电子俘获材料的研究现状及在红外检测方面的应用 … ………… 李健雄,余 华,李 珣,赵丽娟(2-93)
光栅参数测量技术研究进展 … …………………………………………… 刘洪兴,张 巍,巩 岩(2-103)
光声成像技术的最新进展 ……………………………………… 张建英,谢文明,曾志平,李 晖(2-111)
碳纤维复合材料在航天领域的应用 ……………………………………………… 李 威,郭权锋(3-201)
机载激光3D探测成像系统的发展现状…………………………… 张 健,张 雷,曾 飞,王 旭,赵嘉鑫,田海英,任 航,李俊峰(3-213)
太阳能热发电聚光系统的研究进展 ………… 韩雪冰,魏秀东,卢振武,吴宏圣,郭邦辉,杨洪波(3-233)
靶场光学测量中的变焦距光学系统 … …………………………………… 李零印,王一凡,王 骥(3-240)
激光等离子体微推进技术的研究进展 ………………………… 叶继飞,洪延姬,王广宇,李南雷(4-319)
机载激光3D探测成像系统的关键技术 ……………………… 孟庆季,张续严,周 凌,王 超(4-327)
基于鹰鸽量子博弈理论评价科研院所的科技自主创新能力………………………………………… 白雨虹,王延章,王雪华,Michael A Fiddy(4-340)
单点金刚石机床及其在光学工程领域的应用 …………………………………… 巩 岩,赵 磊(6-537)
温室气体遥感探测仪器发展现状…………………………………………………………… 郑玉权(6-546)
狭缝光栅、柱面透镜光栅及其新构型在三维显示中的应用………………………………………………………… 谢宏斌,杨 勇,赵 星,方志良,袁小聪(6-562)
冷原子介质中基于相干诱导高反射带和高透射带的全光路由控制………………………………………………………………… 国秀珍,侯丽新,尹昭泰,吴金辉(4-355)
亚波长金属光栅的表面等离子体激元共振特性 ……………… 刘 镜,刘 娟,王涌天,谢敬辉(4-363)
空间遥感器中大口径SiC主镜的轻量化设计 ………………… 董吉洪,王克军,李延春,王海萍(2-118)
低轨微小卫星及小碎片搜索/跟踪机动式大视场光电望远镜……………………………………………… 高 昕,王建立,唐 嘉,韩昌元,赵金宇,明 名(2-124)
空间相机电控机箱的热设计及仿真分析……………………………………… 郭 亮,吴清文,曹启鹏,颜昌翔,陈立恒,王领华,刘伟毅(2-129)
空间光学遥感器热设计 … ……………………………… 杨献伟,吴清文,李书胜,江 帆,李志来(2-139)
基于TFT-LCD的动态星模拟器星点位置修正方法………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 王 俣,张国玉,高玉军,孙高飞,郑 茹(3-247)
自动寻日的太阳辐照绝对辐射计 ………………………………………………… 王红睿,方 伟(3-252)
弱光紫外星模拟器的研制 … …………………………… 徐 亮,赵建科,周 艳,张 洁,刘 峰(4-369)
计算机辅助装调与传统基准传递技术相结合实现三镜消像散系统的装调…………………………………………………………………………… 朱时雨,张 新,李 威(6-571)
高体分SiCp/Al复合材料螺纹性能的测试 … 刘炳强,李景林,王书新,高明辉,孙 斌,伞 兵(6-576)
标校经纬仪航向标定修正方法 …………………………………………………… 李 淼,高慧斌(6-583)
轻型高稳定性离轴非球面平行光管设计…………………………………………………… 刘 磊(6-588)
乌氏干涉测量的信息读取………………………………………………… 张景和,张顺国,董跃华(2-147)
大口径光学元件重力变形补偿的设计分析 … 王汝冬,王 平,田 伟,王立朋,隋永新,杨怀江(3-259)
300 mm平面标准镜装卡结构的关键参数 …………… 田 伟,王汝冬,王 平,隋永新,王立朋(3-264)
电机补偿式焦度仪镜片参数的计算………………………………………………………… 张永玲(3-271)
大相对孔径红外消热差物镜设计 ………………………………………………… 张 鑫,贾宏光(4-374)
标准镜的高精度柔性支撑镜框的优化设计 … 王 平,田 伟,王汝冬,王立朋,隋永新,杨怀江(4-380)
二氧化碳探测仪典型透镜支撑结构的设计及分析 ……………………………… 梁 彪,刘 伟(4-388)
高倍聚光太阳模拟器的设计 … ………………………… 刘洪波,高 雁,王 丽,顾国超,冯伟昌(6-594)
线性加速度计在压电陀螺卡尔曼滤波技术中的应用 ………… 林旻序,汪永阳,戴 明,乔彦峰(6-600)
车载光电稳定平台外框架优化设计 … …………………………………… 刘长顺,王 兵,陈兆兵(6-606)
高速CCD成像电路抗串扰技术 ………………………………………… 薛旭成,李洪法,郭永飞(6-611)
相位板装配倾斜对波前编码系统点扩散函数的影响 … …………………………………… 方 超(6-617)
一种空域和频域相结合的运动图像亚像素配准技术 ……… 孙 辉,李志强,孙丽娜,郎小龙(2-154)
红外和彩色可见光图像亮度-对比度传递融合算法 …………………… 李光鑫,吴伟平,胡 君(2-161)
有限元-边界法在光电目标散射计算中的应用 ………………………… 陈兆兵,郭 劲,林 森(2-169)
成像光谱仪星上光谱定标的数据处理 … ……………… 张军强,邵建兵,颜昌翔,吴清文,陈 伟(2-175)
采用树脂透镜的掌纹图像采集光学系统设计 … ………………………………… 袁春晓,孙 强(2-182)
基于FPGA的红外图像仿真注入系统 ………………………… 管目强,李 岩,黄 梅,王鹤淇(3-277)
基于微粒群区域搜索和小波评价的差分式自动聚焦 … ………………… 吕恒毅,刘 杨,薛旭成(3-283)
“视频图像处理专集”导读 ………………………………………………………………… 于前洋(5-429)
图像处理智能化的发展趋势………………………………………………………………… 宋建中(5-431)
压缩感知理论在图像处理领域的应用 … ………………………………… 朱 明,高 文,郭立强(5-441)
无人机光电载荷图像处理器的设计………………………………………………………… 鲁剑锋(5-448)
两种高速CMOS图像传感器的应用与测试 ……………………………………… 孙宏海,刘艳滢(5-453)
