因为这一地区经常性的暴风雨天气和强风会刮断树枝,屋顶结构经过了加固以抵御落枝的冲击。□(司马蕾 译)
1 Boh茶园/Boh Tea Centre
2 位置/Location
3 外景/Exterior view
4 立面/Elevation
5 剖面及总平面/Section & site plan 1-主入口/Main entrance 2-画廊/Gallery 3-咖啡厅/Cafeteria 4-厨房/Kitchen 5-卫生间/Wash area 6-零售/Retail 7-仓库/Storage 8-视听室/AV room 9-展室/Exhibition 10-停车区/Parking area 11-老厂房/Old factory
6 外景/Exterior view
7 外景/Exterior view
8 外景/Exterior view
Principal Project Challenges
Most of the work had to be done from the local factory, and materials have had to be sourced from a close-by supply to reduce impact on our cost and the Client's limited budgets. It was also very difficult to find the skills required of contractors who understood the design concepts, and the particular details we wanted for the facade.
The building had to be naturally ventilated,and thought hard about how to keep vandals and vermin alike, out of the building whilst maintaining sufficient levels of security for the operators. With that we also had to keep the building open-able at all times for visitors. This posed a great challenge for us.
The building also had to be accessed from the current locations, and we had to be sure of keeping the tractor movements around the site with delivery of the teas from the estate, with that we had to leave a gap between the new structure and the existing factory where the teas are processed. The Client kept their operations in a building located very close to the factory, and we had to construct and design around this building, whilst keeping operations intact and uninterrupted throughout the entire construction phase except for a time when they had to move out for short period. With that it was a real challenge also to make sure no structural disturbance was to be imposed to the existing 2 storey houses where the Client offices were located.There was also a very big tree we had to keep whose roots were very close to the building we wanted to put up, which would have posed enormous problems if it ever felled. We devised a plan layout to avoid cutting it down.
In phase 2 of the project, it was envisaged there might be chalets, however due to the limited site access, we had to allow for future expansions without having to demolish this building, although the chalets may be located to the opposite side of the visitor centre.
The Design Solutions
We sourced materials which are readily available, and that would be easy to fabricate and install. Our window designs permitted various angles for rain cut off, but also for areas requiring natural ventilation we devised fixed louvers and wooden cladding that allowed air to pass through without adverse rain penetration.
The building plan we devised permitted existing movements of the tractor to pass ahead of the facade, and we avoided any changes to the track ways and routes for the old tractor to make its way up to the factory. This in turn was an attraction,as it demonstrated the ways tea was delivered as it had been for a very long time. Also the visitor centre was not directly connected to the factory,this made it possible to walk across, an experience that allowed one to appreciate the context of the site better. For visitor security and controlling the flow of pedestrians, we had lifted the floor plan slightly above ground, and this also gave the Project its lightness, and feeling of floating above ground.The building has good control of people movements as the internal layouts allowed only one single entry point to the building and this made commercial sense of the retail design that was desired by the Client's operations.
In order to minimize disturbances and interruptions to Client operations, the building devised a system of steel frames that permitted cutting out of floor areas where existing structures had to be retained, and also where a tree or a column had to be avoided. The cut outs also permitted for the Clients offices to be integrated into the floor plan.
The whole structure was elevated in the centre, to allow for trucks and vehicles to pass under, without major disruptions to the operations of the Visitor Centre. With that we introduced a gentle ramp that elevated the centre of the building very gently without any need for stairs or steps internally, but also in the future it was still possible to dismantle the centre of the building to allow larger vehicles to pass through if required.
The roof structure has been reinforced to account for felling trees, as the chances of branches breaking off are high given the frequent stormy weather and its high winds in this area. □
9 材料/Materials
10 材料/Materials
11 材料/Materials
12 材料/Materials
13 入口立面/Elevation of the entrance
14 展室立面/Elevation of the exhibition
15 商店立面/Elevation of the shop
16 咖啡厅立面/Elevation of the cafeteria
17 外景/Exterior view