

高中生学习·高三理综版 2013年9期


I was pretty unhappy. I had no idea what direction I wanted my life to take. I thought back to a book Id read titled One Week Job written by Sean Aiken, whod worked at 52 different 1 in a year to find his perfect career.

I just couldnt get the crazy concept 2 my mind. I knew I needed to take actions to experience it. 3 my friends about my grand plan, they could tell how 4 I was. “Ill help you set up a website,” my friend Sam told me.

As the One Week Job Australia site went 5 , I decided Id blog about my 6 . I decided to donate 7 of my earnings to Big Brothers Big Sisters.

I started emailing and 8 everyone I knew to ask them for a job. It wasnt very long 9 a friend told me about an events agency that needed someone to 10 at a Christmas-themed event. I packed my bags and went 11 there.

On my 12 week I struck it lucky — landing a job as a stage hand for a production company. It wasnt just the Foo Fighters I was working for, 13 the famous kids group, The Wiggles, too.

In my third week I tried my hand 14 a hairdresser, washing peoples hair and mixing dyes. Job offers began 15 in from Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. If you 16 it, I tried it.

Id just spent 17 days working at the local theatre when job 18 dried up. After searching for three 19 , I started to question all I had been doing. Just when I thought my luck had run out, I walked into a 20 . They offered me a job in their kitchen.

When December rolled around, it was time for my last job working for a skydiving company. The opportunities I have been given are amazing, and Im proud to have raised nearly $8000.

1. A. times B. schools

C. places D. families

2. A. in between B. out of

C. up to D. down below

3. A. Telling B. Asking

C. Finding D. Making

4. A. worried B. determined

C. absorbed D. concerned

5. A. through B. away

C. dead D. live

6. A. friends B. companies

C. experiences D. books

7. A. none B. little

C. few D. all

8. A. calling B. beating

C. seeing D. complaining

9. A. after B. since

C. before D. that

10. A. help B. do

C. study D. call

11. A. in B. to

C. for D. straight

12. A. first B. second

C. third D. fourth

13. A. but B. and

C. just D. only

14. A. at B. in

C. for D. as

15. A. staying B. leaving

C. working D. pouring

16. A. start B. name

C. like D. do

17. A. seven B. eight

C. nine D. ten

18. A. offers B. companies

C. interviews D. centers

19. A. months B. weeks

C. days D. hours

20. A. store B. school

C. company D. restaurant


European Union countries have struggled to find common ground as they worked out a budget agreement in Belgium this month. European leaders finally had success last week. They agreed on the European Unions multiannual financial framework, or MMF, for the period from 2014 to 2020.

The MMF sets the EUs total spending at $1.3 trillion. That represents one percent of the total income of EU members. Members agreed to reduce total spending by over three percent for the period. This is the first time spending cuts have been made.

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy spoke after the agreement was announced. He said the compromise budget may not be perfect. But he said it should help all EU members.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel praised the long-term spending plan. She said the agreement makes policy more predictable and enables members to act in the interest of Europe.

Some EU leaders have been calling for greater spending controls in their home countries. They wanted the EU to show that it is willing to cut costs.

British Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed the agreement. Before the two-day meeting, he had threatened to veto the budget if there were no steps toward cutting spending.

The European parliament still must approve the measure. But some parliament members say it fails to deal with problems like the sharp wealth differences between rich and poor. Guy Verhofstadt from Belgium is a member of the European parliament. He does not think the measure will pass.

If approved, the measure will affect 28 European Union countries. The EU says Croatia is expected to join the group in July.

1. What will the total income of EU members for the period from 2014 to 2020?

A. $1.3 million

B. $1.3 trillion

C. $130 trillion

D. $910 billion

2. What does the underlined word “veto” mean in the fourth paragraph?

A. Tear

B. Refuse

C. Vote

D. Avoid

3. It was who may say, “So I think the British public can be proud that we have cut the seven-year credit card limit for the European Union for the first time ever.”

A. Herman Van

B. Angela Merkel

C. Guy Verhofstadt

D. David Cameron

4. The passage may be from .

A. a tourist guide

B. a Newspaper

C. a textbook

D. a personal diary



We all know that “sticks and stones may break our bones”, but we should also be aware that words can hurt people, too.


1. 无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;

2. 除诗歌外,文体不限;

3. 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;

4. 词数为120左右。


Adult bees teach their babies how to dance