

双语时代 2009年7期

Well, in previous installments of this series we've covered directors and films – now it's time for the actors themselves! You might notice a bit of a Hong Kong bias here, mostly because the plucky little island has been producing film stars since the 60s, and Chinese mainland is only just catching up to the juggernaut that is the Hong Kong movie and music industry. One notable difference between Chinese and Western stars is how many are accomplished stuntmen or martial artists – a relative rare skill in the West, where martial arts trained performers, like Jean Claude Van Damme or Steven Seagal, are generally confined to the dumbest of action roles. In contrast, Chinese performers are often very skilled in acrobatics, dance, or martial arts, partially because of their background in traditional Chinese drama, which was intensely physically demanding. The relatively low budgets of Hong Kong movies, particularly in the old days, also drove producers to save on stunt budgets. Perhaps Hollywood could learn something from them – I'd certainly pay good money to see Hayden Christiansen get beaten up for real.


Chow Yun - Fat 周润发

Chow Yun - Fat made his name in the Hong Kong action cinema of the 1980s, his round, almost babyish face and distinctive tooth - pick chewing habit rapidly making him one of the most recognizable Asian action movie stars. His unflappable demeanor and grim charisma anchor his films, where he often plays either a tough, good - hearted cop or a tough, good - hearted criminal. From a working class background in the islands, he rose to stardom in The Bund, a classic early 80s Hong Kong TV series about the rise and fall of a gangster in 1930s Shanghai.


It was his partnership with action director John Woo that made his name famous beyond Hong Kong, though. Woo saw that Chow's mixture of toughness and cool made him the perfect hard - boiled hero, and gave him great roles in A Better Tomorrow (1986), The Killer (1989), and Hard - Boiled (1992) to work with; the scenes of Chow with a gun blazing in each hand, or fighting villains through a hospital ward with a baby in one arm and a shotgun in the other, are classic images of action cinema. Chow became Hong Kong's biggest star, accompanied everywhere by grim - faced bodyguards and hangers - on.


Like many veterans of Hong Kong cinema, Chow attempted a move to Hollywood in the 1990s, producing two disappointing films, The Replacement Killers (1998) and The Corruptor (1999). His return to Asia, however, produced one of his biggest ever hits, 2000's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. His meditative cool as the monk - warrior Li Mubai helped make the film a mega - hit worldwide - albeit that the film was in Mandarin and Chow, a native Cantonese speaker, is visibly struggling with the language at points. Recently he's appeared in more mainland movies, such as 2006's Curse of the Golden Flower, and is set to star in prestige movie Confucius as the eponymous philosopher this year. We look forward to the scene in which Confucius, a sword in one hand and a gun in the other, carves his way through a crowd of disrespectful thugs.


Jackie Chan 成龙

Everybody loves Jackie Chan. He's the single most famous Chinese actor in the world, and virtually worshipped as a god in his home of Hong Kong. The cheery - faced, rubbery kung fu master and comic actor is so popular that he barely even plays different characters any more – just 'Jackie'. Whether he's a British naval officer in 19th century Hong Kong, a policeman, or a monk, he's the same loveable semi - loser, bumbling his way through life but always triumphing at the end. He's tried to play more varied characters recently, even a villain – but nobody watches his movies for the acting! Rather, they watch them for his marvelous semi - improvised martial arts, where he combines acrobatics, kung fu, and any props he has to hand to make cinematic magic. My personal favorite is the fight scene in Hong Kong's narrow alleyways in Project A, where Chan defeats a group of thugs using his bicycle as a weapon.

没有人不爱成龙。他是世界上最著名的华人影星,在他的家乡香港更是被奉为神明。热情洋溢的笑容,永远打不败的功夫以及滑稽的表演风格使他家喻户晓,以至于很难再出演其他角色——只能是“成龙”。 无论是在19世纪香港的英国海军军官,警察,还是和尚,他都是可爱的半失败者,生活中跌跌撞撞,但总是能取得成功。最近,他努力去扮演更多不同的角色,甚至是反面人物——但没有人是为了他的表演来看他的电影,而是冲着他那出色的半即兴表演而来的。武术表演中他综合运用了特技、功夫、以及其他表现电影魅力的道具。我本人最喜欢的打斗场景是《A计划》中,在香港的小巷里成龙仅以一辆自行车就打败了一群暴徒的那场。

Chan is a master physical comedian, working in the tradition of Western stars like Buster Keaton, and combining them with his own martial arts training. One of his first films, Drunken Master (1978) epitomizes this; Chan plays a young martial arts student who learns how to fight like a drunk man, reeling from side to side and beating his opponents with unexpected blows. Almost all the fights in the movie are played for comedy, resembling children's games or drunken squabbles more than serious battles. Chan is brilliantly flexible and ingenious, and his brand of slapstick kung - fu humor can make anybody laugh.


