

中国病理生理杂志 2011年8期

王 广, 王晓钰, 李 艳, 王丽京, 雷 健, 张笑坛, 耿建国, 杨雪松△


在胚胎发育的原肠胚后期,神经褶(neural fold)的两侧相互靠拢,形成一个管道,称之为神经管(neural tube),神经管逐渐发育为脊椎动物的中枢神经系统(CNS),因此神经管是神经系统正常形成的基础。体节是位于脊索和神经管两侧分节排列的中胚层组织团块组织,是一种发育过程中的暂时性结构,是骨骼、肌肉、皮肤和尿殖器官(泌尿、生殖器官)的发生来源。神经管上基因表达与体节发育是紧密相关的,例如神经管表达的Wnt1能够促进noggin基因的表达,noggin基因不仅对体节发育有重要作用,还是形成神经管背侧细胞的BMP(bone morphogenetic protein)基因的拮抗基因[1]。



1 材料

胚蛋(华南农业大学新鲜正大肉鸡发展中心);Robo1-shRNA-GFP和pEGFP-N1(耿建国实验室提供);Slug(Kees Weijer实验室提供);anti-GFP(Novus);anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 488(Invtrogen);anti- mouse Alexa Fluor IgM555(Invtrogen);anti-HNK-1(Sigma);DIG RNA labeling kit(Roche);anti-digoxigenin-AP Fab fragments(Roche);DH5α大肠杆菌感受态(TaKaRa);质粒快速提取试剂盒(北京天根生化科技有限公司);DNA回收纯化试剂盒(北京天根生化科技有限公司);明胶(北京奇华盛生物技术有限公司);Milli-Q Integral水纯化系统(Millipore);ECM309 Electroporation System(BTX);MVX10体视荧光倒置显微镜(Olympus);数显电热恒温培养箱(上海博迅实业有限公司医疗设备厂);CM1900型冷冻切片机(Leica)。

2 方法

2.1 蛋内转染 37℃温箱孵育36 h后,HH10胚蛋横放,70%乙醇擦拭蛋壳消毒,在气室对侧用注射器抽出4 mL蛋清,透明胶带封口。在胚蛋侧面剪刀剪开1个小窗,体式显微镜下将质粒注射入神经管腔内,此时神经管尚未完全闭合,见图1。转染完毕后洁净透明胶带封口,37℃温箱孵育10 h,取出鸡胚[6],4%多聚甲醛固定4℃过夜。实验重复3次。

Figure 1.The methods of in ovo electroporation at HH10 in chick embryo.A:an egg was windowed on the lateral at HH10.B:plasmid DNA was injected into the lumen of the neural tube from dorsal side of chick embryo using microinjection.The electrodes were laid aside parallel with embryonic craniocaudal axis.C,D:carmine staining,D is the section of neural tube at the dotted line-indicated site of the whole embryo.图1 鸡胚HH10期蛋内电穿孔转染方法

2.2 原位杂交 4%多聚甲醛固定的胚胎梯度浓度过甲醇/PTW后,100%甲醇洗2次,随后梯度洗入PTW。65℃预杂交1 h,80℃预热5 min的探针65℃孵育过夜,含有2%Boehringer和20%灭活羊血清的TBST封闭液室温封闭2 h,1∶1 000 anti-DIG 4℃摇床过夜,碱性磷酸酶显色。

2.3 免疫荧光 原位杂交后的胚胎PTW洗3次,含有10%灭活羊血清的PBT室温封闭2 h,Ⅰ抗(anti-GFP:1∶1 000;anti-HNK -1:1∶500)4 ℃摇床过夜,1∶1 000荧光Ⅱ抗显色(anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 488,anti-mouse Alexa Fluor IgM555)。

