



山岳型遗产地旅游可持续发展研究——以黄山风景区为例 ……………………………………… 胡善风 , 朱红兵(1-1)

承接产业过程中创新要素集聚的区域引导策略 ………………………………………… 冯南平, 高登榜, 杨善林(1-7)

合肥市人力资本对经济增长贡献率的实证分析 …………………………………………………… 谢媛媛, 林彦梅(1-13)

大股东认购下的定向增发折价与利益输送行为研究——基于A股上市公司的数据 …………… 潘立生, 余珊珊(1-19)

“实践”即社会生产-生活(下)——重读马克思《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》兼论马克思哲学即唯物史观 ……… 胡义成(1-25)

后马克思主义思潮中的吉尔·德勒兹 ………………………………………………………………………… 黄小惠(1-29)

论胡锦涛同志核和平战略思想 ………………………………………………………… 李张兵, 龚泗琪, 李永山(1-35)

协同创新视角下的大学科技成果转化法律问题 …………………………………………………… 周俊青, 许益波(1-39)

集合西方典型人性假设理论后的“知识渐进人”… ……………………………… 杨正道, 肖皖龙, 陈 强, 等(1-43)

论中医养生与传统保健体育的社会功能演进……………………………………………………… 袁 跃, 吴桂平(1-50)

新休假制度的休闲学意境 …………………………………………………………………………… 张洁婷, 马 稷(1-54)

汉代四家《诗》文本来源考辨 …………………………………………………………………………………… 赵茂林(1-58)

《德伯家的苔丝》的伦理内涵 ………………………………………………………………………… 童晓燕, 刘书梅(1-66)

异曲同工之妙的中西悼亡诗——比较《江城子》和《安娜贝尔·丽》… …………………………… 洪娇娇, 林玉鹏(1-72)

从《紫颜色》看黑人女性主义文学传统的源远流长——兼谈黑人妇女的身份建构之旅 …………………… 曹叔荣(1-76)

从豪斯的翻译质量评估模式看美剧字幕翻译——以美剧《生活大爆炸》为例 …………………… 韩江洪, 郭玉婷(1-81)

简帛早期隶书研究综述 ………………………………………………………………………………………… 魏晓艳(1-88)

从翻译伦理视角看林纾翻译中的“讹” ………………………………………………………………………… 李莹莹(1-92)

基于关联理论解读译者主体性与误译现象 …………………………………………………………………… 林 菲(1-97)

对外汉语专业(2+2)跨文化人才培养实践研究——以合肥学院为例 ………………………… 詹向红, 张发清(1-102)

安徽省职业教育发展状况调研、分析和思考 …………………………………… 梁文慧, 王春珊, 丁 伟, 等(1-107)

高校篮球俱乐部教学模式研究 ………………………………………………… 王厚民, 朱晓梅, 阮永福, 等(1-112)

大学英语写作教学中教师书面反馈的研究 …………………………………………………………………… 唐莹莹(1-117)

大学国际化战略中管理队伍的职业化发展 ……………………………………………………… 朱 敏, 薛 颖(1-121)

我国当代大学生诚信缺失原因及对策研究 …………………………………………………………………… 陈 鑫(1-125)

国内非营利组织公信力的研究综述——评估、问题与对策 ………………………………………………… 沈梁燕(1-129)

干部网络信息素质教育与党校图书馆的特色服务 …………………………………………………………… 张跃娟(1-136)

高校图书馆开展对外信息服务的设想——以合肥工业大学为例…………………………………………… 孙伟伟(1-141)


皖江城市带参与长三角人才开发一体化研究…………………………………………… 赵惠芳, 李 超, 徐 晟(2-1)

皖江示范区园区合作共建体制机制创新现状分析及对策研究 …………………………………… 吴 骏, 程瑶瑶(2-7)

外贸民企发展近况及环境分析与对策研究——以粤东为例 ………………………………………………… 黄穗光(2-15)

C2C平台上消费者重复购买影响因素的实证研究 …………………………………… 张 娟, 姜元春, 刘业政(2-21)

论实物证券跨境结算交割及风险 ……………………………………………………………………………… 陈小宇(2-29)

马克思的生态财富思想及当代价值 …………………………………………………………………………… 封泉明(2-34)

安徽书院与桐城派的学术传承及影响 ……………………………………………………………… 方宁胜, 朱 扬(2-38)

从临终关怀思想看佛教生命教育特点 ……………………………………………………………… 周 军, 刘红梅(2-44)

香港特别行政区以行政为主导的政制探析 …………………………………………………………………… 戴颖欣(2-50)

新农村建设中法律援助研究 ……………………………………………………………………… 王华兵 , 刘大元(2-55)

探索当前城市社区管理创新的可行路径——基于安徽铜陵实践范式的考察 ……………………………… 方培虎(2-60)

基于泰尔指数测度的城市化区域发展分析——以甘肃省2001-2010年数据为例 …………………………… 寇娅雯(2-66)

基于熵值法的城乡统筹发展水平评价方法实证研究——以合肥市为例 …………… 徐 晨, 何如海, 聂 雷(2-70)

论中国传统建筑装饰在现代景观设计中的应用 …………………………………………………… 毛仲羽, 李 静(2-76)

数字媒介形态下布达拉宫的审美感知 ………………………………………………… 文 婧, 姜洪力, 闫 波(2-81)

基于品牌定位思维下的商业标志设计 ………………………………………………………………………… 闻 佳(2-86)

翻译目的论视阈下的文学翻译批评——以《格列佛游记》为例 …………………………………… 胡作友, 李而闻(2-91)

从翻译适应选择论看贾佩林英译《英雄》…………………………………………………………… 陈 美, 韩江洪(2-97)

普罗米修斯之英雄形象再审视 ………………………………………………………………………………… 王一凡(2-103)

