

中国海商法研究 2010年4期

杨良宜,司 嘉

(Philip Yang &Co.,Ltd,香港 999077)


杨良宜,司 嘉

(Philip Yang &Co.,Ltd,香港 999077)



在著名先例the“Hong Kong Fir Shipping v.Kawasaki”案[(1961)2Lloyd’s Rep 478]中,普通法按规定的内容对整个合约的重要程度将合约条文分为3大类:条件条文(condition)、中间条文(intermediate或innominate terms)与保证条文(warranty)。条件条文的违反(即使是轻微的违反)可以给受害方中断合约并索赔损失的权利;保证条文的违反,受害方只能索赔金钱上的损失;至于中间条文的违反,则需要根据个别案件的不同本质与事实以及违反该条文的后果对整个合约履行的影响来判定受害方有何种救济。

可以说违反一般合约保证条文的后果相对轻微,救济也仅仅限于金钱上的赔偿。但保险合约保证条文地位就很不一样了,因为其重要性十分显著,英国《1906年海上保险法》对此有明确规定。首先,保证的定义规定在Section 33:“A warranty…means apromissory warranty,that is to say,a warranty by which the assured undertake that some particular thing shall or shall not be done,or that some condition shall be fulfilled,or whereby he affirms or negatives the existence of a particular state of facts.”(“保证……是指允诺性的保证,即被保险人保证去做或不做某种特定事情,或履行某项条件,或者肯定或否定某些事实的特定状态。”)

为了区别于一般合约的保证条文,本段标题与下文会把保险有关的保证条文称为“承诺性保证”(promissory warranty)。承诺性保证条文在保险合约内的作用是被保险人向保险人作出承诺会或者不会在保险期间内做某些事情,或是承诺在保险期间会或不会发生或者出现某些事情,或是承诺会进行一些保险人要求的事情,等等。在订约自由下,这种承诺性保证可以以各种不同的措辞与文字出现,根据保险人的要求与被保险人愿意作出的承诺而定。针对海上货物保险,这种明示与默示的承诺性保证不是太多,也没有很多先例。在先例the“Overseas Commodities v.Style”案[(1958)1Lloyd’s Rep 546]中,保单有一条明示承诺性保证:“marked by manufacturers with a code for verification of date of manufacture.”



明示承诺性保证是指在保险合约中以条文明确规定被保险人承诺保证与保证什么的内容。在订约自由下,明示承诺性保证千变万化。英国《1906年海上保险法》Section 35针对明示承诺性保证规定:

“(1)An express warranty may be in any form of words from which the intention to warrant is to be inferred.

(2)An express warranty must be included in,or written upon,the policy,or must be contained in some document incorporated by reference into the policy.

(3)An express warranty does not exclude an implied warranty,unless it be inconsistent therewith.”




判断某一条文是否明示承诺性保证主要看该条文在实质上是否对决定保险合约有重要的作用。条文中有“保证”一词也不代表一定是在承诺性保证,特别是在被保险人到底承诺或保证些什么的内容写得并不够明确的情况下。毕竟解释合约还要考虑有关的背景/语境以及合理性(除非写得十分明确只能有一个不合理的解释),而且是针对保险人去解释(contra proferentem)。一个新加坡上诉庭的先例the“Marina Offshore v.China Insurance”案[(2007)1Lloyd’s Rep.66]中,承保的一艘在日本神户抛锚的老龄小拖轮,准备在购买后开往新加坡,在新加坡与印尼近岸水域营运。在日本去新加坡的航次,船东以定期保险(time policy)为该航次投保了船舶险。但船舶在中途遇到恶劣天气而沉没,保险人以船东破坏了承诺性保证(其中包括有关航线)作为拒赔的抗辩。有关的条文是:“Warranted satisfactory vessel seaworthiness/condition survey for her safe voyage to Singapore by appointed surveyor—TG Marine and all recommendations to be complied[sic]at owner’s expenses[sic]before her sailing from Kobe to Singapore.”上述TG Marine的验船师其中的一个建议有关航线(route)。新加坡上诉庭认为该承诺性保证条文内容不够明确。有关航线,上诉庭指出:“There was no express warranty on the route of the vessel.The written warranty did not expressly mention the route or contain any language relating or referring to the course of the voyage.Further,its terms,by providing that the surveyor’s recommendations had to be complied with before the vessel left Kobe,made it clear that any recommendations that the surveyor had as to what had to be done once the vessel was en route would not be part of the warranty requirements.”

