

双语时代 2009年7期

There are cities, and then there are cities, places whose names resonate around the world, conjuring a dream landscape for the listener. Amongst these without a doubt standing shoulder to shoulder with the best is London. With a population of over seven million people in Greater London alone, and with over 300 languages spoken by its mixed population you will not find a more cosmopolitan city in the whole of Europe. The problem with travelling to such an exceptionally diverse city is that you will never have enough time. You can literally live a lifetime there and still barely scratch the surface. So spending just three and a half days in the capital city of the United Kingdom with my girlfriend Xiaomin would require some serious planning. Unfortunately apart from booking our hotel and getting a 50% discount thanks to the internet, I didn't really do any. You don't want to make this mistake.


Arriving on a rainy late Friday afternoon our train pulled into the iconic Paddington Station. Fighting through the crowds we made our way via the underground; emerging from Kensington station we made a dash for the hotel arriving a little bedraggled and happily collapsed in our room. Taking the Underground during rush hour in any major city whilst carrying luggage is always a bad idea. The London Underground has the extra joy of having various stations and lines shut temporarily almost everyday for maintenance; so that quick route might not exist. After a brief rest we half-heartedly glanced through the tourist pamphlets liberated from the hotel lobby. Our plans decided for tomorrow, we decamped to a local restaurant for sustenance. Surprisingly, apart from the underground everything proved to be fairly cheap thanks to the recession and with the weak pound we could afford to spend a little more.


Rising early we headed off for the British Museum. The first thing we learned was, do not trust maps on the back of pamphlets. A few minutes walk just down the lane turned into a couple of hours of walking and we were still nowhere close to the museum. My constant comments that I knew where I was going hadn't endeared me to Xiaomin. Diving into a newsagent, I returned carrying my newly purchased A-Z of the London streets and after receiving some harsh glares from Xiaomin, humbled, I consulted the map and led the way to Covent Garden instead. The mood swiftly improved though as we strolled around the surrounding lanes watching some amazing street performers plying their trade: Living statues, magicians, comedians, escape artists, musicians and jugglers all competed for your attention n and your money. With feelings of regret we pulled ourselves away and with my navigational skills restored we slowly travelled across London's heart.


From a tourist shop in Leicester Square we wandered down the streets savouring the beautiful Georgian architecture of Piccadilly Circus and Regents Street, fully lost in admiration for the skill of the architects' and builders'. Finally arriving at my favourite place in London, a 249 years old toys and sweets store called Hamleys. We shamelessly filled two bags full of sweets before hurrying on to our next goal St.James Park. The park itself is nothing too special but its gates are impressive to say the least with their extravagant display of golden crests and black iron which tower over you. The reason for these over the top gates is due to the house next door, more commonly known as Buckingham Palace. We couldn't see the royal flag flying from the roof, so the queen was not at home but we did get to see the famous guards standing motionless, immune to all distractions. By now the toll of walking so much was starting to show and my backpack was feeling like someone had thrown in some large boulders for fun. I was ready to return to the hotel but my arm was twisted by a certain lady desiring one last stop, and as it was nearby I gave in.


Harrods, perhaps the most famous store in London where the rich shop, lived up to its reputation; security informed me I was not allowed to carry my backpack on my back only in my hand. I think it was to let me blend in amongst the rich without offending them or some such rubbish. Anyway a quick look at the prices, 50 pounds for a simple hair band on sale at half price instantly made me extremely careful not to knock anything over. You break it, you buy it! One accident and you might have to sell your house to raise the money. The sight of the hotel that night nearly brought tears to my eyes as like a crippled old man I eased myself into bed and passed out.


