七年级(下)Unit 10考点精析


中学英语之友·上 2010年6期

1.[考题] ____ are playing computer games.

A. All of boys B. The all boys C. All the boys D. Boys all

[要点]all 作形容词时,意为“所有的,全部的”,指三者或三者以上的人或物,常用于定冠词、物主代词、基数词或指示代词this, that, these, those 等之前。例如:

all the young trees 所有的幼树 all those students 所有的学生

[拓展] all 还可作副词,意为“完全”,常位于系动词、情态动词或助动词之后,行为动词之前。例如:

They are all teachers. 他们都是教师。(系动词之后)

They all went to work. 他们都上班去了。(行为动词之前)

另外,all 也可作代词,可指代人或物,常与of连用。例如:

All of us are here.=We are all here. 我们都在这儿。

[答案] 选C。(all of 后接名词时,名词前要用定冠词the, 故排除A项;定冠词应放在all 之后,故B也错误;all 作形容词,修饰名词时要放在名词前,所以D项也不对。)

2.[考题] I found some boys ____ on the playground when I passed No. 19 Middle School.

A. playing the football B. play football C. to play football D. playing football

[要点] found 是find 的过去式,意为“发现”,句型“find sb. doing sth.”指“发现某人正在做某事”,这里动词-ing 形式作find 的宾语补足语,表示动作正在发生。例如:

On her way home, she found a little girl crying. 在回家的路上,她发现一个小女孩在哭。

[拓展] find 之后还可接省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,即“find sb. do sth.”句型,表示“发现某人做某事”,强调发现这个动作的全过程。例如:

I found him open the window. 我发现他打开窗户了。

[答案] 选D。(play football 是固定短语,football 前不加定冠词,可先排除。根据句意“当我路过19中学时,发现一些男孩子正在踢足球”,可知动作正在发生。故选playing football。)

3.[考题] I think well have great fun ____ the hill tomorrow.

A. climb B. to climb C. climbed D. climbing

[要点] have fun doing sth. 意为“做某事很开心”,其中fun 是不可数名词,fun 前面常用great, much, a lot of 等词语修饰。例如:

Many people have great fun playing football. 很多年轻人踢足球很快乐。

[拓展] have fun with sth. 表示“做某事有乐趣”。例如:

We have fun with English and Chinese. 我们学英语和语文有很多乐趣。

[答案] 选D。(have fun doing sth. “做某事很开心”是固定句式。)

4.[考题] My watch doesnt work, so I decided ____ ____ (buy) a new one.

[要点] decide to do sth. 表示“决定做某事”,decide 后要用动词不定式作宾语,变为否定句时在to前加否定词not。例如:

Peter decided to go on Monday. 彼得决定星期一走。(肯定句)

The boy decided not to become a doctor. 这个男孩决定将来不当医生。(否定句)

[拓展] decide (动词)的名词形式为decision, 常用短语为make a decision 做决定。例如:

He has made a decision. 他已经做了决定。

[答案] to buy (句意“我的手表坏了,我决定买一块新的。”)


can have done用法小结
Units 1—2句型转换专练