利用DSP底层结构提高MPEG-4编码的实时性 ………………………………………… 李桂菊(5-461)
高频信息矢量匹配实现异源图像配准……………………………………………………… 韩广良(5-468)
基于自适应平台阈值和拉普拉斯变换的红外图像增强 … ……………… 孙海江,王延杰,刘伟宁(5-474)
多模跟踪技术在轮式侦察车图像处理器的应用 ………………………………… 郝志成,高 文(5-480)
非下采样变换的红外与可见光图像融合 ………………………………………… 陈小林,王延杰(5-489)
彩色图像四元数矩不变量的研究 … ……………………………………… 朱 明,孙继刚,郭立强(5-497)
基于小波域扩散滤波的弱小目标检测……………………………………………………… 刘伟宁(5-503)
精确自动识别莫尔条纹方向角的算法 … ……………… 王明佳,武治国,徐大鹏,李桂菊,张旭光(5-509)
利用加权预测的图像迭代盲解卷积 … …………………………………… 邸 男,付东辉,王毅楠(5-514)
运动背景下的帧间稳像技术……………………………………………… 武治国,韩广良,王明佳(5-519)
平面场景和建筑物成像几何分析 ……………………………… 张 叶,曲宏松,李桂菊,王延杰(5-525)
局部方差在图像质量评价中的应用………………………………………………………… 王宇庆(5-531)
日间恒星实时探测的视频图像处理 … …………………………………… 冯小勇,赵忠华,刘新明(6-622)
条形码技术在方志馆典藏工作中的应用…………………………………………………… 胡浩泉(6-629)
大气气溶胶浓度检测及检测系统设计 … ………………………………… 肖韶荣,汪 坤,刘 娟(6-633)
TiO2/Al2O3薄膜的原子层沉积和光学性能分析 … …………………… 卫耀伟 刘志超 陈松林(2-188)
三维腹腔镜端面宽带增透膜的研制 … ……………………… 魏孜洵 付秀华 石 澎 梅禹珊(2-196)
红外双波段激光滤光膜的研制 ………………………………… 宫大为,付秀华,耿似玉,杨道奇(3-293)
光纤激光器光学膜设计与制备 … ……………………… 梅禹珊,付秀华,杨永亮,魏孜洵,石 澎(3-299)
无线激光通信协议的设计 ……………………………………… 赵丽丽,王挺峰,孙文涛,郭 劲(6-639)
光模块消光比的补偿方法 ………………………………………………………… 王 三,徐红春(6-648)
稳态力输出的实验与理论研究 ……………………………………………………APOLLONOV V V(1-9)
HF激光脉冲与水柱表面相互作用产生电信号 … ……………………………………ANDREEV S N,FIRSOV K N,KAZANTSEV S Yu,KONONOV I G,PASHININ P P,张来明,阮 鹏(1-21)
非链式化学HF(DF)激光器工作气体中电子分离的非稳定性和气体放电等离子体的自组织现象…………………BELEVTSEV A A,FIRSOV K N,KAZANTSEV S Yu,KONONOV I G,张来明(1-31)
封闭空间中易燃混合气体在HF和CO2激光作用下的燃烧引发 … ……………………FIRSOV K N,KAZANTSEV S Yu,KONONOV I G,KOSSYI I A,TARASOVA N M,张来明,谢冀江(1-41)
纳秒激光烧蚀下液态金属表面微结构的形成 ………………TARASENKO V F,PANCHENKO A N,BULGAKOVA N M,SHULEPOV M A,TEL'MINOV A E,李殿军,张来明,姜 可,谢冀江(1-46)
均匀球扭矩德拜级数分析 ………………………………… 李仁先,韩香娥,帕尔哈提江·吐尔孙(1-53)
整形高功率激光装置的任意电脉冲发生器设计……………………………………………… 刘 辉,刘百玉,白永林,欧阳娴,缑永胜,郑锦坤(1-60)
高功率准分子激光主振荡功率放大系统光学元件的稳定性………………………………………………………… 沈炎龙,黄 珂,马连英,郑国鑫,王大辉(1-66)
采用飞秒激光诱导制备彩色金属 ……………………… 李国强,李晓红,杨宏道,邱 荣,黄文浩(1-72)
切向气流作用下激光对典型金属靶的辐照效应 ………………………… 焦路光,赵国民,江厚满(1-77)
皮秒激光透射率法表征高分子薄膜双光子吸收截面 … …………………………… 苏少昌,王希军(1-82)
不同气体环境下532 nm激光诱导硅表面形貌的研究………………………………………………………… 杨宏道,李晓红,李国强,袁春华,邱 荣(1-86)
铷原子饱和吸收光谱与偏振光谱对780 nm半导体激光器稳频的比较………………………………………………………… 王 杰,高 静,杨保东,张天才,王军民(3-305)
非链式脉冲DF激光器的关键技术 … ………………… 阮 鹏,张来明,谢冀江,潘其坤,骆 聪(3-313)
基于热释电探测器的重频脉冲激光诊断 … …………… 张 磊,邵碧波,杨鹏翎,王振宝,闫 燕(4-404)
基于DSP的高功率TEACO2激光器控制系统的高精度数据采集………………………………………………………………… 王鹤淇,孟范江,郭立红,管目强(4-411)
基于光束扫描宽化技术的激光掩模微加工系统……………………………………… 谢冀江,高 飞,潘其坤,杨贵龙,邵春雷,张来明,郭 劲(6-654)
基于SOI非对称马赫曾德尔结构的集成矢量和微波光子移相器……………………………………………… 肖永川,瞿鹏飞,周敬然,刘彩霞,董 玮,陈维友(4-418)
激光驾束制导仪中调制盘的设计 ………………………………………………… 李 娜,王 红(4-423)
掺碲硒化镓晶体的光学性能 … ……… 古新安,朱韦臻,罗志伟,ANDREEV Y M,LANSKII G V,
Yb3+∶Y2O3超细粉体的低温燃烧法合成及发光性能 … …………………………… 卢 歆,田 坚(6-667)
Yb3+/Er3+掺杂氟氧化物微晶玻璃的制备与发光性能 … ……… 李 慧,杨魁胜,祁 宁,左 周(6-672)