但在某些情况下,即使是没有用“保证”(warranted)的措辞,如果订约双方被解释为有真实的意图把该条文视为承诺性保证,也会被解释为“保证”。在先例the“J.Kirkaldy v.Walker”案[(1999)Lloyd’s IR 410]中,保险人要求被保险人提供一份拖带检验(towage approval survey)与一份状况检验(condition survey)。这两项要求出现在保单中的“条件”(Conditions)标题下,而不是“承诺性保证”(Warranties)的标题下。但是,这两项要求只有在被解释为承诺性保证的情况下才合理。此外,这也是承保拖带风险的一贯做法。

由于承诺性保证在保险合约中的特殊法律地位,尤其是对其的违反会产生严重后果,故法院在解释某一条文是否属于承诺性保证的时候会非常慎重,除了在对保险合约条文有多于一种解释的时候要选对保险人不利的解释(contra proferentem),也经常会将描述或是局限承保风险范围的条文与一个真正的承诺性保证区分开来。由于历史悠久,针对什么才算是一条明示承诺性保证条文的先例还有很多,但笔者不准备多去探讨,只希望介绍一些重点的考虑或精神。援引Robert Merkin教授所著的Colinvaux’s law of insurance in Hong Kong的一句话作为总结:“It is perhaps not unreasonable to comment that the courts,in most cases,have construed clause as risk delimitation provisions in order to protect the assured against the frequently harsh consequences of a continuing warranty.”[1]



默示的承诺性保证条文,与海上货物运输有关的是英国《1906年海上保险法》Section 39(保证运载的船舶适航)、Section 41(承保货物必须合法)。Section 39是有关运载船舶适航的默示承诺性保证,由于将其强加在被保险人的货方身上不现实,所以在海上货物运输的保险合约内,都有明示条文排除该默示承诺性保证。Section 41涉及货物运输的合法性,在和平时期很少会出现,但也并非不存在。例如,联合国的禁令就往往会导致有关的货物运输从合法变为非法。在海湾战争中,联合国禁止了所有国家与伊拉克的贸易,包括英国,有关的联合国决议是UN Resolution 1990/66。此外,英国也通过欧共体的Council Regulation(EC)97/338,引入了1973年通过的Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora,该公约是为了保护濒危的野生动植物。这表示除非有海关的批文,否则出口公约针对的货物是非法的。

英国《1906年海上保险法》的默示承诺性保证条文只局限于英国法下的非法,毕竟世界上其他国家(友好或者不友好)的不同法律太多,这在1906年立法时根本不会去理会的。这方面的判决是the“Royal Boskalis Westminster NV v.Mountain”案[(1997)LRLR 523],该高院判决因为其他理由被上诉庭推翻。但高院的Rix大法官与上诉庭的Phillips大法官都认为Section 41的默示承诺性保证只针对英国法。

在比较近期的先例the“Euro Diam v.Bathurst”案[(1987)1Lloyd’s Rep 178]中,运往德国的钻石投保了一切险,其中规定一条明示承诺保证条文:“3AWarranted that the Assured comply in all aspects with the laws(local or otherwise)of any country within whose jurisdiction the property may be…Should failure to comply with the above warranties prejudice this insurance to the extent of a loss no liability shall attach hereunder.”看来其作用是把英国的“合法”的默示承诺保证延伸到其他有关国家的法律而不是仅限制在英国法。

该批货物(钻石)的发票上少报了价值,意图欺骗德国海关以减少税额,这违反了德国的税收法律,所以判定违反明示承诺保证条文。但是,法院在判词部分说明英国《1906年海上保险法》Section 41仅仅要求该航程(adventure)不能违反英国法,而没有延伸到外国法下的违法。Staughton大法官说:“I can thus find no support for an implied term such as the insurers rely on in relation to foreign law.As I have said,even if I had held that there was such an implied term so far as concerns compliance with English law,I would have considerable doubt whether it extended to foreign law as well.”


