中医的底线——以中为主,衷中参西……………… 陈大舜(1.3)
中医抗击流感的思维模式和防治方法……………… 彭 坚(3.3)
从中医临床角度解读阴阳五行学说………………… 彭 坚(7.3)
三论湖湘中医文化——打造现代湖湘名医…………………………………………… 何清湖,万 胜(9.5)
现代中药产业竞争力与集群化研究………………… 陈 弘(9.8)
尤昭玲教授对体外授精-胚胎移植中医辅助治疗的构思与实践……………………………林 洁,谈珍瑜,熊 桀,等(9.11)
男性生殖亚健康 中医“以肾为本” ……何清湖,周 兴(11.3)
《名医类案》之灸法验案探析……………………… 袁宜勤(1.4)
月经病中医预防法初探…………………… 雷 磊,李慧芳(1.6)
肝主疏泄有待探索的问题…………………………… 胡随瑜(3.6)
论暴盲………………………………………………… 彭清华(5.3)
试从钱乙五脏辨证体系论儿童多动症的辨证施治…………………………………………… 李亚群,韩新民(7.7)
浅析《陈素庵妇科补解》安胎的辩治特色………………………………………… 邹 蓉,雷 磊(11.12)
冠脉介入治疗对急性心肌梗死患者QTc离散度的影响……………………………………………刘 涛,张学锋(2.12)
PRKAA2基因多态性与2型糖尿病患者血脂的关系…………………………………马 宁,张吉平,刘 静(2.14)
拟胚体法诱导人胚胎干细胞神经分化的研究………………………………… 袁 丁,林 戈,卢光琇(3.9)
非酒精性脂肪性肝炎大鼠肝脏、骨骼肌、脂肪组织脂联素受体的表达……… 刘 斌,刘 苏,朱风尚,等(4.3)
血清总前列腺特异抗原、f/t值及PSAD在鉴别前列腺良恶性疾病中的价值……………………………… 田利剑(4.7)
早期股骨头缺血性坏死的MRI诊断………………………………… 李水清,廖荣信,李艳辉(4.9)
新辅助化疗对乳腺癌ER、PR、HER-2表达和状态的影响……………………………………张洪清,林 霜,吴厚琴(4.11)
甲状腺激素水平与糖尿病肾病的关系……………………………张 琳,杨光燃,谢荣荣,等(4.13)
2型糖尿病患者内脂素与血脂代谢的相关性研究………………………………………………………黄 萍(4.18)
创伤性脑损伤后应激性肝损害的动物模型建立………………………………… 孟庆颖,王天懿,朱玉群(6.3)
水通道蛋白4在大鼠外伤性脑损伤的表达及意义……………………………………………………… 廖驭国(6.7)
从卵巢形态结构及MMP-9、TIMP-1表达优选PCO大鼠造模法…………………………… 熊 娟,杨正望,谈珍瑜,等(7.9)
血脉健对动脉粥样硬化家兔血脂及血管形态学的影响………………………………… 龚考玲,许宏伟,刘卫平(8.3)
慢性脑供血不足患者血清hsCRP、TNF- a、IL-6、血脂水平的研究…………………………… 莫 文,焦桂萍,袁志柳,等(8.7)
环氧和酶-2、基质金属酶-2、9 在子宫内膜息肉中表达和相关性研究…………………………… 曾 嫣,杨祖菁(8.9)
香菇多糖对吲哚胺2-3双加氧酶表达的调控作用及其与原发性乳腺癌细胞增殖关系的探讨…伍 奕,曾 勇,梁松岳(8.14)
中药四性数学模型的建立与实验研究……………………………贺福元,邓凯文,黄 胜,等(9.22)
建立斑秃中医生活质量量表的初步研究……………………………朱明芳,任 群,谭清文,等(10.5)
糖尿病患者图形视觉诱发电位的变化研究…………………………………董 玉,张 昆,彭 华(12.3)
血微量元素与小儿反复呼吸道感染的关系研究…………………………………陈 力,林 岚,马 杰(12.8)
胎儿生长迟缓与胰岛素及其相关代谢指标的相关性研究……………………………… 张家勇,潘燕群,钟 晓(12.10)
孤立型细支气管肺泡癌的HRCT表现………………………………………… 贾云静,许 东(12.13)
进展性脑梗死的危险因素分析…………………… 胡一峰(12.15)
论 著
青睫综合征的治疗体会……………………… 龙文莉,万李(2.3)
食管癌联合气管部分切除自体心包片修补气管缺治疗的临床观察……………… 向家勇,杨晋平,王清海(2.5)
脑得健方对大鼠局灶性脑缺血后神经功能及梗死面积的影响…………………………… 易 健,黄 昕,谢 勇,等(1.9)
脑泰方对脑缺血再灌注大鼠血管新生作用的实验研究……………………………陈 敏,朱惠斌,葛金文,等(1.12)
益气养阴活血利水法对兔视网膜脱离后ERG及视网膜组织超微结构的影响…………刘 娉,彭清华,吴权龙,等(1.16)
六味地黄方超微饮片含药血清对大鼠前脂肪细胞的影响……………………………肖子曾,赵 婧,戴 冰,等(1.22)
秦香颗粒对人轮状病毒感染乳鼠血清IFN-ɣ的影响……………………………殷 坚,彭芝配,滕久祥,等(1.25)
HPLC法同时测定博落回不同部位原阿片碱、别隐品碱的含量……………………………黄 敬,曾建国,罗卫梅,等(1.41)
吴茱萸叶挥发油成分的GC-MS分析……………………………江 宁,龚力民,刘塔斯,等(1.43)
雷公藤甲素的药理作用研究进展…王 雷,王 超,赵延栋(2.37)
硫酸依替米星在老年人感染性疾病应用的安全性分析…………………………………杨 菊,刘 彬,瞿 秋(2.39)
秦香颗粒对轮状病毒感染乳鼠粪便病毒抗原及小肠黏膜IgA的影响 …彭芝配,王 丽,章 琼,等(3.17)
楂七降脂袋泡茶对高脂血症大鼠血脂及肝组织的影响……………………………黄孟君,羊 敏,周薪蓓,等(3.23)
果王素对D-半乳糖致衰老小鼠学习记忆的影响……………………………钟 飞,刘 锋,许继凡,等(3.26)
HPLC法测定不同产地和采收期荷叶中芦丁和荷叶碱的含量…………………………………杨 鹏,陈希平,文 宁(3.37)
复方龙脉宁滴丸水提液有效部位纯化工艺研究……………………………孙 静,王昌利,郭东艳,等(3.41)
骨碎补中柚皮苷含量测定方法的优化研究……………………………伍 奕,蒋晓煌,蒋孟良,等(3.48)
血府逐瘀汤超微颗粒对急性心肌缺血模型大鼠SOD、MDA、NO、ET的影响 ……………… 邓冰湘,张秋雁,蔡光先,等(5.7)
开胃进食汤超微颗粒对胃肠平滑肌细胞MLCK表达的影响…………………………… 陈 斌,蔡光先,戴飞跃,等(5.9)
活血利水法对外伤性增生性玻璃体视网膜病变兔眼玻璃体TGF-β1表达的影响 ……陈 吉,彭清华,邢雁飞,等(5.12)
九香止泻片对腹腔注射细菌致死量小鼠白细胞、淋巴细胞计数的影响……彭芝配,张金慧,李 为,等(5.16)
降糖益肾方对高脂饲养MKR鼠糖代谢、肾功能的影响……………………………明 霞,艾碧琛,喻 嵘,等(5.19)
三七总皂苷对脑缺血再灌注后MMP-9和TIMP-1表达的影响……………………………唐映红,黄小平,谭 华,等(5.29)
通泉草的生药学研究……………高 叶,李雪松,谢 霞(5.33)
HPLC法测定不同种类竹子的竹沥中愈创木酚的含量……………………………………………李 红,蒋孟良(5.38)
HPLC法测定痔比舒胶囊中盐酸小檗碱的含量 ……卢 蕾(6.44)
小柴胡颗粒抗肺癌的机制研究……………张军能,张 轶(6.46)
丹参酮ⅡA对小鼠S180肿瘤获得性多药耐药及P-gp、LRP的影响 ……………………何 欣,曾柏荣,刘 华(7.16)
过食酸味药山茱萸对大鼠胃窦D细胞及NO与ET-1的影响…………………………………李 花,刘旺华,刘建新(7.19)
丹参注射液联合卡托普利对肺纤维化大鼠SOD、MDA的调节作用……………………………………………石轶群,周 平(7.22)
不同产地中药材枸骨叶中总皂苷的含量测定……………………………周国莉,舒 柯,聂骊晓,等(7.33)
正交设计优选益血胶囊提取工艺……………………………孙 静,严建业,王元清,等(7.39)
正交试验优选假酸浆籽中果胶提取工艺的研究……张 帅(7.42)
加减右归饮治疗膝关节骨性关节炎机理研究……………………………谢根东,曾一林,王 琦,等(8.19)
普卢利沙星胶囊的含量及有关物质的HPLC测定……………………………徐耀华,欧 艳,马 宁,等(8.21)
降脂消斑片对兔动脉粥样硬化模型主动脉与冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块的影响…………程丑夫,邱赛红,程 屹,等(9.34)
左归复方对MKR转基因2型糖尿病鼠骨骼肌PPARɣ和GLUT-4表达的影响………………吴勇军,喻 嵘,成细华,等(9.43)
麻杏石甘汤对A型流感病毒感染的MDCK细胞活性与超微结构的影响………卢芳国,何迎春,庞 喻,等(9.47)
超微脑得健对脑缺血大鼠脑内Rho表达的影响……………………………杜 可,易 健,刘柏炎,等(9.50)
全蝎纯化液抗实验性血栓的研究……………………………谭 茜,徐爱良,彭延古,等(9.54)
心痛舒含药血清对乳鼠缺氧/复氧心肌细胞凋亡及Bcl-2、Bax基因表达的影响 ……黄政德,胡 华,田雪飞,等(9.56)
超微通阳调心方对扩张型心肌病大鼠心肌细胞凋亡及BNP的影响……………………………王 华,卢 青,刘越美,等(9.64)
复方七芍降压片对SHR血压、心脏的影响……………………………张 稳,唐 莹,谭胜真,等(9.67)
观音合剂对幼龄厌食大鼠Leptin、CCK与VIP的影响……………………………刘克丽,谢 静,陈秋芳,等(9.70)
六味地黄丸中马钱苷、芍药苷、丹皮酚对肾上腺素诱导大鼠前脂肪细胞内cAMP的影响 ………………………………冷 旺(9.74)
忽地笑内生菌的分离及发酵产物抑菌活性研究……………………………杨 帅,南小航,鲁耀邦,等(9.78)
妇科千金片对急性盆腔炎模型大鼠血清IgA、IgG、IgM的影响 ………………袁建菱,郭建生,伍参荣,等(9.87)
金银花与山银花HPLC指纹图谱比较研究……………………………熊 艳,朱晶晶,王智民,等(9.90)
紫石英中有害元素铅、镉、砷、汞、铜溶出量的研究……………………………谭朝阳,郑 宇,袁宏佳,等(9.96)
吴藿降压滴丸与片剂的体外溶出比较研究…………………………………桂 卉,李 静,胡立志(9.99)
妇洁灵洗剂中苦参生物碱含量变化机制研究……………………………… 徐 菲,李顺祥,王叶茗(9.102)
紫背金盘中挥发油成分的GC-MS分析………………………… 杨悟新,易刚强,李云耀,等(9.105)
超临界CO2流体萃取法与水蒸气蒸馏法提取灰毡毛忍冬中挥发油的GC-MS比较研究 … 唐丽君,周日宝,刘笑蓉,等(9.109)
大花红景天及其混伪品的鉴别研究………………………… 史 伟,陈胜璜,杨大坚,等(9.114)
湖南道县产凹叶厚朴发汗前后挥发油成分及含量变化的研究………………………… 韦熹苑,郭锦明,丁扬洲,等(9.117)
云南野生毛喉鞘蕊花化学成分的研究………………………… 欧阳文,杨 梅,刘庚贵,等(9.121)
降糖灵颗粒中马钱苷的含量测定……… 李成舰,夏新华(9.125)
半夏炮制前后HPLC图谱的比较………………………… 邹菊英,陈胜璜,雷 昌,等(9.127)
辛贝-吲哚布芬片抗血小板聚集作用的研究………………………………………… 张 栩,孙兆林(10.12)
向日葵根药用研究新进展…… 王海河,肖冰梅,王 斌(10.15)
抗溃结复发方对UC模型大鼠血浆TXB2、6-Keto-PGF1α含量的影响…………… 安贺军,王新月,于 玫,等(11.15)
益气养阴活血利水法对兔视网膜脱离后视网膜组织中IL-1β表达的影响…………… 彭清华,刘 娉,彭 俊,等(11.18)
龙血竭外用对糖尿病大鼠皮肤溃疡Smads蛋白表达的影响………………………… 贺选玲,肖 凡,王莘智,等(11.23)
紫背金盘水提物和醇提物解热作用的研究………………………… 易刚强,李云耀,李晓龙,等(11.26)
解毒脱瘾汤对吗啡依赖大鼠脑内多巴胺及其代谢产物的影响………………………… 朱成全,洪加津,白建萍,等(11.28)
清毒饮对K562细胞bcr/abl mRNA基因表达的影响……………………………… 梁 毅,葛志红,丘和明(11.31)
大叶紫珠不同采收期总黄酮含量的研究………………………… 刘笑蓉,周日宝,唐丽君,等(11.34)
丹龙腰痛颗粒提取纯化工艺研究………………………… 龙玉堂,夏新华,雷 杨,等(11.37)
和血明目片方义及临床应用…………… 王 辉,高健生(12.17)
正天丸对时相性偏头痛动物模型行为学表现及血管活性物质研究………………………… 李 涛,曹克刚,田 鹤,等(12.19)
双丹明目胶囊治疗糖尿病视网膜病变的多中心临床研究……………………………秦裕辉,李 芳,涂良钰,等(1.46)
青春期功能失调性子宫出血分别用妈富隆与雌激素治疗60例疗效观察………………………韩 驰,赵碧辉(2.44)
旋转复位法治疗环枢关节紊乱症的临床研究…………………………………姚乃捷,许巧玲,赵 晓(2.54)
推拿针灸联合口服独一味胶囊治疗退行性膝关节炎临床观察………………………………………………………周 愚(2.56)
仿生电刺激治疗假性球麻痹的临床疗效观察……………………………万 琦,诸兴明,杜宇平,等(2.59)
B超引导下联用甲硝唑与庆大霉素穿刺冲洗治疗颌面间隙感染………………………………………………………杨 宁(2.61)
婴幼儿法乐氏四联症的外科治疗………………………… 白 韬,邓 盛,熊荣生,等(2.65)
产科弥漫性血管内凝血9例诊治体会 ……陈延玲,邢成英(2.67)
泪管刀微创侧方松解内括约肌治疗陈旧性肛裂80例临床观察……………………………彭 文,张 洁,魏荣辉,等(2.69)
四磨汤超微饮片联合TACE治疗原发性肝癌临床观察…………………………………曾柏荣,蔡光先,李 为(3.58)
凉血消风方治疗成人异位性皮炎的临床观察…………………………………龚小红,匡 琳,刘 翔(3.61)
米力农治疗老年人慢性心力衰竭急性加重期疗效观察………………………………………………………郭 勇(4.29)
Wallis在腰椎间盘突出症临床治疗中的疗效观察…………………………………张 翔,雷仲民,黄明华(4.31)
不明原因晕厥45例临床分析…………………………赵 惠(4.41)
全身热疗治疗原发性肝癌和转移性肝癌…汤学林,黄 云(4.44)
我院2009年抗溃疡药物利用分析……………………………李艳丽,孙丽君,崔 挺,等(4.46)
麻醉推拿治疗腰椎间盘突出症神经疼痛的疗效分析…………………………………赵 凯,郭振江,雷仲民(4.49)
大鼠脑外伤后心肌损害与氧化应激的相关性研究……………………………高 燕,林 捷,李 毅,等(4.51)
无保护左主干病变经皮冠状动脉介入治疗临床分析……………………………姜海涛,曲会君,李 娜,等(4.67)
不同剂量温阳强心方治疗慢性充血性心力衰竭的临床疗效及对ANP的影响…………陈新宇,沈 文,卢 青,等(5.48)
枳术丸超微颗粒与传统汤剂治疗脾虚气滞型功能性消化不良的比较研究……刘富林,谷井文,易 健,等(5.52)
早期动脉溶栓联合丹参川芎嗪注射液治疗急性脑梗死的临床观察…………………………………劳 一,韩景光,张占伟(5.61)
化痰祛瘀法治疗冠心病心绞痛痰瘀阻结证疗效观察…………………………………李 勇,黄建生,郭云静(5.64)
口腔拔牙术运用碧兰麻局部麻醉的临床观察……… 罗扬力(6.9)
老年股骨颈骨折人工髋关节置换术的临床研究……………………………………………丑 克,陈先礼(6.11)
综合疗法对老年脑中风患者的疗效观察…王剑威,杨 宁(6.24)
经颈内静脉溶栓及经股静脉放置腔静脉滤器治疗下肢深静脉血栓的临床体会……………………田 丰,蒋国民,赵进委(6.29)
金水宝胶囊合山楂消脂胶囊对早期糖尿病肾病血浆内皮素Ⅰ及C反应蛋白的影响 …………陈汉礼,周 茹,陆标明(6.35)
间苯三酚和米索前列醇对宫腔镜手术前宫颈扩张效果的比较……………………………苏慧明,徐 燕,黎颖雄,等(6.38)
枳实导滞汤加减治疗肛肠病术后大便不畅的临床观察…………………………………谢敏江,牛 婧,王德英(6.40)
生化汤加味用于中孕引产术后阴道流血的临床观察…………………………………李 岚,刘文娥,杨正望(7.51)
ALA-PDT疗法配合平疣散治疗尖锐湿疣的疗效观察………………………………………………………刘 艳(7.56)
清、解、透三法并用治疗外感发热即刻退热效果的临床疗效观察…………………………………沈艳莉,何 力,刘清泉(8.24)
射频加温联合放射治疗中晚期宫颈癌的疗效观察…………………………………何丽佳,罗惠群,向 莉(8.32)
经皮肾穿刺取石术治疗肾和上段输尿管结石的临床观察………………………………………………………吴 波(8.35)
重组人干扰素α-1b在儿科的临床应用 ……………钟月平(8.37)
孕早期补充铁之缘片预防妊娠期贫血的临床观察…………………………………宋丽君,许金莲,康 丽(8.39)
致康胶囊治疗犬咬伤60例疗效观察……………………………崔 宾,刘铁军,王杰伟,等(8.41)
黄芪注射液治疗缺血性中风恢复期对照试验的系统评价………………………………………… 李可建,马丽虹(9.140)
益气活血冲剂治疗弥漫性轴索损伤的疗效分析………………………… 周兆祥,焦守岗,罗荣武,等(9.142)
芪贞颗粒对重型斑秃患者外周血糖皮质激素受体水平的影响………………………… 席建元,荣光辉,胡金辉,等(9.145)
建立斑秃中医生活质量量表的初步研究………………………… 朱明芳,任 群,谭清文,等(9.149)
基于微距摄影对小儿指纹颜色的研究……………………………… 李吉宗,张乐平,顾 星(9.152)
剪口结扎结合PPH术治疗混合痔的多中心临床研究………………………… 何永恒,韩金红,刘 景,等(9.155)
舒冠滴丸对冠心病不稳定型心绞痛QT离散度的影响………………………………………… 朱鹏程,程丑夫(9.159)
多虑宁颗粒治疗广泛性焦虑症的临床观察………………………… 谭奔腾,郭田生,骆小林,等(9.162)
龙胆泻肝配方颗粒对生殖器疱疹患者外周血白细胞Toll样受体表达的影响………………… 匡 琳,韩英光,刘明俊(9.165)
通脉调脂丸治疗高脂血症临床观察…… 焦守岗,苏建斌(9.168)
痰涤雾化液治疗重型颅脑损伤气管切开术后肺炎的疗效观察………………………… 苏建斌,周兆祥,吴铁军,等(9.171)
七味白术散加减治疗肠易激综合征脾胃虚弱证的临床观察…………………………………………………… 郭维军(9.175)
经皮切吸联合臭氧消融术配合中药治疗腰椎间盘突出症临床观察………………………… 黄 臻,徐无忌,唐本夫,等(9.178)
鳖龙软肝片抗肝纤维化临床观察………………………… 王 雅,熊 焰,张 涛,等(9.181)
护卵汤治疗心肾不交型卵巢早衰的临床观察……………………………… 丁 青,吴紫玉,聂 玲(9.184)
金天格胶囊治疗骨质疏松性肱骨外科颈骨折的临床观察……………………………… 杨 彬,吴官保,徐无忌(9.187)
益气化痰方治疗椎-基底动脉供血不足病气虚痰阻证的临床观察………………………………………… 魏立仁,胡国恒(9.190)
参仙乙肝灵联合阿德福韦酯治疗慢性乙型肝炎临床观察………………………………………… 欧 松,孙克伟(9.193)
中西医结合治疗植物性胃石症20例……………………………… 刘杰民,朱久宜,蔺晓源(9.196)
伤湿追风膏治疗风寒湿型腰椎间盘突出症的疗效观察……………………………… 王 健,邵先舫,熊 辉(9.198)
利胆清热汤治疗慢性胆囊炎湿热挟瘀证301例临床观察……………………………… 廖桂香,付建民,朱 佳(9.202)
补阳还五汤治疗腰椎间盘突出症经皮臭氧并胶原酶消融术后残留症状的临床观察……… 段建辉,邵先舫,刘志军,等(9.204)
铍针治疗皮神经卡压性跟痛症108例的疗效观察……………………………… 赵 凯,张 祥,雷仲民(10.17)
不同剂量疏血通对冠心病心绞痛的疗效与安全性观察………………………… 纪 军,何胜虎,徐日新,等(10.20)
盐酸坦洛新缓释片治疗早泄的分析………………………… 汪自力,杨 进,陈 刚,等(10.23)
老年患者全口义齿修复的治疗体会……………… 杨红蕾(10.25)
血液灌流抢救急性有机磷农药中毒的疗效观察………………………………………… 熊德山,代红梅(10.27)
阴式子宫切除术中巴曲亭局部应用止血效果观察………………………… 郑 茂,陶 刚,张健康,等(10.29)
LASIK术后角膜瓣移位20例临床分析………………………… 朱 晋,向金梅,陈 林,等(10.31)
慢性骨髓炎的中西结合治疗体会……………………………… 毕 衡,唐镇江,杨立丁(10.33)
针药联合治疗原发性高血压病疗效及机制的探讨………………………… 刘 江,刘贵池,王永清,等(10.35)
雷贝拉唑联合左氧氟沙星和呋喃唑酮根除胃幽门螺杆菌的疗效观察……………………………… 谭 谈,陈新君(10.37)
经妇女阴道镜活检不典型鳞状细胞绝325例病理分析……………………………… 王 雁,吴玉梅,孔为民(10.39)
肾结石两种ESWL碎石方法的对比研究………………………………………… 李高辉,张 莉(10.41)
冠状动脉支架植入术后行非心脏手术时抗凝治疗的研究…………………………………………………… 刘桂勇(10.43)
高强度超声刀热疗联合介入治疗巨块型肝癌的近期临床对照研究………………………… 安世兴,刘 坤,冯 凯,等(10.46)
