赵 静,李 航,张 力,钟 巍,李龙芸,文煜冰,王孟昭
赵 静1,李 航2,张 力1,钟 巍1,李龙芸1,文煜冰2,王孟昭1
中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院 北京协和医院1呼吸内科2肾内科,北京 100730
目的探讨贝伐单抗所致肾损害的临床和病理特征。方法回顾性分析北京协和医院4例使用贝伐单抗后出现明显肾损害而行肾活检患者的临床和肾脏病理资料。结果4例患者中男、女性各2例;年龄43~67岁,平均(56.5±11.5)岁;非小细胞肺癌3例(75%)、胰腺癌1例(25%)。贝伐单抗治疗前肾功能正常3例(75%),存在轻度肾功能损害1例(25%)。出现严重肾功能损害并行肾脏活检时,贝伐单抗所使用的疗程数为2~14次。蛋白尿(4例,100%)是贝伐单抗所致肾损害的主要临床表现,均大于3.5g/d;镜下血尿2例(50%);恶性高血压1例(25%);血清肌酐升高1例(25%),表现急性肾功能衰竭;无尿1例(25%)。肾活检病理类型:血栓性微血管病2例(50%)、膜增生性肾小球肾炎1例(25%)、良性肾小球动脉硬化 1例(25%)。肾损害后采取的治疗措施:4例(100%)全部停止使用贝伐单抗;1例急性肾功能衰竭患者合并使用血液透析治疗。预后良好,1例患者(25%)尿蛋白消失,肾功能恢复正常;3例(75%)仍持续性蛋白尿,但程度减轻,肾功能正常。结论贝伐单抗所致肾损害机制复杂,使用时需密切监测肾功能和尿蛋白变化,以便早期发现,及时停药,大部分患者预后良好。
贝伐单抗是一种重组人源化抗血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF)单克隆抗体,能与VEGF结合,阻断VEGF与受体结合,抑制肿瘤血管生成而发挥抗肿瘤效应。早期临床研究显示,高血压、肾功能损害以及出血等为这类药物特有的副作用,其中蛋白尿发生率高达21%~63%[1]。为提高我国临床医师对贝伐单抗所致肾功能损害的认识和重视,本研究回顾性分析了北京协和医院使用贝伐单抗后出现严重肾损害并行肾脏活检患者的临床和病理资料,探讨贝伐单抗所致肾损害的临床和病理特点。
结 果
治疗前肾功能状况贝伐单抗治疗前肾功能正常3例(75%)、轻度肾功能损害1例(25%),表现为微量蛋白尿和镜下血尿。出现严重肾功能损害需要行肾脏活检时,贝伐单抗所使用的次数,最少为2次(1例,25%),最多为14次(1例,25%);而4例(100%)患者贝伐单抗单次使用剂量均在推荐剂量范围内(7.5~15 mg/kg)。
治疗后出现肾损害的临床表现、相应治疗及预后贝伐单抗治疗后肾损害的临床表现为蛋白尿4例(100%),均表现为肾病范围内蛋白尿(gt;3.5 g/d);镜下血尿2例(50%);恶性高血压1例(25%);血清肌酐升高1例(25%),表现急性肾功能衰竭;无尿1例(25%)。其中病例2和3肾脏病理类型为血栓性微血管病,但是临床均未出现血小板减少、溶血性贫血、急性肾功能衰竭,外周破碎红细胞、乳酸脱氢酶升高等表现。肾损害后采取的治疗措施包括:4例(100%)均停止使用贝伐单抗;1例急性肾功能衰竭患者合并使用血液透析治疗。预后:1例(25%)尿蛋白消失,肾功能恢复正常; 3例(75%)仍持续蛋白尿,但蛋白尿程度减轻,肾功能稳定,血清肌酐正常;恶性高血压患者血压控制良好(表1)。
肾脏病理类型分布4例患者中,膜增生性肾小球肾炎1例(25%),光镜下可见肾小球增生明显,呈分叶状,可见弥漫系膜细胞和节段性内皮细胞增生,部分肾小球足细胞增生,系膜基质弥漫性增多,大部分毛细血管襻受压变窄、闭塞,肾小球基底膜弥漫性增厚伴系膜基质插入和双轨形成(图1),免疫荧光染色可见补体C3弥漫颗粒状分布于系膜区和毛细血管襻;血栓性微血管病2例(50%),光镜下可见肾小球细胞数轻度增多,节段性系膜细胞和系膜基质增多,毛细血管襻开放良好,肾小球基底膜内疏松层节段性增宽,呈双轨样改变,内皮下、副系膜区可见较多血浆蛋白渗出并形成透明滴样结构(图2),免疫荧光染色阴性;良性肾小球动脉硬化 1例(25%),光镜下可见多个球性硬化(部分呈缺血性硬化),1个
表 1 4例贝伐单抗所致肾损害患者临床资料和肾脏病理类型
箭头示增生系膜细胞和系膜基质插入内皮下,基底膜增厚形成双轨征Arrow shows the glomerular basement membrane thickening with double contours, which was caused by the interposition of mesangial cells and matrix into the subendothelial zone of the capillary loopsA.HE染色(×400);B. 过碘酸六亚甲基四胺银染色(×400)A.hematoxylin-eosin staining(×400);B.periodic acid-silver methenamine staining(×400)图1 肾小球系膜细胞和系膜基质明显增生,肾小球毛细血管襻受压变窄、闭塞,肾小球呈分叶状外观Fig 1 The mesangial cells and matrix remarkably proliferate and the capillary loops becomes narrow and occluded, making the glomerular tuft a lobular appearance
A. HE染色(×200);B. 过碘酸六亚甲基四胺银染色(×200)A. hematoxylin-eosin staining(×200);B. periodic acid-silver methenamine staining(×200)图2 肾小球细胞数轻度增多,毛细血管襻开放良好,内皮下可见较多血浆蛋白渗出并形成透明滴样结构(箭头)Fig 2 The glomeruli show mild hypercellularity and normal capillary loops. Amorphous eosinophilic glomerular capillary hyalinosis (arrow) is presented subendothelially, which was caused by the effusion of plasma proteins
