On Ms.Linde in A Doll’s House Liang Weishan, English Dept.CFLC, Xiamen University


都市家教·下半月 2012年6期

Abstract: A Dolls House is a three-act play written by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. Itis seen as a very important work on feminism in which Nora, the heroine, is generally considered as the pioneer of modern feminism for her brave act of leaving her husband. However, this kind of perspective is actually biased for Ms.Linde, with her job, firmness in her own values, positive impact on others as well as her infinite maternal love deserves more than Nora to be the forebear of modern feminism.

Key Words: A Dolls House; Ms.Linde; modern women

1 Introduction

Although A Dolls House was written in 1878 which was quite a long time from modern society, Ms.Linde can be regarded as a typical modern woman. She is a working woman with her owe values and positive influence on others. But most of all, she is woman with infinite maternal love.

2 Working Woman

Modern woman are working women. They believe in equality. However, equality has its own condition. Equality is based on financial independence which cannot be obtained if women do not have jobs. Karl Marx wrote in his Das Kapital “Economic basis determine superstructure” which applies to societies of all kinds, big or small. The old rule of “He Who Makes the Money Makes the Rules” remains unchanged. Only financially independent women can be truly independent. Besides, as Betty Friedan pointed out in her Feminine Mystique “women, like men, can only find their identity in work that uses their full capacities”, working is crucial to modern women as it helps to find their own identity and get a sense of self-realization. Being a housewife can only makes them feel trapped. Therefore, a job is the symbol of a modern woman. In the play, Ms.Linde is the only woman with a job. She worked in shops and schools which gave her lots of working experience. She supported not only herself but also her mother and brothers. When she was out of work, she was able to find another job and she was capable of doing it well. And she won in the competition with Krogstad for the position in the bank which proves her abilities. By contrast, Nora was financially dependent on her husband. She had to please her husband for pocket money. When her husband was assigned Manager of the Bank, she was so happy because she as a wife could have a better life as well. Compared with Nora, Ms.Linde has a freer life that resembles that of modern womens.

3 Firmness in Her Own Values

Modern women are independent not only financially but also spiritually. They have their own values and adhere to them. The persistence in ones own value reflects the power in mind. Ms.Linde is exactly a woman with her own values. In the play, when Krogstad asked her whether she would give her position in the Bank up for him, she refused even though she was in love with him and was willing to be with him again. She said “because that would not benefit you in the least and I have learned to act prudently. Life, and hard, bitter necessity have taught me that” (A Dolls House). She knew that she could not live without work as it brought her income and fulfillment. She valued work and she was not going to give it up. Besides,Ms.Linde insisted that Nora tell her husband the truth. When Krogstad offered to ask the letter back, she stopped him even though she knew that might mean the end of her dear friends marriage. She believed that Nora and Helmer needed a complete understanding of each other and she held on it. Her firmness in her own values shows her tremendous inner strength which makes her a modern woman.

4 Positive Impact On Others

Modern women seek to influence others with their actions. Successful women across the world are leading as examples. Everyday thousands of people are inspired by these modern women Christine Lagarde, Hillary Clinton, and those around them. Actions are their words and people get motivated. In the play, Ms.Linde, set a great example for Nora and had fundamental influence on Noras eventual rebellion. Ms.Linde said nothing about leaving her husband to Nora yet her independence had encouraged Nora to break the confinement, recognize the reality and pursue an independent life. That is how Ms.Linde bring positive impact on people around her.

5 Infinite Maternal Love

Modern women are financially independent and firm in their principles and values. They affect others with their actions. But these does not necessarily mean that they are aggressive without any femininity. Modern women are good wives and mothers. They recognize their roles in human society and history which include being a wife and a mother. They strive to achieve a balance between family and work. Former Chilean president Michelle Bachelet is a prominent politician and also a caring mother of three who cook for her children almost every day. Ms.Linde is also a woman of this kind. She cared for her mother, brothers and also her friend Nora. She comforted her when she was in pain. She tried every possible way to help her when she was in trouble. She was the mature elder sister in front of Nora, and unconsciously she guided Nora to eventual rebellion. When it came to Krogstad, she was willing to be with him, believing that what he had done was purely driven by despair and was happy that she had someone to work live for. Inside her, there is a huge reservoir of unselfish love from which one can feel the sweetness and tenderness. She is indeed a caring daughter, sister, mother and wife.

Ms.Linde is in every way a modern woman even though she is supposed to come from the 19th century. She is the pioneer of modern feminism and the great great grandma of modern women. If she were alive today, she would be happy to see so many young girls carry on her spirit and live independently and gracefully.

Reference: :

[1] Reader, A Dolls House Text,

[2]Friedan, Betty The Feminine Mystique, The USA ,Norton 2001

[3]田苗(Tian Miao),从女性主义视角解读《玩偶之家》, 《湖南科技学院学报》,2009年第10期


梁玮珊(1992.6.17-)女,籍贯: 福建厦门。学历:本科。厦门大学外文学院英语专业在校学生。


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