新目标英语八年级(上)单元测试题(Units 4~5)


中学英语园地·初二版 2008年9期


Unit 4



1.How many______(分钟)are there in an hour?

2.My school is about two______(英里)from the train station.

3.The old woman______(依靠)on her daughter for food and clothing.

4.Dont______(担心)about me.Im OK now.

5.What about______(骑)a bike to the park?


1.It t______me about fifteen minutes to walk to school every day.

2.A lot of people are waiting at the bus s______.

3.Look at his glasses.He m______be a teacher.

4.Get up e______,or youll be late for school.

5.Be q______,or youll be late.


1.—Why did______take Aunt Alice an hour to get home?

—I dont know.Maybe there was something wrong with her car.

A.that C.she D.this

2.Going camping is more interesting than______a book at home. read C.reading D.reads

3.—How far is it?

—Its about______.

A.five-minutes walk B.a five-minute walk

C.five-minutes walk D.a five-minutes walk

4.—______are you going there?

—By bike.

A.Why B.What C.Who D.How

5.Its about five miles______here to the station.

A.away B.away from C.far D.far from

6.Hurry up!Here______the bus!

A.comes B.coming C.come D.came

7.He got up early and______breakfast yesterday.

A.have a quick B.had a quick

C.has quick a D.have quick

8.To improve your spoken English,youll have to______more listening and speaking.

A.decide in B.depend on

C.decide D.depend

9.There______a large number of students in the hall,and the number of them______3,000.,is B.are,are,are D.are,is

10.I dont like this one.Please give me______one.

A.another B.other

C.the others other

11.—______does it take you to walk to school?

—About fifteen minutes.

A.How long B.How soon

C.How often D.How many

12.—______is your home from here?

—About five minutes walk.

A.How long B.How far

C.How soon D.How much

13.—How about the movie you saw yesterday?

—Some people think its boring,______think its exciting.

A.the other B.other C.others D.another

14.Even the best student in our class couldnt answer this question,so it______be very difficult.

A.must B.could C.may D.can

15.Do you know the way______the Peoples Hospital? B.for C.from

Ⅲ.句型转换 按括号内的要求改写下列句子。每空填一词。

1.His father goes to work on foot every day.(对画线部分提问)

______does his father______to work every day?

2.Do you often take a bus to work?(改为同义句)

Do you often go to work____________?

3.It takes me half an hour to read English in the morning.(对画线部分提问)

____________does it take you to read English in the morning?

4.I have a bicycle and a car.(改为否定句)

I______have a bicycle______a car.

5.Its about five miles from my school to the Peoples Park.(对画线部分提问)

____________is it from your school to the Peoples Park?

Ⅳ.单句改错 从A、B、C、D中找出错项,并加以改正。

1.—What does Mr Black go to work? —By bike.


2.Its a ten minutes walk from here.


3.How longdoeshetaketo walk there?


4.Mr White sometimes goes to work by his car.


5.I want to fly to Beijing by plane.


Ⅴ.汉译英 根据所给汉语句子,完成英语句子。每空填一词。


I usually______________ to school,but sometimes______a bus.


Beijing is__________________of China.


____________me half an hour____________from my home to school.


____________is it from your home to school?


What____________can you see on the table?

Ⅵ.补全对话 从下面方框中选择适当的句子填空,完成对话。


B:I want to go by car because a car is fast.

A:Yeah,but Dad drove it to work.We have no car now.



B:Oh,well,I will go by bus then.


B:Oh,David,I forgot that,too.

A:So you will have to walk to school.


A. How are you going to school today

B. Right,I forgot. I will ride my bike there

C. But Tom,your bike is new

D. But you dont have any money

E. Yes,I will go to school on foot

F. But Tom,your bike is broken

G. How do you go to school every day


In Great Britain,cars,lorries and buses must keep to the left side of the street.Englishmen__1__stop and look at the traffic lights of both ways of the street before crossing it.And__2__looking left first,__3__we do in China,they look__4__first.

To get about in London,visitors must know how to use buses and the underground(地铁).__5__they must know in which direction__6__and which bus and which underground train they must__7 .At the bus stop they must__8__the buses to come.9__they get on a bus they must__10__their fares(车费).

1.A.can B.must C.may D.should

2.A.instead of B.instead D.after

3.A.if C.when D.just

4.A.right B.left C.middle D.front

5.A.First of all B.Of all

C.Most of all D.After all

6.A.they going B.going

C.they are going D.goes

7.A.go B.take C.get D.wait

8.A.wait about B.wait for

C.wait up D.Though

9.A.As B.As soon as

C.If D.Wait on B.take C.spend D.cost



Hi,Im Tina.Im an office worker and work in a downtown office.I live on a small island,so I must take a boat from the island to the city every day.The boat leaves every twenty minutes and it takes about thirty-five minutes to get to the city.Then I have a short walk to my office.Sometimes when the weather is bad,I cant get to work on time by boat.

