

预测 2013年6期


摘 要: 本文从路段修缮导致道路网络总通行时间变化的角度,提出衡量修缮路段影响道路网络运行效率的度量指标——道路网络总通行时间增比系数,即路段修缮后道路网络最小总通行时间与路段修缮前道路网络最小总通行时间之间的比值。在此基础上,假设出行者只有到达修缮路段的起点时才获知该路段发生中断的信息,给出道路网络总通行时间增比最小的修缮路段定义及其计算方法,旨在为城市道路改造和道路设计提供依据。 关键词: 信息未知;修缮路段;总通行时间增比

中图分类号:C931 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10035192(2013)06007803 Study on the Selection of Road Section for the Repair Based on

Information Unknown to the Traveller

SU Bing1,2, HUA Chunyan1, YANG Qian1, CUI Xiao1

(1.School of Economics and Management, Xian Technological University, Xian 710032, China;

2.The State Key Lab for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xian 710049, China)

Abstract: From the point of the change of the minimum sum travel times of a transportation network by road sections repaired, an enhancement ratio coefficient of sum travel times is present to measure the influence of repairing road sections on transportation network, which is the ratio of minimum sum travel times after road sections repaired to the before. This paper gives the model and algorithm of the repairing road section of minimum enhancement ratio coefficient of the network under the assumption that the traveller can obtain the information of the repairing road section only in reaching the starting vertex of the section, aim to give some suggestions for policymakers to plan road sections.

Key words: information unknown; repairing road section; the enhancement ratio of sum travel times

1 引言



5 结论

道路无序修缮影响了城市道路网络的运行效率,给出行者造成诸多不便。本文通过分析道路网络中点对间的交通流量,从路段修缮导致网络总通行时间变化的角度,提出衡量修缮路段影响道路网络运行效率的度量指标——道路网络总通行时间增比系数,并以增比系数最小为目标, 在出行者只有到达修缮路段的起点时才获知该路段发生中断信息的情形下,给出道路网络修缮路段的选择方法,旨在为城市道路改造和道路设计提供依据,力求改善道路盲目无序开挖的现状。

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