带变号G reen函数的三阶三点边值问题的正解
(兰州理工大学理学院,甘肃兰州 730050)
带变号G reen函数的三阶三点边值问题的正解
(兰州理工大学理学院,甘肃兰州 730050)
运用Guo-K rasnoselskii不动点定理,在相应的Green函数变号的情况下,建立了三阶常微分方程三点边值问题至少存在两个正解的若干存在性准则.
DO I:10.3969/j.issn.1008-5513.2013.05.015
1 引言
2 预备知识
3 主要结果
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Positive so lu tions for a th ird-order th ree-point boundary value p rob lem w ith sign-changing G reen′s function
Zhang Fujuan
(School of Science,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China)
By using the Guo-K rasnoselskii fxed-point theorem,some existence criteria of at least two positive solutions are established for a three-point boundary value p rob lem of third-order ordinary dif erential equation under the condition that the corresponding Green′s function is sign-changing.
third-order th ree-point boundary value prob lem,positive solu tion,existence,cone, sign-changing G reen′s function
2010 MSC:34B15