Module 9 Unit 1 Pandas教学设计


黑龙江教育·中学 2013年8期



一、Teaching golas

Knowledge and skills(知识与技能)

1. 能够理解和运用有关的词汇:mainly, live on, southwest, nature reserve, research, symbol, less and less, area, reason, situation.




The attitudes and values of emotion(情感态度与价值观)


二、Key and difficult points

1. To understand the main idea of each paragraphy of the passage.

2. Help the students to make full use of the infinitive structure.

3. Help them to learn how to get effective information while reading.

4. The usage of infinitive structure.

三、Teaching procedures



T:Why are many animals in danger?

S1: Because people kill them for their meat.

S2: Were taking away their lands and forests, so many animals have no place to live in.



(二)设疑激趣,导入新课(Lead in)

1. 鼓励学生说出所知的濒危动物的名称

T:Do you know what rare animals are most in danger?

S1: Bears, tigers, turtles, pandas, elephants...


2. 设疑猜谜

T: So many animals are in danger, in fact, were learned a lot from them. Animals Are Peoples Dear Neighbors.

T: Can you guess a kind of animals by the capital letter of “Animals Are Peoples Dear Neighbors?”


3. 导入


T:What do you think of the panda?

S2: Lovely/ cute...

T: Lets enjoy some pictures of our lovely panda.



4. 板书课题,提出任务

T: How lovely they are! But they are in danger, and the government is working hard to save them. That is our new lesson today.

5. 学习新单词、短语


基本问题设置如下:Say what you know about the panda.

(1)What do they mainly live on?

(2)How much do they need to eat every day?

(3)Where do they live?

(4)What does WWF mean?

(5)Why is the government working hard to save the panda? (What happened to bamboo/baby pandas?)


任务一:Read the passage quickly and match the headings with the paragraphs.(匹配每个段落与标题)

Para1: A: Help for pandas

Para2: B: Pandas help other animals

Para3: C: The pandas home

Para4: D:An animal in danger

教师帮助提问学生,并指引学生找出每个段落的中心句,进行学法指导(Learning to learn)。

T:Where to get the topic sentence?

S: We should look at the first sentence.

任务二:Read again and answer the questions.(再一次阅读文章,找出课文的细节内容。)

(1)Why is the panda most in danger?

(2)Where do they live?

(3)Why is the situation becoming serious?

(4)How is the government trying to save the panda?

(5)What does the WWF do? / Why can pandas help other animals in danger?


T: Try to read the questions carefully for the Key Words.



1. 领会文章主旨

T: Whats the purpose of the writer?

S: To ask us to protect the animals in danger and help them together.

2. 写作指导:教师根据学生的答案串成一篇关于panda的小短文(课文的中心内容),让学生一起朗读,引导学生思考“How to write a passage about a kind of animals in danger? What can we write about?”

T: When we write, we can think about these below.

(1)What the animal is...

(2)Where they live...

(3)What the problem is...

(4)The example to show how serious the situation is...

(5)What we can do to save the animal.

任务四:Use “to do” to make slogans for the animals. (用不定式来设计保护动物的口号。)

1. Its wrong

2. Its a good way to make bigger reserves

3. We should work hard

4. is to love ourselves.

5. The animal has less and less place

由“Theres still a long way to save the animals in danger”, 引出成龙动物公益广告观看视频后,在小组里合作设计口号,再在班上展示。


任务五:Choose another animal in danger such as bear, tiger, lion, elephant, whale, turtle or camel. Write a proposal(倡议书) about it.

When you search the information on Baidu, you may focus on these below.

(1)What the animal is...

(2)Where they live...

(3)What the problem is...

(4)The example to show how serious the situation is...

(5)What we can do to save the animal.



(六)知识拓展(Extension/ Homework)

1. 查阅更多关于濒危动物的相关资料。

2. 以6人一小组为单位,结合课堂上完成的proposal, 制作主题为“保护动物”的poster.


Unit2 The government is working hard to save the panda.

Animal: Panda

Home: Live in the southeast of China

Food: Mainly live on bamboo

Serious situation: The bamboo—less and less, baby pandas—often die

Action: Make bigger reserves, grow better bamboo

Slogan: Try to stop the killing


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