论志贺直哉作品中调和精神产生的原因……………………………………………………………………… 吴菡卿(2-107)

SCI学术评价作用的辩证思考 ………………………………………………………… 郭立锦, 刘 翠, 蒋涛涌(2-111)

民营企业家参加MBA学习的动因分析——基于对AH-MBA创业学员的调研……………………………………………………………………………… 孙超平, 王 静, 顾佳伟, 等(2-115)

研究生全面健康问题与体育应对措施 ………………………………………………… 汪映川, 郑国祥, 徐 艳(2-124)

产业结构调整下职业院校学生就业压力分析及对策研究 …………………………… 林 莉, 黄 鹂, 周建平(2-129)

基于SIYB理念的高校创业教育模式建构 …………………………………………………………………… 张 祎(2-134)

思想政治教育视域下大学生幸福观教育实践研究 …………………………………………………………… 彭永东(2-140)


机构投资者对分析师跟进行为的影响——来自中国证券分析师行业的经验数据 ……………… 姚禄仕, 何 方(3-1)

棕色土地治理的环境价值与实现机制研究评述 …………………………………………………… 赵沁娜, 范利军(3-7)

中国居民收入流动及其对长期不平等的影响——基于CHNS数据的实证 ……………………… 罗 锋, 黄 丽(3-12)

企业社会责任信息披露的道德盲区与长效机制 …………………………………………………… 付从荣, 谢获宝(3-18)

交易性金融资产后续计量年末结转的会计处理探析 ………………………………………………………… 许仁青(3-23)

隐性税收下所得税优惠与税前收益相关性研究 …………………………………………………… 潘立生, 年 欣(3-26)

基于DEMATEL供应链知识共享影响因素的实证分析 ………………………………………… 徐永红, 刘 涛(3-30)

安徽省人力资本政策实证研究 ………………………………………………………… 陈洪安, 李 乐, 郑 玥(3-35)

合肥市创新能力实证研究 ……………………………………………………………… 刘 翠, 刘彦华, 朱 慧(3-40)

安徽金融发展与经济增长关系的实证研究 …………………………………………………………………… 刘丽萍(3-47)

安徽经济发展现状分析及对策研究 ………………………………………………………………… 刘中华, 尹合伶(3-52)

基于钻石模型的芜湖汽车产业集群发展对策研究 …………………………………………………………… 高 原(3-58)

合肥经济技术开发区科技创新体系研究 …………………………………………………………… 朱静毅, 张根文(3-63)

试论北京经济社会转型与创新维度 …………………………………………………………………………… 张祖群(3-67)

失地农民的私人关系对职业转型的影响研究 ………………………………………… 胡仕勇, 刘俊杰, 成骁杰(3-72)

信用违约互换及其在我国的应用 ……………………………………………………………………………… 郭炜恒(3-77)

专利申请文件撰写中若干问题分析 ………………………………………………………………… 刘歆洁, 许秀英(3-84)

译者主体性与粉丝型受众意识的距离分析 ………………………………………………………… 韩江洪, 李怡嘉(3-89)

从阿瑟·韦利和斯蒂芬·欧文看李白的西方形象 …………………………………………………………… 熊晓霜(3-95)

荒诞世界里的现实——爱德华·阿尔比戏剧男性权利话语分析 ……………………………… 周 宁, 应伟伟(3-100)

写意雕塑浅析——兼论闫玉敏雕塑艺术创新性 ……………………………………………………………… 闫小敏(3-105)

论《死水微澜》的野史神韵 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 王 超(3-110)

浅析京剧舞台演出中的叙事成分……………………………………………………………………………… 骆秧秧(3-114)

大学生创新在工科院校生物类专业中的实践与模式 ………………………… 曹树青, 江 力, 陈光朗, 等(3-118)

土木工程材料课程“听、说、做”一体化的探索与实践——以安徽省皖西学院为例……………………………………………………………………………………… 郝成伟, 闫杏丽, 钱红梅(3-122)

创业教育的发展历程及其本质和功能研究 ……………………………………………………… 杨庆华, 徐玉成(3-125)

大学章程的要素及边界刍议…………………………………………………………………………………… 钟钛申(3-129)

基于用户体验的高校图书馆嵌入式服务发展探析 …………………………………………………………… 王 宁(3-134)

新闻报道中的图书馆社会形象——基于近五年来对安徽省图书馆的报纸新闻报道的统计分析 ………… 宋 蓉(3-141)


基于DEA的旅游型城市星级酒店经营效率空间差异分析——以安徽省黄山市为例………………………………………………………………………………………… 何玉荣, 张 鑫, 王兰兰(4-1)

合肥经济圈城市租房市场形势与发展方向分析——以安徽省淮南市为例 …………… 陈冰瑶, 荣立松, 肖勇波(4-7)

安徽省科技资源配置效率及其影响因素研究 ………………………………………… 朱 慧, 傅为忠, 刘彦华(4-13)

国内电视美食节目发展存在的问题及对策研究 ……………………………………………………………… 陈小娟(4-20)

政府支持与农户参与小型农田水利设施供给研究——基于农户需求的视角 …………………… 陈时禄, 邓丽君(4-26)

社会建构视角的“农村幼儿教师”身份疏离危机探析 ……………………………………………… 陈 群, 汪秋萍(4-31)

社会组织法制建构的文化视角 ………………………………………………………………………………… 柳 飒(4-36)

城乡基本公共服务均等化问题与路径的探析 ……………………………………………………… 陈茜茜, 王伟伟(4-42)

托马斯·沃尔夫的“不能再回家”主题解读 ………………………………………………………… 刘积源, 蒲 琳(4-46)

再论“五四”浪漫感伤型文学——以前期创造社为中心 ……………………………………………………… 王玉珠(4-50)

