Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?(Section A)教学设计及反思


黑龙江教育·中学 2013年8期


【此课选自人教版新目标英语八年级上册Unit3 Section A】


本单元的核心话题是谈论未来计划,课文始终围绕这一主题展开,我们要学习如何谈论假期的计划(Vacation plans),及对将来的安排(Future plans)。让学生学会用what询问将要干什么并回答;用when, who, where, how long, how等词围绕未来计划进行提问和回答。语言知识和语言技能部分主要是围绕核心话题设计安排了许多听、说、读、写的任务活动,不断丰富巩固这一话题的词汇及习惯短语。



1. 重点词汇及短语:camp, go camping, babysit, plan, visit my grandmother, spend time with friends, stay/relax at home, go to the beach, go to sports camp.





Learn to make plans for tomorrow.


重点:Talk about future plans 及相关词汇、句型。

难点:用what,when, who, where等词围绕未来计划进行提问和回答。




Step1 Learn new words,phrases and review the Present Progressive.

教师活动Show some pictures of activities. Ask students what they are doing in the picture.

学生活动Learn new words and phrases with the help of the pictures, and answer the questions.


Step2 Leading-in

教师活动 First, talk about my plans for this Sunday by using the present progressive. Let the students sum up the structure. Then show the verbs that are often used in the present progressive as future. Write them on the blackboard. Next practice.

学生活动Sum up the structure. Then grasp the verbs by using them.

(设计说明:教师首先通过自问自答形式示范运用现在进行时来表示按计划或安排要进行的动作,让学生懂得现在进行时表将来的用法,并总结结构。接着呈现常用于现在进行时表将来的动词。最后运用多媒体创设的特定情境对学生进行操练,让学生在操练中掌握现在进行时表将来的用法。为了便于学生记住常用于这一结构的动词,教师编写了这样一句话:“一来(come)一去(go)坐飞机,开始(start)离开(leave)友送别(see off),飞机起飞(take off)飞(fly)到了(get to, arrive ),遇见(meet)好友待(stay)两天,乘坐(take)飞机又返回(return)。”效果很好。)

Step3 Listening 1b

教师活动:Play the tape and check the answers.

学生活动:Listen to the tape and answer the questions.


Step4 Practice

教师活动:Ask students to talk about their plans for vacation in groups. Write the title of this unit on the blackboard.

学生活动:Practice and show their conversations like this.

S1: What are you for vacation?

S2: Im visiting my grandmother?

What are you for vacation?

S1: Im...

(If they make any mistakes, the teacher will correct.)


Step5 Listening (2a and 2b)

教师活动:Play the tape and check the answers.

学生活动:Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

(设计说明:此听力训练既让学生对用what询问将要干什么并回答进行了巩固,也为下一步让学生用when, who, where等词围绕未来计划进行提问和回答的任务输出提供了材料。)

Step6 Make a survey

教师活动:Tell the rules of the activities.

T: Every group(Six groups in the class) chooses one student to do the survey. He/She will ask the other members of your group the following questions.

What are you doing for vacation?

(Where are you going for vacation?)

Who are you going with?

When are you going?

…… ……

At last, he/she will make a report in front of class.

学生活动:Every group choose one student to do the survey. He/She will make a survey of his/her group members,then report it like this. In our group, S1 is visiting his grandparents. They live in Shanghai. He is going with his parents. He is going on July 15th...

(设计说明:本步骤之所以采用调查报告的形式,目的是让学生用what, when, who, where等词围绕未来计划进行提问和回答。另外调查报告形式新颖,能使学生全员参与,调动学生学习热情。是对学生英语语言综合运用能力的进一步提高,也是本课由浅入深的渐进过程的制高点。)

Step7 Sum up

教师活动:Ask students what we have learnt today. 1. Words and phrases. 2. Key structure. 3. Learn to make plans for tomorrow.

学生活动:1.Sum up what we have learnt today.2.Talk about their plans for tomorrow.

Some students say that they want to be a soldier/a computer programmer/a nurse/a teacher/an actor ... Some students want to be rich, because they want to travel all over the world. Others...

T: Im very glad to hear your plans for tomorrow. Work hard, they will come true one day.


Step8 Homework

教师活动:Ask the students finish off the exercise paper after class.


(设计说明: 这是教师根据本课所学内容设计的专项训练题,目的是考察学生对本节课的掌握情况,也是为了提升学生的应试能力。)


Unit3 What are you doing for vacation?

I am staying at home this Sunday.



come, go, start, leave, see off,

take off, fly, get to, arrive,

meet, stay, take, return.


本课主要是运用现在进行时谈论将来的计划,也就是现在进行时表将来。这是将来时的一种结构,那么我们之前学过的将来时的另外两种结构will+动词原形和 be going to+动词原形要不要出现,并让学生懂得3者之间的区别,这是本课设计时最纠结的地方。最后为避免引起学生思维上的混乱,把这部分留为下节课的内容。待学生对本课内容(现在进行时表将来)掌握扎实后再进行。其实如果处理好这3种句式完全可以在导入部分同时出现,利用多媒体图片创设好特定的情景,先复习will+动词原形和 be going to+动词原形两种句式。再引入新的句式be +V-ing形式,并让学生懂得这一句式表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于表示位置移动的动词,也可以用于其他动态动词。然后再围绕其用法进行一系列的操练,这样设计更加高效。但无论选择哪一种方案都要遵循在真实语境中讲解与练习的原则,这就要求教师应该有意识地设计教学话语、创设情境。总之,好课无模式,教师要在不断地思索和实践中引导学生,以期收到更好的教学效果。


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