

中学英语之友·上 2010年6期




Muntz: Epsilon, youve done it again!

Russell: Yeah!Hey!Hey!

Mr. Fredricksen: My Ellie would have loved all

these. You know, because of you she had this dream to come

down here and live by the fall.

Muntz: Im honored. And now youve made it.

Mr. Fredricksen: You sure were not a bother? Id hate to impose.

Muntz: No, no, its a pleasure to have guests. A real treat.

Dogs: Treat? Wheres my treat? I want my treat!

Muntz: I shouldnt have used that word. Having guests is a delight! More often I get thieves

trying to steal what is rightfully mine.

Mr. Fredricksen: No…

Muntz: They called me a fraud, those…But once I bring back this creature, my name will

be cleared. Beautiful, isnt it? Oh, Ive spent a lifetime tracking it. Sometimes, years

go by between sightings. Ive tried to smoke it out of that death land where it lives.

Cant go in after it. Once in, theres no way out. I lost so many dogs. Here they come

those bandits who think the bird is theirs to take!But they soon found that this mountain is a very dangerous place.

Russell: Hey, that looks like Kevin!

Muntz: Kevin?

Russell: Yeah, thats my new giant pet bird!I trained it to follow us.

Muntz: Follow you? Impossible. How?

Russell: She likes chocolate.

Muntz: Chocolate?

Russell: Yeah. I gave her some of my chocolate. She goes wild about it.

Mr. Fredricksen: But it ran off. Lets go now.

Muntz: You know, Carl…these people who pass through here they all tell pretty good stories.

A surveyor making a map…a botanist cataloguing plants…an old man taking his house to Paradise Falls. Thats the best one yet, I cant wait to hear how it ends.

Mr. Fredricksen: Well, its been a wonderful evening, but wed better be going.

Muntz: Youre not leaving.

Mr. Fredricksen: We dont want to take advantage of your hospitality. Come on, Russell.

Russell: But we havent even had dessert yet.

Muntz: Oh, the boy is right. You havent had dessert. Epsilon here makes a delicious cherries jubilee. You really must stay!I insist!We have so much more to talk about! Russell: Kevin?

Muntz: Its near. Get them!


1. impose: 勉强某人做某事,强加。例如:

He imposed his presence on us for the weekend.他硬要跟我们一起过周末。

2. fraud: 骗子。我们平时还常用swindler来表示“骗子”。此外,fraud还可以表示“欺骗、冒牌货”。例如:

He obtained the money by fraud. 他骗得了那笔钱。

3. clear ones name: to prove someone is innocent of a crime or misdeed of which he has been accused为某人洗清冤屈,挽回某人的名声。例如:

The spokesman released a statement attempting to clear his clients name.


而“替自己洗清嫌疑”,就可以用clear oneself of/from a charge来表示。

4. years go by between sightings: 好几年才能见到一次。sighting, 名词,意思是目睹,看见。

5. smoke out: 查出,使公之于众。例如:

The old war criminal was at last smoked out from his hiding place abroad.


6. go wild: 气得或喜得发狂。有时我们也用go hog wild来表示这种意思。例如:

The kids went hog wild, chasing the poor puppy all around the house, then fighting over who got to hold it, pet it and give it a bowl of dog food. 孩子们简直高兴得发疯,把可怜的小狗追赶得满屋子团团转,接着又争着抢着要抱它,抚摸它,并给它吃一碗狗食。

7. botanist: 植物学家。例如:

The botanist met with many rare plants. 这个植物学家偶然发现了许多稀有植物。

8. take advantage of: 利用,占……的便宜。弗雷德里克森在这里的意思是,我们不能利用你的热情好客赖在这里不离开。

此外,take advantage of还可以表示“占某人的便宜”。例如:

It never occurred to me to take advantage of him. 我决没有想到过要占他的便宜。

9. dessert: 餐后甜点。

dessert借自法文,特指正餐之后的那一道甜点,区别于tea time的闲食。




Muntz: Does anybody know where they are? Raid

leaders!Take down that house!

Dogs: Raidleader!Checking in!Raid two, checking

in. Raid three, checking in. Target sighted.

Mr. Fredricksen: Come on, Kevin.

Dug: Hi.

Muntz: Any last words, Fredricksen? Come on, spit it out!

Mr. Fredricksen: Come on!

Muntz: Enough!Im taking that bird back with me alive or dead!

Mr. Fredricksen: Come on, Kevin.

Alfa: Ill have plenty of enjoyment for what Im about to do to you.

Dogs: He wears the cone of shame!

Alfa: Not just continue sitting!Attack!No!No!Stop your laughing!

Dug: Listen, you, dog, sit!

Dogs: Yes, Alfa.

Dug: Alfa? I am not Alfa, he is…

Russell: Oh!I cant do it.

Mr. Fredricksen: Russell!Gah gah rah!(the WILDERNESS EXPLORER CALL)

Russell: You leave Mr. Fredricksen alone!Hey!Squirrel!

Dogs: Squirrel? Where? I hate squirrels!

Mr. Fredricksen: Dug!

Dug: Master!

Mr. Fredricksen: Russell, over here!Lets go!

Russell: Mr. Fredricksen!

Mr. Fredricksen: Come on, Kevin. No!Russell, get out of there!Leave them alone!Russell,

hang on to Kevin!Dont let go of her! Kevin!Chocolate!

Russell: That was cool!

Mr. Fredricksen: Dont jerk around so much, kid.

Dug: Oh, I am ready to not be up high.

Russell: Sorry about your house, Mr. Fredricksen.

Mr. Fredricksen: You know…Its just a house.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. raid: 突袭,搜捕。例如:

The raid was purely retaliatory. 这次袭击完全是报复性的。

我们一般用air raid来表示“空袭”,而air raid warden就是指“空袭执行长”,对某人发动袭击,就是make a raid on。

2. take down that house: 把那座屋子击落。

take down一般用来表示“拆卸”,例如城管常让小贩take down the booth(拆除摊位)。

而bring down the house则表示“博得满堂喝彩”,这种说法起源于剧院,从17世纪开始流行起来。很长一段时间以来,剧院里的演员把观众和剧院统称为“house”。当一个演员获得了极大的成功时,全场观众都会为她鼓掌、雷鸣般的喝彩简直可以把剧院给震塌。于是,人们就用“to bring down the house”来形容轰动全场的演出或表演。

3. check in: 登记,报到。例如:

How many delegates have checked in? 已经有多少位代表报到了?

在机场,人们常用check in表示“登记”。机场的check-in serve就是指“登机服务”。在旅馆,check in和check out分别表示“入住登记”和“退房”。

4. Target sighted: 目标已发现。这是两军交战时常用的一句话。例如:

Target sighted! Close and fire!目标已发现,接近并开火!

5. last words: 临终遗言。


6. spit it out:请说吧。这是一种俚语的说法。此外,spit还可以表示“吐唾沫”,所以弗雷德里克森听到这句话后,把假牙吐到了穆兹脸上。

7. cone: 圆锥体,锥形物。Dug给Alfa戴上了cone of shame,就是狗群里的“耻辱之圈”,所以狗群都不听Alfa指挥了。

8. hang on to: 紧紧握住。此外,hang on to还可以表示“依靠,指望”。例如:

Nothing was left for him to hang on to. 他已经没有什么东西可以指靠的了。



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