摘要:以鸟巢蕨(Neottopteris nidus)孢子为原材料进行组培快繁,考察了孢子处理方式、基本培养基、激素及孢子体诱导方式等条件对培养效果的影响。结果表明,把经过消毒灭菌的孢子囊从孢子叶上切下,破碎取出孢子后接种到1/2MS培养基上,孢子萌发较快,萌发率高。萌发后的原叶体接种到不添加激素的MS培养基上能得到较大的增殖系数。原叶体在试管内诱导孢子体难度较大,可采用1 g/L的KH2PO4溶液作诱导剂在试管外诱导,有利于原叶体向孢子体的转化。
关键词:鸟巢蕨(Neottopteris nidus);孢子;培养基;离体快繁
中图分类号:S682.35 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2013)05-1188-02
Study on Rapid Propagation of Neottopteris nidus
LIU Yang
(Department of Plant Science, Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University, Jilin 132101, Jilin, China)
Abstract: The rapid propagation of Neottopteris nidus by in vitro spore culture was researched. The effects of spore treatment, base medium, plant hormone and sporophyte inducement method on culture efficient were studied. The results showed that if cut off the the sporangia after disinfection from sporophyll, and crushed to release the spores, which were inoculated in 1/2 MS medium, spore germination was with higher rate and faster speed than derect inoculation of sporophyll or sporangia. The propagation coefficient of prothallus was bigger when inoculated in MS medium without any addition of hormone. It was difficult to induce the sporophyte from prothallus by tube culture. However, the transformation of prothallus to sporophyte could be realized by cultivating in substrate in pot with spraying of 1 g/L KH2PO4 inducer.
Key words: Neottopteris nidus; spore; medium; in vitro rapid propagation