是服从,抑或是抗争?——评A.S.拜厄特《占有》中的女性形象 …………………………………………… 蔺志渊(4-54)

身体·性别·缺乏——论《我的光辉生涯》中的女性自卑 ………………………………………… 朱妤双, 许庆红(4-58)

《雾都孤儿》主人公主体的意识形态性 ………………………………………………………………………… 刘 玮(4-64)

南秀北雄文化风格交织影响下的淮河流域古建筑初探 ………………………… 陶 峰, 王 娅, 石建和, 等(4-69)

符号化建筑和规划语言的研究 ………………………………………………………………………………… 张 妹(4-75)

论莫兰迪作品中国画元素的运用及体现 ……………………………………………………………………… 杨季珑(4-81)

论伦勃朗艺术的“精神性”审美历程 …………………………………………………………………………… 吴 鹏(4-85)

辅导员成为思想政治教育专门人才的瓶颈与角色实现 …………………………………………… 庆承松, 顾安祥(4-89)

建设MBA特色班级文化的探索与实践——以安徽工商管理学院创业团队模式培养班为例……………………………………………………………………………… 孙超平, 赵惠芳, 左申兵, 等(4-93)

中国大学生对英语隐喻习语理解迁移的实证研究 …………………………………………………………… 方媛媛(4-98)

高校基建工程领域廉政风险防控探析 ………………………………………………………………………… 孔德新(4-104)

基于协同创新的复合型人才培养研究 ………………………………………… 程晓红 , 徐 娟, 张 利, 等(4-108)

民办高校发展困境及对策研究——基于Z校的调研 …………………………………………… 孙华峰, 杨新春(4-113)

大学毕业生就业能力的形成机理与提升路径研究 …………………………………………… 吴 勇, 丁兆罡(4-119)

高校图书情报系统馆室协同的学科化服务模式的研究与实践 ……………………… 朱静薇, 杨家荣, 龙 玲(4-126)

非政府组织与我国高校关系研究综述 …………………………………………………………… 张志忠, 陈少平(4-131)

略论李大钊图书馆建设思想与中国图书馆事业的近代化…………………………………………………… 钱学进(4-136)

论图书馆制度文化对馆员幸福感的作用……………………………………………………………………… 李志慧(4-141)


试析高校服务社会的新路径——合肥工业大学“差异化模式”的创新性应用 ………………………………… 刘晓平(5-1)

制造业集聚和全要素生产率——基于制造业微观数据经验研究 ………………………………… 李 静, 李宁周(5-10)

论技术进化的机制、方式和趋势 …………………………………………………………………… 李才华, 李嘉桐(5-17)

基于上市公司业绩的安徽各行业比较研究 ………………………………………………………… 王建文, 韦 娜(5-21)

基于交易费用的企业组织结构演变分析——兼论其对国有企业的影响 ………………………… 朱兴宏, 程 勇(5-29)

《道德经》德育思想的价值探微 ………………………………………………………… 陈绪新, 高盼盼, 杨玉洁(5-34)

香港核心价值观形成的教育维度探讨 ……………………………………………………………… 黄月细, 徐海波(5-39)

日本与西方生死观对比探析………………………………………………………………………… 曾 苹, 张 伟(5-43)

加勒特·哈丁的生态思想及其启示 …………………………………………………………………………… 王全权(5-47)

论中国共产党推进社会主义主流意识形态大众化的主要路径 …………………………………… 刘荣清, 祖 权(5-51)

中央一号文件视域下民族地区农民政治认同 ………………………………………………………………… 莫绍深(5-57)

对无效合同的诉讼时效的确认 ………………………………………………………………………………… 闵瑛美(5-62)

图形-背景理论十年应用研究探析 ………………………………………………………………… 邹智勇, 程 平(5-67)

生态翻译学视野下《菜根谭》两英译本的对比研究 …………………………………………………………… 李 翔(5-73)

承袭·拓展·重构——方方小说改编论析 …………………………………………………………………… 冯 岭(5-77)

智举抑或暴行?——莎翁罗马悲剧与基督教悲剧中的自杀观 …………………………………… 吴亚蓉, 田德蓓(5-83)

发掘徽派建筑多元的文化内涵——泾县黄田村的建筑风格及其成因探讨 ………… 祁小洁, 褚共伟, 赵 珉(5-90)

浅析传统莲花纹样对当代本土化设计的启迪……………………………………………………… 彭庆云, 丁 蓉(5-94)

恢复秩序,重构意义——对当前古村落保护与发展的思考 …………………………… 管 欣, 汪兴毅, 郑 杰(5-98)

论中国当代抽象水墨艺术的发展历程 ………………………………………………………………………… 杨 芳(5-103)

以人为本的办公建筑室内空间设计探索 ……………………………………………… 侯彬彬, 李 早, 邵 建(5-108)

全面质量管理:提升高等教育教学质量的有效路径——读《基于TQM的高校教学质量管理模式》 …… 樊泽恒(5-114)

相似教育的“企业竞争模拟”以赛事促教研的形成规律 ……………………… 文 理, 李姚矿, 方 晓, 等(5-118)

基于因子分析法的MBA课堂教学目标凝炼研究 …………………………………… 王庆军, 余陈冲, 金宁宁(5-124)

新形势下数学物理方法教学模式改革探索 ……………………………………………………… 喻远琴, 陈寿万(5-129)

计算机专业全日制硕士专业学位研究生课程教学研究 ……………………………………… 高妍妍, 欧阳一鸣(5-133)

背景差异对大学生创业态度影响研究 ………………………………………… 刘银红, 成 建, 姚晓芳, 等(5-137)


美好乡村视阈下农村土地整治与环境法制建设——以安徽省为例 ……………………………… 吴惠敏, 贾名党(6-1)

安徽省各行业水资源消耗及部门综合关联度分析 ………………………………………………… 赵沁娜, 王 婷(6-8)

