论 坛综 述材料与性能加工与应用助 剂塑料与环境标准与测试机械与模具其 他论坛·交流企业访谈ForumReviewMaterials and PropertiesProcessing and ApplicationAdditivePlastics and EnvironmentStandard and TestMachinery and MouldOthersEnterprise Interview
我国塑料机械行业“十一·五”期间发展概况和“十二·五”期间发展趋势浅析 …………………………………………………… 李 坚(1,1)
我国塑料包装行业“十一·五”期间发展状况及“十二·五”期间发展建议………………………………………………… 蒋震宇,张春林(2,1)
我国改性塑料行业“十一·五”期间发展概况及“十二·五”展望…………………………………………………………………… 刘英俊(3,1)
我国塑料管道行业“十一·五”期间发展概况和“十二·五”期间发展趋势浅析 …………………………………………………… 王占杰(4,1)
塑料助剂产业的发展现状与趋势 ……… 陈 宇,崔 正,王朝晖(6,1)
解读“推动装备制造由生产型制造向服务型制造转变”探讨我国塑料机械行业的战略转型 ……………………………………… 李 坚(9,1)
聚甲基乙撑碳酸酯的研究进展 ………… 王秋艳,翁云宣,许国志(1,8)
塑料机械节能技术的发展……………………………………………………………………… 赵 峰,张玉霞,薛 平,戚晓芸,刘 晶(1,15)
含磷聚合物阻燃剂的研究进展 ………………… 刘继延,刘学清(1,25)
聚酰亚胺渗透汽化膜改性研究进展……………………………………………………………… 叶 宏,冯旭东,梁海燕,于 群,石胜鹏(2,7)
POSS改性聚合物复合材料力学性能研究进展 ……………………………………………… 曹新鑫,樊斌斌,何小芳,胡蕾阳,刘玉飞(2,13)
环状磷酸酯类阻燃剂的研究进展 ……………… 付晓丁,陈志林(2,19)
导热高分子复合材料的研究进展 ……… 孔娇月,陈立新,蔡聿峰(3,7)
阻燃型木塑复合材料的研究进展……………………………………………………………………… 方 露,李大纲,施迎春,徐惠塘(3,13)
CTBN增韧改性热固性树脂研究进展………………………………………………………… 刘乃亮,齐暑华,理莎莎,吴利敏,鲁惠玲(3,18)
SiO2在聚合物阻燃中的应用研究进展…………………………………………………………… 李振华,吴春蕾,段先健,李政法,赵茜敏(4,7)
聚乙烯醇缩甲醛泡沫塑料的研究进展 ………… 姜 玉,魏风军(4,12)
生物降解性形状记忆聚合物及其在生物医学工程方面的应用………………………………………………… 门倩妮,朱光明,许硕贵(4,17)
中国塑料工业(2010) ……………………………………… 廖正品(5,1)
环氧树脂/碳纳米管复合材料制备及导电性能研究进展 …………………………………… 李红艳,季铁正,李 佳,李 博,莫翔友(5,11)
PEEK的表面改性和表征 ……………… 陈睿超,孙 辉,许国志(5,17)
木塑复合材料的光降解与光稳定 ………………………… 罗 海(5,24)
无卤膨胀型阻燃剂的研究进展 …………………… 王 军,蔡绪福(6,7)
聚苯乙烯/多壁碳纳米管复合材料的阻燃性能 ………… 周 亮(6,14)
聚四氟乙烯膜表面处理研究进展……………………………………………………………… 赵 丽,何皇冕,戚伟忠,刘华新,彭为亚(6,22)
聚乳酸共聚改性及应用研究进展 ………………… 袁角亮,杨 斌(7,1)
聚丙烯用阻燃剂的研究进展 ……………………………… 曾伟立(7,6)
抗静电剂在高分子材料中的应用研究进展……………………………………………………………………… 侯 攀,周科勇,王 明(7,11)
碳纳米管增强聚合物纳米复合材料研究进展 …… 辛 菲,许国志(8,1)
PET/PTT共混体系的研究进展 ……… 王立岩,李 光,李继新(8,10)
聚合物流动诱导结晶数值模拟研究进展及模型………………………………………………………………… 王锦燕,孙玉周,李冬霞(8,14)
聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料阻燃技术研究进展…………………………………………………………… 王 勇,崔 正,董明哲,孙同兵,陈 宇(9,6)
激光标记塑料研究进展 ……… 封 驰,吴文敬,李思源,张 勇(9,11)
基于聚甲醛及其复合材料的摩擦学研究进展 … 路 琴,史丽萍(9,16)
中国挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料(XPS)行业HCFCs替代技术现状与发展趋势……………………………………… 王 勇,王向东,李 莹(10,1)
聚氯乙烯树脂耐热和增韧改性研究进展 ………………… 曾伟立(10,7)
低温等离子体技术在高分子材料中的应用研究进展…………………………………………………………… 尚成新,马 驰,陈尔凡(10,14)
三种生物降解塑料改性技术研究进展 ………… 林 云,刘国清(11,1)
硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的阻燃、应用与研究进展 ………………………………………………………… 刘国胜,冯 捷,郝建薇,杜建新(11,5)
聚氯乙烯热稳定剂研究进展…………………………………………………………………… 汪 梅,夏建陵,连建伟,李 梅,张 燕(11,10)
塑料热稳定剂的无铅化与技术发展趋势 ……………………………………………………………………… 李 杰,刘 芳,夏 飞(12,1)
新型聚烯烃发泡材料的研究进展………………………………………………………………………… 吴嘉辉,杨丽庭,宋科明,林少权(12,7)
塑料导爆管的研究与制备 …………… 吴林美,黄 强,王艳芳(12,12)
PP/MWNTs和PP/OMMT复合材料的热降解动力学研究………………………………… 吴 唯,栾立醒,浦伟光,何三雄,陈玉洁(1,31)
高流动抗冲共聚聚丙烯专用料的结构与性能分析……………………………………………………… 王云红,罗 贤,张宝林,雷军庆(1,36)
聚乳酸/酯化纤维素/纳米CaCO3复合材料的制备与表征 ……………………………………………………………… 邓长勇,张秀成(1,42)
溶胶-凝胶法制备PTFE/SiO2杂化材料的工艺研究 ……………………………………… 张冬娜,寇开昌,高 攀,王志超,晁 敏(1,47)
PE-LD/CaCO3/EVA复合材料性能的研究 ………………董金虎(1,51)
m-异丙烯基-α,α-二甲基苄基异氰酸酯熔融接枝聚丙烯的研究………………………………… 马丽春,孙才英,李丽萍,郭垂根(1,55)
新型催化剂催化直接缩聚法合成聚乳酸研究………………………………………………… 孙媚华,周红军,陈 迁,鲁 红,宋光泉(1,60)
混杂铝粒子对环氧树脂导热性能与介电性能的影响……………………………………………………………………… 周文英,于德梅(1,65)
综合相分离法制备聚酰胺6粒子的研究………………………………………………………………… 张 凯,范敬辉,马 艳,吴菊英(2,24)
高流动熔融接枝改性聚丙烯的研究…………………………………………………………… 李 瑶,宋师伟,欧耀辉,李建雄,游长江(2,28)
聚氯代对二甲苯表面原位引发接枝聚合提升膜表面能的研究 ……………………………………………… 刘 剑,高刘德,李深焱(2,33)
mPE/PE-LD/CB导电复合材料的制备与性能研究 ………………………………………… 张文龙,吴伟菊,戴亚杰,鲁旭波,胡 旭(2,38)
CPVC/ASA二元共混体系性能研究 …王艳芳,滕谋勇,徐保良(2,43)
室温自交联低密度聚乙烯结晶动力学的研究…………………………………………………………… 房家妹,段景宽,邵双喜,郭清萍(2,47)
原位增容PA6/PE-HD共混物的非等温结晶动力学研究……………………………………………………… 王忠强,胡国胜,周秀苗(2,52)
高密度聚乙烯/多壁碳纳米管和高密度聚乙烯/炭黑导电复合材料阻温特性的研究 ………………… 李 博,季铁正,李 佳,莫翔友(2,60)
聚氨酯固-固相变材料微相分离结构与相变原理分析………………………………………………………… 高 毅,田春蓉,王建华(3,25)
PBA-g-SAN对ASA树脂结构与性能的影响………………………………………………… 耿丽丽,任 亮,韩 业,张明耀,张会轩(3,29)
CPVC热稳定性能研究 ……… 柯伟席,王 澜,张 萌,杜文硕(3,34)
聚(丙烯酸丁酯-丙烯酸)/纳米有机蒙脱土复合材料的制备与性能 ………………………………… 刘 玲,刑赵中,闫 鹏,肖桂南(3,39)
柠檬酸三正丁酯与三醋酸甘油酯增塑醋酸纤维素的研究……………………………………………………… 张全平,肖望东,戴文利(3,43)
挤塑聚苯乙烯板材的受热过程研究……………………………………………………………………… 王昭君,孙诗兵,田英良,陈 超(3,49)
黏弹材料动态纳米压入过程的尺度效应………………………………………………………………………… 周沙溆,胡宏玖,李 洁(3,52)
原位增容PA6/PE-HD共混物的等温结晶动力学研究………………………………………………………… 王忠强,胡国胜,周秀苗(4,22)
MBS对CPVC凝胶化的影响及CPVC/MBS共混物性能的研究……………………………………… 王艳芳,徐保良,滕谋勇,李 艳(4,28)
环氧树脂/改性纳米炭黑复合材料固化动力学 ……………………………………………… 周红军,尹国强,吴婉霜,葛建芳,林 轩(4,33)
SEBS-g-MAH增韧聚乳酸的性能研究 …刘密密,魏发云,张 瑜(4,38)
纳米SiO2对聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯结晶行为及性能的影响 …………………………………………………… 孔智明,罗春明,唐安斌(4,42)
耐油性PA6/NBR共混物的制备与性能研究…………………………………………………………… 孙 赫,郐 羽,牟 洋,张会轩(4,46)
萘酚改性酚醛树脂复合材料的研究……………………………………………………………………… 吴江涛,齐暑华,李春华,李美玲(4,50)
不同粒径的PP粉的相对分子质量及其分布、结晶性能和力学性能 ……………………… 田瑶珠,王 松,秦 军,于 杰,罗 筑(4,55)
聚乳酸/纳米蒙脱土复合材料的制备与挤出发泡研究 …………………… 马鹏程,王向东,刘本刚,李 莹,陈士宏,张玉霞,许国志(4,59)
EAA对PE-HD/水滑石复合材料的反应增容作用…………………………………………… 张 欢,秦 军,田瑶珠,张 凯,于 杰(5,30)
含芴可交联聚芳醚酮的合成 … 丁富传,陈清松,赖寿莲,李晓燕(5,35)
聚乳酸/乙烯-醋酸乙烯酯共聚物/碳酸钙复合材料的性能研究……………………………………………… 杨 刚,李怀栋,窦 强(5,39)
木塑复合材料的热氧化规律研究 …………………………………………………………… 蔡培鑫,吕 群,张清锋,羊海棠,梁梦杰(5,46)
星形聚丁二酸丁二醇酯的合成及性质…………………………………………………………………………… 崔春娜,张 敏,黄继涛(5,51)
ABS树脂湿法挤出工艺及其力学性能的研究………………………………………………… 牛秋生,刘振国,徐 刚,张会轩,杨海东(5,55)
十溴二苯乙烷协同芳纶纤维增强阻燃聚丙烯复合材料的性能研究………………………… 陈小随,张 胜,许国志,朱新军,赵 斌(6,26)
氯化螺环磷酸酯的合成及其阻燃性能研究 …… 陈志林,付晓丁(6,31)
超支化聚酯改性酚醛树脂的制备与固化性能研究…………………………………………… 王松松,周大鹏,谷 俐,李 坚,俞立琼(6,34)
不同粒径氮化硼填充环氧树脂/玻璃纤维绝缘导热复合材料的研究 ………………………………… 李珺鹏,齐暑华,曹 鹏,谢 璠(6,38)
PLA/MMT-HTCC纳米复合材料的绿色合成、表征及热降解动力学分析…………………… 汪 凌,甄卫军,李亚瑜,刘月娥,庞桂林(6,42)
PP/PA6/OMMT纳米复合材料制备及其振动力场下发泡性能研究 ……………………… 彭响方,胡志钢,米皓阳,夏华新,经 鑫(6,49)
甚高温度下热氧处理聚丙烯形态和力学性能研究 ………………………………………… 王 晓,王 辉,苏启标,陈斯榆,陈国帅(6,54)
高档棚膜专用料DFDC9088的研制与开发 ……王家纯,苑梅菊(6,60)
大豆分离蛋白/聚乙烯醇塑料的制备及性能研究 ………………………………………………………………………… 刘 亮,张丽叶(7,17)
聚苯硫醚流变行为研究 ……… 孔 清,崔 宁,张志英,董知之(7,23)
PP/PP-g-MAH/HGB复合材料非等温结晶行为研究 …李军伟(7,27)
纳米二氧化硅对PBS结晶性能及力学性能的影响……………………………………………………… 杨 彪,田 华,高 飞,许国志(7,32)
环氧树脂/三羟甲基三聚氰胺硅化物固化体系阻燃性能与耐热性研究……………………………………… 魏振杰,刘伟区,李宏静(7,37)
PA6/EPM/EPM-g-MAH共混物结构与性能研究……………………………………………………… 徐铭韩,宫岐山,李甜甜,邱桂学(7,42)
导静电PVC的研制 ……………………………… 袁 毅,刘顺淑(7,46)
不同多元醇聚氨酯弹性体宏观性能的研究……………………………………………………………… 罗建勋,靳 昊,毛立新,张立群(8,19)
复合成核剂对PET结晶速率和特性黏数的影响 ……………………………………………………………… 许乾慰,刘 波,蒋 中(8,24)
氨基改性氧化石墨烯及其与环氧树脂的复合………………………………………………… 沙 金,谢林生,马玉录,董树梅,王艳允(8,28)
对苯二甲酸与1,4-环己烷二甲醇直接酯化反应的研究………………………………………………………………… 蔡智怡,黄关葆(8,34)
环氧树脂/二烷基次膦酸铝阻燃体系的制备和性能 …………………………………………………… 石 红,刘学清,刘继延,蔡少君(8,38)
P(AA/AM)-g-凹凸棒土吸水树脂性能的研究 ………………………………………………………… 王志东,罗 通,徐若愚,龚方红(8,42)
PTFE乳液制备PTFE/ZrO2微孔膜及性能研究 ……………………………………………………… 满 瑞,邓新华,孙 元,罗衍慧(8,48)
聚丙烯防腐夹克料的制备研究…………………………………………………………………………… 徐正华,李 艳,郭 林,高能勇(8,52)
