

双语时代 2009年7期

The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World


Money, says the song, makes the world go round. It can also threaten to stop it. Thus, a book that explains the origin and growth of money, banks, stock markets, and the exotic growth of the financial instruments and institutions that often bewilder even those who live by them, is a valuable thing. Despite the fact that Niall Ferguson finished writing The Ascent of Money in the late spring of 2008, while the international financial crisis was still gathering momentum, this is a highly relevant book. Not the least of its merits is that Ferguson shows how alert he was to the possibilities for disaster inherent in the loose credit and securitization of bad debt from which so much money was made before the crisis unfolded. His was an alertness made possible by a grasp of history; Ferguson thereby vindicates the utility as well as the beauty of his craft.


Not only is there much that is instructive and illuminating in Ferguson's account, there is much that is absorbing. Until you begin reading you might not imagine how engrossing a book about the history of money and finance can be. The story of money's origins, of the Italian Renaissance cities, of the founding and operation of the first limited liability company in the Netherlands, of the Rothschild banking dynasty's rise in the 19th century, of what caused the Great Depression, of the turn to house-owning debt, of today's massive and perhaps unhealthy symbiosis between borrowing America and lending, cheaply manufacturing China to make 'Chimerica' with most of the world's money and population in it, make an altogether gripping tale. Thoroughly recommended.


The Job-Hunter's Survival Guide


The Job-Hunter's Survival Guide is a slim paperback manual of little more than 100 pages, chock-a-block with bullet points and tips, wrapped in a road-sign shade of yellow. The author, Richard Nelson Bolles, 82, wrote the best-selling What Color is Your Parachute? guide to job searching — now running at over 400 pages in the 2009 edition.


'There are a lot of people hanging on the ropes in the present, brutal economy that don't have time to read a big book,' Bolles said. So he gave them a best-hits collection of advice, culled from his 40 years of career guidance:


Yes, unemployment is at its highest level in more than a quarter-century, but 'there are always jobs out there.' In May, the Labor Department said there were 2.6 million job openings. Competition is fierce for these openings, but keep telling yourself that there are always going to be vacancies, Bolles' book says.


The average length of joblessness was 24.5 weeks in June, according to the government. You have some time. So sit down and figure out what you really want to do, as specifically as possible, Bolles says. Not what the marketplace is asking for, but what your ideal job would look like. 'The more focused you are, the more likely you're going to find a job.'


Post as complete a resume as possible everywhere online that you can: LinkedIn, Plaxo, Facebook, he advises.


Now, the key: Approach the companies you've deemed a good fit. Seek out potential employers - from the phone book, acquaintances, online searches or social-networking sites - and sell them on your specific skills, Bolles says. Even if they don't have anything to offer you, they'll find it easier to help you out.


That's the most active and hardest way to approach a job search, Bolles says, but much more effective than using online job boards or replying to companies' posted openings. You're offering your services rather sending in applications with swarms of others.


Royal Pains


Clever summer amusement, Royal Pains is turning into one of the season's biggest new hits. True, you have to accept a pretty outlandish premise, but once you succumb to the series' charms, it's not that difficult to get into its sweet comic rhythms. Mark Feuerstein stars as Dr. Hank Lawson, who blows a promising New York City hospital career because he made a judgment call (a rich hospital donor died while he was saving the life of a poorer man), only to find not just a new job but a new lifestyle.


During a stay in the Hamptons, Hank stumbles into the apparently real profession of 'concierge doctor' — medical pros hired by the wealthy to be their on-call providers. The job would stink of obnoxious privilege, except that Hank also has a conscience: He uses the money he makes treating rich clients to do pro bono care for locals who can't afford health care. 'We treat who needs treatment' is Hank's motto.


The result is unexpectedly whimsical fun. Feuerstein, who has labored through a bunch of lousy sitcoms including Conrad Bloom and Good Morning, Miami, has finally found a TV vehicle that suits his little crinkly eyes, big pecs, and brainy, chesty talent. His do-good doctor is paired with Hank's hustler brother, Evan (goofy Paulo Costanzo), a CPA who sees dollar signs and bikini babes in their future if they can monetize Hank's new medical practice to the max.


Like its time-period companion Burn Notice, Pains has a sun-bright color palette: Every scene shimmers with baking heat. And you can't have hot summer escapism without romance, so Pains provides Hank with flirty Jill Casey (flinty Jill Flint), a noble administrator at Hamptons Heritage, a poorly equipped hospital that helps the less fortunate as best it can.


If some of Hank's instant, accurate diagnoses beggar belief - he sizes up a chef who suffers memory loss after a kitchen quickie with a terse 'Sex can be a trigger for a stroke!' - well, as I say, if you buy the premise of the show, you buy Hank's quick, easy skills. No one's ever going to say Royal Pains is a classic addition to the medical genre, but it certainly is zippy fun.


The Soloist


On paper, The Soloist sounds like a classic softhearted middlebrow awards-bait movie. Nathaniel Ayers (Jamie Foxx) is a homeless schizophrenic on the streets of Los Angeles whose outward dementia - mismatched clothing topped by full sequined jacket; hair plastered down on either side; a mode of 'talk' that's really a jumble of word salad - conceals a delicate, refined soul obsessed with the beauty of music. Steve Lopez (Robert Downey Jr.) is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times who meets Nathaniel on the street and learns, after a bit of investigating, that he was once a budding cello virtuoso at Juilliard. He writes a column about him, and as Nathaniel starts to gain a bit of notoriety, the two men redeem each other. Or not.