Development of discharge pulse repetition rate excimer lasers for different applications LOSEV V F,PANCHENKO Yu N,……………………………………………………………………DUDAREV V V,IVANOV N G,KONOVALOV I N,PAVLINSKY A V,PUCHIKIN A V(1-1)
Recent progress in rare earth electron trapping materials and application to infrared detection……………………………………………………LI Jian-xiong,YU Hua,LI Xun,ZHAO Li-juan(2-93)
Progress in grating parameter measurement technology……………………………………………………LIU Hong-xing,ZHANG Wei,GONG Yan(2-103)
Recent progress in photoacoustic imaging technology……………………………………………………ZHANG Jian-ying,XIE Wen-ming,ZENG Zhi-ping,LI Hui(2-111)
Application of carbon fiber composites to cosmonautic fields ……………………………………………………LI Wei,GUO Quan-feng(3-201)
Development status of airborne 3D imaging lidar systems……………………………………………………ZHANG Jian,ZHANG Lei,ZENG Fei,WANG Xu,ZHAO Jia-xin,TIAN Hai-ying,REN Hang,LI Jun-feng(3-213)
Review of concentration system in solar thermal power plant……………………………………………………HAN Xue-bing,WEI Xiu-dong,LU Zhen-wu,WU Hong-sheng,GUO Bang-hui,YANG Hong-bo(3-233)
Varifocal optical system to optical measurement of shooting range……………………………………………………LI Ling-yin,WANG Yi-fan,WANG Ji(3-240)
Research progress in micro-laser plasma propulsion……………………………………………………YE Ji-fei,HONG Yan-ji,WANG Guang-yu,LI Nan-lei(4-319)
Key technologies of airborne laser 3D detection imaging system……………………………………………………MENG Qing-ji,ZHANG Xu-yan,ZHOU Ling,WANG Chao(4-327)
Evaluation of independent innovation capability of institutes based on hawk-dove quantum games……………………………………………………BAI Yu-hong,WANG Yan-zhang,WANG Xue-hua,Michael A Fiddy(4-340)
Single point diamond machines and their applications to optical engineering……………………………………………………GONG Yan,ZHAO Lei(6-537)
Development status of remote sensing instruments for greenhouse gases……………………………………………………ZHENG Yu-quan(6-546)
Applications of parallax barrier,lenticular lens array and their modified structures to three-dimensional display……………………………………………………XIE Hong-bin,YANG Yong,ZHAO Xing,FANG Zhi-liang,YUAN Xiao-cong(6-562)
Quantum Optics
All-optical routing control based on coherently induced high reflection band and high transmission band in a medium of cold atoms ……GUO Xiu-zhen,HOU Li-xin,YIN Zhao-tai,WU Jin-hui(4-355)
Physical Optics
Resonant properties of sub-wavelength metallic gratings……………………………………………LIU Jing,LIU Juan,WANG Yong-tian,XIE Jing-hui(4-363)
Space Optics
Lightweight design of large-aperture SiC primary mirrors for space remote sensors…………………………………DONG Ji-hong,WANG Ke-jun,LI Yan-chun,WANG Hai-ping(2-118)
Mobile telescope with large FOV for searching and tracking low-orbit micro-satellites and space debris…………GAO Xin,WANG Jian-li,TANG Jia,HAN Chang-yuan,ZHAO Jin-yu,MING Ming(2-124)
Thermal design and simulation analysis of electronic controlling cabinet in space camera…………………………………………………………………………GUO Liang,WU Qing-wen,CAO Qi-peng,YAN Chang-xiang,CHEN Li-heng,WANG Ling-hua,LIU Wei-yi(2-129)
