

高中生学习·高三理综版 2013年9期


1. Taro finally came to the conclusion that he should be aggressive in order to in the American society.

A. survive B. expect

C. manage D. match

2. If you are born with black eyes, black hair and yellow skin, you the yellow race.

A. work out B. make up

C. help out D. belong to

3. My special skills: good at public speech and , proficient in English, expert in commercial law and computer program.

A. argue B. quarrel

C. delete D. debate

4. Chinas long history leaves a lot of historical remains which are in studying the ancient culture of the past dynasties of China.

A. common B. informal

C. ordinary D. valuable

5. It is difficult to overnight all the problems accumulated over the years.

A. move B. remove C. replace D. relay

6. As we all know, poverty of speech is the outward of poverty of mind.

A. identification B. reception

C. evidence D. entrance

7. It is a common error for people to ,others in their own situation.

A. promise B. fancy

C. deserve D. charge

8. In the 1820s, Americas population was still moving westward opportunities and advancement

A. in honour of B. in favour of

C. in search of D. in case of

9. Jane has just bought a new house and Sue is asking her how she is going to and furnish the kitchen.

A. decrease B. decorate C. establish D. sign

10. To our disappointment, his wife had behaved kindly to him for his unkindness.

A. in turn B. in time C. in all D. in return

11. You could read the list and an item from it the way that you choose a dish at a restaurant by reading the menu.

A. exchange B. wonder C. select D. cover

12. Recently, one of Jeremys closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding .

A. reception B. welcome C. opening D. festival


1. It is to promote the public awareness of environmental protection. (effort)


2. They named the factory after Alexander Bell, the father of the telephone. (consider)


3. Every possible means to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. (try)


4. The population in and around San Francisco is now it was in 1906. (large)


5. The smile on his face suggested that he our work. (satisfied)


6. The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once each other. (quarrel)


7. All the words the blackboard should be remembered. (write)


8. Jack Mill, a pleasant weekend, is one of my new acquaintances. (spend)


9. With , I dont think I will have enough time to do anything else today. (read)



1. The communication of different cultures can help the misunderstanding between nations and improve the political relationship.

A. replace B. remove

C. recover D. release

2. You cant take your child to the cinema, because the ticket one person to the film.

A. allows B. permits

C. promises D. admits

3. Its quite easy to a machine, but rather difficult to put it together.

A. break down B. put out

C. stand for D. take apart

4. His mother didnt believe the conclusion drawn by the policeman and decided to the case for herself.

A. search for B. look into

C. go through D. apply for

5. As a(an) customer of the gas station, they will make sure to get you the best deal.

A. responsible B. rare C. regular D. fancy

6. Millions of people were extremely sad with the death of Steven Jobs, who is recognized as a pioneer of the personal computer area.

A. personally B. widely

C. regularly D. totally

7. Most of the students are making great progress but Jimmy seems a case, who will not learn anything.

A. magical B. volunteer

C. helpless D. hopeless

8. The driver, Wu Bin, who was struck by a flying brake and was severely injured, but managed to save the 24 passengers, to be praised.

A. survived B. rewarded

C. deserved D. rescued

9. We all breathed a sigh of when the head teacher left the classroom.

A. signal B. doubt C. glory D. relief


1. If your team can win the game today, to go on a holiday next month. (allow)


2. Theyve got a lot of injuries right now, but by no means so easily. (defeat)


3. This river will be further polluted unless without delay. (take)


4. Paul, just have a little patience. I assure you that all the problems you put forward soon. (settle)

保罗, 有耐心一点。我向你保证,你提出的所有问题很快会得到解决。

5. The spokesman says that , about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed. (make)

这位发言人说, 直到所有的候选人面试完毕才会做出未来任命的决定。

6. There is a rule in our class that all the questions to be discussed until the teacher has finished his lectures. (come)


7. Devote yourself entirely to your studies, and you a key university in a year. (admit)


8. If you are caught smoking in the forest, you . (fine)


9. I told my mother the celebration ,if it rained. (put)


10. I asked her where it was , the wallet, but she didnt tell me. (pick)



1. Most teenagers are interested in books about their of blood and horoscope and fortune(星座运程).

A. virus B. style C. type D. model

2. Generally speaking, Chinese like red at weddings while white has always been a(n) of purity in western culture.

A. expression B. symbol C. remark D. sign

3. Many difficulties in the course of the experiment,which was beyond our expectations.

A. contained B. exploded

C. inspected D. arose

4. This machine is used for measurement of alcohol, and makes it easy to how much alcohol is in ones blood.

A. charge B. calculate

C. select D. design

5. Our English teacher suggested that we read some short English stories, in which the English has been to make it easier for us to understand.

A. simplified B. admitted

C. scheduled D. commanded

6. With the world changing rapidly, we have something new to all by ourselves every day.

A. watch out B. take apart

C. attend to D. break out

7. It is a truth acknowledged that once a person has gained material wealth, hell surely seek for spiritual enjoyment.

A. personally B. particularly

C. universally D. logically

8. , Im glad you made that mistake, because you can learn from it and improve yourself.

