

高中生学习·高三理综版 2013年9期

Module 1·unit 1


1~5 DDACC 6~10 ADCAB


1. get it repaired/fixed

2. that he should have studied

3. before they (can) draw a/any conclusion

4. that the teacher seems to be tired of

5. when he wanted to drop out of

6. (that) I had been concerned about

7. your complaining

8. didnt dare look at/dare not look at/didnt dare to look at

9. when the streetlights go on

10. happened not to be at home

Module 1·unit 2


1~5 BCDAD 6~10 ABBAC


1. even if/though you know

2. Based on German

3. does he make of

4. twice the size of

5. where English is spoken

6. is used

7. had been working on

8. what an important part/role he played

Module 1·unit 3


1~5 CADBC 6~10 DACAC


1. which time/when I havent surfed

2. (should) change our schedule

3. traveling across/around

4. that they felt like

5. was easy to pick out

6. couldnt have gone through

7. were checking in

8. how far youve travelled

Module 1·unit 4


1~5 BACBD 6~10 ABDCA 11 D


1. have passed

2. had witnessed

3. (who is) too particular to get along with

4. twice as many machines

5. whose homes had been destroyed

6. not all the students know/all the students dont know

7. Everywhere he/she goes

8. has jumped

9. buried in study

Module 1·unit 5


1~5 ACBDC 6~10 ACDBC 11~12 CC


1. one had to have

2. escape being punished/punishment

3. has to be reformed

4. will you realize

5. whom she was devoted

6. Little joy can equal

7. he has been punished

8. most of whom are from Japan

Module 2·unit 1


1~5 ADDDB 6~10 CBCBD 11~12 CA


1. well worth making an effort

2. who is considered to be

3. has been tried

4. ten times larger than

5. was satisfied with

6. have they quarreled with

7. (that were) written on

8. in whose house I spent

9. So many books to read

Module 2·unit 2


1~5 BDDBC 6~9 BDCD


1. you will be allowed

2. will they be defeated

3. measures are taken

4. will be settled

5. no decision will be made

6. will not come up

7. will surely be admitted to

8. will be fined

9. would be put off

10. that she picked up

Module 2·unit 3


1~5 CBDBA 6~10 CCBAD 11~12 AB


1. dealt with

2. that he has been beaten

3. has not been heard of

4. Not having been admitted

5. has she been spoken to

6. have been polluted

7. to have been translated

Module 2·unit 4


1~5 CDABA 6~10 CCBDA 11~12 CC


1. was not really interested

2. came into being

3. is being repaired

4. are being hunted

5. are being added to

6. hearing from you

7. was being decorated

8. what it contained

Module 2·unit 5


1~5 DBAAC 6~10 BABBA


1. attach great importance

2. that they can earn/as to earn

3. of which was based

4. Not long after

5. which may seem surprising

6. before it became

7. remained as popular as

Module 3·unit 1


1~5 DABBC 6~10 ACAAD 11 D


1. have been held

2. with “bones” on them

3. It was obvious

4. laughing at him

5. what it means

6. be proud of our customs

7. Take a deep breath

8. is to remind us

Module 3·unit 2


1~5 BBACC 6~10 DDABC


1. are curious about

2. neednt have run

3. had never spent

4. have people walking

5. attracted by the beauty

6. there was

7.(would)cost twice

8. on the way to

9. rather than frying them

Module 3·unit 3


1~5 ADCBC 6~10 DDBAC 11~12 AB


1. carried out to sea

2. can you take my baby away

3. that he was brought up

4. whether(if) youd mind us asking

5. it has been comfirmed

6. had just turned on

7. Whenever you make a promise

8. when it was

Module 3·unit 4


1~5 BBABC 6~10 DCACB 11 C


1. that she had been ill

2. whether this problem can be solved

3. Now that youve got a chance

4. What made us most surprised/What surprised us most

5. gradually got the hang of

6. made it possible

7. twice as far as

8. What is known to us all/What we all know

9. of whom influenced/of whom have influenced/of them having influenced

Module 3·unit 5


1~5 DACBA 6~10 CADAB 11~12 DA


1. any other country

2. Having a gift for playing the piano

3. that three students had been admitted to/into

4. when he would settle down

5. kept everyone at a distance

6. some measuring

7. surrounded by

8. having persuaded

Module 4·unit 1


1~5 BCCAD 6~10 CBADD


1. was intended for

2. when it hit to me that

3. to be delivered

4. has been reduced to

5. (that/which) we spent together at college

6. out of marrying

7. or/otherwise you will be looked down on upon

8. (that was) referred to

9. will you believe

10. you have seen it

Module 4·unit 2


1~5 CADAB 6~10 DCCBC


1. who that man is

2. Look in another direction

3. studying the development

4. it would be

5. less than

6. had been pushed into

7. (It is) no wonder

8. where she heard

9. all that I want to do

10. did he feel

Module 4·unit 3


1~5 ABBAB 6~10 BCABD


1. if we are caught in

2. It astonished the director

3. in search of gold

4. feel it convenient to

5. as if it happened yesterday

6. was content with himself

7. ate every mouthful

8. was the first one to

9. had developed his particular manner

10. am much better

Module 4·unit 4


1~5 BBBCC 6~10 AACAC


1. comes to life

2. for a variety of reasons

3. be based on

4. Caught in the storm

5. got close to

6. amuse themselves

7. Go/Walk down this path

8. in advance

9. Its no wonder (that)

10. Whichever route/road you take

Module 4·unit 5


1~5 DDBAC 6~10 AABBA 11 C


1. should the teacher teach

2. most of which hadnt been cleaned

3. (which was) modeled after

4. has come to life

5. However well-prepared you are/No matter how well-prepared you are

6. To our great amusement/Much to our amusement

7. Amused by

8. taken the place of

Module 5·unit 1


1~5 CBABB 6~10 CDDDB 11 D


1. is to blame for

2. put forward

3. (should) be examined

4. as is strict with

5. can/will you make greater/more progress

6. has been cured of

7. Every/Each time he returns to

8. that this/the disease was linked to

Module 5·unit 2


1~5 CBABC 6~10 DBCBC 11 D


1. Having broken away

2. can we accomplish the task

3. It was much to her credit

4. should have arranged for

5. the plan carried out

6. dealt with

7. the class divided into

8. (who was)caught smoking

9. consisting of/which consisted of

10. is/will it be convenient for us

Module 5·unit 3


1~5 BBADB 6~10 AAADA 11~12 CC


1. Worried about

2. twice as much personal space

3. fixed on the painting

4. In front of my house lies

5. whom he could turn (for help)

6. hasnt been decided (yet)