Thermal design of space optical remote sensor…………………………YANG Xian-wei,WU Qing-wen,LI Shu-sheng,JIANG Fan,LI Zhi-lai(2-139)
Star position correction of dynamic star simulator based on TFT-LCD……………………………WANG Yu,ZHANG Guo-yu,GAO Yu-jun,SUN Gao-fei,ZHENG Ru(3-247)
Solar irradiance absolute radiometer with ability of automatic solar tracking………………………………………………………………………WANG Hong-rui,FANG Wei(3-252)
Development of dim light ultraviolet star simulator…………………………………XU Liang,ZHAO Jian-ke,ZHOU Yan,ZHANG Jie,LIU Feng(4-369)
Alignment of off-axis TMA system by combining computer-aided adjustment and traditional benchmark pass method ………………………………………ZHU Shi-yu,ZHANG Xin,LI Wei(6-571)
Characteristic test of threads on high volume fraction SiCp/Al composites……………LIU Bing-qiang,LI Jing-lin,WANG Shu-xin,GAO Ming-hui,SUN Bin,SAN Bing(6-576)
Correction method of heading calibration for calibration theodolite …………LI Miao,GAO Hui-bin(6-583)
Design of off-axis aspherical collimator with lightweight and high stability …………………LIU Lei(6-588)
Optical Instruments
Information reading of Ubbelohde interferometry……………………………………………ZHANG Jing-he,ZHANG Shun-guo,DONG Yue-hua(2-147)
Design and analysis of compensation of large aperture optical element for gravity deformation……WANG Ru-dong,WANG Ping,TIAN Wei,WANG Li-peng,SUI Yong-xin,YANG Huai-jiang(3-259)
Key structural parameters of 300 mm aperture reference flat mirror………………………TIAN Wei,WANG Ru-dong,WANG Ping,SUI Yong-xin,WANG Li-peng(3-264)
Calculation of lens parameters for lensmeters based on motor compensation ……ZHANG Yong-ling(3-271)
Optical design of infrared athermalized objective with large relative aperture……………………………………………………………………ZHANG Xin,JIA Hong-guang(4-374)
Optimized design of high precision flexure-support barrel for reference sphere…WANG Ping,TIAN Wei,WANG Ru-dong,WANG Li-peng,SUI Yong-xin,YANG Huai-jiang(4-380)
Design and analysis of support structure for typical lens of carbon dioxide detector………………………………………………………………………………LIANG Biao,LIU Wei(4-388)
Design of high-flux solar simulator…………………………LIU Hong-bo,GAO Yan,WANG Li,GU Guo-chao,FENG Wei-chang(6-594)
Application of linear accelerometer to Kalman filter for piezoelectric gyro……………………………………LIN Min-xu,WANG Yong-yang,DAI Ming,QIAO Yan-feng(6-600)
Optimization design of external border for vehicle opto-electronic stabilized platform…………………………………………………LIU Chang-shun,WANG Bing,CHEN Zhao-bing(6-606)
Anti-crosstalk techniques for high-speed CCD imaging circuit………………………………………………………XUE Xu-cheng,LI Hong-fa,GUO Yong-fei(6-611)
Effect of tilting phase mask on point spread function in wavefront coding system ……FANG Chao(6-617)
Information Optics
