

高中生学习·高三理综版 2013年9期


1. Having been for about eight years, Tom and Mary decided to get married in their hometown.

A. in demand B. in turn

C. in charge D. in love

2. Food safety, which concerns the public greatly, is something that we cant afford to .

A. deny B. miss

C. refuse D. ignore

3. For graduates, the salary is always their primary when applying for jobs and deciding whether to accept an offer.

A. concern B. description

C. choice D. compromise

4. The lady began taking in homeless children, including orphans and abandoned children in the 1980s but never formal adoption procedures.

A. looked through B. broke through

C. went through D. put through

5. In response to the doubt of the public, the company wrote a long report about the whole event in an attempt to any confusion.

A. build up B. break up

C. clear up D. add up

6. My advice is that you approach each day with a positive spirit and stay , so that you can make time for your family and friends.

A. loose B. tight

C. dry D. calm

7. When Im interested in a job applicant, I make sure he/she leaves knowing what will happen next and when to expect to hear from me.

A. appropriately B. extremely

C. possibly D. exactly

8. He likes to hold everything in his , and make decisions on his own, which has made other officials unhappy.

A. advantage B. benefit C. power D. ability

9. Beckham said, “Im for my parents sacrifice, which made me realize my dreams.”

A. grateful B. reliable

C. considerate D. sensitive

10. Her family and teachers hid from her for two months the fact that her father had died so as not to her before the college entrance exam.

A. tip B. upset C. avoid D. confuse


1. The iPad that my parents bought for my 17th birthday broke down yesterday, and Ive got to today. (get)


2. When he asked me to let him copy my answer, I told him hard. (study)


3. Actually, the police need some more evidence about the accident. (draw)


4. Sometimes I wonder if its because I dont do well in my studies me. (tired)


5. There was a time school because of the difficulties he had met. (drop)


6. I can well remember that was the first time the safety of others. (concerned)


7. I dont want to hurt you, but I dont like . (complain)


8. I him for fear that he might blame me for my mistake. (dare)


9. In the evening, , they make a beautiful picture. (go)


10. I when fire broke out at my house. (happen)



1. Parents who cant help but tell their children they are beautiful may be harming their confidence, according to a research.

A. officially B. actually

C. traditionally D. otherwise

2. This name sounds a bit familiar to me — it in our conversation at the party yesterday.

A. put up B. brought up

C. came up D. closed up

3. Its found that men speak more words than women in a day, but have a weaker of language in social situations, using the same words repeatedly.

A. acknowledgement B. preference

C. knowledge D. command

4. As the government supports local tour guides by providing training, there will be more success stories like that of “Mama Moon” in Yangshuo.

A. frequent B. exceptional

C. gradual D. exact

5. Its important that you should the contributions of those who helped you along the way and experience gratitude.

A. express B. reward

C. confirm D. recognize

6. With the sudden change of his into an overseas Englishman in Beijing, the boy will have an advantage for his successful career.

A. identity B. possibility

C. capacity D. dignity

7. Dont hold on to things that no longer your purpose, or they would only ruin your purpose.

A. block B. fit C. take D. suit

8. Most humans acquire language in early childhood and are in it when they are about three years old.

A. conscious B. fluent C. consistent D. regular

9. No matter how carefully you plan and how hard you work, sometimes things just dont , the way you want them to.

A. work out B. bring out

C. carry out D. find out

10. there are no convincing differences between organic and conventional foods in nutrient or health benefits.

A. At length B. At random

C. At present D. At risk


1. Some English idioms are difficult to understand the meaning of each word. (know)


2. , ancient English is different from the English spoken today. (base)


3. Such full use his spare time that his English has improved a lot. (make)


4. He told me that there was a hole in the box about an apple. (size)


5. The map shows some of the places in the world as a native language. (speak)


6. Actually, more than one kind of English in the world. (use)


7. He the plan for two hours before I joined in. (work)


8. You cant imagine in our job. (play)



1. Its reported that a Starbuck in Hong Kong used a container to water from a bathroom to the coffee shop to brew coffee.

A. transplant B. transform

C. transport D. support

2. A new international study has found sad people are more likely to “sad music” rather than “happy music”, and its the best way to recover.

A. prefer B. infer C. refer D. offend

3. Since youre at a(n) without related experience, an obvious solution is to get some, so as to get a foot in the door.

A. absence B. shortage

C. practice D. disadvantage

4. According to the busy posted online, the pair of twins studying at Tsinghua University sleep only an average of five hours a day, and were honored as xueba (study overlords).

A. scheme B. schedule

C. regulation D. campaign

5. We are in our belief that something better is waiting for us so long as we have the courage to keep working and fighting.

A. independent B. extreme

C. stubborn D. enthusiastic

6. Step away from your stressful environment for a 20-minute walk, and youll more than , the time with your increased work efficiency when you return.