基于专利分析的安徽省高校科技创新能力研究 ……………………………………… 陶爱萍, 苏婷婷, 汤成成(6-15)

安徽省新型城镇化与农业现代化协调发展研究 …………………………………………………… 陈宝兰, 王 园(6-21)

山岳型遗产地景区周边居民的社会文化影响感知研究——以黄山风景区为例……………………………………………………………………………………… 胡善风, 余向洋, 朱红兵(6-29)

机构投资持股对分析师羊群行为影响研究 …………………………………………… 姚禄仕, 童宣群, 任 诚(6-34)

高新技术产业集群对创新型城市建设的影响研究 …………………………………… 袁建明, 朱天鹏, 赵欣莹(6-39)

企业人力资源管理外包的影响分析 …………………………………………………………………………… 张 放(6-45)

张英及其诗文述评 …………………………………………………………………………………… 江小角, 杨怀志(6-50)

论联合国舞台上中国政府反霸思想的演进 …………………………………………………………………… 叶三梅(6-59)

2012年人民网台湾频道议程设置的内容分析 ………………………………………… 孙 琳, 姜 锐, 李楠楠(6-71)

记忆·旅行·追寻——论莫里森《宠儿》中的历史、文化和自我意识 …………………………… 许庆红, 王 巧(6-77)

《拯救溺水鱼》的空间重构 …………………………………………………………………………… 任伟利, 董 艳(6-83)

从标记理论看《红楼梦》中王熙凤的言语符号和非言语符号特征 …………………………………………… 姚吉刚(6-87)

词义引申中的认知活动和经济性原则 ………………………………………………………………………… 许 莉(6-95)

中国古代镇墓兽对奇幻角色造型设计的当代启示 ……………………………………………… 宋蓓蓓, 潘晓燕(6-99)

基于综合效应下的旧工业厂区改造探索——以合肥合力叉车厂为例 ……… 姜 莹, 方虹珺, 顾大治, 等(6-107)

大学生创新实验在工科院校生物类专业中的实践与模式 …………………… 曹树青, 江 力, 陈光朗, 等(6-110)

高校学生党建工作现状及对策研究——基于合肥工业大学党建工作的调查 ……… 马文革, 夏 坤, 沈 鹏(6-113)

高校本科课程教学质量评价与提升策略研究 ………………………………………… 汪 莹, 刘志华, 齐 飞(6-121)

新时期加强和改进高校离退休干部党支部建设的思路和对策 ……………………………………………… 李金华(6-126)

独立学院集成电路设计专业应用型平台建设——以电子科技大学中山学院为例……………………………………………………………………………… 张华斌, 马云辉, 李飞鹏, 等(6-130)

志愿服务:大学生道德实践载体的创新 ……………………………………………………………………… 庄梅兰(6-135)

面向高等工程教育专业认证档案建设的必要性及特点 ……………………………………………………… 李 洪(6-138)

安徽省高校图书馆向社会公众开放服务的对策研究 ………………………………………………………… 孙革非(6-141)



·Vol.27 No.1·

Research on Sustainable Development of Mountain Heritage Site Tourism-A Case Study of Huangshan Mountain … ……………………………………………………HU Shan-feng, ZHU Hong-bing(1-1)

Regional Guidance Strategies for Innovation Elements Agglomeration in the Process of Undertaking Industrial Transfer … ……………………FENG Nan-ping, GAO Deng-bang, YANG Shan-lin(1-7)

An Empirical Analysis of Human Capital Contribution Rate to Economic Growth in Hefei City……………………………………………………………………………………XIE Yuan-yuan, LIN Yan-mei(1-13)

Study of Discount of Private Placement and Tunneling with the Subscription of Large Shareholders Based on the Data of A-share Listed Companies ……………………………PAN Li-sheng, YU Shan-shan(1-19)

“Practice”is Social Production-Life(PartⅡ)-Rereading of Marx's Theses on Feuerbach and Comment on Historical Materialism in Marx's Philosophy …………………………………HU Yi-cheng(1-25)

Gilles Deleuze in the Trend of Post-Marxism … ……………………………………………………HUANG Xiao-hui(1-29)

On Hu Jintao's Strategic Thinking on Nuclear Peace ……………LI Zhang-bing, GONG Si-qi, LI Yong-shan(1-35)

Legal Problems about Transformation of Sci-Tech Achievement in Universities from the Perspective of Collaborative Innovation … ……………………………………………………ZHOU Jun-qing, XU Yi-bo(1-39)

Hypothesis of Knowledge Progressive Beings Based on Western Typical Humanity Hypothesis Theories … ……………………………………YANG Zheng-dao, XIAO Wan-long, CHEN Qiang, et al(1-43)

Evolution of Social Functions of Health Preservation with TCM and Traditional Health Sports………………………………………………………………………………………YUAN Yue, WU Gui-ping(1-50)

Leisure Study on New Vacation System in China ………………………………………ZHANG Jie-ting, MA Ji(1-54)

Research on Origin of Texts of the Four Schools of TheBookofSongsin Han Dynasty ………ZHAO Mao-lin(1-58)

Moral Thoughts in Tess of the D'Urbervilles ……………………………………TONG Xiao-yan, LIU Shu-mei(1-66)

Different Approaches but Equal Result of Occidental and Oriental Memorial Poetry:A Comparison between Jiangchengzi and Annabel Lee ……………………………………HONG Jiao-jiao, LIN Yu-peng(1-72)

Decoding the Development of Black Women Writing fromThe Color Purple-On Identity Reconstruction of Black Women…………………………………………………………………CAO Shu-rong(1-76)

Application of House's Translation Quality Assessment Model in Subtitle Translation-A Case Study of American TV Series Big Bang Theory …………………………HAN Jiang-hong, GUO Yu-ting(1-81)