中枢神经细胞瘤的临床诊断和外科治疗………… 崔国胜(10.48)
三氧化二砷联合沙利度胺加地塞米松治疗难治性、复发性多发性骨髓瘤19例疗效分析……… 傅爱林,沈文香,罗青松(10.50)
观音合剂治疗肺脾气虚型小儿厌食症的临床研究………………………… 谢 静,刘克丽,冯 佩,等(11.42)
冠心病心绞痛血瘀证四亚型与血管性假血友病因子相关性探讨………………………………………… 杨军辉,周小青(11.45)
非小细胞肺癌术后Ⅲ、Ⅳ期患者的中医证候分布规律初探………………………… 黄立中,邹彩亮,何 欣,等(11.48)
四妙君逸软膏用于肛肠病术后止痛促愈的临床研究……………………………… 何永恒,鲁龙生,王晓艳(11.51)
抗癌方联合TACE治疗气虚血瘀型原发性肝癌的临床观察………………………… 周小舟,孙新锋,马文峰,等(11.55)
治伤散巴布剂治疗急性闭合性软组织损伤的临床研究………………………… 邵先舫,刘志军,陈绍军,等(11.58)
改良外剥内扎加芍倍注射术治疗混合痔的临床观察……………………………… 唐智军,刘 淳,肖 琳(11.61)
异病同治法治疗痰热内扰证举隅………………………………………… 施花锦,王小娟(11.63)
急性呼吸窘迫综合征的ICU临床治疗56例分析………………………… 牛文凯,柏长青,李 艳,等(12.21)
MARS人工肝治疗重型肝炎的操作注意事项……………………………… 谢群英,周 涛,罗向群(12.23)
双孔与四孔动力髋螺钉对老年股骨转子间骨折内固定的临床研究…………………………………………………… 刘 悦(12.25)
老年急性脑梗死后焦虑抑郁状态的临床研究………………………… 郑国俊,兰丽梅,梁晓艳,等(12.27)
应用盐酸氨溴索注射液治疗儿科呼吸系统疾病的疗效观察…………………………………………………… 招建华(12.29)
腹壁单点悬吊式腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤切除术临床疗效比较研究……………………………… 陈 炜,杨 进,赵 芳(12.31)
ICU老年病人呼吸道感染203例的临床分析 …… 黄 政(12.34)
主管道低切高挂法结合清肠愈溃汤对复杂性肛瘘的临床疗效观察………………………………………… 张禄芳,桂 鹏(12.37)
出血性脑血管病128例急诊抢救分析 …………… 余夏发(12.40)
改良型Kugel补片治疗腹股沟疝应用体会……………………………… 甘旭东,黄 磊,唐健雄(12.42)
复杂胫骨pilon骨折手术的治疗策略……………………………… 黄夕斌,钱文亮,梁爱军(12.44)
小儿气管及支气管异物误诊56例及临床处理…… 李其松(12.46)
丘脑肿瘤的显微外科治疗临床分析……………………………… 施 鹏,庄会林,于效良(12.48)
依达拉奉治疗急性脑梗塞的临床研究…………… 王艾红(12.50)
沙利度胺联合低剂量地塞米松治疗老年多发性骨髓瘤的疗效观察…………………………………………………… 武家庆(12.53)
糖尿病酮症酸中毒误诊为急腹症的30例分析…… 黄旭艳(12.55)
高压氧综合治疗急性一氧化碳中毒体会………… 朱 俊(12.57)
古方今用 验案存真(一)…………………………陈大舜(3.51)
古方今用 验案存真(二)…………………………陈大舜(5.41)
古方今用 验案存真(三)…………………………陈大舜(7.47)
古方今用 验案存真(四)……………………… 陈大舜(9.130)
熊继柏教授运用补阳还五汤治疗疑难病证举隅………………………………………… 周 兴,李 点(9.132)
明代医家王肯堂医学成就研究… 周祖贻,谭达全,刘 锐(9.134)
古方今用 验案存真(五) ……………………… 陈大舜(11.40)
针刺足阳明胃经特定穴治疗功能性消化不良30例……………………………兰 蕾,常小荣,严 洁,等(1.66)
蜂针合中药熏蒸治疗类风湿关节炎的临床观察……………………………朱辉军,黄胜光,谭 宁,等(1.70)
电针足阳明经(穴)促大鼠胃黏膜损伤修复过程中P-RAF-1表达的影响………………陈楚淘,田浩梅,严 洁,等(7.64)
嗅三针对血管性痴呆大鼠学习记忆功能及海马ET和CGRP含量的影响 ……杨晓航,刘智斌,牛文民,等(7.68)
针刺阳明经治疗脑外伤偏瘫……张洪清,鄢 燕,李艳华(8.54)
针刺对中风痉挛性瘫痪血清氨基酸含量的影响………………………… 岳增辉,李 良,叶 禹,等(9.212)
整体经络针刺法治疗慢性疲劳综合征的临床观察………………………… 王敬乔,周国平,刘小卫,等(9.216)
安慰针与针刺疗法治疗单纯性肥胖症的临床对比观察………………………… 郑 婕,童 娟,陈建雄,等(9.219)
蜂针联合三阶梯止痛疗法治疗癌痛的临床观察………………………………………… 彭 辉,张志芳(9.222)
针刺上下肢同名经交叉对应穴治疗原发性膝关节骨病的临床观察………………………………………… 龚 萍,娄必丹(9.226)
针灸配合透明质酸钠注射治疗膝关节骨性关节炎的临床观察………………………………………… 陈 巍,王 勇(9.229)
银质针导热疗法治疗颈性眩晕疗效观察………………………… 韩国栋,蒋再轶,蒲沁沁,等(9.232)
针刺对单纯性肥胖症患者食欲调控作用的临床观察………………………… 潘 娱,童 娟,陈建雄,等(11.65)
针刺合穴位注射治疗三叉神经痛38例临床观察………………………………………… 陈志群,曾庆鸿(11.68)
针灸配合耳穴贴压治疗不寐的临床观察………… 游 璐(11.70)
辨证施治药物性皮炎3则 ……………………………梅伊任(2.76)
中西医结合治疗Kaposi水痘样疹1例………………………………………… 黄文娟,刘丽芳(9.208)
全身多发性结核1例 …… 伍玉南,孙克伟,黄裕红,等(9.210)
夫西地酸钠静脉输液致过敏反应1例报告………………………………………… 李力佳,杨淑霞(10.62)
“教-学-做-考”一体化《经络腧穴学》课程教学模式构建………………………………… 方 伟,康凤河,王立颖(2.7)
对巴基斯坦留学生英语教学的初浅体会……………………………陈 懿,唐 标,严暄暄,等(2.10)
中医院校护理专业《免疫学基础与病原生物学》的教学现状与改革思路………………卢芳国,伍参荣,陈 燕,等(8.44)
互动式教学在生理学课堂教学中的实践与探索………………………… 文菊华,邓冰湘,严暄暄,等(10.52)
通过示范中心建设推进实验教学体系改革……………………………… 江星明,刘文龙,李荣东(10.54)
医学生物化学教学中案例教学法的探索与实践………………………… 刘群良,尹 晟,舒 畅,等(12.59)
中药复方治疗动物实验性类风湿关节炎的用药频数分析……………………………徐江平,陈 敏,徐爱良,等(3.73)
中西医结合治疗多囊卵巢综合征不孕的中药复方用药频数分析………………………………………… 王春荣,徐爱良(12.62)
和血明目片参与治疗眼底出血性疾病的系统评价………………………………………… 廖 良,韦企平(12.65)
鼻咽癌中医主症、证型及常用中药的文献研究…………………………… 陈孟溪,张 红,苏志新,等(1.73)
艾灸温热效应的生物物理学特性研究进展……………………………刘 密,彭 艳,常小荣,等(1.76)
扩张型心肌病的中医药治疗进展…………王 华,卢 青(1.79)
经穴效应特异性研究概况……………………………王德军,严 洁,常小荣,等(3.76)
弥漫性轴索损伤中西医结合治疗概况……………………………周兆祥,守 岗,罗荣武,等(6.66)
活血利水法治疗眼科疾病的临床研究进展……………………………曾志成,彭 俊,谭涵宇,等(7.74)
脑功能磁共振成像技术在针刺研究中的应用概况……………………………………………石文英,章 薇(7.79)
网络成瘾成因的研究进展…………………………………李 欣,李路丹,刘 军(8.66)
干眼的中医研究概况…………………… 张 健,谭涵宇(9.237)
《神农本草经》传承本草学说成就探颐……………………………… 刘红宇,刘绍贵,廖建萍(10.63)
TIM基因多态性与变应性鼻炎相关性研究进展………………………………………… 文 志,田道法(10.66)
益母草及其制剂在妇科的临床应用……………… 钟月平(10.69)
益气化瘀法治疗药物流产后出血的研究进展………………………………………… 李 丹,丁 青(10.71)
原发性青光眼的中医文献学研究………………………… 谭乐娟,彭清华,姚小磊,等(11.75)
葡萄糖应用生产现状及碎(大)米酶法制成注射用葡萄糖的巨大优势……………… 贺福元,邓凯文,刘文龙,等(12.68)
艾滋病HAART相关血液毒副作用中西医结合临床研究近况………………………… 吴 巍,黄世敬,潘菊华,等(12.72)
膝关节半月板撕裂的磁共振成像误诊与漏诊分析……………………………………………徐玉芸,李 梅(6.54)
肝脏占位肿瘤增强CT扫描的临床应用…………………………………侯智通,王晓玲,陈 亮(6.56)
腰椎间盘突出症患者对疾病认知程度与康复护理依从性的调查…………………………………彭 铭,李丽芳,张海英(6.58)
垂体无功能腺瘤术后患者生长激素水平及生活质量和心理状态分析………………………魏 静,陈 兵,曾 俊(6.60)
紧张型头痛患者头痛程度与伴随症状间的相关性分析………………………………………… 张 颖,王振海(6.63)
腹腔镜的灭菌与保养……………张丽云,李 勇,杨美荣(6.71)
我院膏方季节内9 020张中药饮片处方分析 ………朱 磊(6.73)
风险管理在静脉输注化疗药物中的应用………… 李妙青(10.57)
浅谈医院网络信息管理系统安全性……………… 孙砚立(10.59)
一次性医用灌肠器具的研制及其临床应用观察……………………………罗惠群,罗 斌,唐光才,等(2.16)
“5.12”特大地震血管损伤患者的筛选及治疗对策…………………………蒋岚杉,崔 驰,鲜于剑波,等(2.25)
人工智能技术在中医医师评测系统中的应用………………………… 易 钢,金 敏,罗尧岳,等(2.27)
背景音乐在结肠镜检查中的作用……………………………王 军,岳巧艳,袁 捷,等(2.30)
浅议“品管圈”活动在降低药库药品周转天数中的应用……………………………………………周 玲,缪丽燕(4.68)
2种头孢类抗生素在我院运用分析 …………………郑咏池(8.56)
供应室再生物品环节的质量控制…………………………………张丽云,李 勇,杨美荣(8.58)
加强对黄斑出血视网膜病变的患者心理护理………文 芳(2.77)
康复护理在使用层流床预防化疗后粒细胞缺乏并发感染的临床观察…………………李海燕,王桂荣,陈 菊,等(4.75)
贫血病人维持性透析中静脉补铁的治疗及相关护理……………………………………………朱 蕊,张惠媛(4.78)
神经外科术后病人的护理安全…………………………………高照渝,李 颖,张庆玲(6.77)
严重软组织损伤行游离皮瓣移植术的护理……………………………薛立景,王晓红,杨 洁,等(6.80)
老年人骨折期间功能与心理的康复护理疗效分析………………………………………………………文 芳(8.75)
急救护理应急预案在群体儿童亚硝酸盐中毒抢救中的应用……………………………………………黄雪飞,李 岩(8.78)
论《黄帝内经•素问》中的“整体护理”观………………………… 潘晓彦,陈 燕,陈偶英,等(9.234)
气管插管术后口腔护理方法的改进……………… 蒋红燕(10.74)
康复护理在肘管综合症病人中的应用………………………… 薛立景,杨淑霞,杨 洁,等(10.76)
心理护理干预对艾滋病患者高效联合抗反转录病毒治疗依从性的影响………… 徐 艳,柏春琴,范春红(10.77)
护士操作技能培训方法改进的效果评价……………………………… 孙 浩,张拥娥,贡亦军(10.80)
湿润烧伤膏外敷干预新生儿静脉输注多巴胺致局部皮肤缺血缺氧的护理观察………………… 杨 琦,李 丹(11.73)
干眼患者100例的中医护理干预……………………………… 黄少兰,谢立科,张明明(12.75)
湘潭市2007年至2009年无偿献血不良反应原因分析及护理对策……………………………… 王小玮,谭曼虹,张锦泉(12.78)
儿科院内培训基地对提高低年资护士工作能力的探讨…………………………………………李 岩,李 霞(12.80)
Base line of Chinese medicine: China as master and western as visitor ………………………………………………………… CHEN Da-shun(1.1)
Investigation on application law of moxibustion in Mingyi Leian ……………………………………………………………………YUAN Yi-qin(1.4)
Study of preventionMethodswith traditional Chinese medicine on menopathy …………………………………………… LEI Lei,LI Hui-fang(1.6)
Effect of Naodejian decoction on nerve function and infarct volume in rats after focal cerebral ischemia…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… YI Jian,HUANG Xin,XIE Yong,et al(1.9)
Experimental study of NTE on improving angiogenesis and cerebaral ischemia reperfusion injury in rats………………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Min,ZHU Hui-bin,GE Jin-wen,et al(1.12)
Effects of Yiqiyangyin Huoxuelishui on retinal ultrastructure after retinal detachment in rabbits…………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Ping,PENG Qing-hua,WU Quan-long,et al(1.16)
Effects of drug-containing serum with Liuwei Dihuang micro-powder on preadipocyte in rats …… XIAO Zi-zeng,ZHAO Jing,DAI Bing,et al(1.22)
Effects of Qinxiang granules on IFN-ɣ in suckling mice Infected by human rotavirus ………… YIN Jian,PENG Zhi-pei,TEN Jiu-xiang,et al(1.25)
Mechanism of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide on anti-tumor effects for experimental liver cancer in mice……………………………………………………………………………………………………HE Yan-li,LUO Rong-jing,DU Biao-yan,et al(1.28)
Comparison of functions new Elsholtzia drink and its drugs on anti-in fl uenza A virus ……FENG Jing-li,WANG De-long,ZHANG Feng-xue(1.31)
Comparison of supercritical CO2 extraction and steam distillation for extraction of costustoot essential oil……………………………………………………………………………………………………YI Hai-yan,HE Gui-xia,GUO Jian-sheng,et al(1.34)
Research of extraction parameters for Gastrodia elata. Polysaccharides …………………………… REN Shou-li,LIU Ta-si,LIU Yu-jing,et al(1.37)
Determination of protopine and allocrytopine in different parts of Macleaya cordata(willd.)R.Br y HPLC………………………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Jing,ZENG Jian-guo,LUO Wei-mei,et al(1.41)
Analysis of volatile oil constituents from Evodia rutaecarpa leaves with GC-MS …………………… JIANG Ning,GONG Li-min,LIU Ta-si(1.43)
Multicentric clinical study of Shuangdan Mingmu capsule on diabetic retinopathy …………………… QIN Yu-hui,LI Fang,TU Liang-yu,et al(1.48)
Effective factors of diagnostic precision on differientiation element model in differentiation system ………… SUN Xiao-sheng,JIANG Qi-yu(1.52)
Study of quality of life(QOL) scale on patients with vitiligo in TCM ……………………XIANG Ya-ping,CHEN Li-ming,YANG Zhi-bo,et al(1.56)
Clinical study of Jiedu Huayu decoction on delayed seminal liquefaction ……………………………………………………… WANG Da-jin(1.60)
In fl uence of psychological interference on depression and clinical effects of patients with angina pectoris in syndrome Qi stagnancy and blood stasis………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Xiao-ping(1.63)
Acupuncture in speci fi c acupoints of Foot-Yangming meridian for 30 patients with functional dyspepsia…………………………………………………………………………………………………… LAN Lei,CHANG Xiao-rong,YAN Jie,et al(1.66)
Clinical observation of apiotherapy combined with Chinese drug fumigation for rheumatoid arthritis……………………………………………………………………………………………ZHU Hui-jun,HUANG Sheng-guang,TAN Ning,et al(1.70)
Literature study of nasopharyngeal carcinoma on primary symptoms,syndrome patterns and Chinese medicines used commonly……………………………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Meng-xi,ZHANG Hong,SU Zhi-xin,et al(1.73)
Study advance on biophysical characteristics of warm effect of moxibustion …………………………LIU Mi,PENG Yan,CHANG Xiao-rong,et al(1.76)
Dilated cardiomyopathy treated with TCM ………………………………………………………………WANG Hua,LU Qing,CHEN Xin-Yu(1.79)
The experience in the management of Posner-schlossman syndrome ……………………………………………………LONG Wen-li,WAN Li(2.3)
