展馆常代表昙花一现之美和一种近乎拟人的维度:它们程式化地出现在“错误”的地点,转瞬即逝,却仍可以(也许)成功地使人们产生正确的意识。建筑的物质性消失了,取而代之的将是其重要意义——这是一种可与写作相媲美的现象。文字,无论是打印、镌刻或绘制的,都拥有某种纪念性的特点。当一个个字母被组织为词汇、语句和文章段落时,字母便消失了,转而为文字的含义所替代。这座展馆和文字的联系也产生了内涵。□(徐知兰 译)
Pavilions represent the beauty of transience,an almost anthropomorphic dimension: They are stylised, transitory appearances at the 'wrong' place but can still, possibly, succeed in creating a correct consciousness. The physicality of the building disappears to be replaced by its significance - a phenomenon comparable with that of writing.Lettering, whether typed, chiselled or painted,possesses a certain monumental character which,when the letters are arranged to form words,sentences and texts, disappears to be replaced by meaning. The pavilion and the lettering are engaged in a relationship which produces meaning. □
业主/Client: 奥地利共和国/Republic of Austria
合作者/Collaborator: Eric Red
1 外景/Exterior view(摄影/Photo: Margherita Spiluttini)
2 剖面/Section
3 平面/Plan
4 外景/Exterior view
5 外景/Exterior view
6 内景/Interior view(4-6 摄影/Photo: Margherita Spiluttini)