聚醚醚酮改性酚醛树脂热解动力学研究………………………………………………………………… 吴利敏,齐暑华,刘乃亮,理莎莎(9,21)
醇类扩链剂亚甲基团数目对聚氨酯弹性体性能的影响………………………………………………… 靳 昊,罗建勋,毛立新,张立群(9,25)
聚酰胺6/碳纳米管复合材料的电学性能研究………………………………………………… 李中原,孙红玲,刘文涛,何素芹,朱诚身(9,29)
N-甘氨酸基马来酰胺酸对聚丙烯成核性能的影响……………………………………………………………………… 李星明,吕志平(9,34)
聚铝硅氧烷对聚碳酸酯阻燃性能的影响………………………………………………………………… 陈友财,周文君,宋 健,张敬礼(9,38)
Al(OH)3及其复合阻燃体系对电缆护套料阻燃和力学性能的影响 ……………………… 侯欣鹏,康兴川,徐 迪,矫 阳,郭振涛(9,43)
PA66/可反应性纳米SiO2复合材料的非等温结晶动力学 …………………………………………… 徐翔民,葛玉萍,张予东,张治军(9,48)
聚丙烯/粉末丁苯橡胶共混体系性能的研究 ………………………………………………… 李 琰,曹凤霞,赵 燕,达世明,徐典宏(9,56)
三层共挤阻透薄膜的加工与性能研究………………………………………………………………… 李思德,罗建勋,高 丽,毛立新(10,19)
硅氢加成合成环氧改性聚硅氧烷的研究 …… 张院萍,杨 祥(10,24)
聚酰胺-胺树状大分子的合成及应用………………………………………………………… 梁建国,郝 红,韦雄雄,曹亚虹,田忠社(10,28)
L-丙交酯/ε-己内酯共聚物的合成与性能研究……………………………………………………………… 马聪鹤,柴 云,张普玉(10,34)
复合酸掺杂PVA/PANI/Ag复合膜的电化学制备及性能研究 ……………………………………………………… 邓姝皓,王 玉(10,38)
聚酰胺11/石墨烯氧化物纳米复合材料的非等温结晶动力学和熔融行为研究 ………………………………… 陈春银,马建莉,王标兵(10,44)
植物纤维/生物降解塑料复合材料的纤维表面改性研究 …………………………………………… 冯彦洪,张叶青,瞿金平,何和智(10,50)
ABS增韧PC/CF复合材料加工流变行为与力学性能 ……………………………………………… 魏立东,徐 艺,林润雄,张 林(11,16)
离聚物surlyn对PET/PA66共混物性能的影响 …………………………………………… 张静旖,丁永红,俞 强,唐丽军,张 艳(11,22)
高熔体强度聚丙烯/嵌段共聚聚丙烯共混体系的结晶行为研究 ……………………………………………… 刘 伟,王向东,刘本刚(11,27)
聚丙烯/正辛基POSS纳米复合材料流变、力学性能与结晶行为…………………………………… 高俊刚,曹新鑫,袁 瑞,胡文涛(11,34)
PLA/POE共混物结构与性能研究 ………………………杜 峰(11,39)
稀土β成核剂对PP-R/POE共混体系力学性能的影响……………………………………………… 吕 雅,郭绍辉,郑 斐,梁麟枝(11,43)
含3,3′,5,5′-四甲基结构新型聚芳酰胺的合成与表征 ………………………… 莫 鑫,胡雅萍,姚 健,汪称意,李 光,江建明(11,50)
苯乙烯-甲基丙烯酸钠离聚物的合成及其对PET结晶行为的影响 ……………………………… 仲小亮,李忠辉,陈雪梅,陈国建(11,56)
环氧树脂/甲基环己基次膦酸铝阻燃复合材料性能研究 …………………………………… 刘学清,刘继延,孙 山,陈 佳,蔡少君(12,17)
六苯氧基环三磷腈阻燃PC/ABS合金及其热解研究………………………………………………… 徐建中,杜卫义,王春征,谢吉星(12,21)
MMA-BA自由基共聚物结构及性能 ………………………………………………………………… 罗 通,王志东,徐若愚,龚方红(12,26)
马来酸酐官能化ASA对PA6的增韧研究…………………………………………………… 邓云娇,刘振国,孙树林,杨海东,张会轩(12,31)
高密度聚乙烯的过氧化物交联行为及结晶行为研究………………………………………………… 谭志勇,阙 盼,李 丹,刘庆辉(12,35)
滑石粉对聚丙烯微观形态和性能影响………………………………………………………………… 郭甜甜,丁雪佳,张 雨,周克斌(12,39)
PET/纳米凹凸棒土复合材料的流变性能 …………………………………………………… 丁永红,许晓锋,刘晶如,俞 强,姚 超(12,43)
不同环氧树脂改性BMI/CE树脂体系的非等温固化行为研究……………………………… 吴广磊,寇开昌,晁 敏,卓龙海,蒋 洋(12,47)
乙烯基纳米二氧化硅的制备及其对聚丙烯熔体强度的影响…………………………………………………… 王向东,周洪福,刘本刚(12,51)
搭接焊铝塑管与对接焊铝塑管的长期静液压强度计算 …李明轩(1,71)
注射成型工艺条件对聚丙烯制品光泽度的影响 ………………………………………………………………………… 刘西文,杨中文(1,76)
水泥复膜塑编袋老化性能研究 …………………………… 于忠东(1,80)
凸截面注射成型全三维充填和纤维取向模拟研究…………………………………… 熊爱华,柳和生,黄兴元,罗 章,赖家美,黄益宾(1,83)
PTT/MMT复合材料流变性能的研究 ……………………………………………………… 王立岩,李 光,郭 静,李继新,相恒学(1,90)
后处理工艺对聚碳酸酯激光烧结件性能的影响 ………… 汪 艳(2,65)
型坯温差法优化挤出吹塑中空工业制件壁厚分布的研究……………………………………………… 黄 虹,龙 婷,王选伦,邱方军(2,68)
二异氰酸酯对聚碳酸亚丙酯熔体流变性能的影响…………………………………………… 蒋 霞,汪 海,肖荔人,钱庆荣,陈庆华(2,72)
轮胎胶应力诱导脱硫及其对PP热塑性弹性体力学性能的影响 ………………………………………………………… 朱 慧,张云灿(2,79)
共混方法对PP/纳米SiO2复合材料性能的影响 ……… 董金虎(3,57)
微流控芯片注射成型过程的数值模拟研究……………………………………………………………… 庄 俭,张亚军,吴大鸣,董鹏伟(3,61)
先张法预应力玄武岩纤维增强塑料筋混凝土梁受弯性能试验研究………………… 飞 渭,李炳宏,江世永,胡显奇,石钱华,王兰民(3,65)
不同高密度聚乙烯发泡体系的挤出发泡行为研究………………………… 刘本刚,赵哲晗,何路东,薛云龙,王向东,杜中杰,张玉霞(3,70)
高填料、超厚防辐射屏蔽材料的研制 ……………………………………… 贺 鹏,郭振涛,张 龙,李铁军,康兴川,郑金美,李淑凤(4,65)
PVC薄膜自黏性研究 …………………………… 凡双玉,王佩璋(4,69)
成膜介质对聚氨酯基半互穿网络多孔膜的结构与性能的影响……………………………… 吕海宁,赵书梅,洪军燕,陈巧玉,李豫州(4,73)
ABS新型无卤膨胀阻燃体系的研究 …… 刘 逸,易江松,蔡绪福(4,77)
玄武岩纤维增强塑料筋混凝土黏结性能的梁式试验研究…………………………………… 周俊龙,李炳宏,江世永,石钱华,胡显奇(4,83)
PET包装薄膜渗透性能的影响因素分析………………………………………………………………… 郭彦峰,颜 钰,刘 谨,付云岗(5,60)
改性AC发泡剂对PVC木塑复合材料性能影响 ……………………………………………………………… 白晓艳,王清文,隋淑娟(5,65)
甘油锌及其复合光稳定剂对PVC的光稳定作用研究 …………………………………………………………………… 彭青林,申雄军(5,70)
水性聚氨酯/竹炭抗静电涂膜的制备研究 ……… 杨 磊,戴李宗(5,73)
后张无黏结预应力BFRP筋混凝土梁受弯性能试验研究…………………………… 飞 渭,李炳宏,江世永,胡显奇,王兰民,石钱华(5,79)
考虑因子交互作用多目标优化注塑模冷却系统工艺参数……………………………………………… 舒茂盛,兰 箭,毛华杰,尹 飞(6,65)
高分子减阻剂减阻性能的影响因素研究………………………………………………………………………… 王春晓,陆江银,薄文敏(6,70)
钢带缠绕增强塑料复合软管的有限元分析 …… 方建丰,陈 玲(6,77)
低密度聚苯乙烯仿木线材挤出发泡研究………………………………………………………………………… 李志杰,李晓强,张际亮(6,82)
聚乙烯管道焊接技术和评价方法 ………………………… 赵 红(7,48)
PE-HD/棉秆皮复合材料的制备及其性能研究 ……………………………………………… 刘树荣,曹素娇,谭 斌,冯彦洪,瞿金平(7,54)
仿生自愈合微胶囊的制备和研究……………………………………………………………… 李运涛,李 然,何 静,王志超,王慧霞(7,58)
聚乙烯醇/稻草上段粉末复合材料的制备及性能研究 ………………………………………………………… 吴传保,王玉凤,尹健美(7,63)
PE-UHMW微孔滤材成型工艺研究 …………… 张 强,薛 平(7,68)
塑料输液容器用聚丙烯组合盖外盖材料增韧研究…………………………………………… 许永昌,官习鹏,刘永焯,诸 泉,蒋文真(8,57)
钢丝缠绕增强塑料复合管用热熔胶耐水性能试验研究……………………………………… 饶 静,郝宇杰,师 俊,施建峰,马津津(8,62)
改性条件对聚氨酯硬质泡沫冲击性能影响研究……………………………………………… 周晓谦,郑国阔,杜 娟,鲁云婷,黄 欣(8,66)
塑化聚乙烯醇的流变性能及发泡行为研究…………………………………………………………… 吴文倩,贾青青,高伦巴根,项爱民(8,69)
挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料(XPS)的主要性能及应用领域分析 …………………………………………………… 王 勇,王向东,李 莹(8,75)
无卤阻燃聚烯烃电缆料的研究进展…………………………………………………………… 赵 斌,张 胜,王菊琳,张 荣,董明哲(9,61)
PP粉粒径对纳米粒子分散性能影响的研究 ………………………………………………… 黄伟江,田瑶珠,秦 军,罗 筑,陈梦喻(9,66)
酚化腐植酸改性酚醛泡沫材料的制备与性能分析……………………………………………………… 汪正安,章祥林,童亚军,苏 肖(9,70)
PE-HD在应力场中的双向自增强研究 ………………………………………………………………… 袁 毅,徐绍虎,崔 爽,申开智(9,75)
聚四氟乙烯/聚苯酯复合材料的结晶及摩擦性能研究 ……………………………………… 侯 梅,寇开昌,张冬娜,蒋 洋,李 宁(10,55)
聚氯乙烯/木质素共混物的热稳定性 ………………………………………………………………… 刘飞跃,许 凯,陈鸣才,曹德榕(10,59)
抗氧剂和光稳定剂对PE-LLD紫外光老化的稳定作用………………………………………………………… 杨浩邈,胡 斌,吴 鹏(10,64)
高性能气调保鲜包装用CPP热封膜的研制 ………………………………………………………… 林渊智,陈文韬,陈 盛,史凤烟(10,69)
注塑制品微结构的三维数值模拟分析………………………………………………………… 张勤星,李 倩,赵 娜,赵 建,申长雨(11,61)
无卤阻燃聚丙烯的制备………………………………………………………………………… 苏吉英,孟成铭,汤俊杰,郭建鹏,段 浩(11,66)
熔融挤出温度对PA6/CaCl2复合材料结构与性能的影响 ………………………………… 鲁圣军,甘华华,何 敏,胡 智,于 杰(11,70)
相容剂作用下超高相对分子质量聚乙烯增韧聚丙烯共混体系的研究………………………………………………… 叶 茂,桓秀颖(11,74)
BP神经网络在PP/POE-g-MAH增韧PA6研究中的应用 ………………………………… 陈 坤,郑梯和,宋克东,田祥儒,张 瑜(12,55)
改性聚丙烯收缩率的研究 …… 娄小安,苏吉英,孟成铭,段 浩(12,59)
聚乙二醇对聚乳酸/糯米粉共混物性能的影响 ……………………………………………… 刘建美,戚嵘嵘,罗 宇,陆佳琦,胡新利(12,63)
液体硅橡胶/中空玻璃微珠隔热材料的制备及性能研究 …………………………………………… 王慧利,邓建国,舒远杰,纪兰香(12,67)
中国挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料(XPS)行业HCFCs替代新技术分析 …………………………………………………… 王 勇,李 莹(12,71)
1,3,5-苯三甲酸衍生物类新型成核剂的合成及应用研究 …………………………………………………… 张跃飞,罗贤祖,常 瑶(1,94)
新型受阻酚类抗氧剂的合成与性能研究………………………………………………………………… 李翠勤,王 俊,方 宏,葛腾杰(1,97)
酯基锡复配原理及其在PVC中应用研究进展 ……………………………………………… 张书华,甘文君,李 强,方 波,龚欣雨(2,85)
环氧树脂/含磷有机硅杂化物固化体系的耐热性与阻燃性研究 ……………………………………… 魏振杰,刘伟区,李宏静,马松琪(2,92)
抗氧剂和光稳定剂对线形低密度聚乙烯氙灯老化的稳定作用………………… 吴 鹏,司马义·努尔拉,李志锋,买买提江·依米提(3,75)
水磨法超细BaSO4在聚烯烃色母粒中的应用 ………………… 林光强,冯炎聪,王三昭,乔 辉,吴立峰,李海滨,彭鹤松,吕东军(3,80)
纳米水滑石/氧化锌/氧化镁复合改性聚氯乙烯的燃烧特性…………………………………………………… 苏 虎,包永忠,黄志明(4,89)
氢氧化铝阻燃剂的表面改性及其在聚丙烯中的应用………………………………………… 郑炳发,辛明亮,马玉杰,许 凯,陈鸣才(4,93)
亚膦酸酯环氧树脂的合成及性能 ……… 刘继延,刘学清,石 红(5,85)
PVC新型无毒热稳定剂季戊四醇锌的合成及应用研究………………………………………………… 许士鲁,李德刚,于先进,景永杰(5,90)
稀土在高分子材料中的应用 …………… 杨永清,齐暑华,吴江涛(6,87)
DBSA参杂聚丙烯接枝苯乙烯磺酸-聚苯胺抗静电剂的制备与应用………………………………………… 祖立武,张晓宇,王雅珍(6,92)
聚氯乙烯用耐热改性剂研究进展………………………………………………………………………… 马莉娜,齐暑华,程 博,何 栋(7,72)
硅纳米材料与玻璃纤维混杂填充PA6复合材料的摩擦磨损性能研究……………………………………… 张 静,姚昊萍,杨和梅(7,78)
微胶囊化聚磷酸铵的制备及其在SEBS中的应用 …………………………………………………… 冯 申,徐 军,郭宝华,李锡福(8,81)