Esophageal cancer joint tracheal resection pericardial repair defects clinical observation of the trachea………………………………………………………………………………………………XIANG Jia-yong,YANG Jin-ping,WANG Qing-hai(2.5)
Teaching-learning-do-test integration of meridians and acupoints Curriculum Teaching Mode … FANG Wei,KANG Feng-he,WANG Li-ying(2.7)
Pakistani students of English teaching experience …………………………………………………CHEN Yi,TANG Biao,YAN Xuan-xuan,et al(2.10)
The effect of PCI on the QTc dispersion in patients with acute myocardial infarction ………………………………LIU Tao,ZHANG Xue-feng(2.12)
Association of PRKAA2 gene polymorphism with and serum lipid levels in type 2 diabetic patients………………………………………………………………………………………………………………MANing,ZHANG Ji-ping,LIU Jing(2.14)
Study on the Development and Clinical Application of the Disposable Medical Enemator…………………………………………………………………………………………………LUO Hui-qun,LUO Bin,TANG Guang-cai,et al (2.16)
Emergency knowledge in one senior high school students ……………………………………MENG Fan-shan,ZHAO Yu-lan,DAI Dong-mei(2.19)
Inguinal mass examination of choice-high-frequency color Doppler ultrasound ………………………………………………ZHANG Shu-wei(2.21)
Room Nurses AIDS occupational exposure and protection …………………………………………………………………… FAN Chun-hong(2.23)
Diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases in Wenchuan earthquake ………………………JIANG Lan-san,CUI Chi,XIAN Yu-jianbo,et al(2.25)
Arti fi cial intelligence technology in traditional Chinese medicine doctor evaluation System ……………YI Gang,JIN Min,LUO Xiao-yue,et al(2.27)
Background music in the role of colonoscopy in ………………………………………………… WANG Jun,YUE Qiao-yan,YUAN Jie,et al(2.30)
Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation in the combined metabolic syndrome obstructive Sleep apnea syndrome research…………………………………………………………………………………………… YAO Yan-ping,GUO Lian-xiang,YU Si-chong,et al(2.32)
Acute monocytic leukemia,non-speci fi c esterase staining and CD14 expression in comparison ………………………………… YU Rong-hui(2.34)
Epinastine United BCG-polysaccharide nucleic acid treatment of chronic urticaria …………………………………………… RAN Cong-rong(2.35)
Pharmacological effects of triptolide Progress …………………………………………………… WANG Lei,WANG Chao,ZHAO Yan-dong(2.37)
Safety evaluation of etimicin sulfate injection used in elderly patients with infections diseases ……………………YANG Ju,LIU Bin,QU Qiu(2.39)
Clinical observation of Qianliejiedu capsule on the treatment of chronic prostatitiss ………… YANG Wen-tao,LI Xi-zhu,LI Qun-sheng,et al(2.42)
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding were used Marvelon and estrogen treatment of 60 Cases …………………………… HAN Chi,ZHAO Bi-hui(2.44)
Microbial treatment of senile habitual constipation Clinical analysis of 86 cases ……………………………………………………JIN Nan-hui(2.46)
Clinical observation on treating renal de fi ciency and blood stasis infertility by integrated Chinese and western medicine ……LONG Cai-xiang(2.48)
The experience of thymectomy for myasthenia gravis of elder men-75 cases report ……WEI Shu-liang,DENG Zhi-gang,LAI Ying-long,et al(2.51)
The clinical study of central axial rotation reduction for joint disorders ………………………………YAO Nai-jie,XU Qiao-ling,ZHAO Xiao(2.54)
Massage and acupuncture combined oral administration of single blind treatment of degenerative arthritis of the knee capsule clinical observation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Yu(2.56)
Clinical Ef fi cacy of Bionic Electrical Stimulation on Pseudobulba Paralysis …………………… WAN Qi,ZHU Xing-ming,DU Yu-ping,et al(2.59)
The Therapy of Stabing Skin and Flushing under The Guide of Type-B ultrasonic to Cure Maxillofacial Space Infection Combined with Metronidazole and Gentamicin ……………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Ning(2.61)
JlT treatment of clinical observation of 24 cases of traumatic brain injury ………………………………………………………ZHANG Hong-qing(2.63)
Infants and young children tetralogy of Fallot surgical treatment of ………………………… BAI Tao,DENG Sheng,XIONG Rong-sheng,et al(2.65)
Obstetric disseminated intravascular coagulation Diagnosis and treatment of 9 cases ………………………CHEN Yan-ling,XING Cheng-ying(2.67)
Minimally invasive lateral lacrimal duct knife loosen sphincter for treatment of old clinical observation of 80 cases of anal fi ssure……………………………………………………………………………………………………PENG Wen,ZHANG Jie,WEI Rong-hui,et al(2.69)
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis Research Progress ………………………………………………………LI Shu-hong,TANG Yan-ping,LI Shu-yun(2.71)
Chest Heartache with Twenty Years of Curable in Traditional Chinese Medical and Western Medicine One Case……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… HU Xiao-bin,LI Yan-bing(2.74)
Differential Treatment of drug-induced dermatitis 3 ………………………………………………………………………………… MEI Yi-ren(2.76)
Strengthen macular hemorrhage in patients with retinopathy of psychological care ………………………………………………… WEN Fang(2.77)
Malignant bone tumors of anxiety and depression evaluation and care and 42 cases of heart ……………………WU Xin-zheng,PENG Zi-qian(2.79)
Thought pattern and controlMethodsfor fl u in TCM……………………………………………………………………………………PENG Jian(3.3)
Study on liver controlling dispersion …………………………………………………………………………………………………… HU Sui-yu(3.6)
Study on neural differentiation of human embryonic stem cells byembryoid bodies ………………………YUAN Ding,LIN Ge,LU Guang-xiu(3.9)
Effects of Mieyou decoction on NF-κB expression of experimental H.pylori associated gastritis………………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Xiao-juan,SHI Hua-jin,GUO Jian-sheng,et al(3.12)
Effect of Euonymus alatus on islet β-cell in type 2 diabetic rats ………………………… ZHAO Meng-meng,XIE Meng-zhou,LI Lu-dan,et al(3.14)
Effect of Qinxiang granules on HRV fecal virus antigen and small intestinal mucosa IgA in suckling mice………………………………………………………………………………………………… PENG Zhi-pei,WANG Li,ZHANG Qiong,et al(3.17)
Effects of blood-activating drugs and blood-breaking drugs on serum lipid and hemorheoloy in atherosclerosis rats…………………………………………………………………………………………………………XIE Hai-bo,MO Xin-min,LUO Yao-yue(3.20)
Effect of Zhaqi reduced-fat teabags on blood fat and liver tissues in hyperlipemia rats………………………………………………………………………………………… HUANG Meng-jun,YANG Min,ZHOU Xin-pei,et al(3.23)
Effect of Guowangsu on learning and memory abilities in senile mice induced by D-galactose ……… ZHONG Fei,LIU Feng,XU Ji-fan,et al(3.26)
Study of volatile oils constituents from 20 kinds of Compositae in Hunan with GC-MS ……… LIU Xiang-qian,LI Li-li,ZHENG Li-sheng,et al(3.28)
Study on genetic relationship between different resources of lily and RAPD fi ngerprint of lily………………………………………………………………………………………… TONG Qiao-zhen,ZHOU Ri-bao,LIU Xiang-dan,et al(3.32)
Determination of rutin and nuciferine in lotus leaves from different places and times with HPLC ……YANG Peng,CHEN Xi-ping,WEN Ning(3.37)
Study of puri fi cation on effective parts in water extraction of Longmaining compound pills……………………………………………………………………………………………… SUN Jing,WANG Chang-li,GUO Dong-yan,et al(3.41)
Optimum water processing technology of Rhizoma Anemarrhenae with orthogonality ………………LI Xi-ping,YANG Zi-yi,SHI Ji-lian,et al(3.45)
Determination of naringin content in Rhizoma Drynaria …………………………………WU Yi,JIANG Xiao-huang,JIANG Meng-liang,et al(3.48)
Authentic medical records treated with ancient formulas ……………………………………………………………………… CHEN Da-shun(3.51)
Experiences of Prof. YOU Zhao-ling in anti-abortion …………………………………………………………QIN Ming-chun,KUANG Ji-ling(3.53)
Experiences of Prof. TENG Jiu-xiang in treatment of senile depression syndrome ……………………………………………………CUI Na-ni(3.55)
Clinical study of ultramicro-powder of Simo decoction combined with TACE for primary liver cancer……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ZENG Bai-rong,CAI Guang-xian,LI Wei(3.58)
Curative effects of Liangxue Xiaofeng decoction on adult atopic dermatitis …………………… GONG Xiao-hong,KUANG Lin,LIU Xiang(3.61)
Clinical study of windowing subsection,integrating free and put,cutting and expanding with thread drawing and tubing drainage for complex anal fi stula ……………………………………………………………………………… HE Yong-heng,WANG Dong-hong,ZHAO Peng-fei(3.64)
Clinical study of compound kuh-seng injection combined with chemotherapy for multiple myeloma ……… ZHANG Wei-wei,YANG Xin-yu(3.68)
Clinical study of modi fi ed Zhenwu decoction on 35 patients with chronic heart failure …………………………………………… LIU Li-lan(3.70)
Analysis of medication frequency on Chinese medicine compound for rheumatoid arthritis in experiment………………………………………………………………………………………………………… XU Jiang-pin,CHEN Min,XU Ai-liang(3.73)
Research survey on speci fi city of acu-points actions …………………………………………WANG De-jun,YAN Jie,CHANG Xiao-rong,et al(3.76)
Progress in anticoagulant effect of scorpion ………………………………………………………… YI Xiao-min,PENG Yan-gu,XU Ai-liang(3.79)
Adiponectin receptor expressions in liver、skeletal muscle and adipose tissue of rats with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Bin,LIU Su,ZHU Feng-shang,et al(4.3)
The value of serum total prostate-speci fi c antigen,f / t value and PSAD in differentiating benign and malignant prostate diseases……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TIAN Li-jian(4.7)
