 15 years, playing in the lower leagues[联盟] for Bradford City, Chester City, Port Vale, Rochdale and Cambridge United. He is the person, more than anyone else, whom I credit[归功于] for moulding[塑造] me into the man I am. From the minute Dad witnessed[目睹] something about me that was different, he created an unwritten set of rules, an unbreakable[牢不可破的] bond[纽带] and an understanding between us that hardly required a word to be spoken.





One of the most important roles of any parent is to create an environment in which their children can flourish[繁荣]. My parents did just that. At an early age I was showing ability. At six, I was too young to join a football club, so Dad took me to a mini-club where Id mix it with other kids. He recalls[回忆] that I used to loiter[徘徊] around the goal[球门] waiting for a chance and, when it arrived, I would side foot[侧踢] it into the corner. Not once, he says, did I ever lash[猛击] at a ball in front of goal as a kid. It was always a calm finish, focused on accuracy[精确度]. At this point, I was showing signs of having a natural ability to play football and score goals.

What followed was a decade of dedication[奉献] and skill from my parents. My motivation[动力] was to please my dad. He was, and still is, my hero. Putting in a good tackle[拦截抢球], making a nice pass or scoring a great goal meant nothing in isolation[孤独]. Taking a sneak[偷偷地] peek[一瞥] behind the goal to where Dad was standing, and being acknowledged[被认可的] by a nod or a wink of approval[认可] meant the world. On the odd[不寻常的]occasion that I played poorly or did something wrong, he couldnt hide his disappointment. He would never shout. He just wouldnt talk to me. This wasnt an intentional[故意的] ploy[策略], just his disappointment at my performance. It was the most painful thing he could do. I had let my best mate down, and it hurt badly.

As a child, having Dad there to watch me was my comfort blanket[毯子]. He even changed jobs to one he hated, but he did it so there was more flexibility[灵活性] in his working hours. He did not want to miss a second of anything I did. I was trying to do the maths the other day. Since the age of seven, I would say I have played in around 1,250 football matches. I think he has missed around six of them and that was only because we were skint[身无分文的] and he couldnt afford to travel overseas when I was young.

The most amusing thing when I look back now is seeing Dad during my PE lessons. If we were doing cricket[板球], rugby[橄榄球], football or athletics[田径], he would find a vantage point[有利位置] somewhere to watch me. We often did cross-country[越野赛跑]. I would be ambling[缓行] along in fourth gear, totally in my comfort zone, when I would spot his car at the side of the road. Believe me, I would be in front the next time he saw me when the finishing line was in sight—not because I would be in trouble but because it was another chance to impress Dad.

I suspect many people reading this will disapprove of me feeling as if I always needed to perform at my best, given that football and other sports are meant to be fun, especially when played at a young age. I agree up to a point. Remember, I have two brothers who went through the same process. Not making it as footballers didnt scar[伤害] them and Dad is as proud of them as he is of me. What matters most to my parents is that their kids are happy and decent[正直的] people. Dad would never raise his voice, I cant recall him ever shouting at me throughout my childhood. Neither did he ever punish me for playing poorly. I simply knew how much my playing well meant to him, and I didnt ever want to disappoint.







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