On the Embodiment of Register in Business English


读与写·教育教学版 2009年11期

Abstract:This paper analyzes the register character of business English from the systemic functional linguistics. By citing some examples, this paper attempts to highlight the expression and effect of register theory in business English, aiming at helping business people understand the register in order to apply the register correctly and avoiding making mistakes in daily communication and practices, so that businessgo smoothly.

Key words: register;business English;field;mode;tenor

中图分类号:H319 文献标识码: A文章编号:1672-1578(2009)11-0015-03

1 Introduction

With the rapid development of the unity of the world economy and the successful admittance to the WTO of China, the communication between China and Western in business becomes more and more frequent. Language activities are happening in a context of situation. The business English is also impacted by the context of situation. The famous linguistics B.Malinowsky said that “context is the sole determiner of meaning without which meaning does not exist.”(Zhang,2003:140) British linguistics J.R.Firth pointed out “each word when used in a new context is a new word.”(Li, 2006:25) A word meaning could be clear and accurate only when it is restricted by language context. In practice, the meaning of the language varies as the context varies. Halliday initiated “register” in 1964. In recent years, the ESP concedes with the theory of “register” .As early as 1965, Halliday regarded that register should be taken on research and analysis to the special language variant and researchers should look at how the English is used in different fields. (Hu, 1997:273).The author chooses business English to introduce register in business filed, study the English business from the perspective of register theory in systematic functional linguistics. The paper reveals the register character of business English and the embodiment of register in business English by listing examples.

2 Brief Concept of Register theory.

When we observe language activity in various contents in which it takes places, we find different types of situation. Theory of register is interrelated with the content of systematic functional linguistics.Halliday sees register as a meaningful concept, which is dominated by the filed of discourse, the tenor of discourse and the mode of discourse.

2.1 The concept of register

Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics gives the definition of register as a speech variety used by a particular group of people, usually sharing the same occupation(e.g. doctors ,lowers) or the same interests(e.g. stamp collectors and baseball fans).A particular register often distinguishes itself from other register by having a number of distinctive words, by using words or phrased in a particular way (e.g. in tennis; deuce, love, tramlines) and sometimes by special grammatical construction(e.g. legal language).(Jack.C. Richards, 2000:392)

Barnard Spolsky points out in his Sociolinguistics that register is especially marked by a special set of vocabulary (technical terminology) associated with a profession or occupation or other defined social groups and forming parts of its jargon or in-group activity. He also says people who work at a particular trade or occupation develop new terms for new concept. (Barnard Spolsky, 2000:33)

According to Halliday, “the category of register is postulated to account for what people do with their language. When we observe language activity in the various contexts in which it takes place, we find differences in the type of language selected as appropriate to different types of situation.” (Li, 2006:25) Therefore, “register” refers to the functional variety of language, meaning the immediate environment of language activity. Register refers to the fact that the language we speak or write varies with the situation. The register theory attempts to reveal the rules which govern this variation, so we can find what situational factors determine linguistic features or we can predict a great deal about the language. With the field of activity, the participant role relationships involved and the channel of communication adopted, that is , the field of discourse, mode of discourse and tenor of discourse, we can predict quite a lot about the language that will be used, in respect of the meaning and significant grammatical and lexical features. According to Halliday, people can make prediction from context to text,or from text to context. By making inferences of what is going to be said or written in certain context of situation, participants predict grammatical items and vocabulary selected in communication. So the study of register is very useful to our understanding of how language works.

2.2 The clarification and analysis of register

The ways in which human being use language are classified into three broad categories by Hallidaly: the filed is related with the ideational function, the mode with the interpersonal function and the tenor with the textual function. “Language is used to organize, understand, and express our experience of the world and of our own consciousness. This function is known as the ideation function. Language is used to enable us to participate in communicative acts with other people, to take on roles, and to express and understand feeling, attitudes, and judgments. The function is known as the interpersonal function. Language is used to relate what is said (or written) to the real world and to other linguistic events. This involves the use of language to organize the text itself. This is known as the textual function. ” (Li, 2005:22)

3The Function and Embodiment of Register in Business English

3.1 The function of register in business English

Register is language variety which is applicable in special context. Specifically speaking, it is a special language expression way for special communication purpose to special target by special communication way in special context.(Cao, 2007:87)

Register can help us to choose and definite the words, to eliminate the different meanings of the same word in different conditions, and to convey the feeling.