Diagnosis of MRI on the Early Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head …………………………………LI Shui-qing,LIAO Rong-xin,LI Yan-hui(4.9)
The effects of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on ertrogen and progesterone receptors and HER-2 expression and hormone receptor status in breast cancer ………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Hong-qing,LIN Shuang,WU Hou-qin(4.11)
Thyroid hormone levels and diabetic nephropathy …………………………………………ZHANG Lin,YANG Guang-ran,XIE Rong-rong,et al(4.13)
Relationship study of visfatin and lipid metabolism in type 2 diabetes patients ………………………………………………… HUANG Ping(4.18)
Rabeprazole Combined Joint Xiangsha Pingwei Motilium particle treatment of re fl ux esophagitis Clinical Observation………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Shu-hong,TANG Yan-ping,LI Shu-yun(4.21)
Analysis the ef fi cacy of Polymyxin E nebulization to pan-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pneumonia………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Wei-dong,LIU Zhi-guang(4.23)
The ef fi cacy of Amiodarone for Congestive Heart Failure with Ventricular Arrhythmia of 38 case …………………………… GAN Fu-dong(4.25)
Sodium nitroprusside with ACEI,β-blocker combination therapy of heart failure observation…………………………………………………………………………………………………XING Gui-ying,WAGN Xiu-jun,CHU Jian-guo(4.27)
Puji hemorrhoid bleeding hemorrhoids suppository in the treatment of 54 cases reported ………………………………………GAO Jing-fang(4.28)
Clinical Observation of Milrinone on the Old people with Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Heart Failure ………………………… GUO Yong(4.29)
Curative effect evaluation that used Wallis treat Lumbar disc herniation ………………… ZHANG Xiang,LEI Zhong-min,HUANG Ming-hua(4.31)
Minimally invasive video-assisted parathyroidectomy for treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism …………PAN Xiao-feng,FAN You-ben(4.34)
Explore the treatment of tibial fractures and the effect of ……………………………………………………………………………HE Gui-song(4.38)
The clinical researches on the changing law in severe burn early stage about acute phase protein CRP and FIB………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Cheng-fei,LU Xue-jun,WANG Yi-bing,et al(4.39)
Unexplained syncope clinical analysis of 45 cases…………………………………………………………………………………… ZHAO Hui(4.41)
The effect of whole body hyperthermia (WBH) on primary hepatic cancer or hepatic metastases ……………… TANG Xue-lin,HUANG Yun(4.44)
Analysis of the utilization of anti-ulcer drug in 2009 hospital ……………………………………………LI Yan-li ,SUN Li-jun ,CUI Ting,et al(4.46)
The treatment effect of arthroscopic debridement for relieving pain of patient with osteoarthritis……………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Kai,GUO Zhen-jiang,LEI Zhong-min(4.49)
Study on the Myocardial Damage after Traumatic Brain Injury and the Effect of the Oxidative Stress in Rats …GAO Yan,LIN Jie,LI Yi,et al(4.51)
Limb fracture in traumatic brain injury in rats accelerated the healing of the reasons for Research ………… CHEN Zhen-qiang,LIU Guo-ying(4.54)
Emergency Treatment on 216 Cases of Multiple Traumas …………………………FENG Gui-xin,HUANG Xiao-ping,Guo Ying-sheng,et al(4.58)
The Study on Correlation between Stress Ulcer and Endotoximia and Lipid Peroxidation after Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats………………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Tian-yi,MENG Qing-ying,ZHU Yu-qun,et al(4.60)
Doxycycline to degeneration of lumbar MMP - 3 expression level of control ………………………LI Zeng-hao,LI Ning-ning,XIAO Rong-chi(4.64)
Patients with unprotected left main coronary artery disease percutaneous coronary interention clinical analysis………………………………………………………………………………………………………… JIANG Hai-tao,QU Hui-jun,LI Na,et al(4.67)
On the "Quality Control Circle" activities in reducing the number of days of drug revolving Drug Storehouse Application……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHOU Ling,MIAO Li-yan(4.68)
General hospital out-patient clinic service points defects and Countermeasures ……………………………… SI Ma-xinyuan,WANG Ya-ping(4.69)
Neuro-Behcet's Disease misdiagnosed as viral encephalitis Report of 2 Cases …………………WANG Yan-hai,XIE Shan-bing,SHAO Ze-ping(4.71)
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy + common bile duct incision in 83 cases of nursing ………………………………………… WEN Xiao-ling(4.73)
The use of laminar fl ow bed after chemotherapy to prevent neutropenia complicated by infection in rehabilitation nursing……………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Hai-yan ,WANG Gui-rong,CHEN Ju,et al(4.75)
Anemia in maintenance hemodialysis patients with intravenous iron supplementation in dialysis treatment and related care………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhu Rui,ZHANG Hui Yuan(4.78)
Discussion of sudden visual loss……………………………………………………………………………………………………PENG Qing-hua(5.3)
Effects of micro-pieces Xuefu Zhuyu decoction on serum SOD,MDA,NO and ET in acute myocardial ischemia in rats………………………………………………………………………………………DENG Bing-xiang,ZHANG Qiu-yan,CAI Guang-xian,et al(5.7)
Effects of Kaiwei Jinshi decoction using ultramicro-particle on MLCK of gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells……………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Bin,CAI Guang-xian,DAI Fei-yue,et al(5.9)
Effect of Huoxue Lishui therapy on expression of transforming growth factor-β1 in traumatic proliferative vitreoretinopathy in rabbits………………………………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Ji,PENG Qing-hua,XING Yan-fei,et al(5.12)
Effects of Jiuxiang Zhixie tablets on IL-8,leukocyte count and lymphocyte count in mice with intraperitoneal injection of lethal dose bacteria…………………………………………………………………………………………………… PENG Zhi-pei,ZHANG Jin-hui,LI Wei,et al(5.16)
Effects of Jiangtang Yishen decoction on glucose metabolism and renal function in MKR mice fed with high fat food……………………………………………………………………………………………………………MING Xia,AI Bi-shen,YU Rong,et al(5.19)
Effects of Banxia Xiexin decoction and its divisions on serum IFN-ɣ in mice infected Hp……………………………………………………………………………………………WU Zhong-xiang,HE Long-gang,TAN Da-quan,et al(5.23)
Analysis of volatile oil components of Peucedanum praeruptorum and Peucedanum decursivum……………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Guo-li,LIU Yu-jing,REN Shou-li,et al(5.26)
Effect of panax notoginseng saponins on MMP-9 and TIMP-1 after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in mice………………………………………………………………………………………… TANG Ying-hong,HUANG Xiao-ping,TAN Hua,et al(5.29)
Study of mazus rugosus on pharmacognosy ……………………………………………………………… GAO Ye,LI Xue-song,XIE Xia,et al(5.33)
Determination of Geniposide contents in Gardenia from different areas with HPLC …WU Hong-juan,WANG Qing-bo,TAN Zhao-yang,et al(5.35)
Determination of guaicol in bamboo juice from different kinds of bamboo with HPLC ………………………… LI Hong,JIANG Meng-liang(5.38)
Authentic medical records treated with ancient formulas ……………………………………………………………………… CHEN Da-shun(5.41)
Study on characteristic of differentiating and treating uterus bleeding in ancient work CHEN Su-an Fuke Bujie……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DENG Jing-ying,YOU Zhao-ling(5.43)
Correlation between etiology characteristic and hepatic and renal injuries in person with chronic HBV infection……………………………………………………………………………………… ZHAO Guo-rong,ZHANG Bo-sheng,CHEN Xi-jun,et al(5.45)
Clinical study of Wenyang Qiangxin decoction in different doses on chronic congestive heart failure and effect of it on ANP……………………………………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Xin-yu,SHEN Wen,LU Qing,et al(5.48)
Clinical study of ultra-powder Zhizhu pills for functional dyspepsia in spleen-de fi ciency and qi-stagnation syndrome……………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Fu-lin,GU Jing-wen,YI Jian,et al(5.52)
Relationship between clinical effect of compound Qishao Jiangya tablets on hypertension and change of plasma atrial natriuretic peptide……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SONG Xue-yun,TAN Yuan-sheng(5.55)
Curative effect of Yiqi Huoxue granules on diffuse axonal injury …………………… ZHOU Zhao-xiang,JIAO Shou-gang,LUO Rong-wu,et al(5.58)
Clinical study of early arterial thrombolytic combined with salvia ligustrazine on acute cerebral infarction……………………………………………………………………………………………………LAO Yi,HAN Jing-guang,ZHANG Zhan-wei(5.61)
Ef fi cacy study of Huatan Quyu therapy on coronary heart disease stenocardia of phlegm-stasis obstructed syndrome……………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Yong,HUANG Jian-sheng,GUO Yun-jing(5.64)
Effects of electro-acupuncture combined with rTMS on expression of inherent neural stem cells in local cerebral ischemia in rats………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Guo-fu,HUANG Xiao-lin(5.66)
Clinical study of puncturing point Renyin deeply for trigeminal neuralgia ………………ZHENG Sheng-hui,WU Yu-juan,JIAO Jian-kai,et al(5.70)
Statistical analysis of papers supported by research fund published in Journal of TCM University of Hunan in resent fi ve years ……LI Lu-dan(5.73)
Progress in study of pharmacokinetics on Chinese medicine …………………………………………………… WANNG Guo-zuo,GE Jin-wen(5.76)
Progress in study of Chinese medicine on Endotoxemia ………………………………………………………………HU Jiu-lue,HE You-shun(5.79)
