Reply to Discussion on “A generalized three-dimensional failure criterion for rock masses”


Ashok Jaiswal, B.K. Shrivastva


Reply to Discussion on “A generalized three-dimensional failure criterion for rock masses”

Ashok Jaiswal∗, B.K. Shrivastva




Received 1 April 2013

Received in revised form 8 May 2013

Accepted 16 May 2013

General: Jaiswal and Shrivastva (2012) proposed the mathematical formulations, i.e. the J–S criterion for converting generalized H-B failure criterion into 3D smooth convex failure criterion at deviatoric plane. The J–S strength criterion is in two versions: uniform and variable extension ratio. It has been observed from the analysis that at uniform extension ratio, the required strength parameters are only UCS andm(other parameters such asLs,a,bandcare related withm). In the case of variable extension ratio, extra parameterfis required along with UCS andm. Thus, it has minimal strength parameters compared to You strength criterion. Furthermore, You strength criterion does not obey the smooth convex condition at deviatoric plane.

Authors are very pleased to Prof. You for critically reading the paper and pointing out some points.

The issues pointed out by Prof. You are listed below:

1. The true triaxial strength criterion proposed by Jaiswal and Shrivastva (2012) is complex and difficult to calculate the strength for a given set of principal stresses (σ2and σ3).

2. The J–S strength criterion has two versions (uniform and variable extension ratio). The extension ratioLs(OB/OA) is, generally, not constant for rocks. Thus, uniform extension ratio version is not true for rocks.

3. For some rocks, mean misfit is lower for uniform extension ratio compared to variable extension ratio.

4. Construction of J–S criterion in π-plane at low negative confinement (tensile stress) has no solid basement.

5. Predicted UCS by the J–S failure criterion is higher than the real value. Thus, it is not suitable for assessing the stability of wellbore as the minor principal stress is low.

6. The J–S strength criterion is not validated for rockmass.

Justifications of above points:

1. J–S strength criterion is, indeed, a complex in nature. One cannot manually calculate strength for a given set of principal stresses (σ2and σ3). It can be calculated with the aid of computer through iterations as authors did. Stability analysis of the structures is being done through the computer programming/software. Thus, by incorporating the mathematical formulation of J–S criterion in the program, one can assess the stability. It hardly takes fraction of seconds for iterations.

2. The authors also observed from the literatures that extension ratio is not uniform with respect to the mean stress. The shape of envelop at deviatoric plane changes from triangular to circular. The classical hypothesis is the uniform shape of failure envelop at deviatoric plane. Thus, the authors had attempted both the options, i.e. uniform and variable extension ratio in the analysis.

3. It has been observed from the paper (Jaiswal and Shrivastva, 2012) that readers may confuse calculation procedures of uniform and variable extension ratio (Ls). It is worth mentioning that the uniform extension ratio is not a special case of variable extension ratio.

For the case of uniform extension ratio (OB/OA), the length ofOAcan be calculated by using the following equation:

The length ofOBwould, thus, beLs(OA). The value ofLsis having an expression withmas given in Eq. (32).

For the case of variable extension ratio,Ls, is a ratio of Eqs. (28) and (26) with a power off:

It is noting thatLsshown in red color is not as given in Eq. (32). It is a ratio of Eqs. (28) and (26). Thus, uniform extension ratio is not a special case of variable extension ratio. Therefore, mean misfit for the case of uniform extension ratio may be more than the variable extension ratio. Authors will propose a modified version of J–S strength criterion in future with true constant and variable extension ratio.

4. There is no reason why Prof. You pointed out that magnitude ofOBat low mean stress cannot be calculated. It can be calculated using Eqs. (28) and (23).

5. The strength parameters in terms of UCS,mandfhave been estimated for J–S (variable extension ratio) at minimum mean misfit. For the best fit envelop, most of the data are on or near the envelop. Few data at low confinement, for some cases, might not lies on envelop, thus, not predicting strength at low confinement. If one may properly choose the strength parameters of H-B failure criterion, then the prediction at low continent would be reasonable. The other parameters are not required particularly for constant extension ratio (see Eq. (32)).

6. The proposed methodology for converting 2D version of H-B failure criterion into 3D version has been given in the paper for intact rock. A hypothesis was made that the same phenomena would be applicable for rockmass also (relationship betweenLsandm). Thus, a concept has been proposed for converting the failure criterion for rockmass to resemble intact rock and determine the reduced UCS andmas given in Section 5 of the paper (Jaiswal and Shrivastva, 2012). The other relationship betweenLsandmcould be considered as Eq. (32).


Jaiswal A, Shrivastva B. A generalized three-dimensional failure criterion for rock masses. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 2012;4(4):333–43.

∗Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-9450533473.

E-mail address: (A. Jaiswal).

Peer review under responsibility of Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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