田慧娟 何 江 吕昌伟 樊庆云
(1.内蒙古大学环境与资源学院 呼和浩特 010021;2.淮海工学院 江苏连云港 222000;3.内蒙古大学环境地质研究所呼和浩特 010021)
田慧娟1,2何 江1,3吕昌伟1,3樊庆云1,3
(1.内蒙古大学环境与资源学院 呼和浩特 010021;2.淮海工学院 江苏连云港 222000;3.内蒙古大学环境地质研究所呼和浩特 010021)
黄河包头段 沉积物粒级 重金属形态 粒度效应
水体颗粒物的基本特征为不均一性或非均质性,不同粒级颗粒物在矿物组成、比表面积、反应活性点、带电荷数等方面均有较大差异[1~8]。由粒径大小导致的上述性质的差异也必将影响不同粒径颗粒物中重金属的形态分布特征。尽管沉积物中重金属的形态表现一定的粒度效应规律,但因不同研究者在研究粒度效应时采用的粒径范围不尽一致,使研究结果存在差异且没有可比性。研究业已证明,重金属主要富集在<63μm的沉积颗粒物中且<63μm的颗粒物代表了水体沉积物中可被再悬浮部分[9],因而<63 μm的颗粒物是学者们普遍接受和公认的研究介质。以往研究中,研究者们对>50μm颗粒物的分级提取和形态分析给予了更多关注,而对<50μm的颗粒物再行分级进行形态分析研究则为数较少。本研究采用沉降法,从<63μm的颗粒物中依次提取<4μm、4~16μm、16~32μm、32~50μm和50~63μm等5个粒级的颗粒物,在此基础上,系统开展了不同粒级黄河颗粒物中重金属的形态分析实验研究,阐述了重金属形态在不同粒级沉积物中的分布特征,探讨了不同粒级沉积物中重金属形态分布的差异,以期揭示不同粒级沉积物中重金属的污染程度及其生物危害性。
1 样品采集与分析方法
图1 黄河包头段采样点位示意图Fig.1 Location of sampling points in the Yellow River
于2004年9月在黄河包头段干流打不素(A站位)、昆都仑河入黄河口下游(B站位)、四道沙河入黄河口下游(C站位)和磴口(D站位)及两条接纳工业污水的支流昆都仑河(E站位)和四道沙河(F站位)系统采集了柱状沉积物样品(图1)。采样站位布设在水流较缓,沉积较好的地带。沉积物用挪威Swedaq公司产KCmod A och B型无扰动沉积物采样器采集,沉积物柱和上覆水柱界面清晰,现场用胶管将上层水相吸弃后,装入聚乙烯塑料袋,回实验室自然风干,搅匀筛取<63μm部分备用。
依据国际通用的伍登-温德华氏(Udden-Wentworth)等比制Φ值粒级标准,根据Stokes定律[10],采用沉降法,从<63μm的颗粒物中依次提取<4μm (D1)、4~16μm(D2)、16~32μm(D3)、32~50μm (D4)和50~63μm(D5)等5个粒级的颗粒物。黄河沉积物的实测平均比重为2.65 g/cm3。
形态分析采用Tessier的连续提取法[11].u、Pb、Zn均用火焰原子吸收分光光度法(日立公司产Z-5000型)测定,所有重金属测定均以中国国家标准样品(Cu,GSB 02-1182-2000;Pb,GSB 02-1183-2000;Zn,GSB 02-1184-2000)为质控样,相对误差5%。实验所用药品除各种酸为优级纯外,其余均为分析纯,水为二次去离子水。实验及采样所用玻璃及聚乙烯容器均在14%的硝酸中浸泡24 h以上,并用二次去离子水冲洗后低温烘干。
2 结果与讨论
2.1 干流不同粒级沉积物中重金属形态分布特征
黄河包头段各粒级沉积物中,Cu和Pb非稳定态含量的大致顺序为铁锰氧化物结合态>碳酸盐结合态>有机质结合态;Zn的非稳定态含量大致顺序为铁锰氧化物结合态>有机质结合态>碳酸盐结合态, (图2).n的非稳定态含量顺序与Cu、Pb有一定差别,在B、C站位其有机质结合态的含量有所升高,尤其在D2-D5粒级颗粒物中。总体上,3种重金属各形态含量均随粒级增大而减小,表现明显的粒度效应。
图2 干流表层沉积物(0~10 cm)中重金属形态含量的分布特征Fig.2 The speciation distribution character of heavy metal in the surface sediments from themainstream
同一粒级沉积物中,不同元素同一形态的含量总体有Zn>Pb>Cu的规律,与黄河中游沉积物重金属背景值Zn>Cu>Pb的研究结果[12]不尽一致。据包头市环境监测站监测资料显示,2002-2004年包头市排污河流污染物入黄量平均值以Zn为最(132.63 t/a),Pb入黄量(22.67 t/a)约是Cu(4.68 t/a)的5倍,这可能是导致黄河包头段沉积物中Pb含量高于Cu的直接原因,同时揭示了来自包头市工业废水的外源重金属对黄河水体沉积物的叠加影响。
2.2 支流不同粒级沉积物中重金属形态分布特征
昆都仑河(E站位)和四道沙河(F站位)沉积物中(图3),各粒级沉积物Cu的非稳定态含量顺序为有机质结合态>>铁锰氧化物结合态>碳酸盐结合态;Pb和Zn的非稳定态含量顺序均为铁锰氧化物结合态>碳酸盐结合态≥有机质结合态;有机质结合态和铁锰氧化物结合态分别为支流各粒级沉积物中Cu及Pb、Zn的主导形态。有机质结合态在Cu的非稳定态中占绝对主导地位,这既与支流中有机质的含量高直接相关,又进一步说明了有机质对Cu的地球化学亲合性比Pb和Zn强。支流沉积物中,Cu和Zn的各非稳定态含量及E站位Pb的各非稳定态含量均随粒级增大而减小,表现显著的粒度效应.站位Pb的铁锰氧化物结合态和碳酸盐结合态的含量尽管也表现出粒度效应,但不及E站位明显。有趣的是, F站位Pb的有机质结合态含量表现出随粒级增大而增大的现象,这可能与四道沙河稀土行业酸性废水的粗粒悬浮沉积物(细小颗粒的固结体)本身含有较高Pb的硫化物有关.站位沉积物中,Cu、Pb和Zn各非稳定态的含量及非稳定态含量之和均远较F站位高,这与昆都仑河是接纳城市工业废水的主要河流的监测结果相一致(表1)。此外,黄河包头段干支流不同粒级沉积物中3种重金属的形态含量对比表明(图2和图3),2条支流沉积物中各形态重金属的含量均远高于干流,也表明接纳大量工业废水的2条支流对黄河包头段重金属的污染迭加作用。相较而言,昆都仑河对黄河包头段Pb和Zn的贡献较大,四道沙河对Cu的贡献较大。
2.3 不同粒级沉积物对重金属形态分布的贡献率
表1 排污河污染物入黄量Table1 The discharge amount of pollution from the two branches
图3 支流表层沉积物(0~10 cm)中重金属形态含量的分布特征Fig.3 The speciation distribution character of heavymetal in the surface sediments from the branch
图4 各粒级对重金属形态的贡献率Fig.4 Contribution rate of grain size fractions to heavymetal