Chan was born in Hong Kong in 1954, to parents who worked for the French consulate, and so grew up in the privileged surroundings of Victoria Peak.After his father emigrated to Australia to work for several years, Chan was sent to a Peking Opera School, where he specialized in acrobatics and faked fighting. There he was taken under the wing of the teacher, Yu Jim - yuen, who made him work twice as hard as the other students as a result!He described his training as 'really arduous, we hardly had enough to eat, enough clothes to keep warm, training was extremely tiring, and Master could cane us anytime!' (There's even a 1988 movie, Painted Faces, about the school.) There he met Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao, who he would go on to collaborate with in a number of great films, starting with 1983's Project A. As a result, he became a talented young performer in peak physical condition, but found it hard to break into films at first, even joining his father in Australia for a while and working on a building site, where he acquired his English name after being tutored by a burly Aussie called 'Jack'. He found movie work as a stuntman first of all, until, impressed with his skills, a producer took him up as a star.


Chan is notorious for doing all his own stunts, rather than relying on professional stuntmen. He works with a carefully selected team that he's built up over the years, but even so things go wrong – he's said to have broken every bone in his body at one point or another. His films often feature outtakes at the end where you can watch him crashing down several stories, falling off buses, or running into walls – sometimes you see him being carted off to hospital, giving a weak thumbs - up. As well as his acting, he's also a noted Cantopop singer; thanks to early dramatic training he has a very pleasant voice.


Zhang Ziyi 章子怡

Born in Beijing in 1979, Zhang Ziyi's luminous beauty has won her many admirers worldwide. I've got to admit to having absolutely no objectivity when it comes to Zhang Ziyi. I first saw her in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon a decade ago, and thought she was one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in my life – a sentiment which still makes my girlfriend a little touchy if I mention it. This admiration was shared by many film critics; one, the (gay) Gilbert Adair, produced this marvelous (if a touch tongue - in - cheek) paragraph -

1979年章子怡出生在北京。她靓丽的外表使她在全球赢得了许多爱慕者。我得承认,一说到章子怡,就会失去理智。十年前,当我第一次在《卧虎藏龙》里看到她的时候,就觉得她是我这辈子见过的最美丽的女人之一 ——在我提出这样的想法时,到现在都会让我女朋友微有醋意。很多电影评论家也对她抱有爱慕之情。像是Gilbert Adair(同性恋),就曾发出过这样惊人的言论(这话可不能当真):

'Not to put too fine a point on it, I fell in love with her at first sight, helplessly, hopelessly and (appropriately enough for a film as acrobatic as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) head over heels. As everyone is aware, however, love and objectivity, the kind of objectivity on which all honest criticism has to be based, tend to be mutually incompatible categories, and there's a real risk of my exasperating readers for months to come with dreamy, doting and, for the most part, irrelevant allusions to Zhang's talent, her beauty, her adorableness, etc. I've therefore decided that, for the sake of my reputation as a critic, it would be better if this were my last review for The Independent on Sunday. So, goodbye. '


She's regularly voted among the hundred most beautiful women in the world, but there's no doubt that Zhang Ziyi's performance in the film, made when she was barely 21, is magnificent; she suggests a tension between public and private selves that both plays to the themes of the film and causes male viewers' minds to wander suggestively. She's never had quite as big a hit in the West again – she was in the mediocre but popular Rush Hour 2, with Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson, but that was hardly a great work of art. Nor was the execrable TMNT, which didn't even do good box office.However, she's had a number of Asian hits, most notably another martial arts epic, Hero, marking the start of a renewed partnership with director Zhang Yimou that saw her playing beautiful, tormented female characters – and martial artists – in three films in succession; the gorgeously shot and morally complex Hero, and the rather messy follow - ups House of Flying Daggers and The Banquet. She had, in fact, made one of her first movies, The Road Home, with Zhang Yimou when she was just 19. She also turned in a sterling performance in Wang Kar - Wei's 2046.


Sammo Hung 洪金宝

As a hefty gentleman myself, I have a soft spot for Sammo Hung, a man who could easily have starred in a live - action version of Kung Fu Panda when young.He's a chubby fellow – one of his films was called, marvelously, Enter the Fat Dragon, and, like many fat guys, a skilled comic actor. He picked his name, 'Sammo', after a fat cartoon character. What's more remarkable is his grace and strength as a martial artist; his bouncy exterior conceals a core of steel. He was one of Jackie Chan's fellow students at Peking Opera School, and has collaborated with Chan and fellow classmate Yuen Biao on several movies. As the oldest of the three friends, and the fattest, he was called 'the Biggest Big Brother'. He's nearly as gifted a physical comedian as Chan, although he's never achieved the same breakthrough status in the West.