抗氧剂的抗氧机理及发展方向………………………………………………………………… 辛明亮,郑炳发,马玉杰,许 凯,陈鸣才(8,86)
改性针形纳米碳酸钙在PVC中的应用研究 ………………………………………………… 焦其帅,胡永琪,陈瑞珍,郝宏强,庞 秀(9,79)
含磷硅高分子阻燃剂与聚磷酸铵对EVA的协效阻燃作用 ………………………………… 廖德添,唐安斌,李秀云,马寒冰,徐康林(9,85)
各种扩链剂对PET瓶片反应挤出扩链作用的研究 ………………………………………………… 陈秋云,王益龙,刘 佳,王 会(10,72)
钛酸酯偶联剂在膨胀型阻燃聚丙烯中的偶联作用……………………………………………………………… 马志领,范聪然,马 鑫(10,77)
混合模板控制合成羟基锡酸锌包覆碳酸钙及其阻燃PVC研究 …………………………………… 徐建中,彭 飞,焦运红,王 宁(11,80)
2-甲基-2,5-二氧-1,2-氧磷杂环戊烷阻燃及固化环氧树脂研究…………………………… 蔡少君,范敦贵,刘学清,刘继延(11,86)
含硅成炭剂的合成及其在阻燃PP中的应用研究 …………………………………………… 罗国菁,杨永兵,张 伟,李锦春,陈 强(12,76)
新型马来酸酐接枝丙烯基弹性体的制备及其应用研究……………………………………… 汤俊杰,段 浩,杨 涛,郭建鹏,孟成铭(12,81)
废旧塑料与电石渣复合模板成型工艺的研究 …………… 刘 彤(3,85)
光盘回收PC改性ABS树脂研究 ……………… 来金雅,温变英(5,96)
欧盟No 10/2011《关于预期与食品接触的塑料材料和制品的委员会法规》解读 …… 王朝晖,孙树国,刘金昱,何 颖,阚兴传,徐银华(7,83)
回收高密度聚乙烯结构与性能的研究 ……………………………………………………………… 袁聪慧,王仕峰,张 勇,张隐西(10,81)
粉煤灰提取Al2O3及其改性聚丙烯的研究 …………… 董金虎(12,86)
塑料管道国际标准新进展 ……………… 谢建玲,许国志,孙 辉(2,96)
一种新型聚合物熔体动态密度测量方法的研究………………………………………………………… 韩 科,李增和,许 红,吴大鸣(4,98)
仿瓷餐具材质与性能分析…………………………………………………………… 孙世彧,段晓霞,吴玉銮,田育添,谢永萍,朱丽萍(5,101)
制样方法对薄膜拉伸性能检测结果的影响研究 ………… 黄 伟(8,91)
PIV技术测试聚合物流体拉伸流动的实验研究 ……………………………………………………… 林 祥,任冬云,王奎升,江顺亮(10,86)
率 ………… 林宏雄,贝沁红,朱慧红,黄金凤,杨 蓓,陈谷峰(11,90)
响应曲面法优化同向旋转双螺杆挤出机最大固体输送量的研究…………………………… 袁捷朝,罗 兵,毕 超,王文飞,伊大龙(1,102)
塑料挤出吹塑中空成型壁厚均匀性的控制……………………………………………………………………… 吴裕农,王树辉,许中明(1,106)
Pro/E布局模块在注射模标准模架建库中的应用 …………………………………………………… 白庆平,池成忠,陈晓伟,张建刚(2,104)
螺杆组合对PP/PET共混体系混合效果影响的研究………………………………………… 王文飞,罗 兵,毕 超,袁捷朝,谢兆兴(2,108)
精密注塑机螺杆料筒温度控制与抗干扰研究 …………… 林荣川(3,89)
美式截面PVC塑料异型材挤出模具的设计 …………… 肖学仕(3,94)
螺旋沟槽单螺杆挤出机中固体段压力分布研究……………………………………………… 潘 龙,贾明印,薛 平,金志明,唐广利(4,102)
基于LabVIEW的注塑过程能耗分布实验研究……………………………………………… 田 宇,闫宝瑞,何亚东,信春玲,李庆春(5,105)
聚合物固体粒子在熔体中的流动和传热数值分析………………………………………………………………………… 梁 畅,罗 兵(6,97)
双转子连续混炼机混炼段相似放大初探……………………………………………………………… 李建立,龚树云,马玉录,谢林生(6,102)
微分注塑机的研制 …… 张攀攀,王 建,谢鹏程,王小华,杨卫民(7,89)
蒸汽加热模具及模具变温辅助控制装置的研制………………………………………………………… 张建伟,唐庆华,鄢俊虎,桓锁成(7,94)
回流对不相容体系共混物分布混合效果的影响………………………………………………………… 周炳斌,马秀清,黄凤春,梁文虎(8,94)
普通注塑机上实现电视机面壳双层双色注射成型……………………………………………………………… 高西成,方 刚,储 彪(8,99)
同向双螺杆拉伸元件的设计及混合性能的研究………………………………………………………… 黄凤春,马秀清,周炳斌,梁文虎(9,90)
同向双螺杆不同螺纹元件混炼效果的数值研究…………………………………………………………………………… 彭 涛,贾朝阳(9,95)
高分散混合元件设计及混合性能的研究……………………………………………………………… 黄凤春,马秀清,周炳斌,梁文虎(10,90)
PP熔喷料挤出机换网装置的设计 …………… 田卫东,李世通(10,95)
注塑机驱动系统不同联接方式的响应研究 …………… 宋春华(11,94)
异型材型芯内冷却挤出成型 …………………………… 贾志雄(11,98)
基于注塑模具的斜滑杆抽芯机构设计 ………………… 凌忠良(11,101)
基于拉伸破碎原理的单螺杆拉伸混炼元件的研究……………………………………………………………… 林 祥,任冬云,王奎升(12,90)
基于拉伸流动的串联磨盘挤出机设计与数值模拟……………………………………………………………… 柳天磊,杜遥雪,陈少清(12,95)
阻燃专题 ………………………………………………………… (1,116)
抗静电专题 ……………………………………………………… (2,112)
成型收缩和尺寸稳定性专题 ……………………………………… (7,99)
热稳定剂专题 …………………………………………………… (8,103)
汽车用塑料专题 ………………………………………………… (9,101)
耐高温高分子材料 ……………………………………………… (10,98)
纤维增强专题…………………………………………………… (11,104)
塑料改性专题…………………………………………………… (12,101)
高性能塑料,源自创新——访赢创工业集团功能聚合物模塑料业务亚太区总经理海默博士…………………………………………… 《中国塑料》杂志社(3,97)
开启钛白工业中国时代——访山东道恩钛业有限公司副总经理韩小刚先生……………………………………………………………… 《中国塑料》杂志社(4,107)
追求工程塑料领域的无限可能——访宝理工程塑料贸易(上海)有限公司董事总经理田中智明先生…………………………………………… 《中国塑料》杂志社(5,111)
持续创新 共享未来——访沙伯基础创新塑料聚碳酸酯业务负责人William D Russell先生………………………………………………………………… (6,109)
Total Contents of 2011
Review of China Plastics Machinery Industry during the Eleventh Five-year Plan Period and Its Prospect in the Twelfth Five-year Plan Period … ………………………LI Jian(1,1)
Situation of China Plastics Packaging Sector During the Eleventh Five-year Plan Period and Some Suggestions for Its Development During the Twelfth Five-year Plan Period…………………………JIANG Zhenyu,ZHANG Chunlin(2,1)
Review of China Modified Plastics Industry During the Eleventh Five-year Plan and Its Prospect During the Twelfth Five-year Plan … ……………………………………LIU Yingjun(3,1)
Review of China Plastics Pipes Industry during the Eleventh Five-year Plan Period and Its Prospect in the Twelfth Fiveyear Plan Period … …………………WANG Zhanjie(4,1)
Present Situation and Development Trend of Plastics Additives Industry…CHEN Yu,CUI Zheng,WANG Zhaohui(6,1)
Interpretation——Transformation Promotion of Equipment Manufacturing from Production Manufacturing to Service-oriented Manufacturing——Strategic Transformation Exploration of China′s Plastics Machinery Industry … ……………………LI Jian(9,1)
Research Progress in Poly(propylene carbonate)………………………WANG Qiuyan,WENG Yunxuan,XU Guozhi(1,8)
Development of Energy-saving Technologies for Plastics Machinery …………………………………………ZHAO Feng,ZHANG Yuxia,XUE Ping,QI Xiaoyun,LIU Jing(1,15)
Research Progress in Phosphorus-containing Polymer Flame Retardants … ………………LIU Jiyan,LIU Xueqing(1,25)
Research Progress in Modification Methods of Polyimide Pervaporation Membranes … …………YE Hong,FENG Xudong,LIANG Haiyan,YU Qun,SHI Shengpeng(2,7)
Research Progresses in Mechanical Properties of POSS Modified Polymer Composites … ………………………CAO Xinxin,FAN Binbin,HE Xiaofang,HU Leiyang,LIU Yufei(2,13)
Research Progress in Cyclic Phosphate Flame Retardants………………………………FU Xiaoding,CHEN Zhilin(2,19)
Research Development of Thermal Conductive Polymer Composites … …KONG Jiaoyue,CHEN Lixin,CAI Yufeng(3,7)
Research Progress in Flame Retardant Plastic/Wood Composites…FANG Lu,LI Dagang,SHI Yingchun,XU Huitang(3,13)
Research Progress in CTBN Toughening Modification of Thermosetting Resins … …………………………LIU Nailiang,QI Shuhua,LI Shasha,WU Limin,LU Huiling(3,18)
Research Progress of Application of SiO2in Flame Retarded Polymers … ……………………LI Zhenhua,WU Chunlei,DUAN Xianjian,LI Zhengfa,ZHAO Qianmin(4,7)
Research Progress in Poly(vinyl formal)Cellular Plastics………………………………JIANG Yu,WEI Fengjun(4,12)
Biodegradable Shape Memory Polymers and Their Application in Biomedical Engineering ……………………MEN Qianni,ZHU Guangming,XU Shuogui(4,17)
China Plastics Industry(2010) …………LIAO Zhengpin(5,1)
Research Progress in Preparation and Conductive Properties of Epoxy/Carbon Nanotube Composites … ……LI Hongyan,JI Tiezheng,LI Jia,LI Bo,MO Xiangyou(5,11)
Surface Modification and Characterization of PEEK………………………CHEN Ruichao,SUN Hui,XU Guozhi(5,17)
Light Degradation and Light Stabilization of Wood-plastic Composites ……………………………………LUO Hai(5,24)
Research Progress in Halogen-free Intumescent Flame Retardants … ………………………WANG Jun,CAI Xufu(6,7)
Flame Retardant Properties of Polystyrene/Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Composites ………………ZHOU Liang(6,14)
Research Progress in Surface Modification Methods of PTFE Films … ………………………ZHAO Li,HE Huangmian,QI Weizhong,LIU Huaxin,PENG Weiya(6,22)