由图4可看出,不同粒级颗粒物质量分数的变化趋势与各形态重金属的质量分数基本相同,亦即质量分数大的颗粒物粒级对重金属各形态的贡献率也大.站位中各粒级对重金属形态的贡献率依序为D5> D4、D2>D3>D1;B站位为D4>D3、D2>D5>D1;C站位为D3>>D5>D4、D2>D1;D站位为D5>>D4 >D3>D2>D1。
2.4 重金属形态分布的粒度效应
图5 碳酸盐、有机质、三氧化二铁和二氧化锰与平均粒径的相关关系Fig.5 Correlation between the contents of carbonate, organicmatter,ferric oxide,manganese dioxide and themean grain size
3 主要结论
表2 Cu、Pb、Zn各形态及总量与碳酸盐、有机质、铁锰氧化物含量的相关性分析Table2 Correlation between the contents of carbonate,organicmatter,ferric oxide,manganese dioxide and speciation and total concentration of heavy metal
总体上,黄河干支流沉积物中3种重金属各形态含量均随粒级增大而减小,表现明显的粒度效应。重金属形态分布的粒度效应是沉积物粒径大小与沉积物中有机质、碳酸盐、铁氧化物和锰氧化物等活性组分含量共同作用的结果,粒径是主控因素.e的含量是影响不同粒级黄河包头段沉积物中重金属的主导形态-铁锰氧化物结合态的主要因素。同一粒级沉积物中,不同重金属同一形态的含量总体有Zn> Pb>Cu的规律,与黄河中游沉积物重金属背景值Zn >Cu>Pb的研究结果不尽一致,揭示来自包头市工业废水的外源重金属对黄河水体沉积物的叠加影响。
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Species and Distribution of Heavy M etals in Different Size Fractions of Sediments from the Baotou Section of the Yellow River
TIAN Hui-juan1,2HE Jiang1LÜChang-wei1FAN Qing-yun1
(1.College of Environment and Resources,Inner Mongolia University,Huhhot 010021;2.Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang,Jiangsu 222005;3.Institute of Enviromental Geology,Inner M ongalia.University,Huhhot 010021)
The Yellow River contains large amounts of sands,resulting in a peculiar hydraulic condition which is characterized by amagnificent interface between the particulates and water.In addition,Baotou section of the Yellow River suffers from severe heavy metal pollution receiving the industrial discharges from the Baotou city.Therefore, this study was carried out on Baotou section of the Yellow River based on its representativeness on themechanism of heavymetal adsorption on water-sediment interface,and on the heavy metal spatial distribution,mobilization,transformation,and accumulation effects in sediments.Because of their persistence in the environment,heavymetals often pose threats to aquatic lives and plants in the environment.Based on the theories and methods of environmental geochemistry,biogeochemistry,pollution ecology and modern sedimentology,the speciation distribution characters of heavymetals such as Cu,Pb,Zn in the different grain sizes sediments and the contribution of the different grain sizes sediments on the concentrations of differentheavymetals speciation were discussed in thiswork.The results indicated that the bound to Fe-Mn oxide was the dominant form of non-steady-state of Cu,Pb,and Zn in different grain sizes sediments from the Yellow River,and therewere the concentration order of the bound to Fe-Mn oxide>the bound to carbonate>the bound to organicmatter for Cu and Pb,while the bound to Fe-Mn oxide>the bound to organicmatter>the bound to carbonate for Zn.The grain-size effects of the different species for the selected heavymetalswere observed in thiswork which was the results of particle size and active components such as organic matter,carbonate and Fe-Mn oxides in different grain sizes sediments from the studied section of the Yellow River.In all of the factors, the particle sizes played a key role in affecting