A. rise up to B. fit in with

C. reach out for D. make up for

7. Organized people do not to false advertising. Items on sale will only produce more mess.

A. give in B. check in

C. take in D. drop in

8. Despite the failure, he looks to go on with his research, whatever difficulty he may come across.

A. concerned B. annoyed

C. determined D. scheduled

9. Entering the room, I saw Tom , around the room reciting his speech in a confident tone of voice and great posture.

A. pacing B. reacting C. settling D. ranking

10. If youre writing in application for a job position, you should use a few paragraphs to explain why you believe yourself to be a suitable candidate for the position.

A. in consequence B. in response

C. in detail D. in return


1. My computer broke down a couple of weeks ago, since the Internet ever since. (surf)


2. He insisted that we , though no one really agreed with him. (schedule)


3. Since the beginning of the summer vacation, I have been on my bike, the country. (travel)


4. After some time in the snow, my hands were so cold two blocks of ice. (feel)


5. Dressed in a red dress, Mary ,in the big crowd. (pick)


6. I really cant thank you enough. Without your constant support I those hard times. (go)


7. Luckily, when I arrived at the airport the passengers in a minute. (check)


8. I have no idea . (far)



1. I advise you to take exercise regularly. If you get much fatter, youll your clothes.

A. explode B. burst C. bury D. crash

2. Our teachers often tell us that we should learn from past mistakes so as to avoid falling into the same old again.

A. trap B. track C. shelter D. trail

3. After they received the signal for help, a life boat was sent out to the sailors from the sinking ship.

A. reserve B. receive C. rescue D. serve

4. We cant give you an exact answer at present, for our shop, in fact, is just beginning to the problem.

A. dig out B. dig into

C. find out D. figure out

5. Experienced drivers know that heat can create an illusion of water on a highway in the summer.

A. extra B. exact C. extend D. extreme

6. Dissatisfied with Manilas description of the killing as “unintended” and its failure to address other demands, Taiwans executive body, said on Wednesday night that the matter was not , and they are considering even stronger sanctions.

A. at an end B. in the end

C. by the end D. to the end

7. When he returned home after the violent earthquake, he stared sadly at the of his house.

A. route B. ruins C. harm D. injury

8. The continuing leakage is the result of the long in the pipe.

A. crash B. collision C. trash D. crack

9. Some parents are just too protective. They want to their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined.

A. spot B. dismiss C. shelter D. distinguish

10. This book gives a brief of the history of the castle and details of the art collection in the main hall.

A. outline B. reference C. article D. outlook

11. After a thorough discussion it was decided to start building the railway .

A. just now B. all right

C. all of a sudden D. right now


1. 60% of the students the college entrance examination and will be admitted to different universities. ( pass)


2. He described the incident in detail, making us feel as if we the spot. (witness)


3. As we all know, he is a man . (particular)


4. With the new equipment introduced, our company produced in 2012 as the year before. (many)


5. Rescue workers built shelters for survivors . (destroy)


6. The math problem is very difficult and how to deal with it. (know)


7. , the movie star is warmly welcomed. (everywhere)


8. With the development of society, the number of students in universities in the past two decades. (jump)


9. Deeply , he didnt know that all the others had left. (bury)



1. After two bad, loveless marriages perhaps she would herself to the work she was meant to do.

A. devote B. delete C. owe D. contribute

2. They sent in bombers to the bridge and all the Israelites were saved.

A. take off B. build up C. blow up D. put up

3. I really very much appreciate your , aided the work to go on smoothly.

A. guide B. guidance C. reward D. cruelty

4. The teacher encourages her students to the English dictionary when they cant figure out the meaning of a word through the context.

A. turn down B. turn in C. turn up D. turn to

5. All Japanese activities regarding the Diaoyu Islands are “illegal and invalid” and they shouldnt history, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said Monday.

A. destroy B. exist

C. escape D. explore

6. We should find ways of settling international disputes rather than appeal to arms.

A. peaceful B. useful

C. helpful D. generous

7. employment shall be accorded to all qualified individuals without regard to color or sex.

A. Enough B. Equate C. Equal D. Experienced

8. You will be if you fail to stop at the red light.

A. in charge B. in place

C. in favour D. in trouble

9. In order to expand their business, they many branches throughout the country.

A. build up B. set up

C. put up D. take up

10. China, as a country in the third world, cant play a leading role in the international .

A. track B. pace

C. stage D. education

11. After hours of searching, their efforts were , and they found what they were looking for.

A. calculated B. confirmed

C. rewarded D. evaluated

12. Because of the nuclear crisis caused by the earthquake in Japan, many people lined up to buy salt seeking protection from radiation.

A. in face of B. in search of

C. in hope of D. in terms of


1. However, this was a time a passport to live in Johannesburg.


2. In our country, whoever breaks the law shouldnt . (escape)


3. In a sense, China has reached a stage where the political system . (reform)


4. Only when you get the admission to a university all your efforts are worthwhile. (realize)


5. Her son, to , went abroad 3 years ago, leaving her alone in the small village. (devote)


6. that of a surprising ending when you read stories. (equal)


7. This is the first time that , for speeding, which he will never forget. (punish)


8. There are about 60 foreign students studying Chinese in this university, . (be)



出生率下降 日本中学出新招
日本加强大学入学制度改革 注重学生的可塑性
实用习语 话“鸟”