3.1.1 To choose and definite the words

In business letter, it is essential to choose suitable words, avoid troubles in business.

1) We are pleased to advice you that your order No. 103 has been dispatched in accordance with your instruction. (Zhang, 2003:165)

2) All offer and sales are subject to the terms and conditions printed on the reverse side hereof. (Zhang, 2003:165)

In example 1, we can see the word “dispatched” rather than word “send” is employed, which is the feature of the business English sentence. In example 2, the word “hereof” means “of the offer letter”. The words show the standard and the formal features. The examples illustrate that formal, concise, simple, plain and specific words or phrases are frequently used in business English which can simplify message to readers.

3.1.2 To eliminate the different meanings of same word in different conditions

The same word in different conditions may have different meanings. So we should distinguish the meanings by specific conditions.

3) a) We grant a 10% discount for quantity purchases.

b) We shall lodge a 90-day note in the bank for discount.

c) The gilts were offered at a discount of 10%.

d) Exchange dealers only work with these differences, i.e. with discount and premium, expressed in decimal points. (Zhang,2007:42)

In example 3 we can see it more clearly though the word “discount”: in sentence a), it is a foreign trade business word, meaning a deduction from a bill or amount due, given esp. in consideration of prompt or advance payment or to a special class of buyers; in b), it is a business banking word , meaning the act or an instance of discounting; in c), it is a securities business word, meaning below the nominal or usual price; in d), it is a stock exchange business word, meaning the amount by which the value of a bill of exchange is reduced if brought before it is due for payment.

The same word varies in different sentences. So only when the words are put in the special content, can the meaning of the words be fixed.

3.1.3 To convey the feeling

The author will show the feelings conveyed in business contract andadvertisement.

4)IN WITNESSTH WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this contact by their authorized representatives as of the date first above written. (Zhang, 2003:197)

5)WHEREAS the employer is desirous to obtain manpower for building the friendship Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq. WHEREAS AAA is desirous to provide manpower for the works. NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that is hereby agreed between the parties hereto as follows: (Zhang, 2003:197)

Law words, such as:” IN WITNESSTH WHEREOF” and “WHEREAS” are employed, reflecting the feature of contract. making the contract formal, grave and strict, and simplifying the language and avoid duplication.

6) Mosquito Bye Bye Bye. (Li, 2006:187)

7) Not all cars are created equal. (Li, 2006:187)

We see simple and popular words are used in the above examples. In example 6, the word “bye” is a very oral word and it is often employed in daily life. It is used here to make people remember easily, so that the advertisement can obtain its purpose. And in example 7, the sentence is connected with the sentence of Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson-“…that all men are created equal.” The sentence highlights the outstanding quality of the product as well as creates a fine feeling, easily accepted by people worldwide.

We can obviously see the different feelings between contract and advertisement. The former express serious feeling, while the latter casual one.

3.2 The embodiment of register in business English

The register plays a critical role in language and communication, and confines the choice and the extraction and processing of the language materials. Just as WangYan said “It is common for people who search the suitable field to realize their social purpose and enter the context to satisfy their personal remands. The business is caused by the social purpose, so the register of business will be reflected in the process of going on the business.” (Wang, 2007:219)

3.2.1 The field of discourse

The field of discourse refers to what are happening, including what is being talked about. (Richards, 2000:423) So it is the nature and characteristics of social activities, and the content of language discussion or description.

In the process of communication, participant should make a choice for the meaning according to the discussion content and the social activity they go for. So some words convey a common meaning in common English while they may have different meanings employed in business English.

8) Average is of two kinds: general average and particular average. (Zhang,2007:22)

9) We request you to accept the draft drawn on you. (Zhang,2007:22)

In example 8, in common English “average” means standard or level regarded as usual, while in business English, it means a loss or damage arising from an event at sea. In example 9, in common English “request” means “willingly receive”, while in business English it means “sign a bill of exchange to say that somebody promises to pay it”. The key to understand language is not to start with language itself, but put it in special field of discourse.