Hung started off as a child actor, but went on to become a martial arts star, especially after training in Korea to learn different styles. As well as being a skilled fighter and star, he also achieved success as a choreographer, directing and guiding fight scenes in other movies. He helped create Chan's use of seemingly improvised weaponry, and his frenetic, close - in style was a distinctive feature of many 1980s Hong Kong movies. In the early eighties, he created the 'stiff corpse' (jiang shi) subgenre with Encounters of the Spooky Kind (1985) and Mr Vampire (1985). Something like a comedy version of Western zombie or vampire movies, these films were partially inspired by the 'Hammer Horror' films of the 1950s, British horror - comedies made on a low budget. They feature 'hopping vampires' as their main monsters, comic monstrosities who hop menacingly towards their victims, but can be blocked by Daoist rites or the throwing of sticky rice.

他以童星的身份入行,但随后变成了武打明星,特别是在去韩国受训学习不同的打斗风格之后。他不仅是位技艺高超的武师和演员,还是位卓有成就的武术指导,在其他电影里指导武打场景。他帮助创造了成龙所使用的看似简易的武器,他疯狂的近体打斗是20世纪80年代许多香港电影的一个突出特点。在80年代初期,他在电影《鬼打鬼》(1985)、《僵尸先生》(1985)中开创了“僵尸”这一题材。这些电影有点像搞笑版的西方僵尸或吸血鬼电影,部分是受到20世纪50年代英国低成本的 “海默”影片,即恐怖喜剧电影的启发。这些电影以“蹦跳的僵尸”为主要怪物,这些搞怪的异形会蹦向他们的猎物,但可以道教仪式或扔糯米的形式来制服他们。

Hung became more recognizable to Western audiences with the launch of Martial Law (1998) a short -lived but often syndicated TV program where he played a Chinese cop on assignment in America. (The title was a pun on 'martial law' – when the army takes over police duties – and 'martial arts'.) His career had suffered something of a dip in the 1990s, after clashes with other Hong Kong directors and producers.Hung's English was always poor, and he spoke many of his lines phonetically. Nowadays he's moved into the role of an elder statesmen of the HK film community, working with and nurturing others – he was instrumental in the creation of the hit Kung Fu Hustle (2004).


Michelle Yeoh 杨紫琼

The lithe, glamorous Yeoh remains a favorite with Western audiences, being one of the few Asian - born actresses to have achieved more hits in the West than at home. Born to Chinese parents in Malaysia in 1962, she trained as a dancer before an accident ended her dreams of ballet stardom. Instead she became a model, winning the Miss Malaysia beauty pageant before going on to take some small roles in Hong Kong movies in the 1980s. Like many other Hong Kong - based stars, she married and divorced a famous businessman, Dickson Poon, temporarily retiring from acting after her wedding, then returning three years later after the couple split up.


It was the James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) that made her an international star, although The Heroic Trio (1993) had already been a hit in Asia. She played a Chinese super - spy agent, importing some HK style into a moribund franchise and, remarkably, performing all her own stunts. She's never had any formal stunt or martial arts training, instead relying on her superb physical fitness and background as a dancer. She then went on to star in her greatest hit, 2000s wonderful Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.Ironically, neither her nor her romantic partner in the film, Chow Yun Fat, spoke Mandarin well, and had to sound out their lines phonetically – which they still delivered with astonishing skill and feeling. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon showed she could be a wonderful actress, but she hasn't really stretched herself since, save in 2005's Memories of a Geisha, where she played a famous Japanese courtesan.


Gong Li 巩俐

As China translator Brendan O'Kane remarked of 2006's Curse of the Golden Flower – 'I was pretty excited to see this movie because it features two of my favorite actors – Gong Li's breasts – along with Chow Yun – Fat, Jay Chou, and Gong Li herself in supporting roles. ' This is, of course, grossly unfair; as she showed with the classics Farewell My Concubine (1993) and Raise the Red Lantern (1991), Gong Li is an extremely talented and clever actress, and her fantastic breasts shouldn't distract us from that. Well, maybe they should distract us a little – her directors do seem remarkably keen on displaying them to best effect.