The Soloist is based on a true story, but it takes pains not to sweeten the facts. And so the film, directed by Joe Wright (Atonement), draws us in without offering the expected 'inspirational' catharsis. It's all a bit shapeless, yet made with sincerity and taste, and the two actors seize your sympathy. Downey plays Lopez with a missionary zeal but never sanctifies him, and Foxx gives a lyrical performance as a man so trapped in a whirlpool of feeling that he can't connect with anything but Beethoven. His madness has removed all impediments to bliss, and Foxx is such a good actor you can just about hear the music in his head.


Back on the Broomstick


Harry Potter fans, your wait is finally over. Was it worth it? We will leave that answer up to you. When Warner Bros. decided to delay the movie adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to spread out its blockbusters, it meant you had to wait an extra eight months to see it. The last film, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, came out in 2007. Order took in $938 million at the box office worldwide. The five films produced so far have made $4.5 billion at the box office worldwide. Now lets celebrate the general release with this list of a dozen favorite moments and key dates regarding author J.K. Rowling and the Harry Potter saga.


July 31, 1965: Joanne Kathleen Rowling is born near Chipping Sodbury, England. She got the idea for the first book during a 1990 train ride from Manchester to London. Lacking a pen and too shy to borrow one, she was forced to remember the details until the end of the trip. She started writing the book in her spare time.


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: The book introduces the world in 1998 to the 11-year-old orphan who learns he is a wizard and that he has a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


2001: The movie version, starring Daniel Radcliffe (Harry), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) reaches theaters. It's startling when Professor Quirrell unwraps his turban to reveal that the evil Lord Voldemort, who was thought to be dead, has managed to regenerate himself onto the back of Quirrell's head.


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Harry and his best friend Ron miss the train to Hogwarts, so they arrive in a flying car in the June 1999 novel. This thrilling sequence, which has Harry and Ron seemingly dangling high above the ground, was a hit when the movie came out in 2002.


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: The wizard Remus Lupin's onscreen transformation from man to werewolf is a scary high point in the 2004 movie version. The book was published in September 1999.


2001: Rowling marries Dr. Neil Murray at their home in Scotland.


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The spooky appearance of the Dark Mark, the symbol of Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters, frightens audiences in the 2005 movie. The Dark Mark -- a skull with a snake protruding through the mouth that seems to be made of angry black clouds -- causes panic among wizards because it means someone had been murdered. Harry, Ron and Hermione were becoming teenagers.


$1 billion: Forbes' estimation of Rowling's wealth. The magazine adds the author to its "World's Richest People" list in 2004.


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Pranksters Fred and George Weasley lead a student uprising at Hogwarts by setting off fireworks and creating a giant swamp in a corridor in the 2003 novel. Readers are disappointed to find this memorable moment is not in the 2007 movie.


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Amazon receives more than 560,000 pre-orders for as anticipation peaks for the July 16, 2005, publishing date. Rowling's books always stress the wizarding world exists alongside the non-wizarding world but stays hidden. But she evidently had great fun imagining an emergency meeting between Britain's real Prime Minister and her Minister of Magic in this Half-Blood Prince. The Minister of Magic reveals himself to warn the Prime Minister that Voldemort is killing Muggles, or non-magical people.


July 21, 2007: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final book in the series, sells a record-setting 8.3 million copies in its first 24 hours. Harry faces a life-or-death struggle with Voldemort, for it has been foretold that neither can live while the other survives. Deathly Hallows is so long and complex that it will be split into two movies, due to reach theaters in 2010 and 2011.


4,000-plus: Pages of the seven novels combined.




Regina Spektor writes the kind of crazy-quilt confessionals we used to hear a lot from 1990s alt-rockers but don't get enough of these days. The Russian-born Lower East Side piano punk has the European yelp of Björk, the loopiness of Fiona Apple, the too-much-information torridness of Tori Amos and the slanted critical eye of Liz Phair. But none of those girls ever interrupted a song about long-term commitment to uncork a flurry of dolphin noises, as Spektor does on Folding Chair, one of the stranger - and catchier - moments on her excellent third major-label record.


The 29-year-old singer-songwriter's 2004 disc, Soviet Kitsch, flaunted her exotic Old World accent on stark, ranting torch songs that followed a boozy logic. 2006's Begin to Hope had fuller production and great one-liners about being a doomed New York romantic. Produced by Jeff Lynne, Garret Lee, Mike Elizondo and David Kahne, Far matches Kitsch's rococo flow with the follow-up's pop smarts. On the jaunty, hip-hop-tinged Dance Anthem of the 80's, she wanders lonely streets with her slip hanging out, 'like a drunk, but not.' Laughing With begins as a meditation on God's wicked sense of humor and ends collapsing in an existential freakout over a soft beat and weeping cello. Spektor is a woman who doesn't need much excuse to have an emotional Chernobyl (in one song, it's finding a wallet with a Blockbuster card in it). But she's also the rare screwball who gets more universal as she gets weirder.


