

高中生学习·高三理综版 2013年9期


The summer of 1975 Id just graduated from college in Southern California. I received a 1968 Ford Capri for a 1 present and had my first job in Los Angeles. One Sunday night, thinking myself a very 2 grown-up, I left my uncles place after a visit, 3 telling him that I had less than an eighth of a tank of gas and no cash to buy more on my way to L.A.. I 4 onto the Pacific Coast Highway and watched for the sign “off” as I 5 north. When I started 6 on fumes(烟气), I pulled into a gas station. There was no self-serve then, no credit cards, and no ATMs.

I 7 the guy at the station. I could write him a 8 for gas, I said, or I could sleep in my car and try to walk to a town with a bank the next morning. As he was 9 me that I could sleep in my car but hed have me arrested, a station wagon pulled up to the next 10 . The driver — a thin, plain, middle-aged guy — 11 the tail end of my 12 request. As the attendant went to 13 him, he nodded at me. “Fill her tank first.”

“Really?” I said. Hope 14 . “Oh, thank you. But I just need two bucks 15 . I just need to get home.”

“Fill it,” he repeated to the attendant. Then to me, “Youll do the same one day, for someone else.”

I keep looking for that 16 young person, hoping to save her night on the road. 17 , in case she never 18 up, I try for other acts of 19 kindness. That quiet driver is always at the pump a few feet away, 20 the attendant to fill mine first.

1. A. test B. promotion C. birthday D. graduation

2. A. independent B. polite

C. inexperienced D. intelligent

3. B. without C. except D. from

4. A. urged B. pulled C. pushed D. caught

5. A. headed B. made C. gestured D. minded

6. A. working B. jumping C. running D. taking

7. A. pleased B. commanded C. noted D. begged

8. A. test B. check C. book D. note

9. A. calling B. approving

C. informing D. suspecting

10. A. car B. attendant

C. station D. pump

11. A. overheard B. overcame

C. overlooked D. overweighed

12. A. failed B. agreed C. hoped D. inspired

13. A. charge B. serve C. introduce D. hold

14. A. disappeared B. choked

C. emerged D. lightened

15. A. conservation B. reward C. worth D. price

16. A. rich B. abundant

C. respectable D. unfortunate

17. A. Meanwhile B. Otherwise

C. However D. Moreover

18. A. sets B. closes C. shows D. puts

19. A. perfect B. random C. correct D. desperate

20. A. preparing B. tipping C. showing D. instructing


In the great American crime decline that began in the 1990s, New York Citys crime rate famously dropped 75% by 2001. New York, once a pickpockets paradise, scored 23,000 cases of in 1990 alone. Five years later, the number fell by half, according to writer Joe Keohane, who wrote about the decline for Slate.

“Its a very human crime,” Keohane tells All Things Considered weekend host Guy Raz. “Theres no real advantage in terms of physicality or weaponry. You just outsmart your victim.”

Its a craft he says takes a special combination of skills. “You need someone whose hands not going to shake. That means the patience you need to wait for the proper mark,” he says, “and the ability to read other people to determine whether a potential mark is a good target. A light touch helps, too, of course.”

Part of the reason pickpocketing has declined so dramatically is that no one teaches it anymore. Older pickpockets called “wires” used to train younger ones in the craft. Keohane says. “In New York, youd have organized pickpocketing schools.”

Sherman Powell attended one of those schools in 1969, back when pickpocketing was good. Powell recalls walking into a room filled with half-dressed models. “They would have these bells on them, so your hand had to be light enough to lift the wallet and not let the bell ring,” he tells NPR. “like my teacher used to say, ‘you had to be a pianist.”

Powell couldnt make that kind of pick today, he says, even if he wanted to. Pickpockets face stepped-up surveillance(监视) in most public places. Their systems of apprenticeship(学徒) have been removed, and heavier sentences keep them off the streets longer. The widespread use of credit cards has helped, too. “When people stopped carrying money,” Powell says, “that was the beginning of the end of pickpocketing.”

“But your tendency is to mourn for the loss of something that requires skill and style and panache(炫耀),” he adds. “And in a lot of ways, this is the way that pickpockets have been viewed for age lasting for ever.”

1. Which of the following is the factor leading to the ending of pickpocketing?

A. People are more aware of pickpocketing.

B. People are armed with modern communication equipment.

C. Punishments for pickpocketing are much tougher.

D. People are nowadays less well off than they were.

2. According to Joe Keohane, what skills pickpocketing needs are mentioned in the passage?

a. powerful bodies

b. great patience

c. the ability to seize opportunity

d. strict training

e. vivid imagination

A. a, b, c B. b, c, d C. c, d, e D. d, e, b

3. What does the underlined word “outsmart” mean in the second paragraph?

A. be more careful than

B. be more intelligent than

C. be much quicker than

D. be a little fashionable than

4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The act of pickpocketing was never something to be proud of.

B. Some pickpockets were formerly trained as pianists.

C. There were once schools where one could learn pickpocketing.

D. The punishment for pickpocketing used to be harder.

5. Whats Powells attitude to the decline of pickpocketing?

A. regretful B. cheerful C. shameful D. painful



1. 网络购物新潮便利,受大家欢迎,包括中学生;

2. 由于网购的交易特点,加上各种促销活动,越来越多的消费者发现自己没有理性消费;

3. 避免网购中的非理性消费的方法(至少三条)。

注意:1. 词数120左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Jack,

Im glad to receive your letter, in which you ask my opinion about online shopping.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


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