Establishment of animal model of hepatic stress injury induced by traumatic brain injury…………………………………………………………………………………………… MENG Qing-ying,WANG Tian-yi,ZHU Yu-qun,et al(6.3)
The Expression and Signi fi cance of Aquaporin 4 in Traumatic Brain Injury of Rats …………………………………………… LIAO Yu-guo(6.7)
Oral tooth topical anesthesia was adverse reactions and complications ……………………………………………………………… LUO Yang-li(6.9)
Old femoral neck fracture arti fi cial hip replacement therapy and experience …………………………………………CHOU Ke,CHEN Xian-li(6.11)
The empirical study of amelioration of TIE ZHI YUAN PIAN and Ferrous Sulfate to gravidic iron de fi ciency anemia ………… GUO Yan-wu(6.13)
Eradication of Helicobacter pylori with 10 day sequential therapy ………………………… GUO Yu-ning,LIU Xiao-fang,ZHU Yu-qun,et al(6.15)
Effect of Shenxiong Glucose Injection on hs-CRP and Fat Metabolization and Hem-orrheological Properties in Patients with unstable.angina…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… HU Yao-dong(6.17)
Many disciplines integrated mode of treatment for patients in mortality analysis ………… HUANG Yong-jun,WU Yu-fu,LIU Xiao-hong,et al(6.20)
The Prevention and Treatment of Invasive Pulmonary Fungal Infection ……………………………………………………… MA Zheng-quan(6.22)
Comprehensive therapy for elderly patients with stroke …………………………………………………………WANG Jian-wei,YANG Ning(6.24)
Clinical study of Local hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy for advanced cervical cancer………………………………………………………………………………… YUAN Hong-xiang,WANG He-fang,ZHAO Cheng-gan,et al(6.26)
Clinical Application of vena caval Filter in Thansatheter Thrombolytic via Jugular vein Therapy of Deep venous Thrombosis of Lower Extremity via femoral vein Approach ……………………………………………………………………… TIAN Feng,JIANG Guo-min,ZHAO Jin-wei(6.29)
Clinical analysis of 34 cases of the open surgery menthods for complexity renal calculi ………………… HUANG Gao-xian,MENG QI-ming(6.31)
Combine traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment of severe acute pancreatitis 40 cases clinical observation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… HUANG Bing-yi,YUAN Yi-feng(6.33)
Clinical Research of capsule jinshuibao and capsule shanzhaxiaozhi affect to ET-1 and C-RP of early diabetic nephropathy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Han-li,ZHOU Ru,LU Biao-ming(6.35)
Comparison of Phloroglucinol and Misoprostol on Cervical Dilation Effect before Hysteroscopic Operation………………………………………………………………………………………………………SU Hui-ming,XU Yan,LI Ying-xiong,et al(6.38)
The Clinical Observation of 51 cases of Poor defecation after anorectal surgery treated by Zhishi dredge stasis Decoction……………………………………………………………………………………………………… XIE Min-jiang,NIU Jing,WANG De-ying(6.40)
The spirit of art TLC identi fi cation …………………………………………………………………………………………… DENG Feng-xiang(6.42)
Content Determination of the Berberine hydrochioride in Cortex Phellodendri Chinensis of Zhibishu jiaonang by HPLC……………… LU lei(6.44)
Mechanisms reseach of traditional chinese drug Bupleurum particles anti- pulmonary carcinoma …………… ZHANG Jun-neng,ZHANG Yi(6.46)
Laryngeal Mask Airway Anesthesia in Surgical Operation of the Primary Hospital ……… DIAO Mian-ling,ZHONG Xian-chun,QIU Yu-qiong(6.49)
B super guided percutaneous pulmonary tissue needle aspiration biopsy cutting and the value of clinical applications…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WEN Yong-tao,ZHAO Yi-ju(6.51)
The meniscus tear knee of magnetic resonance imaging diagnosis and analysis of misdiagnosis …………………………… XU Yu-yun,LI Mei(6.54)
Clinical analysis about enhanced CT scan of the liver occupying tumor ……………………… HOU Zhi-tong,WANG Xiao-ling,CHEN Liang(6.56)
Outpatient service prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc disease patients with cognitive degree of rehabilitation nursing compliance………………………………………………………………………………………………………PENG Ming,LI Li-fang,ZHANG Hai-ying(6.58)
Assess postoperative growth hormone level and quality of life in patients with pituitary adenoma patients……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WEI Jing,CHEN Bing,ZENG Jun(6.60)
The correlated analysis of the headache degree and simultaneous phenomenon on Tension-Type Headache …ZHANGYing,WANG Zhen-hai(6.63)
Diffuse axonal injury in Integrative Medicine Overview …………………………… ZHOU Zhao-xiang,JIAO Shou-gang,LUO Rong-wu,et al(6.66)
Modern Management of Hospital Drug Storehouse ……………………………………………………………………………… REN Zhi-wen(6.68)
Sterilization and Maintainance of Abdominal Cavity Mirror …………………………………………ZHANG Li-yun,LI Yong,YANG Mei-rong(6.71)
Our 9 020 paste in season tickets Chinese medicine yinpian prescription analysis …………………………………………………… ZHU Lei(6.73)
Acute cerebral infarction treatment and nursing area ………………………………………………………………CHENG Gai-cun,WEI Li-ping(6.75)
After neurosurgery department technique patient's nursing safety ……………………………………GAO Zhao-yu,LI Ying,ZHANG Qing-ling(6.77)
Serious injury of soft lines free fl ap observation and care of transplantation ………………… XUE Li-jing,WANG Xiao-hong,YANG Jie,et al(6.80)
Renewal study on Yinyang and Five elements theory in clinic …………………………………………………………………………PENG Jian(7.3)
Study of differentiation and treatment on ADHD according to QIAN Yi's fi ve zang differentiation system ………… LI Ya-qun,HAN Xin-min(7.7)
Optimism of PCO modeling from ovary histology and expression of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in rats……………………………………………………………………………………………XIONG Juan,YANG Zheng-wang,TAN Zhen-yu,et al(7.9)
Effect of Yuxianling granule on MFS in rats kindled with pentylenetetrazol …………………… XIE Jing-tao,ZHU Bai-ke,LI Zhi-xiong,et al(7.12)
Effect of tanshinone IIA on acquired multi-drug resistance of S180's tumor and expression of P-gp,LRP and TOPOII in mice……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… HE Xin,ZENG Bai-rong,LIU Hua(7.16)
Effects of overtaking sour- fl avored drug Cornus Of fi cinalis on D cells of gastric mucosa,ET-1 and NO in rats…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… LI Hua,LIU Wang-hua,LIU Jian-xin(7.19)
Effect of salvia injection combined captopril on SOD and MDA in rats with pulmonary fi brosis …………………… SHI Yi-qun,ZHOU Ping(7.22)
Comparative study of wild Pinelliae rhizome and cultivated Pinelliae rhizome on cough expectorant……………………………………………………………………………………………… GAO Jing-xin,ZHANG Lu-ming,LU Xian-ming(7.25)
Study of cordate houttuynia on variation of genetic polymorphism fi ngerprinting …………LIU Wen-long,ZHANG Xi-ling,NIE Zhi-jiao,et al(7.28)
GC-MS analysis of essential oils constituents from Cortex ailanthi ………………………LI Xue-song,GONG Li-min,SHENG Wen-bing,et al(7.31)
Content determination of total saponins in Folium ilicis cornutae from different area ……………… ZHOU Guo-li,SHU KE,NIE Li-xiao,et al(7.33)
Quality control of Sinshang plaster……………………………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Shi-heng(7.36)
Study on optimum extraction of Yixue capsules with orthogonal design ………………………SUN Jing,YAN Jian-ye,WANG Yuan-qing,et al(7.39)
Optimization on extracting of seeds of Nicandra Physaloides by Orthogonal Experiment ………………………………………ZHANG Shuai(7.42)
Effect of resveratrol vina on MDA、SOD and GSH-PX in senile mice ……………………………………………………… ZHOU Ling-zhi(7.45)
Authentic medical records treated with ancient formulas ……………………………………………………………………… CHEN Da-shun(7.47)
Curative study of Qingre Jiedu Huazhuo tablets on liver injury of virus hepatitis………………XIAO Bi-yue,ZHAO Guo-rong,AI Bi-chen,et al(7.49)
Clinical study of modi fi ed Shenghua decoction for vaginal bleeding induced by mid-pregnancy abortion…………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Lan,LIU Wen-e,YANG Zheng-wang(7.51)
Clinical study of Sanhuang Shuanghua lotion on healing of open soft tissue injury …PENG Jian-quan,YAN Ming-yang,ZHANG Jian-hui,et al(7.53)
Curative study of ALA-PDT treatment combined with Pingyou powder for acuteness wet wart ……………………………………… LIU Yan(7.56)
Clinical Study on Therapy of Zishengwan on Functional Dyspepsia (Phlegm-dampness Due to De fi ciency of the Spleen Syndrome)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………NING Hui-zhong(7.58)
Clinical study of Jinghuang plaster on external application for knee osteoarthritis …………………………………… QIN Zhun-ai,LI Jia-wei(7.60)
Diyu Sanbai decoction enema with taking Chinese drugs for 34 patients with ulcerative colitis ………………………………… LEI Ren-fang(7.62)
Effect of EA in stomach meridian and points of foot Yangming on expression of P-RAF-1in repair of gastric mucosal injury……………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Chu-tao,TIAN Hao-mei,YAN Jie,et al(7.64)
Effect of Xiusanzhen on learning-memory abilities,contents of hippocampus ET and CGRP in vascular dementia rats…………………………………………………………………………………………… YANG Xiao-hang,LIU Zhi-bin,NIU Wen-min,et al(7.68)
In fl uence of acupuncturing acupoint Weizhong on somatosensory evoked potential in patients with ischemic stroke……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… LU Chang-jun,LU Jun-lei(7.71)
Clinical research of activating blood and diuresis for ocular diseases in Chinese medicine …… ZENG Zhi-cheng,PENG Jun,TAN Han-yu,et al(7.74)
