徐海荣 践行“文化走出去”


文化交流 2012年3期



“我们中国是一个具有悠久历史文化的国家,四大文明古国中,三个已经湮没无闻,只剩下一个中国。我觉得我们更有责任和义务来保护、发扬中国传统文化。 ”

“我虽然是搞文化出版工作的,但是我觉得传播中国文化是我们每个人义不容辞的责任。不是所有人都能站到伯克利的讲台上去的,我是幸运的。同时我也很珍惜这个机会,深感责任重大。我们出去都很自律,每天除了上课就窝在房间里备课,因为我出去不是代表个人,而是代表我们国家。 ”





Xu Hairong on the campus of UC Berkeley, USA

纷纷赶来听课。在听众中,还出现了中国驻旧金山总领事馆领事潘奇先生、旧金山华人侨领蔡实鼎先生、《世界日报》副总编古铣贤先生、伯克利大学知名教授MelvinPomerantz、GeorgeChang、圣荷西大学的Susana教授的身影。徐海荣说:“场面完全出乎我的意料,你知道这个教室比尔 •盖茨也来过,都没有坐那么多人。而且这个是暑期课程,原本以为学生会更少,可是反而来了很多教授、专家。 ”

中国文化系列课程引发了旧金山湾区众多人的强烈兴趣。开课之前的6月1日,北美发行量及影响力均居第一位的华文报纸《世界日报》分别在“湾区综合”、“工商版”刊出了相关报道。开课当天,《世界日报》对主讲人徐海荣进行了专访,第二天,在“湾区综合”版在头条新闻的位置,以《谈中华文化 徐海荣:像一口水井既深且沉》为题报道了开课的盛况以及整个系列课程的积极意义。

听课者在课堂上踊跃提问。 An audience member puts a question to the lecturer.

“可以看到,西方人其实非常渴望了解中国。文化是不断发展的,转型发展中的中华文化具有新的活力因素和价值指向。中国文化要走出去,重要的就是要向世人展现这样的文化理念、精神风貌和价值诉求。 ”2011年年底,徐海荣与美国教育学区主席洽谈签订了协议,受邀在美国西部数所知名高校开设中国文化课程,并研发相关教材。徐海荣说,这条路他会一直走下去,接下来正在和哈佛、斯坦福、哥伦比亚等大学洽谈,希望能到更多的大学里面去讲述中国文化,尤其是影响西方年轻一代。

“现在由讲稿整理成的书《中国文化的特质与价值》已经翻译成英文出版,并成为了加州学区的中国文化教育的正式教材。整个系列课程分为十二大主题,内容涵盖中国的政治文化、企业文化、饮食文化、风俗文化、礼仪文化、服饰文化、收藏文化、书画文化、建筑文化、城市文化、乡村文化、哲学文化等,旨在全景式地向美国名校的精英学子以及社会公众介绍博大精深的中国文化。估计可以销售到20万册左右。 ”对于未来,徐海荣信心满满,目前已经策划下一步推动文化走出去的路径:前期,自筹资金,在力所能及的范围内在美国高校捐助中国文化奖学金,用于奖励中国文化学得好的学生,同时筹备建立中国文化基金会,用于中国文化在国外的传播普及项目,还将适时在美国知名高校内设立中国国学院。








链接:徐海荣,1956年1月生,汉族,浙江杭州人,研究员职称。2004年10月加入民建。现任杭州出版集团董事长、总编辑,民建中央文化委员会委员,浙江省政协委员,杭州市政协委员,中国古都学会副会长,浙江大学城市学院兼职教授。 □

Publisher Lectures at UC Berkeley

By Zhu Fengjuan


A view of the lecture room at UC Berkeley

Xu Hairong, a preeminent scholar of culture based in Hangzhou, moderated a series of 12 lectures in University of California, Ber-keley from June 2 to July 12, 2011. Held at 390 Hearst Memorial Mining Building as summer sessions, the lectures was titled Chi-nese Culture: Characteristics and Values and attracted a lot of at-tention. It covered a diverse range of topics and interests on China. Each event was led by a visiting notable historian, professor, or an entrepreneur from China, and focused on an important aspect of Chinese culture. The lectures dealt with Chinese political culture, cooperate culture, custom, etiquette, clothing, collection culture, painting and calligraphy, architecture, city culture, village culture, philosophy culture.