中文翻译写手Brendan O'Kane评论2006年的《满城尽带黄金甲》时说——“看到这部电影时,我非常高兴,因为有两个我最喜欢的演员——巩俐的胸部——另外还有周润发,周杰伦,和巩俐所扮演的角色。”这当然是极不公平的;正如在经典电影《霸王别姬》( 1993 )和《大红灯笼高高挂》( 1991 )中 所表现出来的那样,巩俐是一个非常能干和聪明的女演员,而她美妙的胸部不应让我们忽略这一点。好吧,也许会让我们有一点分神——与她合作的导演似乎很热衷于完美地表现它们。

Born in Liaoning, she grew up in Jinan and then attended the China Academy of Drama, graduating in 1989. It was there that she caught the attention of the great director Zhang Yimou - in more ways than one, apparently, as an affair between the two caused scandal in the 1990s. He cast her in Red Sorghum (1987) as a young and forceful widow while she was still at the Academy. Raise the Red Lantern and Farewell My Concubine, bringing her stardom at a relatively young age, and resulted in her winning several awards overseas, as well as being asked to be a judge at the Berlin film festival. After To Live (1994) she ended her collaboration with Zhang for a while, partially because of the scandal, but went on to star in several other hits, notably 1999's The Emperor and the Assassin. An evocative and skilled performer, she's been a reliable element of the Chinese film world for some years - along with her two reliable co - stars.

巩俐出生在辽宁,成长于济南,然后考取中央戏剧学院并于1989年毕业。在中央戏剧学院,她引起了大导演张艺谋的注意¬——显然是在多个方面。因为在上世纪90年代两人之间曾有绯闻。巩俐还没毕业时,张艺谋让她在《红高粱》( 1987)中出演了年轻而强悍的寡妇一角。《大红灯笼高高挂》和《霸王别姬》,使她年纪轻轻就成名了,在海外赢得多个奖项,以及被邀请在柏林电影节担任评委。自《活着》(1994)之后,她就结束了与张艺谋的合作,部分是因为绯闻,但随即接拍主演了其他几部大片,特别是1999年的《荆轲刺秦王》。她是一位感情丰富、演技上佳的演员,多年来她和两个值得可以依赖的伙伴一起,成为了中国电影的中流砥柱。

Andy Lau 刘德华

Andy Lau is the epitome of the smooth, handsome Hong Kong star - perhaps a little too smooth for Western tastes, indeed. He's specialized in playing 'heroic gangsters', criminals with a heart of gold, who often switch sides halfway through the movie. His films tend to be reliable, with few really outstanding pieces, although he's always entertaining to watch – his career's spanned the early 80s right through to today. Unfortunately, he acquired some notoriety earlier after one of his mainland fans became so devoted to him that her parents sold their house in order to pay for her to visit Hong Kong and meet him – after the press mockingly covered the story, her poor father committed suicide.


Lau's also a key example of a peculiar Hong Kong phenomenon, the actor/singer. Virtually no Western film actors have any musical career to speak of (though it's not unknown for British TV actors, such as the chippy Ant and Dec, or mum's favorites Robson and Jerome), outside hobby bands, but it's a regular crossover for Cantonese actors to make. Lau's the most sterling example, being one of the 'Kings of Cantopop' – his smooth crooner's voice doesn't sound like anything special to me, but it's sold tens of millions of records in East Asia, so there must be something there! Maybe it's just marketing …


Chen Daoming 陈道明

Out of all the Chinese stars, Chen Daoming is probably the least known abroad.That's mostly because this veteran character actor, now in his mid - fifties, has always been more of a TV than a film specialist. His face is instantly recognizable to hundreds of millions of Chinese, but virtually unknown in the West, where his only major role has been as the semi - villainous Qin Shi Huang in Zhang Yimou's epic Hero. He won praise for that role, but you'd be hard - pressed to find anyone out of hardcore Chinese movie fans who recognized him in Europe and America.


That's a shame, because he's a versatile and committed actor, who disappears into his roles utterly. Unlike the Hong Kong stars, he's never had a private scandal, remaining happily married to the same woman for over twenty - seven years, and content to plug on quietly with his work. Nowadays he specializes in authority figures, mostly sages and emperors; his stern but wise face and his imposing demeanour make him look like everybody's headmaster!



1. rise to stardom


Although Lopez's rise to stardom seemed to happen overnight, in truth, the actress had earned her place at the top by consistently plying her exceptional talent.


2. carve a way through


The soldiers want to carve out a way through the enemy


3. be taken under the wing of


The young singer was taken under the wing of a record shop owner who became his manager.


4. Not to put too fine a point on it


Not to put too fine a point on it, I'm very dissatisfied with his work.