Sub-pixel registration of special and frequency domains for video sequences……………………………………………SUN Hui,LI Zhi-qiang,SUN Li-na,LANG Xiao-long(2-154)
Luminance-contrast transfer based fusion algorithm for infrared and color visible images………………………………………………………………LI Guang-xin,WU Wei-ping,HU Jun(2-161)
Application of FE-BI to calculation of opto-electronic target scattering……………………………………………………………CHEN Zhao-bing,GUO Jin,LIN Sen(2-169)
Data processing of on-orbit spectral calibration of space-borne high resolution imaging spectrometer……………ZHANG Jun-qiang,SHAO Jian-bing,YAN Chang-xiang,WU Qing-wen,CHEN Wei(2-175)
Design of optical system based on resin lens for palmprint image sampling……………………………………………………………………YUAN Chun-xiao,SUN Qiang(2-182)
Infrared image simulation injection system based on FPGA………………………………………………GUAN Mu-qiang,LI Yan,HUANG Mei,WANG He-qi(3-277)
Difference auto-focusing based on particle swarm optimization searching and wavelet evaluation…………………………………………………………LÜ Heng-yi,LIU Yang,XUE Xu-cheng(3-283)
Special topics on video image processing ……………………………………………YU Qian-yang(5-429)
Development trend of image processing intelligence ………………………………SONG Jian-zhong(5-431)
Application of compressed sensing theory in image processing……………………………………………………………ZHU Ming,GAO Wen,GUO Li-qiang(5-441)
Design of image system in opto-electrical payloads on UAV …………………………LU Jian-feng(5-448)
Application and test of two different high-speed digital CMOS image sensors……………………………………………………………………SUN Hong-hai,LIU Yan-ying(5-453)
Improvement of real-time properties of MPEG-4 encoder by DSP underlying structure ……LI Gui-ju(5-461)
Alignment between different source images by high frequency vector matching…………………………………………………………………………………HAN Guang-liang(5-468)
Enhancement of infrared images based on adaptive platform threshold and Laplace transformation………………………………………………………SUN Hai-jiang,WANG Yan-jie,LIU Wei-ning(5-474)
Application of multi-pattarn tracking technique in image processor of wheel type scout car………………………………………………………………………HAO Zhi-cheng1,GAO Wen(5-480)
Infrared and visible image fusion based on nonsubsampled Contourlet transform……………………………………………………………………CHEN Xiao-lin,WANG Yan-jie(5-489)
Quaternion moment invariant for color image ……………ZHU Ming,SUN Ji-gang,GUO Li-qiang(5-497)
Dim target detection based on wavelet field diffusion filter ……………………………LIU Wei-ning(5-503)
Accurate and automatic recognition for Moiré fringe angle……………………WANG Ming-jia,WU Zhi-guo,XU Da-peng,LI Gui-ju,ZHANG Xu-guang(5-509)
Iterative blind deconvolution of image with weighted prediction……………………………………………………………DI Nan,FU Dong-hui,WANG Yi-nan(5-514)
Effective image stabilization for moving background………………………………………………WU Zhi-guo,HAN Guang-liang,WANG Ming-jia(5-519)
