摘要: 研究了3 种植物生长激素NAA(α-萘乙酸)、 IAA(吲哚乙酸)和IBA(吲哚丁酸)对竹柳(Salix maizhokung garensis)扦插生根效果的影响。结果表明,单一激素作用时,100 mg/L IBA处理40 min生根效果最佳,生根率达90%;100 mg/L NAA处理40 min生根效果也较好。100 mg/L IBA和100 mg/L NAA混合处理竹柳插条,生根率达93.3%,高于单一激素的作用结果。结果表明,IBA最适合竹柳的扦插繁殖。IBA和NAA的混合液能提高竹柳扦插生根率,IAA对促进竹柳扦插生根的效果不理想。
关键词:竹柳(Salix maizhokung garensis); 扦插; 激素; 生根率
中图分类号:S792.12 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2013)05-1086-04
Effects of Three Hormones on Cuttage Rooting of Bamboo-Willow
MAO Xiao-xia
(School of Biology Sciences, Anqing Normal University, Anqing 246011,Anhui,China)
Abstract: To study effects of hormones on cuttage rooting of bamboo-willow(Salix maizhokung garensis), three plant growth hormones, i.e. NAA (α-naphthaleneacetic acid), IAA (indole acetic acid) and IBA (indole butyric acid) were used to study. Under the effect of a single hormone, the rooting effect treated with 100 mg/L IBA for 40 min was the best, rooting percentage reached 90%; the rooting effect treated with 100 mg/L NAA for 40 min was better. However, the rooting percentage of bamboo-willow treated with the mixture of 100 mg/L IBA and 100 mg/L NAA reached 93.3%, which higher than those treated with a single hormone. Thus, IBA is most suitable for cutting propagation of bamboo-willow. In addition, the mixture of IBA and NAA can improve cutting rooting rate of bamboo-willow, the effect of cutting rooting treated with IAA is not desirable.
Key words: bamboo-willow(Salix maizhokung garensis); cuttage; hormones; rooting rate