(河北北方学院理学院,河北 张家口075000)
(河北北方学院理学院,河北 张家口075000)
1 基本概念
定义1 令K是E的非空闭凸子集,且满足K+K⊂K,x0∈K是任意给定的点,{T1,T2,…,TN}:K→K是N维渐近非扩张映射.令{αn}是 [0,1]中的一个序列,且{un}是K中一个有界序列.那么由
定义的序列{xn}⊂K叫做有限个渐近非扩张映射族{T1,T2,…,TN}的带有误差的隐迭代序列.引理1 令K是E的非空子集,{T1}iN=1:K→K是N 个渐近非扩张映射.那么存在一个序列 {hn}⊂[1,∞),且hn→1,使得
引理2 令 {an},{bn},{cn}是三个非负序列,且满足下面的条件:an+1≤ (1+bn)an+cn,∀n≥n0,这里n0是某个非负整数
(2)另外,如果存在一个子序列 {ani}⊂ {an},使得ani→0,那么an→0(当n→ ∞).
引理3 令E是一致凸的Banach空间,b,c是两个常数,且0<b<c<1.假设 {tn}是 [b,c]中一个序列,且{xn},{yn}是E的两个序列.则从条件
2 主要结果
定理1 令E是一致凸Banach空间,且满足Opial条件,K是E的非空闭凸子集,且K+K⊂K,{T1,T2,…,TN}∶K→K是N 个渐近非扩张映射,且(的公共不动点集合).令 {un}是K中有界序列,{αn}是 [0,1]中一个序列,且 {hn}是由 (1.5)定义的序列,满足下面的条件:
(iii)存在常数τ1,τ2∈(0,1)使得τ1<1-αn<τ2,∀n≥1.那么由定义1的隐性迭代序列{xn}弱收敛于K 中{T1,T2,…,TN}的一个公共不动点.
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Convergence of Implicit Iteration Sequence for Asymptotically Nonexpansive Operator Equation
WANG Wei-wei
(College of Science,Hebei North University,Zhangjiakou 075000,Hebei,China)
The implicit iteration method is the important content of the fixed point theory,and the asymptotically nonexpansive operator equation has been widely used.From the study of the implicit iteration method of the asymptotically nonexpansive operator equation,and by using the concept and property of the asymptotically nonexpansive mapping,the sufficient condition of the convergence solution for the asymptotically nonexpansive operator equation is obtained and the convergence theory is integrated.
nonlinear operator equations;asymptotically nonexpansive mapping;implicit iteration;the convergence
O 177.91
1673-1492 (2011)06-0001-04
刘守义 英文编辑:刘彦哲]