Research Progress in Copolymerization Modification and Application of Poly(lactic acid)………………………………………………………YUAN Jiaoliang,YANG Bin(7,1)
Research Progress in Flame Retardants for Polypropylene…………………………………………………ZENG Weili(7,6)
Research Progress in Antistatic Agents for Polymers……………………HOU Pan,ZHOU Keyong,WANG Ming(7,11)
Research Progress in Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposites ………………XIN Fei,XU Guozhi(8,1)
Research Progress in PET/PTT Blends……………………………………………WANG Liyan,LI Guang,LI Jixin(8,10)
Development and Models for Numerical Simulation of Flow-induced Polymer Crystallization … …………WANG Jinyan,SUN Yuzhou,LI Dongxia(8,14)
Research Progress in the Flame Retardant Technologies for Polystyrene Foams … …………WANG Yong,CUI Zheng,DONG Mingzhe,SUN Tongbing,CHEN Yu(9,6)
Research Progress in Laser Marking on Plastics………………FENG Chi,WU Wenjing,LI Siyuan,ZHANG Yong(9,11)
Research Progress in Tribology Investigation on POM and Its Composites … …………………LU Qin,SHI Liping(9,16)
Situation and Developing Trend of HCFCs Phase-out of XPS Foam Sector in China … ……………………WANG Yong,WANG Xiangdong,LI Ying(10,1)
Research Progress in Modification of Heat Resistance and Toughness of Poly(vinyl chloride) …ZENG Weili(10,7)
Research Progress in Application of Low Temperature Plasma Technology for Polymers … …………SHANG Chengxin,MA Chi,CHEN Erfan(10,14)
Advances in Modification of Three Kinds of Biodegradable Plastics ………………………LIN Yun,LIU Guoqing(11,1)
Flame Retardancy,Application and Research Development of Rigid Polyurethane Foams … ……………LIU Guosheng,FENG Jie,HAO Jianwei,DU Jianxin(11,5)
Research Progress in Thermal Stabilizers for PVC………………………………………………WANG Mei,XIA Jianling,LIAN Jianwei,LI Mei,ZHANG Yan(11,10)
Technological Development Trends of Lead-free Thermal Stabilizers for Plastics … ……LI Jie,LIU Fang,XIA Fei(12,1)
Research Progress in Novel Polyolefin Foaming Materials………………………………………WU Jiahui,YANG Liting,SONG Keming,LIN Shaoquan(12,7)
Research and Preparation of Nonel Tubes … ……WU Linmei,HUANG Qiang,WANG Yanfang(12,12)
Study on Thermal Degradation Kinetics of PP/MWNTs and PP/OMMT Composites … …………WU Wei,LUAN Lixing,PU Weiguang,HE Sanxiong,CHEN Yujie(1,31)
Study on Structure and Properties of Propylene Copolymers with High Impact Strength and High Flowability……………………………………………………WANG Yunhong,LUO Xian,ZHANG Baolin,LEI Junqing(1,36)
Preparation and Characterization of PLA/Esterified Cellulose/Nano-CaCO3Composites………………………………………………DENG Changyong,ZHANG Xiucheng(1,42)
Study on PTFE/SiO2Hybrid Materials Prepared by Sol-gel Method ………………ZHANG Dongna,KOU Kaichang,GAO Pan,WANG Zhichao,CHAO Min(1,47)
Study on Properties of PE-LD/CaCO3/EVA Composites………………………………………………DONG Jinhu(1,51)
Study on m-Isopropenyl-α,α-dimethylbenzyl Isocyanate Grafted Polypropylene………………………………………………MA Lichun,SUN Caiying,LI Liping,GUO Chuigen(1,55)
Study on Novel Catalysts for Direct Polycondensation of Poly(lactic acid)… ……………SUN Meihua,ZHOU Hongjun,CHEN Qian,LU Hong,SONG Guangquan(1,60)
Effect of Aluminum Particles with Binary Particle Size Distribution on Thermal Conductivity and Dielectric Properties of Epoxy Resins … ………ZHOU Wenying,YU Demei(1,65)
Preparation of PA6Particles by Syntheses Phase Separation Method………………………………………………………ZHANG Kai,FAN Jinghui,MA Yan,WU Juying(2,24)
Study on Melt Grafted Polypropylene with High Fluidity……………………………………………LI Yao,SONG Shiwei,OU Yaohui,LI Jianxiong,YOU Changjiang(2,28)
Surface Free Energy Promotion of Poly(monochloro-p-xylylene)Film Modified via In-Situ Graft Polymerization…………………………LIU Jian,GAO Liude,LI Shenyan(2,33)
Investigation on Preparation and Properties of mPE/PE-LD/CB Electric Composites … …………………ZHANG Wenlong,WU Weiju,DAI Yajie,LU Xubo,HU Xu(2,38)
Research on the Properties of CPVC/ASA Blends………………WANG Yanfang,TENG Mouyong,XU Baoliang(2,43)
Study on the Crystallization Kinetics of Self-crosslinking Lowdensity Polyethylene at Room Temperature…………………………………………………………FANG Jiamei,DUAN Jingkuan,SHAO Shuangxi,GUO Qingping(2,47)
Research on Non-isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of In-situ Compatibilized PA6/PE-HD Blends………………………WANG Zhongqiang,HU Guosheng,ZHOU Xiumiao(2,52)
Research on Resistivity-temperature Characteristics of PE-HD/MWCNTs and PE-HD/CB Composites … …………LI Bo,JI Tiezheng,LI Jia,MO Xiangyou(2,60)
Microphase Separation Structure and Analysis of Phase Transition Theoryof Polyurethane Phase Change Materials…………GAO Yi,TIAN Chunrong,WANG Jianhua(3,25)
Effect of PBA-g-SAN on Properties and Structure of ASA Resin……………………………………GENG Lili,REN Liang,HAN Ye,ZHANG Mingyao,ZHANG Huixuan(3,29)
Study on the Thermal Stability of CPVC … ………KE Weixi,WANG Lan,ZHANG Meng,DU Wenshuo(3,34)
Preparation and Properties of P(BA-AA)/Nano-OMMT Composites … …………………………………………LIU Ling,XING Zhaozhong,YAN Peng,XIAO Guinan(3,39)
Study of Cellulose Acetate Plasticized with Tributyl Citrate and Glyceryl Triacetate…………………………………………ZHANG Quanping,XIAO Wangdong,DAI Wenli(3,43)
Study on the Heating Procedure of Extruded Polystyrene…………………………………………………WANG Zhaojun,SUN Shibing,TIAN Yingliang,CHEN Chao(3,49)
Indentation Size Effect of Viscoelastic Polymers by Dynamic Nanoindentation …………………………ZHAOU Shaxu, HU Hongjiu,LI Jie(3,52)
Study on Isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of In-situ Compatibilized PA6/PE-HD Blends … ………WANG Zhongqiang,HU Guosheng,ZHOU Xiumiao(4,22)
Study on Properties of CPVC/MBS Blends and Effect of MBS on Gelation Degree … ………………………WANG Yanfang,XU Baoliang,TENG Mouyong,LI Yan(4,28)
Curing Kinetics of Epoxy Resins/Modified Nano-carbon Black Composites ……………ZHOU Hongjun,YIN Guoqiang,WU Wanshuang,GE Jianfang,LIN Xuan(4,33)
Study on Properties of Poly(lactic acid)Toughened by SEBS-g-MAH ………LIU Mimi,WEI Fayun,ZHANG Yu(4,38)
Effect of Nano-silica on Crystallization Behavior and Properties of PET………………………………………………………KONG Zhiming,LUO Chunming,TANG Anbin(4,42)
Preparation and Properties of Polyamide 6/Nitrile Rubber Blends with Oil Resistance…………………………………………SUN He,GUI Yu,MU Yang,ZHANG Huixuan(4,46)
Study on Naphthol Modified Phenolic Resins……………………WU Jiangtao,QI Shuhua,LI Chunhua,LI Meiling(4,50)
Relative Molecular Weight and Distribution,Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Properties of PP Powders with Different Particle Sizes … …………………TIAN Yaozhu,WANG Song,QIN Jun,YU Jie,LUO Zhu(4,55)