Research Review on Early Official Script on Bamboo and Silk ………………………………………WEI Xiao-yan(1-88)

On Lin Shu's Mistranslations in the View of Translation Ethics … ……………………………………LI Ying-ying(1-92)

On Translator's Subjectivity and Mistranslation Based on Relevance Theory ………………………………LIN Fei(1-97)

Practice and Study of the Training of Intercultural Talents of TCFL Specialty(2+2Program)-A Case Study of Hefei University …………………………………ZHAN Xiang-hong, ZHANG Fa-qing(1-102)

Investigation and Analysis of Development Status of Vocational Education in Anhui Province………………………………………………LIANG Wen-hui, WANG Chun-shan, DING Wei, et al(1-107)

Research on Teaching Mode of Basketball Club in Colleges and Universities………………………………………………WANG Hou-min, ZHU Xiao-mei, RUAN Yong-fu, et al(1-112)

Study on Characteristics of Teachers Written Feedback in Chinese EFL Writing Classes ……TANG Ying-ying(1-117)

Development of Professional Management Team in Internationalization Strategy of Universities……………………………………………………………………………………………ZHU Min, XUE Ying(1-121)

Causes of Lack of Creditability in Contemporary College Students and the Countermeasures ………CHEN Xin(1-125)

Review of the Research on the Credibility of Non-profit Organization in China:Evaluation,Problems and Countermeasures ………………………………………………………………SHEN Liang-yan(1-129)

Training of Cadres'Network Information Quality and Featured Service of Party School Library…………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Yue-juan(1-136)

Plan of External Information Service in College Libraries-Taking Hefei University of Technology as an Example ………………………………………………………………………………………SUN Wei-wei(1-141)

·Vol.27 No.2·

Research on Wanjiang City Belt's Participating in Talent Development Integration in Yangtze River Delta … …………………………………………………………ZHAO Hui-fang, LI Chao, XU Sheng(2-1)

Research on Institutional and Mechanism Innovation of Cooperation Within Industrial Parks in Wanjiang Demonstration Area …………………………………………………WU Jun, CHENG Yao-yao(2-7)

Development Situation and Environmental Analysis for Foreign Trade Private Enterprise and the Countermeasures-Taking Eastern Guangdong as an Example … …………………HUANG Sui-guang(2-15)

Empirical Analysis of Influence Factors of Repurchase Behavior on C2CPlatform……………………………………………………………ZHANG Juan, JIANG Yuan-chun, LIU Ye-zheng(2-21)

Research on Cross-border Clearance and Settlement of Physical Securities and Its Risks………………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Xiao-yu(2-29)

Marx's Ecological Wealth Thoughts and Their Contemporary Value … …………………………FENG Quan-ming(2-34)

Anhui Academies and Tongcheng School's Academic Inheritance and Influence…………………………………………………………………………………FANG Ning-sheng, ZHU Yang(2-38)

Research on the Characteristics of Buddhist Life Education from the Perspective of Hospice Care Theory ………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Jun, LIU Hong-mei(2-44)

On Executive-led Political System in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region … …………………DAI Ying-xin(2-50)

Research on Legal Aid in the Construction of New Countryside … ……………WANG Hua-bing, LIU Da-yuan(2-55)

Feasible Method of Contemporary Urban Community Management Innovation-Based on the Study of Practice Pattern of Tongling City,Anhui Province … …………………………………………FANG Pei-hu(2-60)

Analysis of Urbanization Regional Development Based on Tell Index-Based on the Data of Gansu Province in 2001-2010……………………………………………………………………KOU Ya-wen(2-66)

Empirical Research on Approaches to Evaluating Urban-rural Integration Development Level Based on Entropy Method-Taking Hefei City as an Example … …………XU Chen, HE Ru-hai, NIE Lei(2-70)

Application of Chinese Traditional Architectural Decoration in Modern Landscape Design…………………………………………………………………………………………MAO Zhong-yu, LI Jing(2-76)

Aesthetic Perception of Potala Palace in Digital Medium Form ………WEN Jing, JIANG Hong-li, YAN Bo(2-81)

On Trade Logo Design in the Light of Brand Positioning…………………………………………………WEN Jia(2-86)

Using Skopos Theory in Literary Translation Criticism-With Gulliver's Travels for Example…………………………………………………………………………………………HU Zuo-you, LI Er-wen(2-91)

On Linda Jaivin's Subtitle Translation of Herofrom the Perspective of Translation as Adaptation and Selection ……………………………………………………………………CHEN Mei, HAN Jiang-hong(2-97)

Reread the Hero Image of Prometheus ………………………………………………………………WANG Yi-fan(2-103)

On Causes of the Spirit of Reconciliation in Shiganaoya's Works … …………………………………WU Han-qing(2-107)

Dialectic Analysis of the Function of Academic Evaluation of Science Citation Index……………………………………………………………………GUO Li-jin, LIU Cui, JIANG Tao-yong(2-111)

Analysis of Reasons Why Private Entrepreneurs Choose to Study MBA:Research Based on the Investigation of AH-MBA Students from Entrepreneurial Class … …SUN Chao-ping, WANG Jing, GU Jia-wei, et al(2-115)

Overall Health Problems of Graduates and Sports-related Countermeasures…………………………………………………………WANG Ying-chuan, ZHENG Guo-xiang, XU Yan(2-124)

On Vocational College Students'Employment Pressure in the Context of Industrial Structure Adjustment and the Countermeasures … …………………………LIN Li, HUANG Li, ZHOU Jian-ping(2-129)

Construction of College Entrepreneurship Education Model Based on SIYB Concept … ………………ZHANG Yi(2-134)

Education of College Students'View of Happiness from the Perspective of Ideological and Political Education…………………………………………………………………………………………………PENG Yong-dong(2-140)

