必修五 Unit 5 First Aid


广东教育·高中 2009年9期




Electric shock

Injuries caused by electric shock are fairly common. When a person has___1___an electric shock, no one should go near him/her until the current has been___2___off. If a shock ___ 3___at work or at home causes someone to lose consciousness, electrical connection must be___4___before anyone tries to give assistance. You should either turn off the switch at the mains or, if that is not possible, ___5 ___the person away with a dry piece of wood.

Treatment of shock

Look out for signs of shock. People who have been injured or who may have lost a lot of blood, or those who have had heart attacks, may be in deep shock. The signs to look for are faintness,___6___, a moist, sticky skin, shallow,___7 ___ breathing and a fast but ___8___heartbeat.

Shock can prove___9___, and it is essential to do something to___ 10 ___its developing. The best way to ___ 11___or prevent shock is to keep the patient lying down, better with the legs___ 12___than the head; if ___13 ___ , raise the lower part of the body on a rolled-up packet or similar object. Make the patient as comfortable as possible, ___14___ any tight clothing, and comfort him/her because fright ___15___the effect of shock.

1. A. received B. accepted

C. hit D. happened

2. A. went B. turned

C. connected D. burned

3. A. continuing B. breaking

C. occurring D. existing

4. A. connected B. applied

C. continued D. broken

5. A. push B. put

C. throw D. pull

6. A. excitementB. paleness

C. surprise D. sorrow

7. A. regular B. smooth

C. slow D. rapid

8. A. strong B. weak

C. formal D. sudden

9. A. fatalB. useful

C. harmful D. frightening

10. A. presentB. aid

C. prevent D. promote

11. A. abandon B. treat

C. heal D. cure

12. A. lighter B. lower

C. taller D. higher

13. A. necessary B. any

C. important D. possible

14. A. tying B. tightening

C. loosing D. fastening

15. A. decreaseB. increase

C. weaken D. add



First aid is the kind of help___16___ (give) to someone___17___falls ill or gets injured before ___18___doctor can be found. Of course, the illness or injury is not serious. When it comes to first aid for burns, you must know something about that. You have three layers of skin ___19___protect yourself ___20 ___diseases, poisons and the harmful rays from the sun. Your skin also gives you your sense of touch. First aid is a very important step in the___ 21___ (treat). People can get burned by many things, ___22___hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity, etc. There are three types of burns. Burns are called first degree, second degree and third degree burns,___23___ (depend) on ___24___ layer is burned. Different degree burns can ___25 ___ (treat) in different ways.



If you see someone drowning, speed is very important. Once you get him out of the water, if he isnt breathing, you have four minutes before his brain is completely destroyed. Support his neck, tilt(使翘起) his head back and press his chin(下巴) upwards. This stops the tongue blocking the airway in the throat and is sometimes enough to get him breathing again. If that doesnt work, start mouth-to-mouth breathing. Press his nostrils(鼻孔) together with your fingers. Open your mouth and take a deep breath. Blow into his lungs until his chest rises, then remove your mouth and watch his chest fall. Repeat twelve times a minute. Keep doing until help arrives.

To bring a child back to life, keep your lips around and gently blow into his mouth. Give the first four breaths as quikly as possible to fill the blood with oxygen. If , in spite of your efforts, he starts turning a blue –grey colour, and you can feel no pulse(脉搏), then pressing is the last chance of saving his life.

With arms straight, rock forwards, pressing down on the lower half of the breastbone. Dont be too hard or you may break a rib(肋骨). Check how effective you are seeing if his colour improves or his pulse becomes independent to your chest pressing. If this happens, stop the pressing. Otherwise continue until rescue arrives.

26. This passage is mainly about_______.

A. how to save people drowning in water

B. how to give first aid to people drowning as quickly as possible

C. how to give mouth-to-mouth breathing

D. how to bring a child back to life

27. If you get a drowning man who is breathless out of water, you must first_______.

A. get him breathing again

B. take him to the nearest hospital as soon as possible

C. find someone to help you

D. call the First Aid Center

28. In the last paragraph, the word rescue means_______.

A. expert B. help C. doctor D. nurse

29. We can infer from the last paragraph that_______ .

A. pressing is the last chance of saving his life

B. continue the pressing when his pulse becomes independent

C. pressing his breastbone is enough to get him breathing

D. keeping pressing when no effectiveness appears

30. Which of the following statement is true?

A. dont stop pressing his chest, if the drowning man starts breathing again

B. when breathing, you can do it as hard as you can

C. if a man doesnt breathe for four minutes, his brain will be completely destroyed.

D. if you see someone drowning, you must give him mouth-to-mouth breathing.



1. 上周末妈妈被开水烫伤,手肿了,起了水泡。(get injured, boiling water, swell, blister)

2. 因妈妈挤出水泡里的水,使得伤口出水,血流不止。(squeeze, watery, bleed)

3. 见此,我应用在学校学到的急救知识帮妈妈。(apply, first aid, put ones hands on)

4. 我让妈妈使手高于心脏部位。(higher than)

5. 我用一块干爽而清洁的布在恰当的位置盖住伤口以防感染。(protect...against, in place, infection)

6. 因症状严重,我送妈妈去医院。(depend on, symptom)

7. 正是急救的作用,爸爸送给我一本《家庭急救》。(it is...that..., make a difference, present, First Aid for the Family)

8. 爸爸说他为我所做的感到骄傲。(be proud of)







1. 用约30个词概括课文Heroic Teenager Receives Award的内容要点。

2. 用约120个词就“急救知识重要及开设这类课程的必要性”这个主题写一篇短文,内容包括:




1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。




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