A. As a result B. In a way

C. In the end D. To my surprise

9. Honestly speaking, Im not convinced that I can pass the driving test at the first attempt.

A. totally B. regularly C. rapidly D. especially

10. Days spent in high school are always tiring and full of homework, but when looking back ones school life seems much happier than in .

A. return B. character

C. appearance D. reality

11. When your computer begins to run rather slow, it is a(an) that it has been attacked by computer virus.

A. signal B. character C. protection D. incident

12. An expert swimmer has been employed to other swimmers at the swimming pool near our school.

A. get over B. watch over

C. turn over D. take over


1. They soon realized that, unless carefully , the situation would become even worse. (deal)


2. The news in the match is a great surprise to us all. (beat)


3. His sister left home last year, and , since. (hear)


4. to the well-known university, he was greatly depressed. (admit)


5. Dont be too rude to your mother. Never in her life in that way up to now. (speak)


6. Because large quantities of water , the lake smells terrible in hot weather. (pollute)


7. This book is said into more than 40 languages. (translate)



1. Thanksgiving Day offers the Americans an opportunity to join in a spirit of fellowship and express for the years bonuses and blessings.

A. attention B. protection

C. appreciation D. application

2. For fear of unemployment, almost one million people take Chinas civil service examination every year in order to get relatively jobs.

A. powerful B. mobile

C. distant D. secure

3. She was in making a list of all the jobs to be done and had no time to talk with me.

A. employed B. trapped

C. inspected D. exposed

4. Students dislike teachers who pull a long face all day, which is accepted.

A. actually B. universally

C. unexpectedly D. regularly

5. In Angelas Ashes, he wrote of hunger, a home flooded with rainwater and the unbearable shame of seeking from charities in the Irish city.

A. reliefs B. incidents

C. solutions D. habitats

6. It is just her childhood experiences that her character and later life.

A. explore B. protect

C. affect D. simplify

7. How I him the pleasures he had when traveling in Europe during the vacation!

A. appreciate B. admire

C. envy D. deserve

8. Luckily, the firefighters arrived in time and after an hours hard work, the fire has .

A. die away B. died down

C. put out D. put down

9. Accidents often carelessness, so we cant be too careful when doing anything.

A. belong to B. come into

C. watch over D. arise from

10. How did the Newly-elected president when he heard the news?

A. respond B. threaten C. decrease D. reflect

11. Seeing the last miner safely come out of the coal mine, the people waiting anxiously at the entrance blew out a breath .

A. in return B. in addition

C. in relief D. in peace

12. With science and technology developing fast, we are producing a society where people spend their lives in front of a screen, unable to communicate face to face.

A. in search of B. in charge of

C. in danger of D. in place of


1. He came to my class every week, but his attitude suggested that he in it. (interest)


2. No one knows how the custom , one hundred years ago. (come)


3. Im sorry that I cant lend you my car, for it . (repair)


4. These animals at such a speed that they will disappear soon. (hunt)


5. It is good news that new functions , the cell phones and they are much cheaper. (add)


6. We shall appreciate again. (hear)


7. After school we went to the reading-room, only to be told that it . (decorate)


8. Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know . (contain)



1. In 1959, the first Special English program, as an experiment, was on VOA to communicate by radio in simple English with people whose native language is not English.

A. received B. downloaded

C. appreciated D. broadcast

2. While most popular styles lend themselves to the song form, music has been noted for its development of highly long-lasting forms of instrumental music.

A. practical B. classical

C. informal D. personal

3. In the early years when country music was played, which of the following musical was used?

A. instruments B. performers

C. dictionaries D. volunteers

4. As Twains life and career progressed, he became increasingly pessimistic, losing much of the tone in his works.

A. humorous B. dangerous

C. anxious D. delicious

5. Shopkeepers may have to spend ,hours in dealing with problems, such as shoplifters, who always take away things from the shop without paying for them.

A. regular B. valuable

C. extra D. certain

6. For many years, people have electric cars. However, making them has been more difficult than predicted.

A. heard of B. dreamed of

C. thought of D. complained of

7. Parents much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.

A. attach B. pay

C. link D. apply

8. This magazine is very with young people, who like its content and style.

A. familiar B. popular

C. similar D. particular

9. — How about your journey to Mount Emei?

— Everything was wonderful except that our car twice on the way.

A. slowed down B. broke down

C. got down D. put down

10. After many years of practice, the famous painter his own special painting style.

A. formed B. found

C. used D. chose


1. To be honest, a lot of people , to becoming rich and famous. (attach)


2. Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or subway so some extra money to pay for their instruments. (earn)


3. The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most , loosely on the Beatles. (base)


4. Freddy and the band became famous, they visited Britain on a brief tour. (long)


5. This opera house is one of the best in the country, because performances are only given during seven weeks in the summer. (seem)


6. Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country too painful for them. (become)


7. Finally they stopped their concerts in order to live quieter lives, although their songs ,ever. (remain)