Application of functional magnetic resonance imaging on researches of acupuncture ………………………………SHI Wenying,ZHANG Wei(7.79)
Effects of Xuemaijian on Blood Lipid and Vessel Morphology in rabbits with Atherosclerosis …GONG Kao-ling,XU Hong-wei,LIU Wei-ping(8.3)
Patients with chronic cerebral blood serum hsCRP,insuf fi cient,IL - TNF - 6,lipid levels of study…………………………………………………………………………………………………… MO Wen,JIAO Gui-ping,YUAN Zhi-liu,et al(8.7)
The Expression of cyclooxygenase-2,matrix metalloproteinase-2,matrix metalloproteinase-9 in endometrial polyps……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ZENG Yan,YANG Zu-jing(8.9)
The effect of lentinan on the expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase andit’s relation to Primary breast cancer cell proliferation………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WU Yi,ZENG Yong,LIANG Song-yue(8.14)
Research of the B7-H4 combined with the CA125 in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer …… WU Xiong-jun,DOU Yu-hong,HUA Jian-jiang,et al(8.17)
Study on the treatment mechanism of modi fi ed Jiajian Yougui Decoction applied to knee osteoarthritis……………………………………………………………………………………………………XIE Gen-dong,ZENG Yi-lin,WANG Qi,et al(8.19)
Determination of Pruli fl oxacin and Related Substances in Its capsules by HPLC …………………………XU Yao-hua,OU Yan,MA Ning ,et al(8.21)
The antipyretic effect of Chinese medicine treated for exogenous fever ………………………………… SHEN Yan-li,HE Li,LIU Qing-quan(8.24)
Edaravone in treatment of acute cerebral hemorrhage of clinical observation ……………………………………………………WANG Ru-gui(8.27)
Clinical Study of Ciopidogrel in Treatment of Unstable Angina Pectoris ……………………………………………………… XU Feng-cheng(8.29)
Evaluation of Radiofrequency Hyperthermia Combined With Radiotherapy in Advanced Cervical Cancer
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HE Li-jia,LUO Hui-qun,Xiang li(8.32)
Cystic and calculous of ultrasonographic diagnosis value and misdiagnosis and analysis ………………………………………PENG Yu-rong(8.34)
Clinical observation of percutaneous niphrolithotomy for treatment of renal and upper ureteral calculi …………………………………WU Bo(8.35)
Clinical Application of Recombinant Human Interferon α-1b in Pediatric ………………………………………………… ZHONG Yue-ping(8.37)
The early stages of pregnancy complement iron piece to prevent pregnancy clinical observation of anemia…………………………………………………………………………………………………………SONG Li-jun,KANG Li,KANG Jin-lian(8.39)
ZHIKANG Capsule in Treating 60 Cases of Dog Bite Ef fi cacy ……………………………………CUI Bin,LIU Tie-jun,WANG Jie-wei,et al(8.41)
Clinical research of of Chungyang cream in the treatment of stageII and stageIII pressure ulcer …………… CAO Yue-xiang,LEI Chun-yan(8.43)
Chinese medicine institutions in the nursing profession immunology basis and biological agents of the status quo and reform of the teaching thinking……………………………………………………………………………………………………LU Guo-fang,WU Can-rong,CHEN Yan,et al(8.44)
Constructing the application of scienti fi c research capacity-based classroom teaching of medical statistics………………………………………………………………………………………… WEI Gao-wen,DENG Chang-qing,WEI Xin-yan,et al(8.46)
On College Basketball elective course injury prevention and treatmentMethods………………………………………………YANG Jian-quan(8.49)
Acupuncture treatment of traumatic brain injuries by wang yangming hemiplegia …………………ZHANG Hong-qing,YAN Yan,LI Yan-hua(8.54)
To analysis the use of two kinds of cephalosporin in our hospital ………………………………………………………… ZHENG Yong-chi(8.56)
Quality Control of Regeneration Link Items in Supply Room ………………………………………ZHANG Li-yun,LI Yong,YANG Mei-rong(8.58)
The Pharmaceutical Study and Application of Mulberry ………………………………… LI Shun-xiang,TONG Zhi-yuan,YAN Xin-pei,et al(8.60)
Survey of Studies on Ajuga nipponensis Makino ………………………………………… LI Yun-yao,YI Gang-qiang,CHEN Xiao-yang,et al(8.64)
Studies on the causes of Internet addiction …………………………………………………………………………… LI Xin,LI Lu-dan ,LIU Jun(8.66)
Progress in the gastrointestinal function and enteral feeding of preterm neoborn ………………………………… LIU Xiao-ying,SUN Jian-hua(8.70)
One-time enema bag in IVF - ET preoperative vagina washing application …………………………………………………… ZHOU Xiao-yun(8.73)
Application of nursing emergency predetermined plan in nitrite poison rescue of community children ………………HUANG Xue-fei,LI Yan(8.78)
The analgesic effect of diazepam,lidocaine and clinical care in arti fi cial abortion ……………………………………FAN Yu-fang,Li Mei-qin(8.80)
Statement of development on culture of Chinese medicine of Hunan ……………………………………………… HE Qing-hu,WANG Sheng(9.5)
Study on modern Chinese medicine industry and cluster competitiveness ………………………………………………………… CHEN Hong(9.8)
Associated therapy of Prof. YOU Zhao-ling for IVF-ET ……………………………………………… LIN Jie,TAN Zhen-yu,XIONG Jie,et al(9.11)
Study of local differentiation method on area of ear,nose and throat ………………………………………………LI Fan-cheng,ZHU Zheng-hua(9.14)
Differences between Chinese and western medicine in treatment of external wind-cold syndrome ………………………… ZHANG Yue-juan(9.16)
Thoughts on acupoint selection according to Hour-prescription in Ziwu Liuzhu acutherapy ……………………………………LIN Xiao-yuan(9.19)
Research Skelecton of the Four Properties and Mathematical Model Establishment for the Chinese Materia Medica………………………………………………………………………………………………HE Fu-yuan,DENG Kai-wen,HUANG Sheng,et al(9.22)
Establishment and evaluation of atherosclerosis rabbit model ……………………………HE Xin-qun,YUE Zeng-hui,CHANG Xiao-rong,et al(9.27)
Establishment of rat model with chronic cough in yang de fi ciency of spleen and kidney ……… XIE Meng-zhou,HE Jun-feng,QU Ya-ting,et al(9.30)
Effects of Jiangzhi Xiaoban pills on aortic and coronary atherosclerotic plaques in rabbits……………………………………………………………………………………………… CHENG Chou-fu,QIU Sai-hong,CHENG Yi,et al(9.34)
Effect of microenvirment of heart-blood stagnation syndrome on proliferation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells differentiating into cardiomyogenic cells …………………………………………………………………… ZHENG Jing-hui,LI Yong-hua,WANG Li-ping,et al(9.38)
Research on PPARɣ and GLUT-4 expression in transgenic type 2 diabetic MKR mice treated by Zuogui recipe………………………………………………………………………………………………… WU Yong-jun,YU Rong,CHENG Xi-hua,et al(9.43)
Effects of Maxing Shigan decoction on activity and ultrastructure of MDCK infected by in fl uenza virus A…………………………………………………………………………………………………… LU Fang-guo,HE Ying-chun,PANG Yu,et al(9.47)
Effect of ultramicro Naodejian on Rho expression of cerebral ischemia in rats ………………………………DU Ke,LIU Bai-yan,YI Jian,et al(9.50)
Study of scorpion puri fi ed liquid on resisting experimental thrombosis ………………………… TAN Qian,XU Ai-liang,PENG Yan-gu,et al(9.54)
Effects of medicated serum with Xintongshu on apoptosis of cardiac myocyte and apoptosis-related gene Bcl-2 and Bax expression after hypoxia-reperfusion in neonatal rats …………………………………………………………HUANG Zheng-de,HU Hua,TIAN Xue-fei,et al(9.56)
Effect of Sanxue Mingmu tablets on expression of HSP70 in rabbits with retinal vein occlusion………………………………………………………………………………………………PENG Qing-hua,YE Qun-ru,ZHANG Bo-tao,et al(9.61)
Effect of ultramicro Tongyang Tiaoxin decocion on cardiomyocyte apoptosis and BNP in rats with dilated cardiomyopathy……………………………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Hua,LU Qing,LIU Yue-mei,et al(9.64)
Effect of Qishao Jiangya compound teblets on blood pressure and heart in spontaneously hypertensive rats………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Wen,TANG Ying,TAN Sheng-zhen,et al(9.67)
Effect of Guanyin mixture on Leptin,CCK and VIP in young anorexia rats ………………………… LIU Ke-li,XIE Jing,CHEN Qiu-fang,et al(9.70)
Effects of three ingredients in blood from Liuwei Dihuang pills on cAMP of preadipocytes in rats ………………………………LENG Wang(9.74)
Study on isolation and anti-microbial activity of endophyte in Lycoris aurea Herb …………YANG Shuai,NAN Xiao-hang,LU Yao-bang,et al(9.78)
Study of Muan ointments on herpes simplex keratitis in rabbits ………………… TAN Han-yu,ZHANG Xiang-hui,ZHANG Ming-liang,et al(9.81)
Effect of tuduranine hydrochloride on PGE2 and IL-1β in joint fl uid and joint organization in rabbits………………………………………………………………………………………… WU Hong-juan,SUN Bi-qiang,ZHU Chuan-xiang,et al(9.84)
Effect of Qianjin tablets on serum IgA,IgG and IgM in acute pelvic in fl ammation in rats………………………………………………………………………………………… YUAN Jian-ling,GUO Jian-sheng,WU Can-rong,et al(9.87)
Comparison of HPLC fi ngerprint pro fi les of Lonicera Japonica and Lonicera confusa DC…………………………………………………………………………………………… XIONG Yan,ZHU Jing-jing,WANG Zhi-ming,et al(9.90)
Determination of decursin from eight kinds of Angelica plants by HPLC………………………… LIU Xiang-qian,LI Li-li,ZOU Qin-peng,et al(9.93)
Study on dissolution of harmful elements Pb,Cr,As,Hg and Cu in Fluorite ……………… TAN Zhao-yang,ZHENG Yu,YUAN Hong-jia,et al(9.96)
Comparison of dissolution in vitro between Wuhuo Jiangya dropping pills and its tablets …………………………GUI Hui,LI Jing,HU Li-zhi(9.99)
Study on content changes of matrine in Fujieling lotion …………………………………………… XU Fei,LI Shun-xiang,WANG Ye-ming(9.102)
Analysis of essential oil constituents from ajuga nipponensis makino with GC-MS ………… YANG Wu-xin,YI Gang-qiang,LI Yun-yao,et al(9.105)