不像一般合约违反保证作出金钱上的赔偿就足够,保险合约下违反承诺性保证的后果十分严重,从违反的那天起就让保险人自动解除保险合约下的责任,而这责任主要指对违反后所有损失的赔付。而且,法律不要求违反与后来的损失有任何因果关系(causation)。换言之,在违反的那一刻起,被保险人完全失去了保险合约的保障。但是,对于承诺性保证被违反之前发生的损失,保险人仍承担赔付责任。英国《1906年海上保险法》Section 33(3)规定:“A warranty…is a condition which must be exactly complied with,whether it be material to the risk or not.If it be not so complied with,then,subject to any express provision in the policy,the insurer is discharged from liability as from the date of the breach of warranty,but without prejudice to any liability incurred by him before that date.”(“无论保证对风险是否重要,均是一种必须严格遵守的条件。如果被保险人不如此遵守之,除非保险单另有明示规定,从被保险人违反保证之日起,保险人解除责任,但不妨碍在违反保证之前产生的任何责任。”)

另一个严格性是其不考虑违反到底是轻微的还是重要的(material)。Eldon勋爵在the“Newcastle Fire Insurance Co v.Macmorran &Co”案[(1815) 3Dow 255]中指出:“…it is a first principle of the law of insurance,on all occasions,that where a representation is material it must be complied with—if immaterial,that immateriality may be inquired into and shown;but that if there is a warranty it is part of the contract that the matter is such as it is represented to be.Therefore the materiality or immateriality signifies nothing.The only question is as to the mere fact.”

此外,违反承诺性保证后不能做出补救,英国《1906年海上保险法》Section 34(2)条规定:“Where a warranty is broken,the assured cannot avail himself of the defence that the breach has been remedied,and the warranty complied with,before loss.”(“如果一项保证已被破坏,则被保险人不能以在发生损失前违反已得到弥补,保证已得到遵守的理由为自己辩护。”)

这方面的先例可举the“De Hahn v.Hartley”案[(1786)1TR 343],该船壳保险合约中有一个明示承诺性保证,即“船上至少要有50名船员”。开航时,船上只有46名船员,这显然违反了承诺性保证。但在事故发生前不久,由于该船舶从海里救上6名船员,所以船上的船员在事故发生时总数是52名。然最终法院判承诺性保证已被违反,不能事后补救,所以之后发生事故的索赔不能成功。


违反承诺性保证的严重后果普遍被视为过分严厉(harsh)、不可原谅(unforgiving)、不成比例(disproportionate)、僵化(inflexible)与过时(over due)。这一理念与要求被保险人绝对善意一致。其中不可接受的就是违反承诺性保证与事故造成的损失根本不要求因果关系(causation),这与其他的违约截然不同。这里只介绍其中一个批评——过时,对承诺性的严厉由Mansfield勋爵在18世纪建立,在当时的环境下,伦敦的保险人完全依赖被保险人的披露与陈述,以及对现状与将来的所作所为所作出的保证。保险人没有任何其他渠道可以调查或确保自己所愿意承担的风险,所以Mansfield勋爵认为对承诺性保证需要严格执行,必须要有严厉的后果,这也是英国《1906年海上保险法》立法的基础。但到了现在,环境有了很大的变化,通讯越来越简单、快捷,保险人自己取得信息与资料并不困难,被保险人单方面作出的保证再也不是那么重要了。保险人的谈判力量也强于以往。此外,保险人还有其他保障,如要求被保险人在保险合约履行期间要有绝对善意(utmost good faith),所以没有必要多加一个不成比例的严厉的承诺性保证。

但对被保险人而言,这被视为是一种过度的保护,经常被取巧。据闻在部分保险合约下发生事故后,保险人派遣的事故调查员对保险合约中的承诺性保证是否被严格遵守的关心远大于对事故造成损失的关心,即使承诺性保证明显与事故扯不上关系。如此一来,针对岸上保险会给消费者带来很大的不公平与反感,尤其是考虑到一般消费者是没有保险的法律知识,如无法充分了解承诺性保证的严厉性。这曾导致希望有一个针对岸上保险的草案在议院通过,但最终英国法律委员会(Law Commission)与保险协会(Association of British Insurers)达成协议,同意保险行业通过自律解决此问题,而没有立法。这一自律反映在1986年The Statement of General Insurance Practice之Section 2(b)(iii)中:“…on the grounds of breach of warranty or condition where circumstances of the loss are unconnected with the breach unless fraud is involved.”