Study on Preparation and Foaming Extrusion Behavior of PLA/OMMT Nanocomposites … ………………MA Pengcheng,WANG Xiangdong,LIU Bengang,LI Ying,CHEN Shihong,ZHANG Yuxia,XU Guozhi(4,59)
Reactive Compatibilization of EAA in PE-HD/LDH Composites……………………………………ZHANG Huan,QIN Jun,TIAN Yaozhu,ZHANG Kai,YU Jie(5,30)
Preparation of Fluorene-containing Cross-linkable Poly(arylene ether ketone)s … …………………………DING Fuchuan,CHEN Qingsong,LAI Shoulian,LI Xiaoyan(5,35)
Study on the Properties of Poly(lactic acid)/Ethylene Vinyl Acetate/Calcium Carbonate Composites……………………………YANG Gang,LI Huaidong,DOU Qiang(5,39)
Study on Thermal Oxidation of Wood-plastic Composites………………………CAI Peixin,LÜQun,ZHANG Qingfeng,YANG Haitang,LIANG Mengjie(5,46)
Synthesis and Properties of PBS with Star-shaped Structure……………CUI Chunna,ZHANG Min,HUANG Jitao(5,51)
Study on Wet Extrusion Processing Technology and Mechanical Property of ABS Resin … …NIU Qiusheng,LIU Zhenguo,XU Gang,ZHANG Huixuan,YANG Haidong(5,55)
Study on Properties of Polypropylene Composites Reinforced and Flame Retarded by Decabromodiphenyl Ethane and Aramid Fibers … …………………CHEN Xiaosui,ZHANG Sheng, XU Guozhi,ZHU Xinjun,ZHAO Bin(6,26)
Study on Synthesis of Chloride Bispirocyclic Pentaerythritol Phosphate Ester and Its Flame Retardation Properties………………………CHEN Zhilin,FU Xiaoding(6,31)
Preparation and Cure Kinetics of Hyperbranched Polyester Modified Phenolic Resins … …………WANG Songsong,ZHOU Dapeng,GU Li,LI Jian,YU Liqiong(6,34)
EP/GF Insulating and Thermally Conductive Composite Materials Filled with Different Sizes of BN … ……LI Junpeng,QI Shuhua,CAO Peng,XIE Fan(6,38)
Green Synthesis,Characterization and Thermal Degradation Kinetics of PLA/MMT-HTCC Nanocomposites………………………………………WANG Ling,ZHEN Weijun,LI Yayu,LIU Yuee,PANG Guilin(6,42)
Study on Preparation of PP/PP6/OMMT Nanocomposites and Foaming Properties with Vibration Force Field…………………………………PENG Xiangfang,HU Zhigang,MI Haoyang,XIA Huaxin,JIN Xin(6,49)
Study on Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Treated by Thermo-oxidative at Very High Temperature … …………………………WANG Xiao,WANG Hui,SU Qibiao,CHEN Siyu,CHEN Guoshuai(6,54)
Research and Preparation of Special Material DFDC9088for High Quality Greenhouse Films……………………………………………WANG Jiachun YUAN Meiju(6,60)
Preparation and Properties of Soy Protein Isolate/PVA Plastics……………………………LIU Liang,ZHANG Liye(7,17)
Study on Rheological Behavior of Poly(phenylene sulfide)…………………………………………KONG Qing,CUI Ning,ZHANG Zhiying,DONG Zhizhi(7,23)
Study on Nonisothermal Crystallization Behavior of PP/PP-g-MAH/HGB Composites … ………………LI Junwei(7,27)
Effect of Nano-silica on Crystallization Behavior and Mechanical Properties of PBS … …………………………YANG Biao,TIAN Hua,GAO Fei,XU Guozhi(7,32)
Thermal Property and Flame Retardancy of Cured Epoxy Resins/Trimethylolmelamine-silicone Systems……………………WEI Zhenjie,LIU Weiqu,LI Hongjing(7,37)
Study on Morphology and Properties of PA6/EPM/EPM-g-MAH Blends ………………………………XU Minghan,GONG Qishan,LI Tiantian,QIU Guixue(7,42)
Study on PVC with Electrostatic-conducting Property……………………………………YUAN Yi,LIU Shunshu(7,46)
Macro Properties of Polyurethane Elastomers Based on Different Polyols … ……………………………………LUO Jianxun,JIN Hao,MAO Lixin,ZHANG Liqun(8,19)
Influence of Hybrid Nucleating Agents on the Crystallization Rate and Intrinsic Viscosity of PET……………………………………XU Qianwei,LIU Bo,JIANG Zhong(8,24)
Aminofunctional Modification of Graphene Oxide Sheets and Its Composite with Epoxy Resin……………………………………………………………SHA Jin,XIE Linsheng,MA Yulu,DONG Shumei,WANG Yanyun(8,28)
Study on Direct Esterification of Terephthalic Acid and 1,4-Cyclohexanedimethanol…………………………………………………………CAI Zhiyi,HUANG Guanbao(8,34)
Preparation and Properties of Dialkyl Phosphinates Aluminum Flame Retarded Epoxy Resin Composites…………………SHI Hong,LIU Xueqing,LIU Jiyan,CAI Shaojun(8,38)
Study on P(AA/AM)-g-AT Water Absorbent Polymer……………………………………………………WANG Zhidong,LUO Tong,XU Ruoyu,GONG Fanghong(8,42)
Preparation of PTFE/ZrO2Composite Microporous Membrane by PTFE Resin Emulsion and Investigation on Performance MAN Rui,DENG Xinhua,SUN Yuan,LUO Yanhui(8,48)
Preparation of Polypropylene Anticorrosion Jacket Layer Material …………………………………………XU Zhenghua,LI Yan,GUO Lin,GAO Nengyong(8,52)
Research on Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Phenolic Resin Modified by Poly(ether ether ketone) ………WU Limin,QI Shuhua,LIU Nailiang,LI Shasha(9,21)
Effect of the Number of Methylene Groups of Alcohol Chain Extender on Polyurethane Elastomer … ……………JIN Hao,LUO Jianxun,MAO Lixin,ZHANG Liqun(9,25)
Research on Electrical Property of PA6/CNTs Composites………………………………LI Zhongyuan,SUN Hongling,LIU Wentao,HE Suqin,ZHU Chengshen(9,29)
Effect of N-glycine Amide Maleic Acid on the Nucleation of PP……………………………Li Xingming,LÜZhiping(9,34)
Influence of Polyaluminosiloxane on Flame Retardancy of PC………………………………………………CHEN Youcai,ZHOU Wenjun,SONG Jian,ZHANG Jingli(9,38)
Effects of Al(OH)3and Its Composite Flame Retardant Systems on Flame Retarding Performance and Mechanical Properties of Cable Jackets … …………………………HOU Xinpeng,KANG Xingchuan,XU Di,JIAO Yang,GUO Zhentao(9,43)
Non-isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of PA66/Reactable Nano-SiO2Composites … …………………XU Xiangmin,GE Yuping,ZHANG Yudong,ZHANG Zhijun(9,48)
Study on Properties of Polypropylene/Styrene-butadiene Rubber Powder Blends … …………………LI Yan,CAO Fengxia,ZHAO Yan,DA Shiming,XU Dianhong(9,56)
Study on Processing and Property of Three-layer Co-extrusion Barrier Films … ……………………………………LI Side,LUO Jianxun,GAO Li,MAO Lixin(10,19)
Synthesis of Epoxy-modified Polysiloxane by Hydrosilylation Reaction … ……ZHANG Yuanping,YANG Xiang(10,24)
Synthesis and Application of Polyamidoamine Dendrimer……………………………………LIANG Jianguo,HAO Hong,WEI Xiongxiong,CAO Yahong,TIAN Zhongshe(10,28)
Study on Synthesis and Properties of L-Lactide andε-Caprolactone Copolymers ……………………………MA Conghe,CHAI Yun,ZHANG Puyu(10,34)
Study on Electrochemical Synthesis and Properties of Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Polyaniline/Ag Composite Films Co-doped with Mixed Acids … ………DENG Shuhao,WANG Yu(10,38)
Study on Non-isothermal Crystallization Kinetics and Melting Behaviors of Polyamide 11/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites…………………………………………………………CHEN Chunyin,MA Jianli,WANG Biaobing(10,44)
Research Progress in Surface Modification of Fibers in Biodegradable Plastics/Plant Fiber Composites…………………………………………………………FENG Yanhong,ZHANG Yeqing,QU Jinping,HE Hezhi(10,50)