On the Lantern Festival 2011, which falls on February 6, 2012,

I go to see Xu Hairong at his office in a brand-new office building

near downtown Wushan Square. Xu Hairong is president and editor-

in-chief of Hangzhou Press and a guest professor at City College of

Zhejiang University. I learn to my surprise that the lecture series is a program initiated and financed by Xu Hairong. Why does he go out of his way to promote Chinese culture over-seas? And why does he dedicate himself to the task of cultural dialogue between China and the rest of the world? I put the questions to him. He claims that he is duty-bound to pre-serve Chinese culture and promote cul-tural exchanges between east and west. He cherishes the opportunity to moderate the lecture series at UC Berkeley. He recalls that all the lecturers were highly motivated. During their stays there, they holed up in their rooms to prepare for the lectures. They believed that they spoke on behalf of China. The lectures were totally geared for foreign audiences. Speakers dropped the conventional way to start with legendary ancient emperors and to boast the excel-lence of Chinese culture. The lectures raised and answered questions that they


Xu Hairong and his team of lecturers: An Ran (left 1), Shang Zuowen (left 2) and Chen Yuan (right 1)

believed would interest the audience. One point the lectures empha-

sized was that the current financial crisis gave people a new angle

to understand that there was no single way for social and economic

prosperity, that each culture had its strengths and flaws and that the

world should seek the common ground while accepting the existing differences. The lectures were well balanced between the strength and weakness of the Chinese culture. “We did not demean ourselves nor did we boast. Sincerity was the signature of all these lectures and the American audience responded warmly,” he recalls.

Xu recalls his first lecture on the afternoon of June 2, 2011. The lecture room can seat 180 people. That day, it was almost full. Among the audience were Professor Melvin Pomerantz, Professor George Chang, and Professor Susanan of San Jose State Univer-sity, students as well as residents from Chinese community of San


This webpage at UC Berkeley website introduces Xu Hairong and his Chinese lecture series titled “Chinese Culture: Characteristics and Value”.

Francisco Bay area. Xu was amazed by the attendance. He learned that Bill Gates gave a lecture in the same room, but the Microsoft founding father had not attracted so many people.

Xu comments that the West has a yearning for knowing China better. He points out that Chinese culture now features new vital-ity and value and that Chinese culture, if it is to go international, should show its concept, spirit and value.

The lecture series in the summer of 2011 has opened the door for further cultural exchange events. At the end of 2011, he signed a contract to offer more lecture series on Chinese culture at some prestigious universities and colleges in Americas West. A series of textbooks will be developed. Xu Hairong says he hopes to offer lectures on Chinese culture at Harvard, Stanford and Columbia uni-versities.

Xu says that the 12 lectures are now translated into English and adopted as a textbook on Chinese culture for schools in California. He estimates that the book is go-ing to sell 200,000 copies. His plan for the future is more ambi-tious: he is going to raise some money and set up a Chinese cul-ture scholarship in some American universities for students who do well in learning Chinese culture.

Xu Hairong is rather busy. The interview is interrupted several times when he stops to deal with his paperwork. He thinks it is his mission to promote Chinese culture. The mission gives him energy and vigor, pushing him forward. I hope that he will go far carrying Chinese culture all over the world. □


Xu Hairong is interviewed on June 6, 2011 at KTFS26. This was a view of the interview at the broadcast-ing room.

长陈毅。他就在紧急会议上动员说: “人人都要做保卫工作,我也是总理的警卫员,大家都是总理的警卫员。 ”东道国政府也对会议的安全作了特殊布置。苏加诺总统指示万隆所在的第三军区加强警力警戒外围,对国民党暗杀团的成员进行临时性拘留,特别指派一名精明强干的陆军上尉作为周恩来的安全副官,另派5名警察作为随身护卫,有7辆摩托车作现场警卫。黄镇大使特别关照钱嗣杰等近身人员要时时处处保护总理安全。从那时起,钱嗣杰绷紧了所有神经,提高了警惕,以防万一。每次开会前就如同往日打仗一样,都要事先观察地形,了解会场的一切设施和环境,一是保证能找到最佳位置,摄到理想镜头;二是要防止每一个死角,以免让敌人的阴谋得逞。钱嗣杰亲眼看到总理在大会期间日日夜夜紧张忙碌地拜见和会见各国代表团长;在会上发言表态,以对付那些明里的进攻或暗中的诽谤。在苏加诺总统发表长达50分钟的开幕词《让新亚洲和新非洲诞生吧》之后,会上的发言果然出现了某些不和谐的声音。此时,如果一味进行针锋相对的口水战,就会使会议步入歧途。作为一个大国,中国代表的一言一行都可能导致会议的成败。所以,中国自始至终坚持“求同存异”的原则,决不使会议偏离方向。



Qian Sijie and Liu Maojian pose for a photo after they mourn at the monument in commemoration of martyrs who were members of Chinese delegation of Bandung Conference and died in Kashmir-Princess Incident.