英国海上保险合约的承诺性保证条文将来的发展还不是很确定。根据LC Consultation Paper 2007第8.45段,法律改革委员会建议,如果平衡起来较大可能(on the balance of probabilities)被保险人对承诺性保证条文的违反对损失的发生没有影响时,被保险人可以得到保险赔偿。该建议的实用性还是有疑问的。


在这样的大气候之下,英国海上保险市场本身也在作出改变。例如,海上保险已经尽量避免在保险合约中加入承诺性保证条文。相反,为了改变英国《1906年海上保险法》的默示地位,已经用明确的文字说明违反一些以前被视为是承诺性的保证,只有在违反期间遭受损失才可以拒赔,原因是在这种情况下损失通常与违反承诺性保证有关,不能获得赔付。但在违约过后所发生的损失,可以说是与违反承诺性保证无关,保险人还是必须作出赔付。而合约也不会因为较早时候违反承诺性保证而让保险人可以中断之后的赔付责任,这本来是英国《1906年海上保险法》Section 33(3)的默示地位。举例说,涉及船壳保险,会有不少的明示与默示承诺性保证,其中著名的是航区保证(trading warranty)。《2003年国际船壳保险条文》把以前的航区保证改为一条中止条文(suspensive condition),说明被保险人如果违反航区的限制(比如船舶去了一个被限制的航区,如北极),保险合约就会处于休眠状态。保险人对违反期间发生的损失不负赔付责任,因为损失会与违反航区限制有关。但之后如果船舶回到保险合约中允许的航区,该船舶重新获得承保。

在《2003年国际船壳保险条文》中,被列为承诺性保证的不多。即使有,也只是针对十分重要的方面,如果这一承诺被保险人违反,涉及的损失通常与违反的内容没有关系。这就是“营运费用保证”(disbursements warranty)。这是为防止被保险人超额投保不要求其证明受保利益的船舶营运费用,故限制在船舶投保船壳保险价值的25%。若被保险人超额投保,特别是向不同的保险人投保,就会带来道德风险。这是船壳保险人不愿意见到的,故以严格的承诺性保证条文针对与阻吓船东。具体条文如下:


21.1 Additional insurances as follows are permitted:

21.1.1 Disbursements,Managers’Commissions,Profits or Excess or increased Value of Hull and Machinery.A sum not exceeding 25%of the value stated herein.

21.1.2 Freight,Chartered Freight or Anticipated Freight,insured for time.A sum not exceeding 25%of the value as stated herein less any sum insured,however described,under 21.1.1.

21.1.3 Freight or Hire,under contracts for voyage.A sum not exceeding the gross freight or hire for the current cargo passage and next succeeding cargo passage(such insurance to include,if required,apreliminary and an intermediate ballast passage)plus the charges of insurance.In the case of a voyage charter where payment is made on a time basis,the sum permitted for insurance shall be calculated on the estimated duration of the voyage,subject to the limitation of two cargo passages as laid down herein.Any sum insured under 21.1.2to be taken into account and only the excess thereof may be insured,which excess shall be reduced as the freight or hire is advanced or earned by the gross amount so advanced or earned.

21.1.4 Anticipated Freight if the Vessel sails in ballast and not under Charter.A sum not exceeding the anticipated gross freight on next cargo passage,such sum to be reasonably estimated on the basis of the current rate of freight at time of insurance,plus the charges of insurance.Any sum insured under 21.1.2 to be taken into account and only the excess thereof may be insured.

