

世界建筑 2011年7期

1 历史照片/Historical photos(摄影/Photo: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek)

2 历史照片/Historical photos(摄影/Photo: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek)

3 地下二层平面/Basement 2 plan 1-艺术品出租/Artothek 2-入口区/Entrance Area 3-储藏/Storage 4-技术用房/Technics

4 地下一层平面/Basement 1 plan 1-开放区/Open Area 2-露台/Terrace 3-沃特巴花园/Wotruba-Garden 4-厨房/Kitchen 5-咖啡厅、衣帽间/Cafe、Wardrobe 6-儿童工作室/Children's Studio 7-院子/Yard 8-沃特巴档案储藏/Storage Wotruba-Archive 9-工作位/Working Station 10-雕塑院/Sailpture Yard 11-沃特巴展览区/Exhibition Area Wotruba 12-技术用房/Technics 13-储藏/Storage



2011年9月,“20年代之屋”将在奥地利美景宫美术馆中重新作为一个艺术博物馆开放。□(司马蕾 译)

5 改造前/Before conversion(摄影/Photo: Kurt Prinz)

6 改造前/Before conversion(摄影/Photo: Kurt Prinz)

7 改造前/Before conversion(摄影/Photo: Kurt Prinz)

8 改造前/Before conversion(摄影/Photo: Kurt Prinz)

9 改造前/Before conversion(摄影/Photo: Kurt Prinz)

10 首层平面/Ground floor plan 1-入口区/Entrance Area 2-功能房/Function Room 3-电影院/Cinema 4-门厅/Foyer 5-博物馆商店/Museum Shop 6-入口厅/Entrance Hall 7-办公空间/Office Hall

11 上层平面/Upper floor plan 1-中庭/Atrium 2-画廊/Gallery 3-管理/Administration

This building is a pavilion for the Brussels world fair in 1958, designed by Karl Schwanzer, fascinating with its character that generates the surroundings,heights and spaces. In 1962 the building was reerected in Vienna and since then used as a Museum for the Arts of the 20th Century.

Remarkable is the accompanying music of space, located at the rear, which give room for sculptures, which nestles to the building.The present appearance of the “20er Haus”on Arsenal Street is strengthened by adding a lowered court and a bridge crossing the same.The space in front of the building and the bridge present the landscape frame of the building.The frontcourts width defines the dimension of the tower located at the end of the court. The tower serves as an important signal for the new definition of the “20er Haus” without actually touching the existing building. By continuing the rules of topology of the existing arrangement and gaining a lower floor, a new definition and a reassessment is achieved. A variable exhibition system on the upper floor makes different use of space possible. The tower inscribes itself into the grid like emphasis of the structure.

In September 2011 the 20er-Haus will be reopened as an Art-Museum for the Österreichische Galerien Belvedere. □

业主/Client: Burghauptmannschaft, Österreich

使用者/Occupant: Österreichische Galerien Belvedere

合作者/Collaborators: Luciano Parodi (项目建筑师/Project Architect), Jana Raudnitzky, Felix Siegrist,Karin Triendl, Florian Zierer, Anna Dabernig, Gregor Hauke, Stefan Just

12 效果图/Rendering

13 效果图/Rendering

14 剖面/Sections

15 剖面/Sections

16 剖面/Sections


第九道 灵化阁入口保卫战