罗成汗 赵国文 李新星
(1. 集美大学,厦门 361000;2. 广东海事局,广州 510230;3. 江门海事局,江门 529040)
The direct torque control system simulation about asynchronous motor of Ship electric propulsion system
LUO ChengHan1,ZHAO GuoWen2,LI XinXing3
( 1..Jimei University,Xiamen 361000;2.GuangDong Maritime Safety Administration of the people's republic of china,Guangzhou 510230;3..JiangMenMaritimeSafetyAdministration of the people's republic of china,Jiangmen 529040 )
Abstract: Describes the characteristics of ship electric propulsion system. Analysis of the asynchronous motor direct torque control system theory, focusing on direct torque control system components and implementation. Built environment in the Saber simulation model, for a system dynamic simulation. Simulation results, its analysis, simulation results verify the correctness of simulation models and methods.
Key words: Electric propulsion;Direct Torque Control;Saber;Simulation