表团团长周恩来在雷鸣般的掌声中走上讲台的时候,人们不禁带着崇敬的眼光目睹这位传奇式的人物。周总理身穿浅色的中山装,风度翩翩地开始作大会发言。他没有按照发言稿照本宣读,也没有如人们想象的那样回击那些持不同政见者的发言,而是审时度势开宗明义地说:“中国代表团是来求团结而不是来吵架的,中国代表团是来求同而不是来立异的。 ”周恩来在接下来的演讲中充分地阐述了和平共处五项原则。此时此刻,钱嗣杰发现进入会场的人越来越多,有的已经站在椅子上了,即使会场炎热拥挤,但大家还是全神贯注地聆听周恩来的即席演讲。最后,周恩来提高了嗓门,声若洪钟地总结说:“16万万亚非人民期待着我们的会议成功。全世界愿意和平的国家和人民期待着我们的会议能为扩大和平区域和建立集体和平有所贡献。让我们亚非国家团结起来,为亚非会议成功努力吧! ”尽管周恩来的这篇主旨发言只有18分钟,但它自始至终都牢牢地控制着整个会场的情绪,成为两天以来会议的高潮。这篇演讲使与会代表认识到了新中国同亚非国家友好合作的诚意,从而看清了新中国确实是奉行和平外交政策的。


在周恩来身边工作的那段经历成为中南海摄影师钱嗣杰最为难忘的宝贵记忆。钱老说:“在我眼中,总理不是高官,倒像是一位慈爱的长者,没有架子,充满真情。无论什么活动,只要一结束,总理周围肯定围满了记者,问新闻稿怎么写,照片怎么发。有一天,总理对我说,小钱,你真是辛苦啊!一句话简直把我感动得都要掉眼泪了。我当场激动地回答:‘有了总理这句话,就是苦死累死我也心甘。其实,您比谁都更忙更辛苦。 ”□


By By Sun Guowei, our special reporter in Beijing

The other day I talked again with Qian Sijie (born in 1928), a retired photographer of Xinhua News Agency (Cultural Dialogue featured a story by the author on Qian in the January issue of 2012). Our talk focused on his assignment in 1955 to cover the Chinese delegation attending Asian-African Conference held in Bandung, Indonesia.

The assignment is unforgettable for two reasons. Qian was one of the 30 members of the Chinese delegation. So were Premier Zhou Enlai and Foreign Minister Chen Yi. The original plan was that the whole delegation including the news media members would fly to Jakarta, but the plan changed as the premier was to meet other state leaders at Rangoon first. Zhou Enlai and Chen Yi decided to go to Kunming and fly to Rangoon after a trial flight route between Kun-ming and Rangoon was successfully set up.

In early April, Qian and his colleague Liu Maojian, a decipher, arrived in Hong Kong to purchase supplies for the media group for the use in Bandung. While in Hong Kong, their schedule changed because Huang Zuomei, the director of Hong Kong branch of Xin-hua News Agency, instructed them to go with two messengers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by ship. As the two messengers car-ried important diplomatic documents and gifts, they needed extra hands to make sure that they would arrive safely without anything to happen to them. The planned shopping task was reassigned and, somewhat reluctantly, Qian and Liu took a Netherland passenger ship and left Hong Kong for Indonesia.

On April 9, the air route between Kunming and Rangoon was

open. The premier and other Chinese leaders flew to Rangoon. On

the afternoon of June 11, Zhou Enlai got a call from Beijing, learn-ing that Kashmir-Princess, a chartered Indian plane, took off safely from Hong Kong. Around six oclock in the afternoon, another call came from Beijing saying that the contact with the plane had been lost and that there was news report that huge explosion had been heard over the South Sea. The third call from Beijing that night confirmed that the Kashmir-Princess had exploded shortly after it took off from Hong Kong. Some staff members of the Chinese delegation and Vietnamese delegation and 11 Chinese and foreign journalists on board were all killed.

After seven days and seven nights on the sea, Qian and Liu ar-rived at Jakarta on April 8 and reached Bandung on April 11. Had they been on the plane, they would have got killed. The three Xinhua News Agency colleagues killed in the explosion had been Qians friends. Shen Jiantu, senior by 13 years, was the press director of the Chi-nese negotiation delegation in Kaesong, Korea from 1951 to 1952. Li Ping, junior by 1 year, covered the issues of prisoners of war and

ceasefire negotiations in 1951 and 1953 twice. He had worked with

Qian. Huang Zuomei, who had headed the Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency for six years, was man who changed Qians schedule in Hong Kong and accidentally saved his life. Huang was on the board too.

At Qingming Festival every year, Qian goes to Babaoshan Cem-etery in Beijing and mourns his colleagues at the group tomb for the Chinese victims that were killed in the incident. He has been doing so for decades.

This is the first part of Qians unforgettable experience as a mem-ber of the Chinese delegation for Bandung Conference.

The second part is about the conference itself. Qian as a veteran journalist had photographed wars, but this time the warring ex-perience was different. Premier Zhou arrived in Jakarta on April 16, 1955. He was warmly applauded. The security situation was serious. The United States, not a participating nation, sent a large


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