


王 彬

(淮北师范大学 外语教育学院,安徽 淮北235000)


王 彬

(淮北师范大学 外语教育学院,安徽 淮北235000)



随着经济全球化的日益加深,各国之间经济的相互依存日益密切,越来越多的国内外企业走向国际市场,很多企业都通过到境外发行股票的方式以寻求更多的资金。为此,发行人必须根据有关法律规定,以招股说明书(prospectus)的形式向社会公众投资人公开进行募股。这就使得招股说明书的翻译成为译界亟待研究的一个课题。Martin Joos按照语言使用的正式程度提出了五种变体,它们是:(1)庄重文体(the frozen style);(2)正式文体(the formal style);(3)商议文体(the consultative style);(4)随便文体(the casual style);(5)亲密文体(the intimate style)。[1]招股说明书是各种英语文体中正式程度最高的一种,即庄重文体。本文拟从词汇和句法两个方面讨论招股说明书英语的文体特点及翻译策略,以期对招股说明书的翻译有所裨益。

一 招股说明书英语的词汇特点

1 大量使用专业术语

由于内容庞杂,招股说明书中经常充满一些专业性很强的相关专业术语,比如法律术语、金融证卷术语、商业贸易术语等。其中出现较多的法律术语有:principal委托人/当事人;verdict裁决;arm’s length 公平交易;constitution公司章程等。其中出现频率较高的金融证卷术语有:number of Offer Shares发售股份数目;number of Public Offer Shares公开发行股票数目;Offer Price发售价;Stock Code股份代号;spot foreign exchange即期外汇;retail investors散户(投资者);bad or doubtful debt坏账或呆账/呆坏账;bailee clause受托人条款;nestegg存款备用金;sale charge认购费等。出现频率较高的商业贸易术语有:cushion存货;indent国外订单;spot delivery现场交易;tradable quotation交易报价;aggregate investment投资总额;sale of assets售卖资产等。

2 常使用缩略词


3 频繁使用新颖词汇及经常使用古旧词汇

招股说明书中经常出现一些新颖词汇。比如:private key私人密码匙;key pair配对密码匙;electronic signature电子签名;asymmetric cryptosystem非对称密码系统等。


例1 A copy of this Prospectus,having attached thereto the documents specified in the section headed “Documents Delivered to the Registrar of companies”…….

例2 The Company has thereby applied for a waiver…

例3 Notice of meetings and business to be conducted thereat;


二 招股说明书英语的句法特点


1 大量使用长句


例4 We are required to ensure that all our listing documents and share certificates include the statements stipulated below and to instruct and cause each of our share registrars not to register the subscription,purchase or transfer of any of our Shares in the name of any particular holder unless and until such holder delivers to the share registrar a signed form in respect of those Shares bearing statements to the following effect,that the acquirer of Shares:

agrees with us and each shareholder,and we agree with each shareholder,to observe and comply with the PRC Company Law,the Special Regulations and the Articles of Association;

agrees with us and each shareholder,Director,Supervisor,manager and other officer and we acting both for the company and for each Director,Supervisor,manager and other officer,agree with each shareholder to refer all differences and claims arising from the Articles of Association or any rights or obligations conferred or imposed by the PRC Company Law or other relevant laws and administrative regulations concerning our affairs to arbitration in accordance with the Articles of Association. Any reference to arbitration will be deemed to authorize the arbitration tribunal to conduct its hearing in open session and to publish its award. Such arbitration will be final and conclusive;

agrees with us and each shareholder that Shares are freely transferable by the holder thereof; and

authorizes us to enter into a contract on his behalf with each Director and officer whereby such Directors and officers undertake to observe and comply with their obligations to shareholders as stipulated in the Articles of Association.


2 被动语态的使用


例5 CNOOC is obliged to provide benefits and services to its employees and employees of its associates .

例6 No action has been taken to permit a public offering of the Offer Shares or the distribution of this Prospectus in any jurisdiction other than Hong Kong.

3 大量使用套句

各个国家的招股说明书都有自己的基本格式。比如我国大陆的招股说明书分为封面、目录、正文、附录和备查文件五个部分。而香港特区的招股章程一般分为首页与重要提示(Face and Important)、预期时间表(Expected Timetable)、目录(Contents)、正文(Body)和附录(Appendixes)五个部分。[3]招股说明书的每个部分都要求程式化、规范化和条理化,因此招股说明书中大量使用套语和套句。例如,香港的招股章程几乎都有“重要提示(Important)”这一重要项目。“重要提示”的内容是由《公司条例》规定的:


If you are in any doubt about this Prospectus,you should consult your stockbroker,bank manager,solicitor,professional accountant or other professional adviser.



