误译:It is reported that a migrant worker received an open-chest surgery to find out the truth about his professional illness.
正译:It is reported that a migrant worker received an open-chest surgery to find out the truth about his occupational illness.
解释:professional 的意思是connected with a job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education,指与需要专门培训或专门技能的职业相联系的,即“专业的”,涉及范围较小。这个词不能用来修饰疾病。occupational 的意思是connected with a persons job,指与一个人的职业相关的,即“职业的”,涉及范围较大。这个词可以用来修饰疾病。
“职业病”的意思是指“劳动者在生产劳动及其他职业活动中,接触职业危害因素所引起的疾病”。英语可以译为occupational disease, occupation disease, occupational illness, work illness, work-related illness, employment disease, industrial disease。例如:
1. 皮肤病是工厂工人中的常见职业病。Skin disorders are common occupational diseases among factory workers.
2. 这些老工人记忆力差、有精神压力、情绪动荡,而且衰老加快,这些是职业病的常见症状。These aged workers suffered from poor memory, as well as stress, mood swings and accelerated aging, which are common symptoms of work-related illnesses.
3. 尘肺病是一种影响长期在煤尘环境下工作的煤矿工人的职业病。Black lung disease is an industrial disease that affects coal miners after working for long periods of time around coal dust.
“工伤”,可以译为occupational injury, work injury, work-related injury, on-the-job injury, employment injury。例如:
4. 在建筑业,工伤的发生率要高一些。There is a higher rate of occupational injury in the construction industry.
5. 上下班途中因车祸受伤的人们将不属于工伤保险的范围。People injured in a car accident while traveling to or from work will not be covered by the work injury insurance.
6. 他因工伤而在医院卧床3天。He was kept in bed at the hospital for three days because of an employment injury.▲