

广东教育·高中 2009年4期




One day, a farmers donkey fell down into a well. The farmer thought that it wasnt worth saving the donkey because he was too old, so he decided to bury him.

He invited his neighbors to help him. They began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyones surprise, he calmed down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well and was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey would shake it off and take a step up.

As the farmers neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off! [记叙文]


Tennis champion Andre Agassi, who retired in 2006. Agassi was a terrific player who won 60 titles, including 8 major championships.

When he was young, Agassi was a showoff who seemed to care only about himself. He didnt train very hard, but he won matches because of his tremendous talent. Eventually, though, injuries and his bad attitude caught up with him. He fell from No. 1 in the world rankings to No. 141.

So Agassi changed. He trained harder and became a world-class player again. More importantly, he changed as a person. He was nicer to fans and opponents. He stopped thinking just about himself and started thinking about others. Through his Andre Agassi Charitable Foundation, he raised more than $60 million to help disadvantaged kids around his hometown of Las Vegas, Nevada. He even started a school, the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy, for at-risk kids.

At the start of a new year, lots of people promise themselves they will change. They might vow (发誓) to get in good physical shape, do better in school or be nicer to others.

Change such as those can be difficult. But they do happen. Just remember Andre Agassi. It wasnt easy, but he changed, and changed for the better. [夹叙夹议记叙文]


One in every five young people has a sleep problem, so youre not alone. Getting enough sleep has become as important as eating vegetables and exercising regularly. Its very important for your body.

Most young people only get seven hours of sleep each night, when they actually need nine hours.And making up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping on weekends doesnt really work. In fact, sleeping late on weekends may actually do you more harm than good, if you have sleep problems.

What happens if you dont get enough sleep? If you sleep problem continues for a few nights, you could suffer serious problems.Lack of sleep can affect learning and memory. Worse, if your sleep difficulties last a long time, that could lead to anxiety or depression.[说明文]


Getting a good education may be the most important price you can pay, because, perhaps more than anything else, what you do with that huge gray material between your ears will determine your future. These words actually describe millions of people worldwide who choose to limit their potential ability by not widening their education.

A person is much more likely to have better job offers, more successful career with a better education.This, in turn, would allow for much better life style. For example, compare two men. The first person is a high school dropout. The second has a law degree. The high school dropout will be fortunate to get a job in food services, making less than twenty thousand dollars a year, barely surviving each week. To contrast this, the person with the law degree will certainly have a successful career as a lawyer, making over $70,000 anually. The lawyer will, of course, have a very wealthy lifestyle. Statistics show that high school dropouts make 42% less money than college graduates.

Our generation will become doctors, lawyers, teachers and leaders of tomorrow.To do this successfully, a higher level of education is very important! We must crave learning. This, in turn, will pay for not only our future but also will help to insure success for those who follow. [议论文]


Hard-working people live longer than average men and women. Career women are healthier than housewives. Evidence shows that the jobless are in poorer health than the job-holders. A study shows that whenever the employment rate increases by 1%, the death rate decrease correspondingly by 2%. All this comes down to one point: work is helpful to health.

Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy, away from loneliness. Researches show that people feel unhappy, worried and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are busy. Work serves as a bridge between man and reality. By work, people come into contact with each other. By collective (集体的) activities, they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work means the loss of everything. It affects man spiritually and makes him likely to disease.

Besides, work gives one a sense of fulfillment and a sense of achievement. Work makes one feel his value and status in society. When a writer finishes his writing or teacher sees his students grow, they are happy beyond words. [议论文]


Growing up is not always easy. When facing difficulties, courage and a spirit of independence can be more useful than crying for help. Thats what Hong Zhanhuis story of growing from boy to man with family hardships tells us.

Hong who was born in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County, Henna Province is now a hero in peoples mind. When he was only 11, his father became mentally ill and one day came back with an abandoned baby girl. A year later, Hongs mother and younger brother both left home because of poverty and pressure from his ill father. Their burdens fell onto the 12-year-olds shoulders: to treat his fathers illness, bring up the adopted sister Chenchen, and to go on to study. Hong didnt give up. Since a young age, he has worked in part- time jobs to feed his family. At the same time, he has studied at college. To take care of Chenchen, he worked hard to rent a room near his campus for her, and send her to school. After Hongs story went public, people were moved to tears by his unselfishness. Hard as his life was, Hong didnt abandon his father and the adopted sister, because they needed his help. With his hard - won money, he even aided other students struggling against misfortunes.

Hongs story shows that with love and willpower, no hardship can defeat a person but himself. So when facing difficulties, dont complain about bad luck. Consider what more you could do for your family and society and youll find the world smiling back. [书信体]

假设你是一名读者, 名叫李华, 你读到了以上关于洪战辉事迹的报道后, 你想写信与他交朋友, 在鼓励他的同时和他分享你自己的成长经历。请你在信中的第一段用约30个词概括关于洪战辉事迹的报道的内容要点,开头已经给出。

Dear Mr. Hong,

Recently I have been deeply touched by your story...


In addition to teaching here, I also teach at a smaller high school 17 miles down the freeway from where I live. One day a few weeks ago I was driving to that school when my car broke down just after I exited the freeway. I was only about a quarter of a mile away from the school so I grabbed my books, and started walking.

As soon as I got there I called a repairman to meet me at my car after class. One of my colleagues asked me what had happened. “This is my lucky day.” I replied, smiling.

“Your car breaks down and today is your lucky day?” She was puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“I live 17 miles from here!” I replied. “My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway. It didnt. Instead, it broke down in the perfect place: off the freeway, within walking distance of here. Im still able to teach my class, and Ive been able to arrange for the repairman to meet me after class. If my car was meant to break down today, it couldnt have been arranged in a more convenient fashion.”

I once read somewhere before that every morning when you get up, you have a choice about how you want to approach life that day. And this is what I choose— to be cheerful! [日记体]


Dear Diary,

Today in class my teacher told us a story that really helped me deal with pressures I often feel in my studies...


1. One day, a donkey fell into a deep well and then his master decided to bury it rather than save it. However, the donkey shook every shovel of dirt off, stepped up and eventually saved itself.

2. Dropping from No.1 to No.147 made Agassi change himself from a proud, selfish person to a hard-working and warm-hearted gentleman.We can change ourselves to be a better person too, though it is difficult.

3. Many young people have sleep problems, which, if lasting for a few nights, may affect their learning and memory or even cause anxiety and depression. Sleeping late on weekends wont help.

4. A good education plays an essential part in ones life, which can release our potential and help us gain better-paid jobs. Therefore, everyone is supposed to receive higher education.

5. Work is helpful to peoples health, because it can rid one of loneliness as well as make one feel fruitful and proud of himself, which always contributes to physical and mental health.


Dear Mr. Hong,

Recently I have been deeply touched by your story that you, a poor student, grow up to be independent by looking after your sick father and bringing up your adopted sister, which shows that difficulties can be overcome if we take an active attitude.


Dear Diary,

Today in class my teacher told us a story that really helped me deal with pressures I often feel in my studies. The story described why it is important to be optimistic and maintain a positive attitude when facing difficulty. This way we can better cope with the problems we meet in life.

责任编校 蒋小青


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