三 大量使用数字及图表


例7 As of December 31, As of June 30,1999 2000 2001 2002 Selected Balance Sheet Data:Cash and cash equivalents 935,072 870,376 871,124 164,315 Current assets 1,519,200 1,678,897 1,787,195 1,492,348 Property, plant and equipment, net 2,480,273 2,721,901 3,048,945 4,134,958 Interests in jointly-Controlled entities 69,270 81,149 193,922 155,310 Interests in an associate‥ — 36,487 — —

As of December 31, As of June 30,1999 2000 2001 2002 Total assets 4,074,938 4,518,434 5,030,062 5,782,616 Current liabilities 1,0379,708 1,371,992 1,721,057 850,735 Long term bank and other oans,net of current portion 4,500 55,000 30,000 —Total long-term liabilities‥ 329,500 422,000 374,000 1,260,300 Total liabilities 1,369,208 1,793,992 2,095,057 2,111,035 Owner’s/shareholder’s equity 2,705,730 2,724,442 2,935,005 3,671,581

四 招股说明书英语的翻译策略


1 专业术语和缩略词的翻译

“翻译专业术语,首要遵循的基本原则是准确性和统一性原则。”[5]我们在翻译招股说明书中一些专业性很强的专业术语和缩略语时,要结合上下文和相关专业领域来确定其含义,切忌主观臆测。如;arm’s length不能按照字面意思理解成“手臂的长度”,而是“公平交易”;“satisfaction”不是“满意”,而是“清偿/信纳”;balance ticket不能译成“平衡票据”,而是“决算单/销售股票凭证”……。所以,译者在翻译这些术语和缩略语的时候,如果不确定它们的意思,应该请教专业人士或查阅专业工具书,以确保译文的专业性和准确性。

2 长句的翻译


例8 Our valuation of each of the property interests represents its open market value which we would define as intended to mean an opinion of the best price at which the sale of an interest in property would have been completed unconditionally for cash consideration on the date of valuation,assuming:

(a) a willing seller

(b) that,prior to the date of valuation,there had been a reasonable period for the proper marketing of the interest,for the agreement of the price and terms and for the completion of the sale;

(c) that the state of the market,level of values and other circumstances were,on any earlier assumed date of exchange of contracts,the same as on the date of valuation;

(d) that no account is taken of any additional bid by a prospective purchaser with a special interest;and

(e) that both parties to the transaction had acted knowledgably,prudently and without compulsion

本句结构复杂,修饰成分很多,语句较长,给翻译带来了相当的困难。译者在动手翻译之前应该先分析其语法结构,找出句中各成分之间的逻辑关系。该句中多次使用定语从句(which 和at which)和宾语从句(以that引导的b-e项)。


(a) 有自愿卖方;

(b) 于估值之日前,有一段合理时间在市场适当推销权益、协商价格及条款及完成销售;

(c) 于任何较早假定交换和约之日,市况、价值水平及其他情况均与估值当日相同;

(d) 不考虑具有特殊兴趣之有意买家之任何追加出价;及

(e) 交易双方均在知情、审慎及并无强迫之情况下进行交易。

3 套句的翻译


五 结 语


[1] 杨国燕. 法律英语的语言特点及翻译技巧[J].石家庄学院学报,2005(1).

[2] 李春红.报关英语的词汇特点及英译初探[J].中国科技翻译,2008(3)

[3] 李克兴 张新红.法律文本与法律翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2005:269-271.

[4] 刘宓庆.文体与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1998:577-578.

[5] 吴洁.租赁合同的特点与翻译[J].中国科技翻译,2009(3).

Research into Style Features of Prospectus English and its Translation

(Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei Anhui 235000, China)

prospectus English; style features; translation

As a variety of English for ESP, prospectus English has its special style features. This paper discusses the style features of prospectus English by analyzing its lexical features and syntactic features, and goes further into the principles on how to reproduce its specialty, rigorousness and accuracy.





淮北师范大学校级教研项目 JY09221

