

高中生学习·高三理综版 2013年9期


1. Many people the idea that an overall XiaoKang society means not only material comfort but also harmonious development in all aspects.

A. appeal to B. subscribe to

C. submit to D. contribute to

2. —How did you like Toms performance last night?

—To be honest, his singing didnt , me very much.

A appeal to B. belong to

C. refer to D. occur to

3. Continuous drought and floods have taught a lesson to the local people that it is for them to cut down all the forests to earn money.

A. contemporary B. controversial

C. ridiculous D. conventional

4. —Mary always thinks of other people instead of herself.

—So she does. It is of her to offer help to others.

A. aggressive B. ridiculous

C. typical D. conventional

5. At the very beginning Einsteins theory of Relativity was so that few scientists could understand.

A. absorbed B. abstract

C. absolute D. interesting

6. It was only that I saw the injured child on my way home, so I called 120 at once.

A. by degrees B. by convention

C. by coincidence D. by mistake

7. My doctor says that I cant eat shellfish because I am to them.

A. visual B. allergic

C. complex D. accurate

8. Since they wont listen to the advice, we have to force.

A. appeal to B. stick to

C. keep to D. apply to

9. —Was it in April, 1970 that China , sending its first satellite into space?

— Yes, thats right.

A. managed to B. tried to

C. attempted in D. succeeded in

10. To our great , his illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.

A. anxiety B. reputation

C. satisfaction D. relief

11. Poor preparations and shortage of equipment their failure of climbing to the top of the mountains

A. resulted from B. brought out

C. accounted for D. approved of


1. I ran all the way to school yesterday, otherwise I the annual talent show. (late)


2. Some experts demanded that , enough time for sleeping and playing. (give)


3. With the problem that they had worked on for a long time was eventually worked out. (adopt)


4. It was not until a few days after the auction the car. (possession)


5. When Edison died it was suggested that American people all power for several minutes in honor of this great man. (turn)


6. John had told lies to his boss. (turn)


7. , it was time for us to say goodbye to each other. (before)


8. In front of the building , which belongs to Mr White. (park)



1. Nowadays technology has not been developed to a degree where earthquakes can be predicted .

A. flexibly B. contemporarily

C. appropriately D. technically

2. Typing the patients blood before a blood transfusion is necessary as a tiny mistake will take away a life.

A. slightly B. absolutely

C. frequently D. eventually

3. As we know, language is one of the significant means for mankind to thoughts and feelings.

A. speak B. convey C. transform D. transport

4. He accidentally that he had quarreled with his wife and hadnt been home for three days.

A. let off B. broke out C. let out D. gave out

5. The company has been from a family business into one with 5,000 workforce.

A. translated B. transported

C. transplanted D. transformed

6. Last summer she was invited to the womens conference by the UN.

A. possessed B. sponsored

C. conveyed D. appealed

7. The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has all over the country.

A. companies B. branches

C. organizations D. businesses

8. The boy is working harder than ever, hoping to the time he has wasted playing games.

A. take up B. spend C. make up D. call up

9. Our school need a(n) management system, able to meet the changing needs of our students.

A. delicate B. accurate C. automatic D. flexible

10. In my first English class, Mr Tom , to us that reading is one of lifes greatest pleasures.

A. teased B. persuaded

C. educated D. conveyed

11. Didnt you find that there was something that was strange about the new teacher?

A. in surprise B. in particular

C. in danger D. in delight


1. , Mike had no choice but to turn to his mother for help. (run)


2. Hardly when his lovely friends ran towards him. (get)


3. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks . (break)


4. With and no help to come, the soldiers became desperate.(run)


5. No one really knows exactly when the first people arrived in now. (what)


6. He is very reliable, he the secret. (let)


7. has been sent to the earthquake-striken aera. (make)


8. If only he as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now. (lie)


9. I cant help my choice.(congratulate)


10. George is going to talk about the geography of this country, but Id rather he , its culture. (focus)



1. Geographical distance, however great, is nothing compared to when it comes to blocking the understanding and exchanges between people.

A. prejudice B. comprehension

C. survival D. judgment

2. —Do you think your grandpa will ever recover?

—Of course, hes as as old boots.

A. tough B. random

C. difficult D. rough

3. As a gentleman, George thought the most moment was trying to introduce a lady whose name escaped him.

A. embarrassed B. embarrassing

C. ashamed D. automatic

4. —How on earth did Mary let herself , such a ridiculous situation?

—God knows!

A. get away B. get on

C. get through D. get into

5. Levin thought that the clearness of Katavasovs conception of life was the poverty of his nature.

A. next to B. due to

C. in search of D. according to

6. He would sooner Kellynch Hall at once than remain in it on such disgraceful terms.

A. abandon B. withdraw

C. reject D. quit

7. As tobacco abuse and excessive drinking tend to appear among low-aged people, experts are considering a proposal to the sale of alcohol and cigarettes to adolescents.

