摘要:为了在基层畜牧科技人员中推广肉牛人工授精技术,提高基层畜牧科技人员掌握该项技术的能力,利用计算机网络并结合多媒体技术开发出肉牛人工授精网络服务平台。平台利用SQL Server 2008构建后台数据库系统,使用.NET进行前台框架设计,运用Visual Studio.NET进行客户端程序设计。平台建成后投入实际运行,能帮助基层畜牧科技人员随时随地学习肉牛人工授精技术的相关知识,能随时解决基层畜牧科技人员的技术疑问,以便于基层畜牧科技人员更好地为广大农牧民服务。
关键词:肉牛;品种改良;人工授精;网络平台;.NET 框架;
中图分类号:TP311;S823.9+2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2013)05-1177-04
Construction for Networks Service Platform of Beef Cattle Artificial Insemination
HU Da-hui,DU Zhi-guo,FU Peng-hui
(Southwest University Rongchang Campus, Chongqing 402460, China)
Abstract: In order to promote the application of beef cattle artificial insemination technique in scientific and technical personnel in animal husbandry at grassroot level, improve their capability to master the technique, networks service platform of beef cattle artificial insemination was constructed by use of computer networks combined with multi-media technology. The back-end database system of this platform was set up by the SQL Server 2008, the front-end framework system was designed based on .NET, client program was designed by Visual Studio. The platform can help the animal husbandry scientific and technical personnel to learn knowledge of beef cattle artificial insemination technique at anytime in anywhere and solve the technical questions. It also can facilitate the animal husbandry scientific and technqcal personnel to service better for the majority of herdsmen.
Key words: beef cattle; variety improvement; artificial insemination; networks platform; .Net framework