GC-MS analysis of volatile oil extracted from Lonicera macranthodes Hand-Mazz. with supercritical CO2 fl uid extraction and stream distillation………………………………………………………………………………………………TANG Li-jun,ZHOU Ri-bao,LIU Xiao-rong,et al(9.109)
Identi fi cation of Rhodiola crenulata (Hook.f.et Thoms) H. Ohba and its fakes …………… SHI Wei,CHEN Sheng-huang,YANG Da-jian,et al(9.114)
Study on volatile oil before and after diaphoretic processing of Magnolia of fi cinalis from Daoxian in Hunan………………………………………………………………………………………… WEI Xi-yuan,GUO Jin-ming,DING Yang-zhou,et al(9.117)
Study on chemical constituents of wild Coleus forskohlii Briq. from Yunnan ………………OU-YANG Wen,YANG Mei,LIU Geng-gui,et al(9.121)
Determination of loganin content in Jiangtangling granules ……………………………………………………… LI Cheng-jian,XIA Xin-hua(9.125)
Comparesion of HPLC before and after processing pinellia ternata ……………………… ZOU Ju-ying,CHEN Sheng-huang,LEI Chang,et al(9.127)
Authentic medical records treated with ancient formulas ……………………………………………………………………… CHEN Da-shun(9.130)
Prof. XIONG Ji-bo using Buyang Huanwu docoction for stubborn diseases……………………………………………… ZHOU Xing,LI Dian(9.132)
Achievements of WANG Ken-tang in Ming dynasty …………………………………………………… ZHOU Zu-yi,TAN Da-quan,LIU Rui(9.134)
Systematic review of Huangqi injection for ischaemic stroke recovery …………………………………………………LI Ke-jian,MA Li-hong(9.140)
Clinical research of Yiqi Huoxue granules on diffuse axonal injury ……………… ZHOU Zhao-xiang,JIAO Shou-gang,LUO Rong-wu,et al(9.142)
Effect of Qizhen granules on glucocorticoid receptor content in peripheral blood in patients with severe alopecia areata………………………………………………………………………………………………XI Jian-yuan,RONG Guang-hui,HU Jin-hui,et al(9.145)
Study of life quality scale on patients with alopecia areata in TCM ………………………… ZHU Ming-fang,REN Qun,TAN Qing-wen,et al(9.149)
Study of color of children fi ngerprint with micro photography ………………………………………… LI Ji-zong,ZHANG Le-ping,GU Xing(9.152)
Multicenter study of Shearing fracture ligation operation combined PPH on mixed hemorrhoids………………………………………………………………………………………………… HE Yong-heng,HAN Jin-hong,LIU Jing,et al(9.155)
Effect of Shuguan pills on Q-T interval in unstable angina pectoris of coronary disease ………………… ZHU Peng-cheng,CHENG Chou-fu(9.159)
Clinical study of Duolvning granules on generalized anxiety disorder ………………… TAN Ben-teng,GUO Tian-sheng,LUO Xiao-lin,et al(9.162)
Effect of Longdan Xiegan granules on expressions of toll-like receptors in peripheral blood leucocyte in patients with genital herpes…………………………………………………………………………………………………KUANG Lin,HAN Ying-guang,LIU Ming-jun(9.165)
Clincal study of Tongmai Tiaozhi pills on hyperlipemia …………………………………………………………JIAO Shou-gang,SU Jian-bin(9.168)
Therapeutic effect of Tandi atomization on nosocomial acquired pneumonia afer tracheotomy in patients with severe craniocerebral injury………………………………………………………………………………………………SU Jian-bin,ZHOU Zhao-xiang,WU Tie-jun,et al(9.171)
Effect of modi fi ed Qiwei Baizhu powder on irritable bowel syndrome with weakened spleen and stomach ……………………GUO Wei-jun(9.175)
Clinical study of combined percutaneous lumber discectomy and Ozone-ablation with Chinese medicine on lumbar disc herniation………………………………………………………………………………………………… HUANG Zhen,XU Wu-ji,TANG Ben-fu,et al(9.178)
Clinical study of Bielong Ruangan capsule on liver fi brosis ……………………………………… WANG Ya,XIONG Yan,ZHANG Tao,et al(9.181)
Clinical study of Huluan decoction on premature ovarian failure of heart-kidney imbalance ………………… DING Qing,WU Zi-yu,YE Lin(9.184)
Clinical study of Jintiange capsules for osteoporotic fracture of humerus surgical neck ……………… YANG Bin,WU Guan-bao,XU Wu-ji(9.187)
Clinical study of Yiqi Huatan decoction on vertebrobasilar artery insuf fi ciency of Qi de fi ciency and sputum stasis………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………WEI Li-ren,HU Guo-heng(9.190)
Clinical study of Canxian Yiganling combined with Adefovir dipivoxil for chronic hepatitis B ……………………… OU Song,SUN Ke-wei(9.193)
Gastrolithiasis of 20 patients treated with integrated Chinese and western medicine ……………… LIU Jie-min,ZHU Jiu-yi,LIN Xiao-yuan(9.196)
Clinical study of Shangshi Zhuifeng plaster on lumbar disc herniation of cold-damp-wind type …WANG Jian,SHAO Xian-fang,XIONG Hui(9.198)
Clinical study of Lidan Qingre decoction on 301 patients with chronic cholecystitis of damp-heat with stasis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIAO Gui-xiang,FU Jian-min,ZHU Jia(9.202)
Clinical study of Buyang Huanwu decoction on residual symptom of lumbar disc herniation after ozone………………………………………………………………………………………… DUAN Jian-fang,SHAO Xian-fang,LIU Zhi-jun,et al(9.204)
One case of Kaposi varicelliform eruption treated with combined Chinese and western medicine ………… HUANG Wen-juan,LIU Li-fang(9.208)
One case report of general multiple nodules ……………………………………………… WU Yu-nan,SUN Ke-wei,HUANG Yu-hong,et al(9.210)
Effect of acupuncture on content of serum amino acid in spasticity paralysis after stroke ………………YUE Zeng-hui,LI Liang,YE Yu,et al(9.212)
Clinical observation of whole meridian acupuncture on chronic fatigue syndrome……………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Jing-qiao,ZHOU Guo-ping,LIU Xiao-wei,et al(9.216)
Clinical comparsion of acupuncture therapy and placebo needling for simple obesity ……… ZHENG Jie,TONG Juan,CHEN Jian-xiong,et al(9.219)
Clinical observation of bee needling therapy combined with three-step analgesic for cancer pain …………… PENG Hui,ZHANG Zhi-fang(9.222)
Clinical study of acupuncture in corresponding cross-points of upper and lower limbs in same name of meridians on knee osteoarthritis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… GONG Ping,LOU Bi-dan(9.228)
Clinical study of acupuncture combined with sodium hyaluronate injection on knee osteoarthritis ………………… CHEN Wei,WANG Yong(9.229)
Clinical study of silver needle thermo-conduction therapy on cervical vertigo ……………… HAN Guo-dong,JIANG Zai-yi,PU Qin-qin,et al(9.232)
On holistic nursing concepts in Suwen of Huangdi Neijing ………………………………… PAN Xiao-yan,CHEN Yan,CHEN Ou-ying,et al(9.234)
Survey of study on dry eye in traditional Chinese medicine ……………………………………………………… ZHANG Jian,TAN Han-yu(9.237)
Study on the Change of Epicardial MAP in Ventricular arrhythmia ……………………………HE Guang-feng,XIAO Ye-wei,LIU Xi-xiu,et al(10.3)
Analysis of the Relationship Between Hemostatic Function of Donkey-hide Gelatin and Dermatan Sulfate…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WU Chang-hong,WANG Ruo-guang(10.9)
Effects of Xinbei-indobufen on antiplatelet ……………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Xu,SUN Zhao-lin(10.12)
The clinical study on the Pizhen for the treatment of calcanodynia with cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome……………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Kai,ZHANG Xiang,LEI Zhong-min(10.17)
Effect and safety on different dosage of Shuxuetong in the treatment of angina pectoris ………………… JI Jun,HE Sheng-hu,XU Ri-xin,et al(10.20)
Analysis of TamsuIosm Hydrochloride Sustained Release Tablets in Premature Ejaculation Curing…………………………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Zi-li,YANG Jin,CHEN Gang,et al(10.23)
The treatment of complete denture experience for gerontal patients ……………………………………………………………YANG Hong-lei(10.25)
Blood fl ow in the treatment of acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning clinical observation ………… XIONG De-shan,DAI Hong-mei(10.27)
Hemostatic Effecacy of Different Ways of Administration of Baquting in Vaginal Hysterectomy…………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHENG Mao,TAO Gang,ZHANG Jian-kang,et al(10.29)
Clinical analysis of 20 patients with corneal fl ap displacement after LASIK …………………… ZHU Jin ,XIANG Jin-mei,CHEN Lin,et al(10.31)
Chronic osteomyelitis integration treatment experience ……………………………………………BI Heng,TANG Zhen-jiang,YANG Li-ding(10.33)
Acupuncture for treatment of primary hypertension and its mechanism …………………… LIU Jiang,LIU Gui-chi,WANG Yong-qing,et al(10.35)
Observation on effects of the union of rebeprazole,levo fl oxacin and furazolidone in eradication of Helicobecter pylori……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TAN Tan,CHEN Xin-jun(10.37)
Histopathology Implication of Abnormal Thinprep Cytologic Test of Cervix(ASCUS) in 325 Postmenopausal Woman…………………………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Yan,WU Yu-mei,KONG Wei-min(10.39)
Kidney ESWL twoMethodsof comparative study of gravel …………………………………………………………… LI Gao-hui,ZHANG Li(10.41)
The study of anticoagulant therapy with noncardiac surgery after coronary stent implantation surgery …………………………LIU Gui-yong10.(43)
High-intensity ultrasound hyperthermia combined intervention knife treatment of huge short-term clinical control study on liver cancer………………………………………………………………………………………………………… AN Shi-xing,LIU Kun,FENG kai,et al(10.46)
Clinical diagnosis and surgical treatment of central neurocytoma ……………………………………………………………… CUI Guo-sheng(10.48)
The exploration and practice of interactive teaching method in the classroom teaching of Physiology……………………………………………………………………………………… WEN Ju-hua,DENG Bing-Xiang,YAN Xuan-xuan,et al(10.52)