A. decrease B. permit

C. ban D. approve

8. Vernon, who herself to the enjoyment of riches, considered fortune as necessary everywhere.

A. accustomed B. addicted

C. devoted D. adapt

9. all kinds of setbacks, he has been active in the campaign for the equal rights of people with AIDS.

A. In memory of B. In terms of

C. In spite of D. In place of


1. It is almost announced before every examination that whoever in the exam will be graded zero. (catch)


2. The man with poor eyesight distinguishing different things by touching them with his hands since he was very young. (accustom)


3. You will find that your greatest opportunities will come when you are called upon , or to handle failure. (risk)


4. It is no good to make decisions for you. (good)


5. I think I am likely to get the job which I , only if Tom, the one considered a genius, doesnt apply for it yet. (likely)


6. It was after serious consideration , a day to quit smoking. (decide)


7. Dont study all night before an exam, otherwise youll find it difficult your exam the next day. (concentrate)


8. As a salaried worker, considering how much my bank balance is, I realize how tough it is . (resign)



1. Those who mercy-killing say since everybody has the right to enjoy life, everybody has the right to choose death as well, especially when he/she cant bear the great pain any more.

A. advocate B. state C. experiment D. oppose

2. He was a poor mans son, and was born in the province of Maine, where he used to , sheep upon the hills in his boyhood and youth.

A. purchase B. tend C. overlook D. inspect

3.—How did it that the man is dismissed?

—He was found stealing money from the company.

A. come about B. come from

C. come back D. come out

4. It was so serious a matter that Jane was beating her brains trying to a solution.

A. put up with B. keep up with

C. come up with D. go through with

5. They moved on again — aimlessly, simply — all they could do was to move, keep moving.

A. at fault B. at stake

C. at ease D. at random

6. Her education made it likely that she would be more brilliant than the , and her blood made her proud.

A. usual B. average C. middle D. normal

7. Dear Mary, I have delayed answering your letter, the distracted state of my mind, which made me unfit to write to you.

A. in consequence of B. in charge of

C. in need of D. in case of

8. You may use the room as you like, , you clean it up afterwards.

A. as well as B. as long as

C. as far as D. as soon as

9. There was a considerable difference between the ages of my parents, but this ,seemed to unite them only closer in bonds of devoted affection.

A. surroundings B. environment

C. circumstance D. tendency

10. Nowadays some experts are always releasing their statements as if they were every individual.

A. on behalf of B. on account of

C. in favor of D. in place of


1. It is not what you want to do but what you are doing now your future. (determine)


2. She is a girl with lots of interests, which poetry to playing violin. (range)


3. There is a(n) for women with good education and high income to have children later in life, a research reveals. (tendency)


4. that moved my cheese a moment ago? (who)


5. There is all problems can be solved and all difficulties can be overcome. (doubt)


6. It was the same flight one day that they got to know each other properly. (share)


7. It shocked me that the Yaan earthquakes the death of more than 200 people. (result)


8. She was a feminist as well as a black person; no wonder she began a campaign, which racism and sexual discrimination. (oppose)



1. His wonderful performances to all ages and social groups in China and he is also popular with people all over the world.

A. appear B. suit C. shock D. appeal

2. I want to express the very deep , on behalf of all of us, for this warm welcome that you have given us.

A. agreement B. attention

C. appreciation D. anxiety

3. At the railway station, the mother , to her daughter until the train was out of sight.

A. waved B. shook C. trembled D. nodded

4. I only intended to be there for a few days, but I ended up staying for a whole month.

A. fortunately B. actually

C. naturally D.

A. originally B. absolutely

C. peacefully D. eventually

8. It is necessary that we a great many qualified teachers to the schools in the poor areas.

A. arrange B. approach

C. appoint D. associate

9. Conscious of the coming danger, the spy his way to the balcony and jumped down, leaving the crowd in the hall puzzled.

A. showed B. lost

C. stop D. made

10. It is obvious that the hopes, goals, fears and desires widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.

A. vary B. shift C. transfer D. elect

11. Hard work is no of an excellent school record. You have to adopt a flexible approach to your learning.

A. connection B. permission

C. guarantee D. consequence


1. E-leaning does not meet all educational needs, nor all learners. (suit)


2. In the big fire, his house along with most of the buildings in the city . (burn)


3. There , we had no choice but to go home on foot. (be)


4. He had killed the person at , instead of wounding him. (shoot)


5. in the collapsed coal mine for more than 70 hours, the workers were finally rescued. (trap)


6. The man is not mentioned in my history book. He seems . (forgot)


7. Only if you ask many questions , the information you need to know. (acquire)


8. a heavy traffic jam while you are hurrying to the airport is quite an unpleasant experience. (catch)


9. The soldier was absent from his camp for three days without . (ask)



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