Geometric analysis of plane surface scene and building imaging……………………………………………ZHANG Ye,QU Hong-song,Li Gui-ju,WANG Yan-jie(5-525)
Application of local variance in image quality assessment …………………………WANG Yu-qing(5-531)
Video image processing of real-time star detection in daylight……………………………………………FENG Xiao-yong,ZHAO Zhong-hua,LIU Xin-ming(6-622)
Application of bar code technology to library collection ………………………………HU Hao-quan(6-629)
Optical Testing
Detection of atmospheric aerosol concentration and detection system design…………………………………………………………XIAO Shao-rong,WANG Kun,LIU Juan(6-633)
Optical Thin Films
Optical characteristics of TiO2/Al2O3thin films and their atomic layer depositions……………………………………………………WEI Yao-wei,LIU Zhi-chao,CHEN Song-lin(2-188)
Fabrication of broadband AR coating for three-dimensional laparoscopic facet……………………………………………WEI Zi-xun,FU Xiu-hua,SHI Peng,MEI Yu-shan(2-196)
Design and manufacture of infrared double waveband laser filter films………………………………………GONG Da-wei,FU Xiu-hua,GENG Si-yu,YANG Dao-qi(3-293)
Design and preparation of optical films for fiber lasers…………………………MEI Yu-shan,FU Xiu-hua,YANG Yong-liang,WEI Zi-xun,SHI Peng(3-299)
Optical Communications
Protocol design for free space optical communication…………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Li-li,WANG Ting-feng,SUN Wen-tao,GUO Jin(6-639)
Compensation for extinction ratios of optical modules …………………WANG San,XU Hong-chun(6-648)
Laser Technology
Stationary force production:experimental and theoretical investigations ……………APOLLONOV V V(1-9)
Electric signal generated under action of HF laser pulse on surface of a water column………………………………………………………………………ANDREEV S N,FIRSOV K N,KAZANTSEV S Yu,KONONOV I G,PASHININ P P,ZHANG Lai-ming,RUAN Peng(1-21)
High power pulse-periodical electrochemical HF laser……………………………………………………………BULAEV V D,GUSEV V S,FIRSOV K N,KAZANTSEV S Yu,KONONOV I G,LYSENKO S L,MOROSOV Yu B,POZNYSHEV A N(1-26)
Electron detachment instability and self-organization of gas discharge plasma in working mixtures of chemical non-chain HF(DF)lasers BELEVTSEV A A,FIRSOV K N,KAZANTSEV S Yu,KONONOV I G,ZHANG Lai-ming(1-31)
Combustion initiation of flammable gas mixture in a closed volume by high power HF and CO2laser FIRSOV K N,KAZANTSEV S Yu,……………………………………………………………………KONONOV I G,KOSSYI I A,TARASOVA N M,ZHANG Lai-ming,XIE Ji-jiang(1-41)
Formation of microstructure on liquid metal surface under nanosecond laser ablation TARASENKO V F,PANCHENKO A N,BULGAKOVA N M,…………………………………………SHULEPOV M A,TEL'MINOV A E,LI Dian-jun,ZHANG Lai-ming,JIANG Ke,XIE Ji-jiang(1-46)
Debye series analysis of radiation torque exerted on a sphere………………………………LI Ren-xian,HAN Xiang-e,PARHATJAN T(1-53)
Design of arbitrary waveform generator for shaping high power laser system………………………………LIU Hui,LIU Bai-yu,BAI Yong-lin,OUYANG Xian,GOU Yong-sheng,ZHENG Jin-kun(1-60)