2.4 冰冻切片 胚胎采用明胶 -蔗糖包埋[7],切片厚度20 μm。

结 果

1 Robo1-shRNA-GFP能够下调神经管Robo1的表达


Figure 2.Down-regulation of Robo1 expression in neural tube of chick embryo using Robo1-shRNA -GFP.A,C and D,F:pEGFP-N1 and Robo1-shRNA -GFP were transfected in left side of neural tube,respectively.B,C,E,F:the expression of Robo1 in chick embryos were checked using RNA -RNA in situ hybridization.B,C:the expression of Robo1 between the electroporation side and control side of neural tube was similar in pEGFP-N1 control group.E,F:Robo1-shRNA-GFP down-regulated the expression of Robo1 in neural tube as indicated by red arrows.Scale bar=50 μm.NT:neural tube;So:somite;No:notochord.图2 Robo1-shRNA-GFP下调鸡胚早期神经管Robo1的表达

2 下调Robo1在神经管的表达导致神经管发育异常


Figure 3.Blocking Slit2/Robo1 signaling via down-regulation of Robo1 resulted in abnormal fusion of neural tube and expression of Slug.A -C:transfection of GFP had no effect on the fusion of neural tube(labeled by dotted lines in C)and expression of Slug(indicated by red arrows in B).D-F:both fusion of neural tube(labeled by dotted lines in F)and expression of Slug pattern(indicated by a green arrow in E)were impeded by down - regulated Robo1 expression.Scale bar=20 μm.NT:neural tube;No:notochord.图3 鸡胚早期下调Robo1对神经管闭合与Slug表达的影响


3 下调Robo1后神经嵴细胞迁移异常导致体节提前分化


Figure 4.The migration of neural crest cells to somites was enhanced after down-regulation of Robo1 in neural tube.B:Slug expression was similar between transfection side and control side in pEGFP-N1 control group.C,D:the migration of neural crest cells to somites was similar between transfection side and control side in pEGFP-N1 control group(red arrows).F:both fusion of neural tube and expression of Slug pattern were impeded by down-regulated Robo1 expression.G,H:the neural crest cells on the transfection side migrated to somites earlier than those on the control side in Robo1-shRNA-GFP group(green arrows).Scale bar=20 μm.图4 下调Robo1表达增加神经嵴细胞迁移至体节

讨 论

Slit蛋白及其受体Robo蛋白在进化上都属于比较保守的家族,在哺乳动物中至少含有3个Slit基因(Slit1,Slit2,Slit3)和4个Robo基因(Robo1,Robo2,Robo3,Robo4),Slit2及其受体Robo1在神经管以及以后的整个中枢神经系统都有表达[11,12],在胚胎发育过程中由于神经管不闭合而导致的畸形我们称之为神经管缺陷(neural tube defects,NTDs),全球新生儿发病率高达 1/1 000-1/100[13],常见的 NTDs包括无脑畸形、脑膨出、露脑、颅脊柱裂、脂肪瘤型脊髓脊膜膨出、脑膜膨出、脊髓脊膜突出等[14]。本实验选取HH10期胚胎为实验模型,神经管尚未完全闭合,在实验中干扰了半侧神经管Robo1的表达后,下调Robo1侧的神经管较正常侧发育得短小,并且Slug的表达也受到了明显干扰,提示Slit2/Robo1能够影响Slug的表达,进而在胚胎发育早期影响神经管的闭合。


体节是脊椎动物胚胎发育过程中一个暂时性结构,是脊椎动物发育分节结构的基础[20],随着胚胎的发育继续形成生骨节和生皮肌节。至少2种人类疾病-脊椎肋骨发育不全和Alagille综合症是与体节发育异常相关的[21]。Robo1在鸡胚发育至2.5 d时也会表达在体节生皮肌节[4];神经管、脊索、外胚层和神经嵴细胞都会影响体节生皮肌节的形成和分化[22]。本实验发现,神经嵴细胞的异常迁移导致了体节的提前分化,提示Slit2/Robo1在体节分化中有重要作用。尚不清楚的是这种作用是直接的还是间接的,机制如何,有待进一步探讨。

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DiI 在已固定人胚胎周围神经的示踪研究