Rheological Behavior and Mechanical Properties of ABS Toughened PC/CF Composites … …………………WEI Lidong,XU Yi,LIN Runxiong,ZHANG Lin(11,16)
Effect of Ionomer Surlyn on Properties of PET/PA66Blends…………………………ZHANG Jingyi,DING Yonghong,YU Qiang,TANG Lijun,ZHANG Yan(11,22)
Crystallization Behavior of High Melt Strength Polypropylene/Block Polypropylene Blends…………………………………LIU Wei,WANG Xiangdong,LIU Bengang(11,27)
Rheological Behavior,Mechanical and Crystallization Properties of Polypropylene/O-POSS Nanocomposites…………………………………………………………GAO Jungang,CAO Xinxin,YUAN Rui,HU Wentao(11,34)
Study on Structure and Properties of PLA/POE Blends……………………………………………………DU Feng(11,39)
Effect of Rare Earthβ-nucleating Agent on Mechanical Properties of PP-R/POE Blends…………………………………LÜYa,GUO Shaohui,ZHENG Fei,LIANG Linzhi(11,43)
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Aromatic Polyamide Containing 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethyl … ……………MO Xin,HU Yaping,YAO Jian,WANG Chenyi,LI Guang,JIANG Jianming(11,50)
Synthesis of Styrene-sodium Methacrylate Ionomer and Crystallization Behavior of PET/Styrene-sodium Methacrylate Ionomer Composites …………………ZHONG Xiaoliang,LI Zhonghui,CHEN Xuemei,CHEN Guojian(11,56)
Properties of Epoxy Resin/Aluminum Methylcyclohexyl Phosphinate Flame Retarded Composites … ……LIU Xueqing,LIU Jiyan,SUN Shan,CHEN Jia,CAI Shaojun(12,17)
Flame Retardancy and Thermal Decomposition of Polycarbonate/Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene/Hexaphenoxycyclotriphos-phazene ……………………………………XU Jianzhong,DU Weiyi,WANG Chunzheng,XIE Jixing(12,21)
Structure and Properties of MMA-BA Free Radical Copolymer………………………………LUO Tong,WANG Zhidong,XU Ruoyu,GONG Fanghong(12,26)
Toughening Effect of PA6with MAH Functionalized Acrylatestyrene-acrylonitrile Copolymer………………………………………DENG Yunjiao,LIU Zhenguo,SUN Shulin,YANG Haidong,ZHANG Huixuan(12,31)
Study on Cross-linking Behavior and Crystallization Behavior of Dicumyl Peroxide Crosslinked High-density Polyethylene TAN Zhiyong,QUE Pan,LI Dan,LIU Qinghui(12,35)
Influence of Talc on Morphology and Properties of PP………………………………………GUO Tiantian,DING Xuejia,ZHANG Yu,ZHOU Kebin(12,39)
Rheological Behavior of PET/Nano-attapulgite Composites………………………………DING Yonghong,XU Xiaofeng,LIU Jingru,YU Qiang,YAO Chao(12,43)
Curing Kinetics of Studying on Modified Bismaleimide and Cyanate Ester System with Different Epoxy Resins by Non-isothermal Method …………WU Guanglei,KOU Kaichang,CHAO Min,ZHUO Longhai,JIANG Yang(12,47)
Preparation of Vinyl Nano-silica and Its Effect on Melt Strength of Polypropylene ……………………WANG Xiangdong,ZHOU Hongfu,LIU Bengang(12,51)
Calculation of Long-term Hydrostatic Pressure Strength of Overlap-welding and Butt-welding Aluminum-plastic Pipes……………………………………LI Mingxuan(1,71)
Effects of Injection Molding Parameters on Glossiness of Polypropylene Parts … …LIU Xiwen,YANG Zhongwen(1,76)
Study on Aging Properties of Plastics-coated Woven Bags for Cement ……………………………YU Zhongdong(1,80)
Study on 3DSimulation for Filling Behavior and Fiber Orientations of Injection Molded Parts with Convex Cross Section…XIONG Aihua,LIU Hesheng,HUANG Xingyuan,LUO Zhang,LAI Jiamei,HUANG Yibin(1,83)
Study on Rheological Behavior of PTT/MMT Composites………………………………………WANG Liyan,LI Guang,GUO Jing,LI Jixin,XIANG Hengxue(1,90)
Study on the Effect of Post Processing on Selective Laser Sintering PC Parts … ………………………WANG Yan(2,65)
Optimization of Wall Thickness Distribution of Hollow Industry Parts by Parison Temperature Difference Method…………………………………HUANG Hong,LONG Ting,WANG Xuanlun,QIU Fangjun(2,68)
Effect of MDI on Melt Rheological Behavior of Poly(propylene carbonate) ………………………JIANG Xia,WANG Hai,XIAO Liren,QIAN Qingrong,CHEN Qinghua(2,72)
Devulcanization of Ground Tire Rubber Through High Stress-induced Reaction and Its Effect on Mechanical Properties of PP Dynamic Vulcanized Thermoplastics Elastomer……………………………ZHU Hui,ZHANG Yuncan(2,79)
Effect of Mixture Techniques on the Properties of PP/Nano-SiO2composites … ……………………DONG Jinhu(3,57)
Simulation of Injection Molding of Micro Fluidic Chip……………………………………ZHUANG Jian,ZHANG Yajun,WU Daming,DONG pengwei(3,61)
Experimental Study on Flexural Behavior of Pre-stressed Concrete Beams Reinforced with BFRP Tendons……………………………FEI Wei,LI Binghong,JIANG Shiyong,HU Xianqi,SHI Qianhua,WANG Lanmin(3,65)
Extrusion Foaming Behavior of Different High Density Polypropylene Foaming Systems … …………………LIU Bengang,HE Ludong,ZHAO Zhehan,XUE Yunlong,WANG Xiangdong,DU Zhongjie,ZHANG Yuxia(3,70)
Study on Highly-filled and Over-thickness Radiation Protection Materials … ……HE Peng,GUO Zhentao,ZHANG Long,LI Tiejun,KANG Xingchuan,ZHENG Jinmei,LI Shufeng(4,65)
Study on Self-adhesive Mechanism of PVC Films………………………………FAN Shuangyu,WANG Peizhang(4,69)
Effect of Coagulation Bathes on Morphology and Properties of Polyurethane-based Semi-IPNs…………………………………………………………LÜHaining,ZHAO Shumei,HONG Junyan,CHEN Qiaoyu,LI Yuzhou(4,73)
Effect of Novel Intumescent Retardant on Flame Retardany of ABS … ……………LIU Yi,YI Jiangsong,CAI Xufu(4,77)
Experimental Study on Bond Behavior of BFRP Bars Embedded in Concrete by Beam Test … ……………ZHOU Junlong,LI Binghong,JIANG Shiyong,SHI Qianhua,HU Xianqi(4,83)
Analysis of Factors Influencing Permeability of PET Package Films…………………………………………………………GUO Yanfeng,YAN Yu,LIU Jin,FU Yungang(5,60)
Effect of Modified AC Foaming Agent on Properties of PVC Wood-plastic Composites………………………………………BAI Xiaoyan,WANG Qingwen,SUI Shujuan(5,65)
Study of Glyzinc and Its Compound Stabilitizer on Photostabilization of PVC … …PENG Qinglin,SHEN Xiongjun(5,70)
Study on the Preparation of Water-borne Polyurethane/Bamboo Charcoal Antistatic Coating…………………………………………………………YANG Lei,DAI Lizong(5,73)
Experimental Study on Flexural Behavior of Post-tensioned Method Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Beams Reinforced with BFRP Tendons………………………………………………………FEI Wei,LI Binghong,JIANG Shiyong, HU Xianqi,WANG Lanmin,SHI Qianhua(5,79)
Multi-objective Optimization Design of Processing Parameters of Injection Molding Cooling System Considering the Interactions … ……………………………………SHU Maosheng,LAN Jian,MAO Huajie,YIN Fei(6,65)
Research on Factors Influencing Drag Reduction Properties of Polymer Drag Reducers………………………………………WANG Chunxiao,LU Jiangyin,BO Wenmin(6,70)
