

中国船检 2010年12期

本刊记者 徐 华


本刊记者 徐 华













在积极参与国际舞台角逐的同时,CCS的规范科研实现适时应用。以强化IMO、IACS和ACS(亚洲船级社协会)工作为着力点,从而在国际参与能力上由“跟进型”向“主导型”转变。在CCS的25项规范科研项目中,包含子项目50项,其中包括“基于IMO GBS规则要求的规范基础性研究”、“绿色船舶框架体系研究”、“大型汽车运输船结构规范”等重大项目。









Half a century ago, with the rebirth of China’s shipping and shipbuilding industry, China’s ship survey business was born bearing the mission to protect water safety and inspect shipping quality. After experiencing half a century’s development, China Classif i cation Society has continuously expanded its service scope, improved technical strength, strengthened both internal and external cooperation and fully improved the ability of carrying out the national missions.

Guarantee waterborne safety

When water ingress or oil spill happened to a ship on the sea due to collision, stranding, fi re, explosion or bad weather, seafarers and their managers should make efforts to reduce the loss of accidents ASAP through exact technical judgment. As the government’s assistant in dealing with the maritime accidents, CCS has introduced the 24-hour emergency response services which play an important role for government and shipping companies in decision making for ships in emergency cases.

CCS has accepted the delegation form the Maritime Safety Administration under the Ministry of Transport to conduct condition assessment for import ships and control the ship’s safety and quality since the date the ships fly China fl ag to exclude the low standard ships outside the fleet. For ships in operation, CCS has set up an active PSC management policy, exchanging with domestic shipowners regularly, helping shipping companies solve technical problems and promote safety and quality management, and ensuring that China fl ag ships maintain a very low PSC detention ratio. Especially, CCS put a lot of efforts on the docking repair of aged ships, assigning senior surveyors to enhance quality control during docking repair and ensure that ships out of delivery will have not structural deficiencies in a relatively longer period, and provides guarantees for the smooth operation of shipping enterprises through strong quality control.

Inf l uence comes from strength

As the national ship inspection body of China, CCS has the obligation to provide the latest international maritime information for relevant government bodies and the industry, notify the situation about the development of international conventions and regulations that CCS has participated in so that the industry can prepare at an earlier stage and seek the better development environment .

With the aggravated oversupply of global shipping and shipbuilding market and the requirement on environment protection from developed countries going more and more stringent, the competition on international maritime technical standards lead by the national interest is escalating. This will generate a huge impact on China’s shipping, shipbuilding and related manufacturing industries. If we cannot keep abreast of the developing trend and the fi rst hand resources, we will certainly fall into the passive position. For a long time, CCS has actively participated in the relevant work of IACS and IMO, and has played an important role trying to maintain and protect the development interests of our country’s shipping,shipbuilding and related manufacturing industries.

While actively participating in competition on the international stage, CCS has realized the timely application of its rules and researches. Through enhancing its participation in the work of IMO, IACS and ACS, CCS is trying to transfer its international participation from merely the “follow” type” to gradually the “lead” type. Among the 25 rules and research items of CCS (or 50 items including the sub-items),we can see the “basic research on the rules following IMO GBS standards , “research on the framework system of green ship rules” and “research on the structural rules of largesize auto carriers” and etc.

Unite with industrial resources

CCS has since actively played the important role of working as a professional risk management body in the shipping sector, and vigorously promoted the industrial cooperation and alliance among the steel manufacturing,shipbuilding, shipping, logistics, fi nancing and insurance industries of China through providing safety guarantees and information services.

After the outbreak of financial crisis, CCS put forward using the capital tache to integrate the industries and resist the finical crisis, and supported our country’s shipping finance to make historic breakthrough. CCS has signed strategic cooperation agreements with the representative enterprises from the industries including PetroChina, CNOOC subsidiary, CSIC, CCCC, Zhenhua Port Machinery, Grand China Logistics, Jinhaiwan Heavy Industry, Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation,Chongqing Iron & Steel and participated in promoting the establishment of the national brands.

CCS persisted in the principle of “technical authority,service impartiality, business internationalism”, which is the important reason why class societies can continuously maintain prosperity for more than 200 years. With the continuous evolvement of the social requirements on safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and security, closer cooperation between CCS and related enterprises on the industrial chain will have a far reaching inf l uence upon integrating industrial resources and improving industrial cooperation.

To Improve the Ability of Mission Performance

Reporter Xu Hua

