上海市华东师范大学附属小学四(6)班 李婴 供稿
I went to America last year,and I studied at White River School in Newhampshire.My apartment was near it.I had a wonderful time there.
My principal,Mr.Ashley,was very kind to me.He has big blue eyes,with a pair of glasses.There was thick mustache under his big nose.
I was shown around by Mr.Ashley the first time I went to White River School.At first,he showed me the big Children’s Playground,which looked attractive.Then Mr.Ashley showed me the clean canteen,the quiet library,the big computer lab,where lots of computers existed.At last he brought me to my new class,and introduced me to three warm and gentle teachers.I liked my new class right away.
Three days later,my parents went to Dartmouth College as visiting scholars,so my family moved to another apartment,which was nearer to the Dartmouth College.And I should have to move to another elementary school,which was located in Lebanon Town.
Reluctantly,I left White River School.Now,I still miss my teachers,my classmates,and my kind principal,Mr.Ashley ...
本文作者用简洁、流畅又略带伤感的语言回忆初到美国上学时的情景。在白河小学虽然只有短暂的三天,却给她留下了难以磨灭的印象。尤其是那所学校和蔼可亲的Ashley 校长,更使她念念不忘。