the concentration of different species of the selected heavy metals.Based on the experiments,itwas found that the bound to Fe-Mn oxides was the dominant form in different size fractions of sediments from Baotou Section of the Yellow River,and its concentration wasmainly influenced by the content of Fe oxide in differentgrain sizes sediments from the studied section of the Yellow River.The results also showed that the concentrations of each species were ranked as Zn>Pb>Cu in the same size fraction sediments,which was not consistentwith the background values of heavymetals in sediment from themidstream of the Yellow River.The differences found in thiswork indicated that therewere exogenous heavymetals inputs from the industrialwastewater of the Baotou City from another point of view.The dominant forms of Cu,Pb and Zn are Fe-Mn oxides bound and bound to organic matter in sediments from the tributaries of the Yellow River.From the comparison between the main stream and the tributaries of the Baotou Section of the Yellow River,it could be found that the concentration of each species for the selected heavymetals in the tributarieswere obviously high than those in themain stream which was also indicated the exogenous heavymetals inputs from the industrialwastewater of the Baotou City.By the comparison of the two tributaries,the pollution superposition of Pb and Zn from the Kundulun Riverwere higher than those from the Sidaosha River,while the pollution superposition of Cu from the Sidaosha Riverwas higher than those from the Kundulun River.The correlation analysis indicated that there were negative correlation between the mean grain sizes and the concentrations of organicmatter,carbonate,Fe oxide and Mn oxide in the sedimentswith differentgrain sizes from the main stream of the Yellow River.The results showed that therewere significant negative correlation found between the organic matter and themean grain sizeswith the correlation coefficient of-0.975(p<0.005);and there were significant negative correlation found between the carbonate and themean grain sizes with the correlation coefficient of-0.944(p<0.05).he contribution ofmass fraction for different size sediments to speciation distribution was different.The ordre of contribution rate for differentgrain sizes sedimentswas D5>D4,D2>D3>D1 at Site A;D4 >D3,D2>D5>D1 at Site B;D3≫D5>D4,D2>D1 at Site C;D5≫D4>D3>D2>D1 at Site D.Overall,the contribution on heavy metal speciation in sediments from Baotou Section of the Yellow River was mainly caused by the size fractions of D5 and D3.hus,the potential ecological risk caused by the different grain size sediments can not be ignored,especially the size fractions of D5 and D3.
Baotou section of Yellow River;size fraction of sediment;speciation of heavy metal;grain-size effect
田慧娟 女 1979年出生 硕士研究生 环境地球化学
何江 E-mail:ndjhe@imu.edu.cn
P512.2 P595
①国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:40363001)、内蒙古自然科学基金(编号:990303-1)、内蒙古教育厅重点项目基金(编号:ZD9901)、内蒙古“ 321人才工程”基金(内人(99)51)和教育部高等院校骨干教师项目基金联合资助。