·Vol.27 No.3·

Effect of Institutional Investors on Analysts'Follow-up Behavior-Based on Experience Data from Securities Analyst Industry in China ………………………………………YAO Lu-shi, HE Fang(3-1)

Environmental Valuation of Brownfield Redevelopment and Its Realization Mechanism………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Qin-na, FAN Li-jun(3-7)

Residents'Income Mobility and Its Influence on Long-term Income Inequality in China-Empirical Analysis Based on CHNS Data … ………………………………………LUO Feng, HUANG Li(3-12)

Moral Blind Spot and Long-term Mechanism of Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure……………………………………………………………………………………FU Cong-rong, XIE Huo-bao(3-18)

Accounting Treatment of Year-ending Carryforward for Subsequent Measurement of Trading Financial Assets…………………………………………………………………………………………………………XU Ren-qing(3-23)

Research on the Correlation between Pre-tax Return and Income Tax Preference under Implicit Tax Hypothesis………………………………………………………………………………………PAN Li-sheng, NIAN Xin(3-26)

Empirical Research on Influential Factors of Knowledge Sharing under DEMATEL in Supply Chain…………………………………………………………………………………………XU Yong-hong, LIU Tao(3-30)

Empirical Research on Human Capital Policy of Anhui Province ……CHEN Hong-an, LI Le, ZHENG Yue(3-35)

Empirical Research on Innovation Ability of Hefei City … …………………LIU Cui, LIU Yan-hua, ZHU Hui(3-40)

An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Anhui Province ……………………………………………………………………………………LIU Li-ping(3-47)

Reflections on Economic Development of Anhui Province and the Countermeasures……………………………………………………………………………………LIU Zhong-hua, YIN He-ling(3-52)

Development Countermeasures of Automobile Industry Cluster in Wuhu City Based on Diamond Model……………………………………………………………………………………………………………GAO Yuan(3-58)

Research on Scientific and Technological Innovation System in Hefei Economic and Technological Development Area … …………………………………………………………ZHU Jing-yi, ZHANG Gen-wen(3-63)

Discussion on Beijing's Economic and Social Transformation and Innovation Dimension … ………ZHANG Zu-qun(3-67)

On the Influence of Landless Peasants'Personal Relationship on Their Occupation Transformation…………………………………………………………………HU Shi-yong, LIU Jun-jie, CHENG Xiao-jie(3-72)

Credit Default Swap and Its Application in China……………………………………………………GUO Wei-heng(3-77)

Analysis of Several Problems in Patent Application Document Writing ……………LIU Xin-jie, XU Xiu-ying(3-84)

Analysis of the Distance between Subjectivity of Translator and Consciousness of Fan Audience………………………………………………………………………………………HAN Jiang-hong, LI Yi-jia(3-89)

On Western Image of Li Po from the Perspectives of Authur Waley and Stephen Owen … …XIONG Xiao-shuang(3-95)

The Realism in Absurd World-Analysis of Male Discursive Power in Edward Albee's Plays……………………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Ning, YING Wei-wei(3-100)

Research on Chinese Sculpture Arts with Freehand Brushwork Style-With the Analysis of the Creativity of Yan Yumin's Sculpture Arts ………………………………………………YAN Xiao-min(3-105)

Analysis of Unofficial History of A Small Wave of Back Water … …………………………………WANG Chao(3-110)

Analysis of Narrative Elements in Beijing Opera Stage Performance ……………………………LUO Yang-yang(3-114)

Innovation Practice and Mode of Undergraduates in Biology Specialty in Engineering Colleges……………………………………………………CAO Shu-qing, JIANG Li, CHEN Guang-lang, et al(3-118)

Exploration and Practice of the Integration of“Listening,Speaking,and Doing”for the Course of Civil Engineering Materials-A Case Study of West Anhui University…………………………………………………………HAO Cheng-wei, YAN Xing-li, QIAN Hong-mei(3-122)

Study of Nature,Function and Development Course of Entrepreneurship Education………………………………………………………………………………YANG Qing-hua, XU Yu-cheng(3-125)

Discussion on Key Elements and Boundary of University Statutes ……………………………ZHONG Tai-shen(3-129)

On the Development of Embedded Librarian Service in University Based on User Experience … …WANG Ning(3-134)

Social Image of the Library in News Reports-Based on Statistical Analysis of Newspaper Reports of Anhui Provincial Library in Last Five Years ……………………………………………………SONG Rong(3-141)

·Vol.27 No.4·

On Operating Efficiency of Starred Hotels in Tourism-oriented Cities Based on DEA Model-A Case Study of Huangshan City ……………………………HE Yu-rong, ZHANG Xin, WANG Lan-lan(4-1)

Status Quo of Housing Rental Market in Hefei Economic Circle and Future Development Suggestion-A Case Study of Huainan City,Anhui Province ……CHEN Bing-yao, RONG Li-song, XIAO Yong-bo(4-7)

Research on Allocation Efficiency of Science and Technology Resources in Anhui Province and Its Influencing Factors … ……………………………………ZHU Hui, FU Wei-zhong, LIU Yan-hua(4-13)

Problems and Countermeasures of Delicacies TV Programs in China ……………………………CHEN Xiao-juan(4-20)

Study of Government Support and Farmers'Participation in Rural Small Water Conservancy Works Supply-From the Perspective of Farmers'Demand ……………………CHEN Shi-lu, DENG Li-jun(4-26)

Research on the Crisis of Identity Alienation of Rural Preschool Teachers from the Perspective of Social Construction …………………………………………………………CHEN Qun, WANG Qiu-ping(4-31)

Analysis of Legal Construction of Social Organizations from the Cultural Perspective ……………………LIU Sa(4-36)

Analysis of Solutions of the Equalization of Urban and Rural Basic Public Services………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Qian-qian, WANG Wei-wei(4-42)