3.2.2 The tenor of discourse

The tenor of discourse refers to the participants who are taking part in this exchange of meaning, who they are and what kind of relationship they have to one another. (Richards, 2000:423) So we can conclude that the tenor is the participants and their basic situation, characteristics, status, role relationship It will affect language expression and communication. “Registers are commonly identified by certain phonological variants, vocabulary, idioms and other expressions that are associated with different occupational or socioeconomic groups. Colleagues in the same occupation or profession will use certain jargon to communicate with each other”. (Brown, 2001:239)

In business English, we usually choose “you-attitude” and “positive-attitude” to show consideration and thoughtfulness so as to make readers feel less threaten and respond better. You-attitude

10a) We cannot supply in packs of less than 10. (Yin, 2004:16)

11a) You earn 2 percent discount when you pay cash. (Yin, 2004:16)

12a) We will send you the brochure next month. (Yin, 2004:16)


13b) To keep packing costs down and to help our customers save on postage, we supply in packs of 10 or more. (Yin, 2004:16)

14b) We allow 2 percent discount for cash payment. (Yin, 2004:16)

15b) We wont be able to send you the brochure this mouth. (Yin, 2004:16)

We should adopt more you-attitude, which is more courteous. When writing a letter, keep the readers request, needs, desires, as well as his feelings in mind. Plan the best way to present the message for the reader to receive. And you-attitude is easier to make the participant accept.

Positive attitude

16) We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfied. (Yin, 2004:17)

17) Perhaps next time we can send you what you require. (Yin, 2004:17)

Negative attitude

18) We do not believe you will have cause for dissatisfaction. (Yin, 2004:17)

19) We regret our inability to serve you at this time. (Yin, 2004:17)

We choose positive words rather than negative words, which may stir up the readers resistance to the goals, build the readers confidence in the writers ability to solve problems and strengthen relationship.

3.2.3 The mode of discourse

The mode of discourse refers to what part the language is playing in this particular situation, for example, in what way the language is organized to convey the meaning, and what channel is used written or spoken or a combination of the two. (Richards, 2000:423) We can infer that the mode means to the function of language in communication, consisting of the communication way and rhetorical way. In choosing words and making sentence, different business styles have their own field; business English letter and contract usually use astringent words or unambiguous words. In syntactic analysis, we usually prefer dignified structure to causal structure. In context, business letters and contracts have certain form, fixed text structure, mode and speech process. In contract, the sentence is single, objective and solemn. Business English advertisement has different features.

Dear Sirs

We thank you for your letter of April 24.In compliance with your request; we are sending you herewith a copy of our latest price list for your reference.

All prices are understood to be CIF London, subject to our final confirmation. Payment is to be made by irrevocable documentary letter of credit available by draft at sight.

As there is a heavy demand for the goods, we would suggest that you advise us by fax in case of interest.

We are looking forward to your early reply

yours faithfully,

It is a letter on the counter-offer, in the hope of reaching an agreement to do business. We can see it has fixed structure, “in compliance with”, “herewith”, “heavy” and “in case of”; it is very formal and simple. The letter employs terminology “CIF” .The sentences are also very simple, factual and objective. We should get the mode of a word which is decided by its occupation and the field of the occupation.

We can conclude that if we want to obtain the purpose of communication in common communication, we had better use common words. That is, we should use suitable mode to grasp tenor in the field of communication, and carry out activities smoothly.

4 Conclusion. The term “register” is used as a cover term for varieties defined by their situational characteristics

According to the definition of the field, mode and tenor, in business English, we know that the field of discourse is business, which infer to each connection and location of business activity. The mode of the discourse is an assistant of helping business working smoothly and obtaining profits.It also encompasses how to communicate with others perfectly and ways to choose to achieve the purpose. People abide by the international practices in the tenor of discourse so as to get along well with trading partner from different cultures. In a word, register, if use properly, can play great roles in business and improve communication.


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