The next day dawned and with renewed vigor we once again set our sights on the British Museum, this time finding it without any problems. Paying extra for an audio tour we slowly made our way around each exhibit humbled by the craftsmanship, ingenuity and history contained in the various artefacts. If you can't afford the time or money to travel the world, a visit to the British Museum would probable suffice. No country or civilization seems to have been left out of the collection no matter how obscure. You won't find all the items on display as it's only a tiny fraction that is made available to the public for viewing at any one time. To display all the items in the collection together would take considerable more museums and cost a fortune. We only managed two of the vast floors as our bodies had yet to recover from the marathon the day before and the numerous stairs proved just too much for us. Leaning on each other for support we made it to a little sandwich shop and carrying our food settled down in Russell Square Gardens for an impromptu picnic. Turning to each other we decided that was enough sightseeing for the day and feeling a little guilty caught the tube.


Instead of heading straight back to the Hilton, to assuage our guilt we carried on to Westfield, the largest in-town shopping centre in Europe. A sudden transformation came over Xiaomin, as when confronted with hundreds of shops, all with 50-75% discounts on all goods, she caught her second wind and with a sudden burst of adrenaline and a cheerful wave ,' I'll see you at the entrance in three hours', she was gone. Sadly or more accurately happily I made it a few meters to the nearest cafe and settled down with a hot chocolate and a good book to wait. After three hours had passed, a quick phone call made me realizes that if we were ever going to leave I would have to hunt her down and carry her out. I have to admit the place was impressive and finally with a promise to return the next day, we returned to the hotel a mere four hours later, almost hidden beneath an array of presents for the relatives back home.


Our final day had arrived. So keeping my promise, we revisited Westfield and then set off for the picturesque sites of Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. How stone can be made to look so delicate and detailed is beyond me. All I could do is stare in wonder and try and imagine the monumental task it must have been to build. I did notice a lot more Chinese tourists here than I had seen elsewhere in London taking photos of Big Ben and Xiaomin was no exception. After we returned home I complained to my parents that we had been standing there for what seemed like hours taking photos. I'm happy taking photos, but there is a limit to how many you need of any one thing. Xiaomin was in the middle of denying it when my father pointed out that from the first to the last photo of Big Ben, the clocks' hands had moved over two and a quarter hours. It becomes something of a family joke now not to have her take any of the family photos, as we just don't have enough time.


We had hoped to go up in the London Eye for that amazing panoramic view of London's cityscape but instead had to settle for standing under it, as it was closed for maintenance. So mildly disappointed we wandered along the banks of the river Thames crossing over the Millennium Bridge before making our way back on the other side. With an eye on the time we decided on a final blitz passing through Trafalgar Square on our way to the National Gallery. The talent of these artists can't help but draw you in, their paintings bringing to life another era. Alas a quick glance at my watch told us that our time was up and if we wanted to catch our train we had better hurry. There were so many things we didn't do or see including major attractions like St.Paul's Cathedral but that's London, there is always more to see. Whether you are there for a specific festival or just catching a quick break, London always has something for everyone. No matter what captivates you, London certainly will.



1. dive into


例句:He wanted to dive into the heart of the matter.


2. blend in


例句:The new office block doesn't blend in with its surroundings.


3. turn to


例句:We can turn to him for help.


4. set off


例句:He proposed to set off immediately.



1. Hamleys哈姆利斯


2. Harrods哈洛德百货


3. the British Museum大英博物馆


4. Big Ben大笨钟

大笨钟,是英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼 (Clock Tower) 的大报时钟的昵称。位于威斯敏斯特桥的南面桥头,与英国议会大厦相连,英国议会大厦的北角,钟楼高79米,钟楼四面的圆形钟盘,直径为6.7米,是伦敦的传统地标。坐地铁可以在威斯敏斯特桥站下车。作为伦敦市的标志以及英国的象征,大笨钟巨大而华丽,重13.5吨,四个钟面的面积有两平方米左右。大笨钟从1859年就为伦敦城报时,根据格林尼治时间每隔一小时敲响一次,至今已一个半世纪,尽管这期间大笨钟曾两度裂开而重铸,但现在大笨钟的钟声仍然清晰、动听。