An Interpretation of Thomas Wolfe's“Can't Go Home Again”Theme ……………………LIU Ji-yuan, PU Lin(4-46)

A Reappraisal of Sentimental Literature in the May 4th Era-Taking the Early Creation Society as the Core …………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Yu-zhu(4-50)

Obedience or Contending:Women Images in Possession by A.S.Byatt … ……………………………LIN Zhi-yuan(4-54)

Body,Gender,Lack:On Feminine Inferiority in My Brilliant Career ………ZHU Yu-shuang, XU Qing-hong(4-58)

On Ideological Subject of Oliver Twist ………………………………………………………………………LIU Wei(4-64)

On Ancient Buildings in Huaihe River Basin under the Influence of Cultural Integration of Northern Sturdiness and Southern Elegance … ………………………TAO Feng, WANG Ya, SHI Jian-he, et al(4-69)

Research on Symbolized Architecture and Planning Design ……………………………………………ZHANG Mei(4-75)

Application and Embodiment of Chinese Painting Elements in Morandi's Works … …………………YANG Ji-long(4-81)

On Aesthetic History of the“Spirituality”of Art of Rembrandt … ………………………………………WU Peng(4-85)

Bottleneck of Counselors as Specialized Personnel of Ideological and Political Education and Role Achievement ……………………………………………………QING Cheng-song, GU An-xiang(4-89)

Exploration into MBA Typical Class Culture and Its Practice-Taking Entrepreneurial Class at Anhui Institute of Business Administration as an Example…………………………………………………SUN Chao-ping, ZHAO Hui-fang, ZUO Shen-bing, et al(4-93)

An Empirical Study of Transfer in Comprehending English Metaphorical Idioms by Chinese EFL Learners……………………………………………………………………………………………………FANG Yuan-yuan(4-98)

Corruption Risk Prevention and Control in Infrastructure Construction in Colleges and Universities………………………………………………………………………………………………………KONG De-xin(4-104)

Research on Inter-disciplinary Talents Cultivation Based on Collaborative Innovation…………………………………………………………CHENG Xiao-hong, XU Juan, ZHANG Li, et al(4-108)

Research on Development Dilemma of Private Universities and the Countermeasures-Based on the Survey of University Z in South Jiangsu … ………………SUN Hua-feng, YANG Xin-chun(4-113)

Study of Formation Mechanism and Improvement Path of Graduate Employability……………………………………………………………………………………WU Yong, DING Zhao-gang(4-119)

Research and Practice of Subject-oriented Information Service Pattern under Library and Reference Room Coordination of University Library and Information System………………………………………………………………ZHU Jing-wei, YANG Jia-rong, LONG Ling(4-126)

A Review of the Relationship Between the NGO and China's Colleges and Universities…………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Zhi-zhong, CHEN Shao-ping(4-131)

Discussion on Li Dazhao's Library Construction Thought and the Modernization of Chinese Library Undertaking ………………………………………………………………………………QIAN Xue-jin(4-136)

On the Effect of Library Institutional Culture on Librarians'Happiness ………………………………LI Zhi-hui(4-141)

·Vol.27 No.5·

New Path of Social Service in Chinese Universities-Innovative Application on“Differentiated Mode”of HFUT ……………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Xiao-ping(5-1)

Manufacturing Agglomeration and Total Factor Productivity:A Study Based on Manufacturing Firm-level Data …………………………………………………………………………LI Jing, LI Ning-zhou(5-10)

Mechanism,Patterns and Trends of Technological Evolution … …………………………LI Cai-hua, LI Jia-tong(5-17)

A Comparative Study of the Industries in Anhui Province Based on Listing Corporation Performance………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Jian-wen, WEI Na(5-21)

Analysis of the Evolution of Enterprise Organizational Structure Based on Transaction Costs-And on Its Influence on State-owned Enterprises … ………………………ZHU Xing-hong, CHENG Yong(5-29)

Discussion on the Values of Tao Te Ching's Moral Education Thought…………………………………………………………………CHEN Xu-xin, GAO Pan-pan, YANG Yu-jie(5-34)

Research on the Formation of Hong Kong's Core Values through Educational Dimension……………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Yue-xi, XU Hai-bo(5-39)

Comparison of the View of Life and Death between Japanese and Westerners … ……ZENG Ping, ZHANG Wei(5-43)

Ecological Theory of Garrett Hardin and Its Enlightenment … …………………………………WANG Quan-quan(5-47)

On the Popularization of Mainstream Ideology of Socialism Promoted by Communist Party of China…………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Rong-qing, ZU Quan(5-51)

On Peasant Political Identity in Ethnic Minority Areas from the Perspective of No.1Central Document……………………………………………………………………………………………MO Shao-shen(5-57)

Affirmation of Limitation of Actions on Invalid Contracts ………………………………………MIN YOUNG MI(5-62)

Analysis of the Application of Figure-ground Theory over the Ten Years……………………………………………………………………………………ZOU Zhi-yong, CHENG Ping(5-67)

A Comparative Study on Two Versions of Cai Gen Tanfrom the perspective of Eco-translatology ……LI Xiang(5-73)

Inheriting,Expanding and Restructuring-Analysis of the Adaptation of Fang Fang's Novels…………………………………………………………………………………………………………FENG Ling(5-77)

Wise Choice or Outrageous Act?-Suicide in Shakespeare's Roman and Christian Tragedies………………………………………………………………………………………WU Ya-rong, TIAN De-bei(5-83)

On Multicultural Connotation in Anhui Traditional Architecture-A Study of Architectural Style of Huangtian Village,Jing County and Its Causes……………………………………………………………………QI Xiao-jie, CHU Gong-wei, ZHAO Min(5-90)

Enlightenment of Traditional Lotus Patterns on Modern Localization Design……………………………………………………………………………………PENG Qing-yun, DING Rong(5-94)

