血清半乳糖凝集素3 对胰腺癌的诊断价值
肖明兵 谢玲 倪温慨 陈不尤 陆翠华 李小彦 江枫 倪润洲
血清半乳糖凝集素3 对胰腺癌的诊断价值
肖明兵 谢玲 倪温慨 陈不尤 陆翠华 李小彦 江枫 倪润洲
目的运用时间分解免疫荧光(TRFIA)法检测血清半乳糖凝集素3(Galectin-3,Gal-3)水平,并探讨Gal-3对胰腺癌的诊断价值。方法采用固相双抗体夹心法建立检测血清Gal-3的TRFIA,探讨最佳实验条件。在最适条件下检测胰腺癌、胰腺良性占位、胰腺炎患者及健康对照者血清Gal-3水平,并联合检测血清CEA及CA19-9水平。结果TRFIA法检测血清Gal-3的线性为0~100 μg/L,批内变异系数(CV)≤6.45%,批间CV≤8.68%,平均回收率为106.6%。胰腺癌患者血清Gal-3水平为4.93(0.85~23.80)μg/L,明显高于胰腺良性占位者的2.83(2.17~4.06)μg/L、胰腺炎患者的2.62(0.55~9.76)μg/L和健康者的1.88(0.59~3.94)μg/L(P值均<0.05)。以3.77 μg/L为界,其诊断胰腺癌的敏感性为75.5%,特异性达90.9%。Gal-3与CEA及CA19-9水平均无相关性(r=0.1321,P=0.3761;r=0.0920,P=0.5384),Gal-3联合CEA或CA19-9检测,对胰腺癌的诊断敏感性可提高到92%。结论TRFIA法检测血清Gal-3具有较好的敏感性和稳定性;Gal-3有望成为新的胰腺癌标记物。
胰腺肿瘤; 半乳糖凝集素3; 时间分解免疫荧光测定; 血清
采用自行建立的固相双抗体夹心TRFIA法检测。用包被稀释液(0.05 mol/L碳酸钠-碳酸氢钠缓冲液,pH9.6,)将鼠抗人Gal-3单抗(Santa Cruz公司)稀释至4 000 μg/L,聚苯乙烯板每孔加入100 μl 4℃包被过夜。弃包被抗体,PBS洗涤后每孔加入含10 g/L BSA的PBS封闭液200 μl/L, 37℃孵育1 h。弃封闭液,洗涤后每孔分别加入系列稀释的Gal-3标准蛋白(ABR公司)、待测血清样本50 μl,以单加封闭液为空白对照,37℃孵育1 h。洗涤后加入生物素化羊抗人Gal-3多抗100 μl(80 μg/L,Santa Cruz公司)37℃孵育1 h。洗涤后每孔加入用含10 g/L BSA的PBS稀释的稀土离子(Eu3+)-标链亲和素100 μl(600 μg/L,PE公司)37℃避光孵育1 h。洗涤后每孔加入荧光增强液200 μl(PE公司),室温避光缓慢水平摇动5 min。在VICTORTM X5型自动时间分辨荧光检测仪上设定。激发光波长为337 nm,发射光波长为615 nm,延时200 μs,测定615 nm处的荧光值(A615值)。以Gal-3标准蛋白的荧光值绘制标准曲线,根据样品的荧光值计算Gal-3的浓度。
结 果
将抗Gal-3单抗、生物素化的羊抗人Gal-3多抗及Eu3+-标链亲和素分别系列稀释,以12.5 μg/L的Gal-3标准蛋白为阳性对照,封闭液为阴性对照,设3个复孔,读取各孔荧光值。当抗Gal-3单抗、多抗及Eu3+-标链亲和素浓度分别为4000、80及600 μg/L时,阳性对照与阴性对照平均荧光值之比(P/N值)最大(8.05),为最适工作浓度。
将Gal-3标准蛋白系列稀释,以上述最适条件测定,在0.78~100 μg/L范围内成线性关系(图1)。
图1 GAL-3 检测剂量-反应曲线图
将Gal-3标准蛋白稀释至0 μg/L附近,作为检测零点样品,重复测量20次,计算其荧光均值及标准差。以荧光均值加上2倍的标准差所得的荧光值代入标准曲线方程计算得出的浓度为其最低检测量。本法灵敏度为0.181 μg/L。
将Gal-3标准蛋白稀释成3.13、6.25、12.5 μg/L作为质控样品,分三批次进行测定,每批次各设8个复孔,批内变异系数(CV)≤6.45%,批间CV≤8.68%(表1)。
取3份胰腺癌患者血清混合,配制两份Gal-3浓度为12.5 μg/L及3.1 μg/L的标准品,按下法配制试验样品:基础样品为血清0.9 ml加蒸馏水0.1 ml;分析样品为血清0.9 ml加标准品(12.5 μg/L或3.1 μg/L)0.1 ml。按上述最适条件测定,每份样品设8个复孔,求均值。两分析样品回收浓度分别为1.29、0.34 μg/L,回收率分别为103.5%及109.7%,平均回收率为106.6%。
表1 不同浓度Gal-3各批次的荧光值
表2 各组血清Gal-3、CEA及CA19-9水平(中位数,范围)
根据ROC曲线(图2),Gal-3、CEA及CA19-9对良、恶性胰腺疾病的诊断界值分别为3.77 μg/L、3.82 μg/L及41.61 kU/L,诊断胰腺癌的敏感性在70%左右,特异性在90%以上(表3)。Gal-3与CEA、CA19-9之间无相关性(r=0.1321,P=0.3761;r=0.0920,P=0.5384),而CEA与CA19-9之间呈正相关(r=0.3982,P=0.0056)。Gal-3联合CA19-9或Gal-3联合CEA检测可明显提高对胰腺癌的诊断敏感性,以Gal-3+CA19-9略优于Gal-3+CEA,但两者无明显差异(表3)。
