

今日中学生(初一版) 2013年3期

Who welcomes the sun first in the morning?Its the cock. He likes to show his golden clothes and a big, red cap in the sunshine.

In September, all fruits and vegetables become red and golden. The cock begins to sing:“Woo, woo, woo. The day is coming. Wake up. Wake up.”The sun hears his song and laughs with a bright face. Friends get up quickly and prepare to work.

“Good morning, my friend,”a cow says to the cock and hurries for the fields.“Hello, my friend,”a dog nods to the cock and runs for a garden.

Now comes a fox.“I hate the cock. He wakes up the sun. I hate the morning. I cant steal anything then. Im very hungry. Ill let the cock know who I am.”It is getting dark again. The fox comes to the cocks house. Inside there are only several little chickens.“Come out, my little friends,”the fox says softly.“No. Mom tells us not to go out in the evening.”the chicken answers. Then the fox says:“Im going to find others to share(分享)my nice food. Bye.”One of the little chickens puts its head out. The fox jumps at it, bites hard its neck and runs away with the dead chicken.

When father cock and mother hen come back home and hear the story, the hen cries out. The cock is very angry. He says,“I must punish the sly(狡猾的)fox.”

The next evening, the cock and hen hide inside the house. The fox comes again. The cock says in a loud voice:“Put out one egg and let the fox eat it. Hes just worth one egg.”