

高中生学习·高三理综版 2013年9期


My father is a strong fisherman. He loved the sea and would stay out until he caught enough to .1 the family.

When we met 2 weather, he would drive me to school with his old truck. And after we 3 , he would bend over and give me a 4 on the face and then tell me to be a good boy. I always felt very 5 in front of so many 6 . I was already a twelve-year-old young man, but my father still kissed me goodbye!

Then on a rainy day I 7 to tell him my feeling. When we stopped at the school gate, the .8 big smile appeared on my fathers face. I .9 . what would happen next. I 10 put my hand up and for the first time said “No” to him. The smile on his face immediately changed into a 11 , look. He looked at me for a long time and 12 began to appear in his eyes. I was shocked. I had never 13 him cry! Then he said, “Youre right. You are a big boy ... a man. I wont kiss you 14 .”

Not long after that, my father went to sea on a bad day. 15 of the fishermen stayed at home, but not Dad, because he had a big family to feed. But after that day, he 16 came back. Later his boat was 17 with his nets half in and half out. He must have been 18 in a strong wind and was trying to save the nets.

How I wished I had not 19 my fathers kiss! And from this I have learned that we should take every chance with our family and friends as the last one in our lives. We can have 20 regrets by doing so.

1. A. enjoy B. keep

C. support D. save

2. A. fine B. extreme

C. cool D. bad

3. A. arrived B. separated

C. appeared D. drove

4. A.welcome B. smile

C. touch D. kiss

5. A. excited B. embarassed

C. amazed D. funny

6. A. passengers B. workers

C. schoolmates D. friends

7. A. agreed B. determined

C. advised D. happened

8. A. strange B. usual

C. beautiful D. kind

9. A. doubted B. wondered

C. knew D. remembered

10. A. clearly B. quickly

C. quietly D. carefully

11. A. disappointed B. worried

C. surprised D. surprising

12. A. anger B. tears

C. understanding D. happiness

13. A. wanted B. liked

C. seen D. minded

14. A. forever B. immediately

C. sometimes D. any more

15. A. Most B. All

C. Majority D. Every

16. A. later B. finally

C. never D. seldom

17. A. bought B. found

C. caught D. returned

18. A. missed B. caught

C. met D. hoped

19. A. rejecteded B. forgotten

C. hated D. accepted

20. A. little B. few

C. small D. good


The bigger a CEOs signature, the more likely he or she is to be a narcissist(自恋者), a new study claims.

The research which compared the signatures of some 605 CEOs of US firms found that size does matter where bosss signatures are concerned.

It found that bosses with bigger signatures also tended to get the highest pay, but were in fact more likely to run their companies into the ground.

The study by academics at the Feenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina took the signatures of CEOs from company accounts filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. The authors identify narcissism as an egotistical(自我主义的) character associated with too much pride in himself and disregard for others. Similarly, narcissism creates prejudiced self-awareness in the form of favorable evaluation of his own abilities and performance, they say in the paper.

These qualities make them bad decision makers, the study says, but enable them to convince directors and shareholders of their competence to the extent that they get a better pay.

Professor Sean Wang, one of three authors of the study, told ABC News that the 605 signatures analysed were found largely on annual reports and other documents filed by S&P 500 companies in July 2011.

The S&P 500 index(指数) tracks the most valuable 500 companies listed on US stock markets.

Signatures were fed into a custom coded computer program which drew a square around each of them and measured the area they covered. We standardized the measure by dividing the area by the number letters in the CEOs signature, Professor Wang said.

Professor Wang said he and his co-authors relied on findings from previous psychological studies which claimed that bigger signatures mean bigger selves. Using the size of the signature as a measure for the writers narcissism, they found that narcissistic CEOs invest more in capital spendings and acquisitions but pay lower profits, with over investments being largest when there is a large amount of spare money for them to use.

1. From the passage, we can know that a boss with a bigger signature .

A. always gets a big salary because he may run a company very well

B. may be self-satisfied and not considerate

C. is self-confident and seldom makes a bad decision

D. is always trusted by customers and thus can earn more money

2. How did the researchers measure the size of the signature?

A. They check the signatures by themselves.

B. The S&P 500 index can judge it automatically.

C. A computer program can analyse the number of letters in a certain area.

D. A computer program can measure the size of each letter in the signature.

3. What does the last sentence of the passage imply?

A. Narcissistic CEOs are vain men who cant earn much money

B. Narcissistic CEOs are more capable and like to invest in many fields

C. Narcissistic CEOs more adventures may result in the fall of a company

D. Professor Wang holds a positive attitude towards Narcissistic CEOs

4. The result of the research might be of great benefit to a .

A. an enterprise organizer B. a college student

C. a university professor D. a job hunter

