

中国船检 2010年12期

本刊记者 杨培举


本刊记者 杨培举





港口国检查记录是国际一流船级社的重要标志。1997年、1998年的时候,中国旗船舶港口国检查滞留率不断升高,致使CCS级船队在港口国检查方面受到歧视性待遇。CCS几经努力,2000年中国旗船舶跳出黑名单,2001年实现了“脱黑入白”。与此同时,中国旗船舶在巴黎备忘录、东京备忘录也都保持了较好水平。2009年,CCS级船队PSC表现良好。据统计,CCS级船舶共接受TOKYO MOU、PARIS MOU和USCG检查约2208艘次,滞留35艘次,责任滞留1艘次,滞留率为1.56%,责任滞留率为0.45‰,低于4.0‰的指标。在与IACS其他成员的横向比较中,CCS处于前列。












规范所和审图中心是CCS的技术支持核心。上海规范所党委书记曹俊说:“这也是生产一线,处在船检工作的最前沿。技术立社,靠的就是科研规范。”在为1000万总吨新造船检验任务提供技术支持保障方面,所长杨忠民介绍,仅2010年上半年就完成重大科研规范项目14项,正在进行的项目32项。规范所还负责中国船级社知识中心(CCS KC)的维护,组织专家解答客户提出的各种技术问题,被誉为中国海事界的“百度”。CCS审图中心主任魏纪友说,有人戏称“审图中心”成了“改图中心”,因为新造船如雨后春笋,不少船东、船厂、设计单位是新加入市场的,对规范标准理解不到位。在这种情况下,审图人员不仅要依据规范找出薄弱环节,还要细心解答。可以说,规范所和审图中心是看不见硝烟的战场,他们是船检事业中的“幕后英雄”。





The year of 2010 has come to an end without our awareness. Looking back on the magnificent past year, everyone in CCS cannot help feeling excited. In 2010,the single year new building survey of CCS exceeded 10m GT, and a new historical record has been created in new building survey. In order to ensure the smooth fulfillment of the 10m GT new building survey, CCS people work together to engage in an unprecedented“hard battle”.

Extremity test

Exceeding 10m GT new building survey is unprecedented in the history of China ship survey, and is also not common for western developed classification societies.It is the outcome of the fast development of Chinese economy, Chinese shipbuilding and shipping industry,the comprehensive strength of CCS and the close cooperation of relative industries.

For the young CCS, such breakthrough is not easy.Founded in 1956, CCS is the new member of IACS comparing with western classification societies which have 200 years of accumulation. CCS’ capability in rule, research and survey also lags far behind from the international advanced level. CCS is fully aware of this.In 1999, Mr. Li kejun CCS President, with his forwardlooking ideology, put forward “VCPB” program. In January,2003, CCS launched OBC project with China Association of National Shipbuilding Industry, Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company and Wanbang Shipping Group Corporation.CCS is well-prepared today after 50 years of overcoming various hardships. CCS achieved 7m tonnage new building order in 2009 and exceeded in a breath-taking way 10m tonnage in 2010.

Preparing intently for the war

Although it is a great joy for CCS to have won the enormous orders, such a large volume of annual new building survey is unprecedented in CCS’ history, which,coupled with the facts that the fi nancial crisis has not yet been over and risks of order withdrawal and prolongation still exist, have made the completion of the survey timely and with a high quality a comprehensive test for CCS management in plan approval, product inspection,construction survey technology, quality and work eff i ciency.

In the light of this, in CCS annual work meeting in Beijing at the beginning of 2010, CCS made planning for the 10m GT new building mission. Mr. Li Kejun, the President of CCS made clear the work in his report: to deploy resources form all over CCS and to activate the whole CCS, leaders from all units made “soldier writ” to ensure the safety of ships and people and to promote “made in China” with quality service.

In order to ensure the fulf i llment of 10m GT new building safely, CCS made urgent and careful preparations. Firstly,to establish construction survey responsibility analysis and traceability mechanism for new building detention to solve the quality problems revealed by new building detentions;secondly, to summarize and conclude systematically the experience and problems in new building business development during the “11thfi ve-year plan” period; thirdly,to deploy in a unif i ed manner the resources of the whole CCS according to the layout of new building business,with emphasis on plan approval and field survey capabilities; fourthly, to strengthen effective connection between marketing, plan approval, construction, operation using the project team operation mode to form seamless management chain of specialized ship type; fifthly, to study and improve external safety environment of the surveyors; sixthly, to continue to strengthen quality control of marine products.

Hard fi ghting in the battlef i eld

Though preparations have been made all over CCS,the outcome of this battle will be decided by the actual fi ghting, and a “hard-f i ghting battle” began in CCS.

In providing technical support to the 10m GT new building survey mission, Mr.Yang Zhongmin, the Director of Shanghai Rules and Research Institute said, 14 major science and rule research projects have been completed in the first half of 2010, 32 projects are still under way.CCS plan approval centre not only needs to fi nd out the weak points based on the rules, but also needs to provide solutions. It can be said that rule and research institute and plan approval centre are the battlefields without flames and they are the “behind the screen heroes” of ship survey.

At the same time of CCS “behind the screen heroes”working day in and day out, CCS front line heroes,surveyors, are also fighting intensely for the fulfillment of 10m new building. For the whole 2010, these CCS“soldiers” who should be praised, respected and beloved have been setting new records one after another with their aspirations. At the end of 2010, news of victories from Shanghai, Dalian, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Nanjing, Wuhan,Qinhuangdao and other branches keep coming in. By this time, the 10m “hard battle” is ended victoriously. With its practical performance, CCS testifies to the industry that after the severe test of 10m new building mission, CCS has made a great leap forward towards the first rank international classif i cation society.

Perfect Fulf i llment of the 10m Gross Tonnage Survey

Reporter Yang Peiju


中国船企前5 月接单量居全球第一