7. I would not have failed

8. should have finished

9. That he (had) won the first prize/His winning the first prize

Module 5·unit 4


1~5 BDDBB 6~10 CCCBD 11 B


1. would not be in dilemma

2. Accused of

3. kept him informed of

4. will I approve of the plan

5. will we be able to

6. to have been working on

7. Despite the fact that

8. happened to be going out

9. have been wasted

10. to concentrate on

Module 5·unit 5


1~5 BCDBD 6~10 BBDBC 11 C


1. It makes no difference to you

2. did he remind me of

3. if (it is) convenient to you

4. taken according to directions

5. was watching TV when

6. to have been translated into

7. He being drunk

8. who it was

9. whenever the meeting will be held

10. are more likely to

Module 6·unit 1


1~5 BACCB 6~10 CBADD 11 C


1. would have been late for

2. children should be given

3. new method adopted

4. that we took possession of

5. (should) turn off

6. It turned out

7. Before we knew it

8. parks a car

Module 6·unit 2


1~5 CBBCD 6~10 BBCDD 11 B


1. Having run out of all the money

2. had he got off the train

3. as if it were broken

4. food running out

5. what we call the South Pole

6. couldnt have let out

7. A medical team made up of twenty doctors

8. had lain quietly

9. congratulating myself on

10. he focused on

Module 6·unit 3


1~5 AABDB 6~9 DCAC


1. is caught cheating

2. has been accustomed to/has accustomed himself to

3. to take a risk/take risks

4. waiting for others/other people

5. have been longing for

6. that he decided on

7. to concentrate on

8. to resign

Module 6·unit 4


1~5 ABACD 6~10 BABCA


1. that determines

2. range from reading/reciting

3. increasing/growing/rising tendency

4. Who was it

5. no doubt that

6. not until they shared

7. resulted in

8. opposed/was opposed to

Module 6·unit 5


1~5 DCABB 6~10 DBCDA 11 C


1. does it suit

2. was burned to the ground

3. being no bus

4. whom he shot

5. Having been trapped

6. to have been forgotten

7. can you acquire

8. Being caught in/That you are caught in

9. asking for leave

Module 7·unit 1


1~5 BACCA 6~10 DBCDB


1. Being out of breath

2. to make fun of

3. how to adapt to

4. to have been destroyed

5. only to be told

6. that his suggestion met with

7. which people can benefit

8. has access to

9. Dont sit around

Module 7·unit2


1~5 ABDCB 6~10 BCBAB 11 A


1. I will be waiting for you

2. has been dealing with

3. worked as a doctor

4. a funny story did she tell

5. nor did he let the disease

6. could I recognize him

7. in came

8. Attached to the box

9. as they could find

Module 7·unit 3


1~5 DBAAC 6~10 CBCBD


1. on whose top/on top of which/at the top of which

2. made such great progress

3. when/in which changes are taking place

4. in which case

5. It will make no difference to me

6. his being careless that

7. when they arrived at

8. It makes sense to ask

9. What nice weather

10. is allowed to be brought in

Module 7·unit 4


1~5 BBBCA 6~10 CDACD 11 A


1. did as he pleased

2. couldnt have been attending to

3. had intended to have

4. That he had been elected (as)/His being elected (as)

5. whoever has assisted me/anyone who has assisted me

6. that he is not involved in

7. what I read/have read

8. when he paid a visit to/visited

