曹素丽 杨延广
摘要: 在分析了建构主义的教学观和基于工作过程的课程开发理论的基础上,对数据库原理与应用课程的开发过程及结果进行了详细介绍。分析了课程对应的工作岗位,以及工作岗位对应的典型工作任务;按照典型工作任务确定了课程的内容;最后结合典型任务和认知规律详细设计了学习情境。
关键词: 建构主义; 工作过程; 数据库; 课程开发; 学习情境
中图分类号:G712文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-8228(2012)09-46-03
Curriculum development and practice of working process guided by constructivism theory
Cao Suli, Yang Yanguang
(Shijiazhuang Posts and Telecommunication Technical College, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050021, China)
Abstract: After discussing constructivism teaching and the theory of curriculum development based on the working process, a detailed introduction about the curriculum development of principle and application of database is given and it includes the analysis of the corresponding jobs and the typical tasks. Teaching contents are determined and learning situation is designed.
Key words: constructivism; working process; database; curriculum development; learning situation