图2 Gal-3、CEA及CA19-9诊断胰腺癌的ROC曲线
Gal-3是一种糖结合蛋白,分子质量约30 000,对β-半乳糖苷具有亲和性。上皮细胞、血管内皮细胞[4]、活化的巨噬细胞[5]及树突状细胞等[6]均表达Gal-3,它在细胞质内合成,但可以运到胞核或分泌到细胞外,参与不同的生物过程。Gal-3在多种肿瘤中高表达,如结直肠癌[7]、胃癌[8]、肝癌[9]、甲状腺癌[10]、垂体腺瘤[10]、肾透明细胞癌[11]、浸润性乳腺癌[12]、舌鳞状细胞癌[13]、恶性嗜铬细胞瘤[2]、上皮性卵巢癌[14]、膀胱癌[15]等,其表达的增加与肿瘤的转移和疾病进展呈正相关。
表3 Gal-3联合CEA及CA19-9检测诊断胰腺癌的价值
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ObjectiveTo establish the time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TRFIA) method for the detection of serum galectin-3 and investigate the clinical value of serum galectin-3 for the diagnosis of pancreas cancer.MethodsMonoclonal anti-human galectin-3 antibody and biotinylated polyclonal antibody were used to establish the sandwich TRFIA for detection of serum galectin-3. The optimal experimental condition was studied. Serum levels of galectin-3, CEA and CA19-9 in the patients with pancreatic cancer, benign pancreatic mass, pancreatitis, and healthy controls were measured. The diagnostic value of serum galectin-3, CEA and CA19-9 for pancreas cancer was studied.ResultsThe linearity of the TRFIA for detection of serum galectin-3 ranged between 0 to 100 μg/L. The within-run CV and between-run CV were ≤6.45% and ≤8.68%, respectively, and the average recovery was 106.6%. The level of serum galectin-3 was 4.93(0.85~23.80)μg/L in pancreatic cancer group, which were significantly higher than those in benign pancreatic mass [2.83(2.17~4.06)μg/L], pancreatitis [2.62(0.55~9.76)μg/L], and healthy controls group [1.88(0.59~3.94)μg/L](P<0.05). By using 3.77 μg/L as the cut-off point, the sensitivity, specificity for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer was 75.5% and 90.9%. The levels of Gal 3 and CEA, CA19-9 was not correlated (r=0.1321,P=0.3761;r=0.0920,P=0.5384). Combined determination of galactin-3 and CEA, CA19-9 levels could increase the diagnostic sensitivity to 92%.ConclusionsTRFIA method for the detection of galactin-3 is sensitive and stable. Galectin-3 could be a potentially novel serum tumor marker of pancreatic cancer.
Pancreatic neoplasms; Galectin-3; Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay; Serum
226001 南通,南通大学附属医院消化内科
倪润洲,Email: nirz@163.com