Module 7·unit 5


1~5 BCDAA 6~10 BBADA 11 C


1. depending on circumstances

2. Not having been warned of

3. such a fool as to

4. as to have the door locked

5. who was suspected of stealing

6. Taking all the details into consideration

7. seeing put into practice

8. complaining about their life

Module 8·unit 1


1~5 DBDAC 6~10 CCCBB 11 B


1. have there been greater changes

2. whoever is in charge of

3. That he was caught cheating/His being caught cheating

4. the majority of whom are

5. what it takes

6. what you are doing

7. It became apparent that

8. having attracted people

Module 8·unit 2


1~5 DBABC 6~10 BDACB


1. half the length of the life

2. is he bound to succeed/be successful

3. Based on what weve read

4. That fashion differs from country to country

5. that human cloning is forbidden

6. their genes arranged in different ways

7. object to working with him

8. whether human cloning experiments should be allowed

Module 8·unit 3


1~5 ACDCD 6~10 BACCA 11 B


1. his reputation had been stained

2. Being very stable

3. set about researching/set out to research

4. enabling the students to return to

5. much lower than that

6. her diving into the water

7. selected from each class

8. which meet the needs

Module 8·unit 4


1~5 DBBCD 6~10 BACCA


1. refusing to compromise

2. I wouldnt have come

3. will I hesitate

4. every time they open their mouths

5. being classified into four groups

6. should have betrayed his friend(s)

7. dealt with

8. would never fade away

9. rob him of his money

Module 8·unit 5


1~5 CBACD 6~10 DDAAA 11 B


1. is being transformed

2. dating back to/dating from/which dates back to/which dates from

3. to have been constructed

4. could have moved

5. he been careful

6. to which they havent found

7. will be of great significance


一、完形填空 1~5 ABBAD 6~10 CAADB

11~15 ABDAD 16~20 ADBAA

二、阅读理解 1~5 DAABA


一、完形填空 1~5 CADAA 6~10 CBDBC

11~15 DBBAC 16~20 ABDCA

二、阅读理解 1~4 DCCA


一、完形填空 1~5 CDADB 6~10 CBBCB

11~15 CBBDA 16~20 CBBAB

二、阅读理解 1~4 BDCA


一、完形填空 1~5 CCDBA 6~10 BCBCB

11~15 ABDCA 16~20 ABADD

二、阅读理解 1~4 CABA


一、完形填空 1~5 BDAAC 6~10 CDCAB

11~15 BDDCA 16~20 DADAC

二、阅读理解 1~4 CBCD


一、完形填空 1~5 ACBDC 6~10 AADAB

11~15 BDCAB 16~20 CABDC

二、阅读理解 1~4 BABA


一、完形填空 1~5 CDADB 6~10 BACDB

11~15 BBADA 16~20 BCCDD

二、阅读理解 1~4 ACBC


一、完形填空 1~5 CBABD 6~10 CDACA

11~15 DBADD 16~20 BAACD

二、阅读理解 1~4 CBDB


一、完形填空 1~5 BDACA 6~10 CADDC

11~15 BCDBB 16~20 BCADA

二、阅读理解 1~5 CDABC


一、完形填空 1~5 BACDB 6~10 ABDCD

11~15 DCDBA 16~20 BCACA

二、阅读理解 1~4 DCDC


一、完形填空 1~5 ADBCA 6~10 DABCB

11~15 CBACD 16~20 BDCAD

二、阅读理解 1~4 ABCD


一、完形填空 1~5 BACDB 6~10 CACDA

11~15 DBCAD 16~20 BCADB

二、阅读理解 1~4 ADAC


一、完形填空 1~5 ADBBC 6~10 CDABD

11~15 BCAAD 16~20 CBCDA

二、阅读理解 1~4 BADC


一、完形填空 1~5 DABBA 6~10 CDBCD

11~15 AABCC 16~20 CACBD

二、阅读理解 1~4 CBCCA



1~5 CDCCB 6~10 DBAAC


11~15 DABDA 16~20 CACCB

21~25 ABCAC 26~30 BBBAC


31~35 BDCAA 36~40 CCDCB

41~45 ADBDA 46~50 ABCBA


51. fixed on a painting

52. that am to blame for

53. offering his best wishes

54. Having struggled to seek a job

55. to have been destroyed

56. of whom has been/got promoted

57. Particular as she is about

58. what it takes to

59. (should) not count on him

60. however small it is

