Detection of promoter methylation of p27 gene in gastric carcinoma by methylation-specific PCR technique


外科研究与新技术 2012年1期

/Gong Fangming

(巩方明,Dept Gen Surg,Affil Hosp,Shandong Acad Med Sci,Ji’nan 250031)…∥Chin J Gen Surg.-2011,14(8).-729 ~731

ObjectiveTo detect methylation status of the 5’CpG island locating in the promoter region of p27 gene in gastric carcinoma and to analyze the relationship between the aberrant methylation of p27 gene and the bionomics of gastric carcinoma.MethodsMethylationspecific PCR were used to detect the methylation status of p27 in gastric carcinoma(n=49),adjacent tissue of carcinoma(n=20)and normal tissue(n=10),respectively.ResultsThe mathylation rate is 49%(24/49)for gastria cancer,25%(5/20)for tumor-sideward mucosa and 0(0/10)for normal mucosa.There was a significant positive correlation between gastric carcinoma specimens and normal mucosa specimens(P <0.05).There was no significant diference between normal gastric group and tumor-sideward mucosa group(P >0.05)and no significant diference between tumor-sideward mucosa group and tumor group(P >0.05).The mathylation rate of p27 gene with lymph node metastases(61%)are higher than those without metastasis(28%)(P <0.05).And there is no relation to patients’age,sex,tumor size and location.Conclusionp27 gene methylation of the p27 gene is correlated to oncogenesis and metastasis of gastric carcinoma and could lead to the loss of p27mRNA transcription.4 refs,1 fig,2 tabs.


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