21.1.5 Time Charter Hire or Charter Hire for Series of Voyages.A sum not exceeding 50%of gross hire which is to be earned under the charter in a period not exceeding 18 months.Any sum insured under 21.1.2to be taken into account and only the excess thereof may be insured which excess shall be reduced as the hire is advanced or earned under the charter by 50%of the gross amount so advanced or earned but the sum insured need not be reduced while the total of the sums insured under 21.1.2and 21.1.5does not exceed 50% of the gross hire still to be earned under the charter.An insurance under this Section may begin on the signing of the charter.

21.1.6 Premiums.A sum not exceeding the actual premium of all interests insured for aperiod not exceeding 12months(excluding premiums insured under the foregoing sections but including,if required,the premium or estimated calls on any Club or War etc.Risk insurance)reducing pro rata monthly.

21.1.7 Return of Premium.A sum not exceeding the actual returns which are allowable under any insurance but which would be recoverable thereunder in the event of a total loss of the Vessel whether by insured perils or otherwise.

21.1.8 Insurance irrespective of amount against:

Any risks excluded by Clauses 23,24,25 and 26below.

21.2 Warranted that no insurance on any interests enumerated in the foregoing 21.1.1to 21.1.7in excess of the amounts permitted therein and no other insurance which includes total loss of the Vessel P.P.I,F.I.A,or subject any other like term,is or shall be effected to operate during the currency of this insurance by or for account of the Assured,Owners,Managers or Mortgagees.Provided always that a breach of this warranty shall not afford the Underwriters any defence to a claim by a Mortgagee who has accepted this insurance without knowledge of such breach.”

[“21 营运费用保证

21.1 允许下列各项附加保险:

21.1.1 营运费用,管理人的佣金、利润或船壳和机器的超值或增值。其金额不得超过保险价值的25%。

21.1.2 定期投保的运费、租船费用或预期运费。其金额不得超过保险价值的25%扣除在上述本款第(1)项内已投保的保险金额。

21.1.3 航次合同下的运费或租金。其金额不得超过本次及接着的下次载货航程的毛运费或租金(经要求本保险可以包括一个预备航次和一个中间空载航程在内)再加上保险费。对于定期支付租金的航次租船合同,可保金额应根据预计的租船时间进行计算,但须受上面规定的两个载货航程的限制。根据本款第(2)项投保的保险金额应计入在内,可保金额仅限于其超额部分,而且应从中扣除已预收或赚取的总的运费或租金。

21.1.4 船舶空载航行且未出租时的预期运费。其金额不得超过基于投保时的运费率合理估算的下次载货航程的预计总运费,再加上保险费。根据本款第(2)项投保的金额应予以考虑,仅其超额部分可以保险。

21.1.5 期租租金或连续航次租金。其金额不得超过租船合同项下在18个月以内可以获得的总租金的50%。根据本款第(2)项的投保金额应予以考虑,仅其超额部分可以保险,而且应从中扣除根据租约已预收或赚取的总的租金的50%,但如果根据本款第(2)项及本项的总保险金额不超过根据租船合同待收总租金的50%时,可不必作上述扣除。根据本项的保险可自签订租船合同时开始。

21.1.6 保险费。其金额不能超过逐月比例减少的任何保险利益投保不超过12个月的实际保险费(不包括上述各项所保的保险费,经要求可以包括任何保赔协会或战争等风险的保险费或估计的追加保险费)。

21.1.7 退还的保险费。其金额不得超过任何保险所允许的,但在船舶发生无论是否由承保风险所造成的全损时不予退回的实际退费。

21.1.8 不受保险金额限制的保险。第23条、第24条、第25条和第26条除外的任何风险。

21.2 保证本条第1款第(1)项至第(7)项所列任何利益的保险不超过所允许的保险金额,并不得有由被保险人、船东、管理人或抵押权人或以其名义在本保险期间内安排的或将安排的包括船舶的P.P.I、F.I.A或须受其他类似条款的全损保险在内的其他保险。保险人不得以违反本保险为由抗辩在接受本保险时不知道此项违反的抵押权人提出的索赔。”]



“5.1 In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense arising from

5.1.1 unseaworthiness of vessel or craft or unfitness of vessel or craft for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured,where the Assured are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness,at the time the subject-matter insured is loaded therein。

5.1.2 unfitness of container or conveyance for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured,where loading therein or thereon is carried out prior to attachment of this insurance or by the Assured or their employees and they are privy to such unfitness at the time of loading.