To promote the Reform of Experimental Teaching System Through the Construction of National Model Experimental Teaching Center………………………………………………………………………………………………JIANG Xing-ming,LIU Wen-long,LI Rong-dong(10.54)
Risk Management in intravenous infusion of chemotherapy ……………………………………………………………………… LI Miao-qing(10.57)
Fusidic intravenous infusion of sodium a case report of allergic reaction ………………………………………… LI Li-jia,YANG Shu-xia(10.62)
Clinical Application of Motherwort and its Preparation in Gynecological …………………………………………………ZHONG Yue-ping(10.69)
Research development which after replenishing qi and dissipating stagnation therapy treatment medicine to miscarry,bleeds…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… LI Dan,DING Qing(10.71)
Methodimprovement of Oral Cavity Nursing after Tracheal Intubation …………………………………………………… JIANG Hong-yan(10.74)
Cubital tunnel syndrome in rehabilitation nursing of patients ………………………………… XUE Li-jing,YANG Shu-xia,YANG Jie,et al(10.76)
Psychological nursing intervention on AIDS,the impact of HAART treatment compliance ………… XU Yan,BAI Chun-qin,FAN Chun-hong(10.77)
Kidney as key in sub-health of male reproductive system in TCM ……………………………………………………HE Qing-hu,ZHOU Xing(11.3)
New concept of Prof. ZHOU Zhong-ying on cancer-toxin theory ………………………………………………………………… GUO Jian-hui(11.6)
Excavation and sortingMethodsand development measures of Chinese folk medicines ……… HOU Feng-fei,DANG Hai-xia,MO Yong-yuan(11.9)
Study on academic thoughts of tocolysis in book Complementary Content of CHEN Su-an Gynecology ……………… ZOU Rong,LEI Lei(11.12)
In fl uence of prescription for ulcerative colitis relapse on content of TXB2 and 6-Keto-PGF1α in rat with US…………………………………………………………………………………………………… AN He-jun,WANG Xin-yue,YU Mei,et al(11.15)
Effects of Yiqi Huoxue Yangyin Lishui therapy on expression of IL-1β in retinal tissue after retinal detachment in rabbits…………………………………………………………………………………………………… PENG Qing-hua,LIU Ping,PENG Jun,et al(11.18)
Effects of dracaena on expression of Smads protein in skin ulcers in diabetic rats ………HE Xuan-ling,WANG Shen-zhi,HUANG Zheng-de(11.23)
Study on antipyretic effects of aqueous and ethanol extracts of Ajugae nipponensis Makino………………………………………………………………………………………………… YI Gang-qiang,LI Yun-yao,LI Xiao-long,et al(11.26)
Effects of Jiedu Tuoyin decoction on brain dopamine and its metabolites in morphinistic rats………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHU Cheng-quan,HONG Jia-jin,BAI Jian-ping,et al(11.28)
In fl uence of Qingdu decoction on expression of bcr/abl mRNA in K562 Cells ………………………LIANG Yi,GE Zhi-hong,QIU He-ming(11.31)
Research of total fl ovone content in Callicarpa macrophylla Vahl.in different harvest time………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Xiao-rong,ZHOU Ri-bao,TANG Li-jun,et al(11.34)
Optimum extraction and puri fi cation conditions of Danlong Yaotong granules ……………… LONG Yu-tang,XIA Xin-hua,LEI Yang,et al(11.37)
Authentic medical records treated with ancient formulas ……………………………………………………………………… CHEN Da-shun(11.40)
Clinical study of Guanyin mixture on infantile anorexia with lung and spleen de fi ciency ……………… XIE Jing,LIU Ke-li,FENG Pei,et al(11.42)
Mutuality study on VWF and four subfamilies of blood stasis syndrome in angina of coronary heart disease………………………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Jun-hui,ZHOU Xiao-qing(11.45)
Study of law on TCM syndrome distribution of patients with non-small cell lung cancer in III and IV periods after curative resection……………………………………………………………………………………… HUANG Li-zhong,HE Cai-liang,WANG Yun-dan,et al(11.48)
Clinical study of Simiao Junyi ointment for analgesia and healing of post-operation in anorectal diseases…………………………………………………………………………………………… HE Yong-heng,LU Long-sheng,WANG Xiao-yan(11.51)
Clinical observation on Anti-cancer decoction combined with TACE for HCC in Qi-de fi ciency and blood stasis………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHOU Xiao-zhou,SUN Xin-feng,MA Wen-feng,et al(11.55)
Clinical study of cataplasm of curing Injury powder on acute closed soft tissue injury………………………………………………………………………………………… SHAO Xian-fang,LIU Zhi-jun,CHEN Shao-jun,et al(11.58)
Clinical study of improved external dissection and internal ligation operation combining Shaobei injection for mixed hemorrhoids……………………………………………………………………………………………………………TANG Zhi-jun,LIU Chun,XIAO Lin(11.61)
Different diseases with same treatment for phlegm-heat disturbing internally …………………………………SHI Hua-jin,WANG Xiao-juan(11.63)
Clinical study on regulation of acupuncture therapy for appetite in obesity patients………………………………………………………………………………………………… PAN Yu,TONG Juan,CHEN Jian-xiong,et al(11.65)
Clinical study of acupoint injection for 38 patients with trigeminal neuralgia ………………………………CHEN Zhi-qun,ZENG Qing-hong(11.68)
Clinical study of acupuncture combined with auricular point plaster on insomnia ……………………………………………………YOU Lu(11.70)
Nursing study of burns oil fi lling on external application to prevent local reaction of infantile hypoxia induced by veins infusion dopamine……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… YANG Qi,LI Dan(11.73)
Study of glaucoma in ancient and modern TCM literature………………………………… TAN Le-juan,PENG Qing-hua,YAO Xiao-lei,et al(11.75)
Content analyzing of paratoluic acid and terephthalic acid in p-aminomethyl benzoic acid by HPLC…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Si-jun,HOU Qi-wei(12.5)
Blood trace elements in children with recurrent respiratory tract infection study …………………………………… CHEN Li,LIN Lan,MA Jie(12.8)
A study on the association between fetal growth retardation and the levels of insulin and related metabolic index……………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Jia-yong,PAN Yan-qun,ZHONG Xiao(12.10)
HRCT features of solitary bronchioloalveolar carcinoma ………………………………………………………………JIA Yun-jing,XU Dong(12.13)
The Relevant Risk Factors in Progressive Stroke ……………………………………………………………………………………HU Yi-feng(12.15)
Clinical Ef fi cacy analysis on 56 case of acute respiratory distress syndrome in ICU……………………………………………………………………………………………………NIU Wen-kai,BAI Chang-qing,LI Yan,et al(12.21)
Four-hole dynamic hip screw holes and intertrochanteric fractures in elderly clinical study of internal fi xation ………………………LIU Yue(12.25)
Elderly acute cerebral infarction anxiety depression status of clinical research…………………………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Guo-jun,LAN Li-mei,LIANG Xiao-yan,et al(12.27)
Application of hydrochloric acid ammonia bromine cable injection treatment pediatric breathing system disease clinical observation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHAO Jian-hua(12.29)
Abdominal wall single-point suspension type laparoscopic resection of the uterine fi broids clinical curative effect of the comparative study……………………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Wei,YANG Jin,ZHAO Fang(12.31)
ICU in elderly patients with respiratory infection 203 cases of clinical analysis ……………………………………………… HUANG Zheng(12.34)
Main low shear high up the dyke by combination qingchang soup decoction of the clinical effect of complexity anal observation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Lu-fang,GUI Peng(12.37)
Hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease 128 cases of emergency rescue analysis …………………………………………………… YU Xia-fa(12.40)
Experiences on applications of Modi fi ed Kugel inguinal hernia patch ……………………… GAN Xu-dong,HUANG Lei,TANG Jian-xiong(12.42)
Complex tibial fractures pilon surgical treatment strategies ……………………………… HUANG Xi-bin,QIAN Wen-liang,LIANG Ai-jun(12.44)
Fifty-six cases in Wrongly Diagnosing Foreign Bodies in Children’s Windpipes & Bronchial Tubes and Clinical Treatment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… LI Qi-song(12.46)
Microsurgical treatment of thalamic tumors in clinical analysis …………………………………SHI Peng,ZHUANG Hui-lin,YU Xiao-liang(12.48)
Clinical Observation of Edaravone in treatment of Acute Cerebral Infarction …………………………………………………WANG Ai-hong(12.50)
The Clinical Effectiveness Of Thalidomide Combined With Low Dose Dexamethasone On Multiple Myeloma ……………… WU Jia-qing(12.53)
The analysis of 30 misdiagnosis cases of acute abdominal pain caused by diabetic ketoacidosis …………………………… HUANG Xu-yan(12.55)
Treatment of Hyperbaric Combination Therapy on Acute carbon monoxide poisoning ………………………………………………ZHU Jun(12.57)
The study and practice of Case-based Learning in Medical Biochemistry ………………………LIU Qun-liang,YIN Sheng,SHU Chang,et al(12.59)
Analysis of medication frequency on combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine for sterility of polycystic ovary syndrome……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Chun-rong,XU Ai-liang(12.62)
The Development of Application and Preparation of Glucose and the Giant Advantage of Glucose Being Made of Rice or Broken Rice………………………………………………………………………………………………HE Fu-yuan,DENG Kai-wen,LIU Wen-long,et al(12.68)
HAART-related side effects of AIDS blood of recent research on Traditional Chinese Medicine………………………………………………………………………………………………… WU Wei,HUANG Shi-jing,PAN Ju-hua,et al(12.72)
Pediatric hospital training base to improve the low quali fi cation nurses working ability of discussion …………………………LI Yan,LI Xia(12.80)