Resume the Order,Reconstruct the Meaning-Reflections on Protection and Development of Ancient Villages in the Present Age … …………………………GUAN Xin, WANG Xing-yi, ZHENG Jie(5-98)

On Development History of Contemporary Abstract Art of Chinese Ink and Wash … ………………YANG Fang(5-103)

Study of People-oriented Office Building Interior Space Design … ………HOU Bin-bin, LI Zao, SHAO Jian(5-108)

Total Quality Management:Effective Path to Improve Teaching Quality of Higher Education-Interpretation of Management Pattern of University Teaching Quality Based on TQM………………………………………………………………………………………………………FAN Ze-heng(5-114)

Formation Law of Teaching and Researching through Competition of Enterprise Competition Simulation based on Analogy Education …………………WEN Li, LI Yao-kuang, FANG Xiao, et al(5-118)

MBA Teaching Goal Extraction Based on Factor Analysis Method…………………………………………………………WANG Qing-jun, YU Chen-chong, JIN Ning-ning(5-124)

Reform and Exploration on Teaching Model of Mathematical Physics Method in New Situation………………………………………………………………………………YU Yuan-qin, CHEN Shou-wan(5-129)

On Course Teaching of Full-time Professional Degree Postgraduates of Computer Specialty……………………………………………………………………………GAO Yan-yan, OUYANG Yi-ming(5-133)

Influence of Background Variables on Undergraduates'Entrepreneurial Attitude……………………………………………………LIU Yin-hong, CHENG Jian, YAO Xiao-fang, et al(5-137)

·Vol.27 No.6·

Land Consolidation and Environmental Legal System Construction in Rural Areas of Anhui Province:Under the Perspective of Beautiful Country …………………………WU Hui-min, JIA Ming-dang(6-1)

Analysis of Water Resources Consumption and Integrated Relation in Various Sectors of Anhui Province………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Qin-na, WANG Ting(6-8)

Research on Technical Innovation Ability of Colleges and Universities in Anhui Province Based on Patents Analysis ……………………………TAO Ai-ping, SU Ting-ting, TANG Cheng-cheng(6-15)

Research on Coordinated Development of New Urbanization and Agricultural Modernization of Anhui Province … ……………………………………………………………CHEN Bao-lan, WANG Yuan(6-21)

Research on the Perception of Social and Cultural Impact from Residents around Mountain Heritage Areas-A Case Study of Huangshan Mountain Scenic Areas……………………………………………………………HU Shan-feng, YU Xiang-yang, ZHU Hong-bing(6-29)

Research on the Impact of Institutional Holdings on Analysts'Herd Behavior…………………………………………………………………YAO Lu-shi, TONG Xuan-qun, REN Cheng(6-34)

Research on the Effect of High-tech Industrial Cluster to the Construction of Innovative City………………………………………………………YUAN Jian-ming, ZHU Tian-peng, ZHAO Xin-ying(6-39)

Effect of Human Resource Management Outsourcing of Enterprises … ………………………………ZHANG Fang(6-45)

A Review of Zhang Ying and His Poems … ……………………………………JIANG Xiao-jiao, YANG Huai-zhi(6-50)

Development of Anti-hegemonism Thoughts of the Chinese Government on the UN Arena … ………YE San-mei(6-59)

On Agenda Setting of Taiwan Channel at People's Daily Online in 2012by Content Analysis……………………………………………………………………………SUN Lin, JIANG Rui, LI Nan-nan(6-71)

Memory,Travel,Quest-History,Culture and Self Consciousness in Toni Morrison's Beloved……………………………………………………………………………………XU Qing-hong, WANG Qiao(6-77)

On Spatial Reconstruction of Saving Fish from Drowning ……………………………REN Wei-li, DONG Yan(6-83)

Interpretation of Wang Xifeng's Verbal and Non-verbal Symbols in A Dream of Red Mansions from the Perspective of Markedness Theory ………………………………………………………YAO Ji-gang(6-87)

Cognitive Activity and Economy Principle in Meaning Extension ……………………………………………XU Li(6-95)

Contemporary Revelation of Chinese Ancient Tomb Beast to Fantasy Role Modeling Design……………………………………………………………………………………SONG Bei-bei, PAN Xiao-yan(6-99)

Reconstruction of Old Industrial Plant Area Based on Comprehensive Effect-Taking Hefei Heli Forklift Factory as an Example ……………………JIANG Ying, FANG Hong-jun, GU Da-zhi, et al(6-107)

Practice and Training Mode of Biological Undergraduates Innovative Experiment in Engineering Colleges……………………………………………………CAO Shu-qing, JIANG Li, CHEN Guang-lang, et al(6-110)

Status Quo of College Student Party Construction and the Countermeasures-A Case Study of Hefei University of Technology … ………………………………MA Wen-ge, XIA Kun, SHEN Peng(6-113)

A Study on Evaluation and Promotion Strategies of Teaching Quality of Undergraduate Courses…………………………………………………………………………WANG Ying, LIU Zhi-hua, QI Fei(6-121)

Thoughts and Countermeasures of Party Branch Construction for Retired Cadres at Colleges and Universities in the New Period…………………………………………………………………LI Jin-hua(6-126)

Application Platform Construction for IC Design Specialty in Independent College-A Case Study of Zhongshan Institute,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China………………………………………………………ZHANG Hua-bin, MA Yun-hui, LI Fei-peng, et al(6-130)

Volunteer Service:A New Carrier of College Students'Moral Practice ………………………ZHUANG Mei-lan(6-135)

Necessity and Characteristics of Archives Construction for Professional Accreditation of Higher Engineering Education…………………………………………………………………………………LI Hong(6-138)

Countermeasures of the Opening of University Library to the Public in Anhui Province … …………SUN Ge-fei(6-141)