FEM Analysis of Steel Strip Winding Reinforced Plastic Composite Pipes ………FANG Jianfeng,CHEN Ling(6,77)
Research on Extrusion Foaming of Low-density Polystyrene Wood-like Slits……………………………………………………LI Zhijie,LI Xiaoqiang,ZHANG Jiliang(6,82)
Welding Technology and Evaluation Method for Polyethylene Pipes … ………………………………ZHAO Hong(7,48)
Preparation and Properties of PE-HD/Cotton Bast Composites…………………………………………………LIU Shurong,CAO Sujiao,TAN Bin,FENG Yanhong,QU Jinping(7,54)
Study on Biological Modeling Self-healing Microcapsules……………………………………LI Yuntao,LI Ran,HE Jing,WANG Zhichao,WANG Huixia(7,58)
Preparation and Properties of PVA/Straw Powder Composites………WU Chuanbao,WANG Yufeng,YIN Jianmei(7,63)
Study Processing Conditions of PE-UHMW Microporous Filter Materials … ……………ZHANG Qiang,XUE Ping(7,68)
Toughening Modification of PP Outer Cap Composite Used in Combinational Closures of Plastic Infusion Containers…………………………XU Yongchang,GUAN Xipeng,LIU Yongzhuo,ZHU Quan,JIANG Wenzhen(8,57)
Test Research on Water Resistant Performance of Hot Melt Adhesive in Plastic Pipe Reinforced by Cross-winding Steel Wires ……………………………RAO Jing,HAO Yujie,SHI Jun,SHI Jianfeng,MA Jinjin(8,62)
Influence of Modified Conditions on Impact Property of Polyurethane Rigid Foam ……ZHOU Xiaoqian,ZHENG Guokuo,DU Juan,LU Yunting,HUANG Xin(8,66)
Rheological and Foaming Behaviors of Plasticized Poly(vinyl alcohol) ………………………WU Wenqian,JIA Qingqing,GAOLUN Bagen,XIANG Aimin(8,69)
Research on Properties and Applications of XPS Boards………………WANG Yong,WANG Xiangdong,LI Ying(8,75)
Research Progress in Halogen-free Flame Retarded Polyolefin Cable Materials ……………ZHAO Bin,ZHANG Sheng,WANG Julin,ZHANG Rong,DONG Mingzhe(9,61)
Studies on Influence of the Size of PP Powder on Dispersion Behavior of Nanoparticles … ……………HUANG Weijiang,TIAN Yaozhu,QIN Jun,Luo Zhu,CHEN Mengyu(9,66)
Preparation and Property Analysis of Phenolied of Humic Acid Modified Phenol-formaldehyde Foams…WANG Zhengan,ZHANG Xianglin,TONG Yajun,SU Xiao(9,70)
Study on Two-dimensional Self-reinforcement of PE-HD in Twodimensional Compound Stress Field …………YUAN Yi,XU Shaohu,CUI Shuang,SHEN Kaizhi(9,75)
Study on Crystallization and Tribological Behaviors of PTFE/POB Composites ……………HOU Mei,KOU Kaichang,ZHANG Dongna,JIANG Yang,LI Ning(10,55)
Thermal Stability of Poly(vinyl chloride)/Lignin Blends………………………………………………LIU Feiyue,XU Kai,CHEN Mingcai,CAO Derong(10,59)
Stabilization Effect of Antioxidants and Light Stabilizers on UV-light Aging of PE-LLD………………………………………………YANG Haomiao,HU Bin,WU Peng(10,64)
Development of CPP Heat-sealing Film for Modified Atmosphere Packaging ……………………………………LIN Yuanzhi,CHEN Wentao,CHEN Sheng,SHI Fengyan(10,69)
Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Microstructure of Microinjection Molded Parts …………………ZHANG Qinxing,LI Qian,ZHAO Na,ZHAO Jian,SHEN Changyu(11,61)
Preparation of Halogen-free Flame Retarded Polypropylene…………………………………SU Jiying,MENG Chengming,TANG Junjie,GUO Jianpeng,DUAN Hao(11,66)
Effect of Processing Temperature on the Structure and Properties of PA6/CaCl2Composites ……………LU Shengjun,GAN Huahua,HE Min,HU Zhi,YU Jie(11,70)
Study on Toughening Effect of Compatilizers on PP/PE-UHMW Blends … ………………YE Mao,HUAN Xiuying(11,74)
Application of BP Neural Network on PP/POE-g-MAH Toughening PA6 ……………………CHEN Kun,ZHENG Tihe,SONG Kedong,TIAN Xiangru,ZHANG Yu(12,55)
Research on Shrinkage of Modified Polypropylene…………………………………………………LOU Xiaoan,SU Jiying,MENG Chengming,DUAN Hao(12,59)
Effect of PEG on the Properties of Poly(lactic acid)/Glutinous Rice Flour Blends … …………LIU Jianmei,QI Rongrong,LUO Yu,LU Jiaqi,HU Xinli(12,63)
Preparation and Properties of LSR Heat-insulation Composites Filled with Hollow Glass Beads …………WANG Huili,DENG Jianguo,SHU Yuanjie,JI Lanxiang(12,67)
New Alternative Technologies for HCFCs of XPS Foam Sector in China … ………………WANG Yong,LI Ying(12,71)
Synthesis and Application of Nucleating Agent—1,3,5-Benzenetricarboxylic Acid Tris(cyclohexylamide)……………………ZHANG Yuefei,LUO Xianzu,CHANG Yao(1,94)
Synthesis and Properties of Novel Hindered Phenolic Antioxi-dant ………………………………………………LI Cuiqin,WANG Jun,FANG Hong,GE Tengjie(1,97)
Compound Principles of Ester-tin and Its Application Development in PVC …………………………ZHANG Shuhua,GAN Wenjun,LI Qiang,FANG Bo,GONG Xinyu(2,85)
Thermal Property and Flame Retardancy of Epoxy Resin/Silicon-phosphorus Hybrid Cured Blends……………………WEI Zhenjie,LIU Weiqu,LI Hongjing,MA Songqi(2,92)
Effect of Light Stabilizers and Antioxidants on Structural Stability of Linear Low-density Polyethylene under Xenon-are Irradiation … ………………WU Peng,ISMAYIL·Nurulla,LI Zhifeng,MAIMAITIJIANG·Yimiti(3,75)
Application of Water Mill Superfine-BaSO4in Polyolefin Color Masterbatch ……………………………LIN Guangqiang,FENG Yancong,WANG Sanzhao,QIAO Hui WU Lifeng,LI Haibin,PENG Hesong,LÜDongjun(3,80)
Combustion Properties of Poly(vinyl chloride)/Nano Hydrotalcite/ZnO/MgO Composites…………………………………SU Hu,BAO Yongzhong,HUANG Zhiming(4,89)
Surface Modification of Flame Retardant Aluminum Hydroxide and Its Application in Polypropylene………………………………………………ZHENG Bingfa,XIN Mingliang,MA Yujie,XU Kai,CHEN Mingcai(4,93)
Synthesis and Properties of Phosphonite-containing Epoxy Resin………………LIU Jiyan,LIU Xueqing,SHI Hong(5,85)
Synthesis and Application of a New Non-toxic PVC Heat Stabilizer——Penzinc … ………………………………XU Shilu,LI Degang,YU Xianjin,JING Yongjie(5,90)
Application of Rare Earths in Polymeric Materials……………………YANG Yongqing,QI Shuhua,WU Jiangtao(6,87)
Preparation and Application of DBSA-doped Polypropylene Grafted Styrene Sulfonic Acid-polyaniline Antistatic Agents………ZU Liwu,ZHANG Xiaoyu,WANG Yazhen(6,92)
Research Progress in Heat-resistant Modifiers for PVC………………MA Lina,QI Shuhua,CHENG Bo,HE Dong(7,72)
Study on Friction and Wear Properties of PA6Composites Filled with Nano Silicon Materials and Glass Fibers………………ZHANG Jing,YAO Haoping,YANG Heimei(7,78)
Preparation of Encapsulated Ammonium Polyphosphate and Its Applications in SEBS ………………………FENG Shen,XU Jun,GUO Baohua,LI Xifu(8,81)
Mechanisms of Action and Development of Antioxidants…………………………………XIN Mingliang,ZHENG Bingfa,MA Yujie,XU Kai,CHEN Mingcai(8,86)
Application of Modified Needle-shaped Nano-calcium Carbonate in PVC ………………………JIAO Qishuai,HU Yongqi,CHEN Ruizhen,HAO Hongqiang,PANG Xiu(9,79)