节段硬化, 1个小型细胞性新月体,2个小型细胞纤维性新月体,肾小球细胞增多,可见弥漫节段性系膜细胞增生和系膜基质增多,偶见内皮细胞增生,部分毛细血管襻受压变窄,肾内小血管管壁增厚,管腔狭窄,小叶间动脉及入球小动脉管壁玻璃样变,免疫荧光染色可见补体C3、纤维蛋白原Fi和IgA呈弥漫颗粒状分布于系膜区和毛细血管襻。
讨 论
目前,关于贝伐单抗的Ⅲ期临床研究较多,其中按照通用毒性标准,Ⅲ级以上蛋白尿发生率从0%到15%,中位发生率为2.7%[2-14]。 Meta分析显示,贝伐单抗所致Ⅲ级以上蛋白尿的发生率为1.0%~1.8%[1]。本研究Ⅲ级以上蛋白尿发生率为12.5%,远高于文献报道[1],这可能与病例数少有一定关系。
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ZHAO Jing1, LI Hang2, ZHANG Li1, ZHONG Wei1, LI Long-yun1,WEN Yu-bing2, WANG Meng-zhao1
1Department of Respiratory Medicine,2Department of Nephrology, PUMC Hospital,
CAMS and PUMC, Beijing 100730, China
WANG Meng-zhao Tel: 010-88068206, E-mail: mengzhaowang@sina.com
ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical and pathological characteristics of bevacizumab-induced renal impairment.MethodThe clinical and pathological data of 4 patients with bevacizumab-induced renal impairment in Peking Union Medical College Hospital was retrospectively analyzed.ResultsThere were 2 men and 2 women aged (56.5±11.5) years. Before bevacizumab treatment, three non-small cell lung cancer patients (75%) had normal renal function and only one pancreatic cancer patient (25%) had mild renal impairment. After 2-14 cycles of bevacizumab treatment, the most common clinical manifestation of bevacizumab-induced renal injury was proteinuria (gt;3.5 g/d) (n=4, 100%). Other clinical symptoms included microscopic hematuria (n=2, 50%), malignant hypertension (n=1, 25%), elevated serum creatinine level as accompanied with acute renal failure (n=1, 25%), and anuria (n=1, 25%). Thrombotic microangiopathy was the main pathological type (n=2, 50%), whereas other pathological types included membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (n=1, 25%) and benign arteriolar nephrosclerosis (n=1, 25%). After the detection of renal impairment, bevacizumab therapy was stopped in all 4 cases (100%). Hemodialysis was performed in the patient with acute renal failure. The prognosis was relatively good. The renal function and proteinuria was completely recovered in one patient (25%), whereas the other three patients (75%) presented with persistent alleviated proteinuria but normal renal function.ConclusionsBevacizumab may cause renal injury via complex mechanisms. Therefore, urine protein excretion and renal function should be closely monitored during bevacizumab treatment to identify any renal injury. The prognosis is relatively good after discontinuation of bevacizumab.
bevacizumab; renal impairment; proteinuria; renal biopsy
王孟昭 电话:010-88068206,电子邮件:mengzhaowang@sina.com