5.2 Exclusion 5.1.1above shall not apply where the contract of insurance has been assigned to the party claiming hereunder who has bought or agreed to buy the subject-matter insured in good faith under a binding contract.

5.3 The Insurers waive any breach of the implied warranties of seaworthiness of the ship and fitness of the ship to carry the subject-matter insured to destination.”

(“5.1 本保险概不承保损失、损害或费用,如其起因于

5.1.1 船舶或驳船不适航或对保险标的之安全运输不适合,如果被保险人在保险标的装载其上时对此种不适航或不适合有私谋

5.1.2 集装箱或托盘对保险标的之安全运输不适合,如果装入或装上发生在本保险责任开始之前,或者是由被保险人或其雇员实施的,而且他们在装载时对此种不适合有私谋。

5.2 如果保险合同已经转让给根据一个有约束力的合同已经善意购买或同意购买保险标的之根据本保险合同索赔的人,上述第5.1.1条规定的除外责任对他不适用。

5.3 保证人放弃载运保险标的到目的港的船舶不得违反默示适航保证或适运保证。”)

针对船舶适航,起点是英国《1906年海上保险法》Section39(1),规定了船舶必须严格或绝对适航这一默示承诺性保证。这一承诺性保证也适用于海上货物运输保险。但这并不现实,因为作为被保险人的货方控制不了船舶的适航,所以海上货物保险一直有明示条文否定这一默示承诺性保证。《1982年协会货物条款》第5.2条规定:“The Underwriters waive any breach of the implied warranties of seaworthiness of the ship and fitness of the ship to carry the subject-matter insured to destination,unless the Assured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness.”(“保险人放弃运载保险标的至目的港的船舶不得违反船舶适航和适运的任何默示保证,除非被保险人或其雇员对此种不适航或不适运有私谋。”)但这只是一种有条件的否定,因为如果被保险人或者其雇员对船舶的不适航有私谋,就否定不了该默示承诺性保证。但问题是,违反造成的情况是一个损失(如货物被盗),与船舶不适航(如第一舱进水)完全没有关系也会被拒赔。这在今天的保险市场中被认为不公平,应该避免。所以,《2009年协会货物条款》第5.3条就无条件否定了这一默示的承诺性保证。但在第5.1条增加了保险人不必赔付的一些带来货物损失或损坏的情况,如货方的被保险人或者其雇员明知有关的船舶不适航或明知一个集装箱不适合安全运输,但还是去堆货或/与作出付运,这就会导致由于这个原因带来的货物损失或损坏保险人不必赔付。这样的规定显然不再属于承诺性保证的范畴。


[1]MERKIN R.Colinvaux's law of insurance in HongKong[M].Hongkong:S&M Asia HongKong,2009.

[2]杨良宜.海上货物保险[M].北京:法律出版社,2010:141-172.YANG Liang-yi.Marine cargo insurance[M].Beijing:Law Press,2010:141-172.(in Chinese)

Promissory warranty in marine insurance contracts

YANG Liang-yi,SI Jia
(Philip Yang &Co.,Ltd,Hong Kong 999077,China)

The importance of promissory warranty in marine insurance contracts is significant.This article introduces promissory warranty in marine insurance contracts and analyzes through case study the express promissory warranty,implied promissory warranty,the serious consequence of breaching promissory warranty and the change of the consequence’s legal status.

marine insurance contract;express promissory warranty;implied promissory warranty






杨良宜(1948-),男,香港人,Philip Yang &Co.,Ltd律师,香港专业海商及国际贸易业务全职仲裁员,波罗地国际海事协会(Baltic &International Maritime Council)文件委员会成员,国际商会国际仲裁协会香港代表,英国特许仲裁员学会(Chartered Institute of Arbitration)特许仲裁员,英国特许船舶经纪学会(Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers)高级会员,英国特许保险学会(Chartered Institute of Insurance)会员,;司嘉(1983-),女,山东蓬莱人,Philip Yang &Co.,Ltd律师,。