Synergistic Effects of Phosphorus-silicon Flame Retardant with Ammonium Polyphosphate in Flame Retarded EVA…………………………………………………LIAO Detian,TANG Anbin,LI Xiuyun,MA Hanbing,XU Kanglin(9,85)
Study on Chain Extension of PET Flakes by Reactive Extrusion with Chain Extenders ……………………CHEN Qiuyun,WANG Yilong,LIU Jia,WANG Hui(10,76)
Coupling Function of Titanate Coupling Agent in PP/IFR Composites … …MA Zhiling,FAN Congran,MA Xin(10,81)
Study on Controlled Synthesis of Zinc Hydroxystannate-coated Calcium Carbonate via Mixed Template and Its Flame Retardancy in PVC … …………………………XU Jianzhong,PENG Fei,JIAO Yunhong,WANG Ning(11,80)
Study on Flame Retardancy and Curing Properties of 2-methy-2,5-dioxo-1,2-oxaphospholane in Epoxy Resin……………CAI Shaojun,FAN Dungui,LIU Xueqing,LIU Jiyan(11,86)
Research on Synthesis of Charring Agent Containing Silicon and Its Application in Flame Retarded PP……………………………………………LUO Guojing,YANG Yongbing,ZHANG Wei,LI Jinchun,CHEN Qiang(12,76)
Preparation and Application of Novel Maleic Anhydride Grafted Propylene-based Elastomer…………………………………………………TANG Junjie,DUAN Hao,YANG Tao,GUO Jianpeng,MENG Chengming(12,81)
Research on Moulding Process of Waste plastics and Carbide Slag Compound Formwork ……………LIU Tong(3,85)
Research of ABS Resin Modified by Recycled PC…………………………………………LAI Jinya,WEN Bianying(5,96)
Understanding of Commission Regulation(EU)No 10/2011on Plastic Materials and Articles Intended to Come into Contact with Food…………………………………………………………WANG Zhaohui,SUN Shuguo,LIU Jinyu,HE Ying,KAN Xingchuan,XU Yinhua(7,83)
Study on Structure and Properties of Recycled High Density Polyethylene ……………YUAN Conghui,WANG Shifeng,ZHANG Yong,ZHANG Yinxi(10,81)
Research on Al2O3Component Extracted from Fly Ash Modified PP … …………………………………DONG Jinhu(12,86)
Recent Advances in International Standards for Plastic Pipes………………XIE Jianling,XU Guozhi,SUN Hui(2,96)
Study on Measurement Method for Dynamic Density of Polymer Melts ……………………………………………HAN Ke,LI Zenghe,XU Hong,WU Daming(4,98)
Research on the Materials and Properties of Melamine Tablewares … ………SUN Shiyu,DUAN Xiaoxia,WU Yuluan, TIAN Yutian,XIE Yongping,ZHU Liping(5,101)
Influence of Sample Preparation Methods on Tensile Test Results of Plastic Film …………………HUANG Wei(8,91)
Study on Extensional Flow of Polymer Fluids Tested by PIV System ………………………LIN Xiang,REN Dongyun,WAN Kuisheng,JIANG Shunliang(10,86)
Automatic Determination of Melt Flow Rates of PS and ABS……………LIN Hongxiong,BEI Qinhong,ZHU Huihong,HUANG Jinfeng,YANG Bei,CHEN Gufeng(11,90)
Optimization of Maximum Output of Solid Convey for Co-rotating Twin Screw Extruders by Response Surface Methodology ……………………………YUAN Jiechao,LUO Bing,BI Chao,WANG Wenfei,YI Dalong(1,102)
Control Method for Wall Thickness of Extrusion-blow-molded Parts…………………………………………………………WU Yunong,WANG Shuhui,XU Zhongming(1,106)
Application of Pro/E Layout in the Construction of Standard Mould Base Library of Injection Moulds………………………………………BAI Qingping,CHI Chengzhong,CHEN Xiaowei,ZHANG Jiangang(2,104)
Mixing Effect of Screw Configuration on the PP/PET Blends………………………………………………WANG Wenfei,LUO Bing,BI Chao,YUAN Jiechao,XIE Zhaoxing(2,108)
Research on Barrels of Precision Injection Molding Machine Temperature Control and Anti-Interference Based on Fuzzy-PID … ………………………………LIN Rongchuan(3,89)
Mould Design of American Style PVC Windows Profile section…………………………………………XIAO Xueshi(3,94)
Pressure Distribution in Solid Section of Helically Grooved Feed Single-screw Extruders ………PAN Long,JIA Mingyin,XUE Ping,JIN Zhiming,TANG Guangli(4,102)
Study on Energy Distribution of Plastic Injection Molding Process Based on LabVIEW … …TIAN Yu,YAN Baorui,HE Yadong,XIN Chunling,LI Qingchun(5,105)
Numerical Analysis of Flow and Heat Transfer of a Polymer Solid Pellet in Melt ……LIANG Chang,LUO Bing(6,97)
Similar Scale-up of Mixing Section of a Two-rotor Continuous Mixer … …………………………LI Jianli,GONG Shuyun,MA Yulu,XIE Linsheng(6,102)
Development of Multi Microinjection Molding Machines for Thermoplastics …………ZHANG Panpan,WANG Jian,XIE Pengcheng,WANG Xiaohua,YANG Weimin(7,89)
Study on Stream Heating Mold and Auxiliary Control Device for Mold Temperature … ……………………ZHANG Jianwei,TANG Qinghua,YAN Junhu,HUAN Suocheng(7,94)
Effect of Backflow on the Distributive Mixing Performance of In-compatible Polymer Blends … ……………ZHOU Bingbin,MA Xiuqing,HUANG Fengchun,LIANG Wenhu(8,94)
Two-color Injection Molding of a TV Front Cabinets on an General Machine……………………………………………………GAO Xicheng,FANG Gang,CHU Biao(8,99)
Design of Elongational Corotating Twin-screws Element and Its Mixing Performance … ………………HUANG Fengchun,MA Xiuqing,ZHOU Bingbin,LIANG Wenhu(9,90)
Numerical Study on Mixing Performance of Different Screw Elements of Co-rotating Twin-screws Extruders…………………………………PENG Tao,JIA Zhaoyang(9,95)
Design of Highly Dispersive Mixing Elements for Twin-screw and Their Performances ……………HUANG Fengchun,MA Xiuqing,ZHOU Bingbin,LIANG Wenhu(10,90)
Design of Screen Changing Devices for Extrusion of PP Meltblown Resin … ………TIAN Weidong,LI Shitong(10,95)
Response Research on Drive Systems of Plastic Injection Molding Machines with Different Joint Ways…………………………………………………SONG Chunhua(11,94)
Extrusion Technology of Profiles with Cooling in Mandrels……………………………………………JIA Zhixiong(11,98)
Design of Core-pulling Mechanism with Angular Slide Pole Based on Injection Moulds … …LING Zhongliang(11,101)
Report on the 18thInternational Trade Fair of Plastics &Rubber(K2010)—New Technologies for Injection Molding……YANG Weimin,WANG Xiaohua,XIE Pengcheng(1,110)
Investigation of Extensional Flow Mixer for Single-screw Extruder Based on Extensional Disagglomeration………………LIN Xiang,REN Dongyun,WANG Kuisheng(12,90)
Design and Numerical Simulation of Series Disc Extruder Based on Elongational Flow……………………………………………LIU Tianlei,DU Yaoxue,CHEN Shaoqing(12,95)
Interview with Dr.Gerhard Himmel,General Manager Asia Pacific,Performance Polymers-molding Compounds of Evonik Industries ………Editorial Office of China Plastics(3,97)
Interview with Mr.HAN Xiaogang,Vice General Manager of Shandong Dawn Titanium Industry Co,Ltd………………………………Editorial Office of China Plastics(4,107)
Interview with Mr.Tomoaki TANAKA,General Manager of Polyplastics(Shanghai)Ltd……………………………………………Editorial Office of China Plastics(5,111)
Sustained Innovation,Sharing the Future——Interview with Mr.William D Russell,Polycarbonate Business Leader,SABIC Innovative Plastics……………………………………………………… (6,109)