Optical element stability of high power excimer laser MOPA system………………………………SHEN Yan-long,HUANG Ke,MA Lian-ying,ZHENG Guo-xin,WANG Da-hui(1-66)
Fabrication of colorful metals with femtosecond laser pulses………………………………LI Guo-qiang,LI Xiao-hong,YANG Hong-dao,QIU Rong,HUANG Wen-hao(1-72)
Irradiation effects of laser on typical metal targets under tangential airflow………………………………JIAO Lu-guang,ZHAO Guo-min,JIANG Hou-man(1-77)
Measurement of TPA cross-section of organic material films based on picosecond laser nonlinear transmittance method ………………………………SU Shao-chang,WANG Xi-jun(1-82)
Surface morphology of silicon induced by 532 nm nanosecond laser under different ambient atmospheres………………………………YANG Hong-dao,LI Xiao-hong,LI Guo-qiang,YUAN Chun-hua,QIU Rong(1-86)
Comparison of frequency locking of 780 nm diode laser via rubidium saturated absorption and polarization spectroscopies………………………………WANG Jie,GAO Jing,YANG Bao-dong,ZHANG Tian-cai,WANG Jun-min(3-305)
Key technologies of pulsed non-chain DF lasers………………………………RUAN Peng,ZHANG Lai-ming,XIE Ji-jiang,PAN Qi-kun,LUO Cong(3-313)
Single-pulse CO2laser frequency doubler based on GaSe and GaSe0.7S0.3single crystals TARASENKO V F,SITNIKOV A G,PANCHENKO A N,TEL'MINOV A E,………………………GENIN D E,LI Dian-jun,ZHANG Lai-ming,JIANG Ke,XIE Ji-jiang,SARKISOV S Yu,BEREZNAYA S A,KOROTCHENKO Z V,KAZAKOV A V(4-397)
Diagnosis of high-repetition-rate pulse laser with pyroelectric detector………………………………ZHANG Lei,SHAO Bi-bo,YANG Peng-ling,WANG Zhen-bao,YAN Yan(4-404)
High precision data acquisition of control system for high-power TEA CO2laser based on DSP………………………………WANG He-qi,MENG Fan-jiang,GUO Li-hong,GUAN Mu-qiang(4-411)
Laser mask micromachining system based on beam-scanning widening technique……………………………… XIE Ji-jiang,………GAO Fei,PAN Qi-kun,YANG Gui-long,SHAO Chun-lei,ZHANG Lai-ming,GUO Jin(6-654)
Opto-electronic Technology and Devices
Integrated vector sum microwave photonic phase shifter based on asymmetric Mach-Zendner structure in SOI………………………………XIAO Yong-chuan,QU Peng-fei,ZHOU Jing-ran,LIU Cai-xia,DONG Wei,CHEN Wei-you(4-418)
Design of modulation disk for laser-beam riding guided sighting instrument………………………………LI Na,WANG Hong(4-423)
Functional Materials
Optical properties of Te-doped GaSe crystal GU Xin-an,ZHU Wei-zhen,LUO Zhi-wei,ANDREEV Y M,LANSKII G V,………………………SHAIDUKO A V,IZAAK T I,SVETLICHNYI V A,VAYTULEVICH E A,ZUEV V V(6-660)
Preparation and luminescent properties of Yb3+∶Y2O3ultrafine powders by low-temperature combustion synthesis………………………………LU Xin,TIAN Jian(6-667)
Preparation and luminescence properties of Yb3+/Er3+-codoped oxyfluoride glass ceramics………………………………LI Hui,YANG Kui-sheng,QI Ning,ZUO Zhou(6-672)