My name is Sarah and Im a teacher.I take the train to work every day.The train is quick and cheap,and there are hardly any delays(延迟).The trains run every half an hour.The train station is near my home.It only takes twenty minutes to go from my home to school.

Hello,Im Maria and Im a college student(大学生).I live in the college.The college is very big,so I usually walk a lot.Sometimes it takes fifteen minutes to get from one building(楼房)to the next.When I want to shop with my friends outside the college,we take a bus.The buses stop running after 10:00 pm.So if we come back after that time,we have to take a taxi.


1.Tina goes to work first by boat,and then on foot.

2.Sarah likes taking the train to work,though there are often delays.

3.There are only two trains from Sarahs home to his school every day.

4.Because the college is very big,Maria goes from one building to the next by bus.

5.Maria and her friends cant take a bus back to her college after 10:00 pm.


Mrs White has a son.His name is Sam White.The young man began to work in a post office in a city this autumn.He asked his mother to visit the city.The old woman was happy and caught a train.Soon she got to the city,but she didnt know where the post office was.She began to look for it,but she couldnt find it.At a bus stop she asked an old man,“Excuse me,how can I get to the post office?”

“We have about forty post offices here,” said the old man.“Which one do you mean?”

Mrs White gave Sams letter to the old man and he said,“Walk along this street and take the fourth turning on the left.His post office is just there.”

Mrs White thanked the old man and soon found her son.They were very happy.A week later she went to the zoo.There she saw many kinds of animals.But after that she couldnt find the way to the post office again.At the same bus stop she met the same old man and she asked the same question again.

“Oh dear!” the old man called out.“Are you still looking for your son?”


1.Where did Sam White work?

2.How did Mrs White go to the city?

3.Did Mrs White know how to get to her sons post office?

4.How many post offices were there in this city?

5.Did Mrs White know the way to the post office when she came out of the zoo?


Many people like to travel by plane,but I dont like it because an airport is usually far from the city.If I want to fly to another place,I have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late.I cant open the window in the plane.There I cant choose the food.Planes are fast,but it still takes hours to go out of the airport and into the city.

I like traveling by train.I think trains are safe.Railway stations are usually in cities.When I am late for a train,I can catch another one.I can walk around in the train and open the windows.I can see many interesting things on my way.I know it takes a little more time.

I also like cars.I can start my journey whenever I want to,and I dont need to get to a railway station or a bus stop.Also I can carry many things with me in a car.But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.


1.Why do many people like to travel by plane?

A.Because the plane is fast.

B.Because the plane is safe.

C.Because you can walk around in the plane.

D.Because the plane is cheap.

2.Which is NOT a good thing about the train?

A.The train is safe.

B.The train takes a little more time.

C.You can open the windows in the train.

D.You can walk around in the train.

3.If you want to take a lot of things with you,what do you take to go out?

A.A bus. B.A car. C.A train. D.A bike.

4.What is a bad thing about the car?

A.You neednt go to a station.

B.You can start your journey when you want to.

C.There are too many cars on the road.

D.You neednt go to a bus stop.

5.What does the writer think of the plane,the train and the car?

A.He doesnt think the plane is good,because it takes a lot of time to go to and out of the airport,and one cant choose the food.

B.He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time.

C.He likes to take a car because he has a car.

D.He likes to take a plane because its fast.



Unit 5



1.Mom,I want to eat a______apple.

2.When Im f______,I will go to visit my teacher.

3.We had two English l______yesterday morning.

4.—Can you go shopping with me?

—Sorry,I cant.I have tennis t______today.

5.There will be an English party t______evening.


1.Im studying for a______(化学)test.

2.Tom is an______(美国的)boy.

3.I spent the______(整个的)day looking for my dog.

4.What about going to watch a football______(比赛)?

5.Did you enjoy the______(音乐会)last night?


1.Can you______my house this evening?

A.come up to B.come over to

C.come up with D.come into

2.Its cold outside.We______stay in the classroom.

A.must B.can C.may D.have to

3.Thanks a lot for______me______your party.

A.invite,for B.inviting,to

C.inviting,for D.invitation,for

4.—Can you go to the mall with me this Sunday?

—______.Ill have a dinner with my grandparents.

A.Sure B.OK

C.Sorry D.It doesnt matter

5.They got to the village near the sea______a rainy morning.

A.on D.for

6.There are two foreign pupils in our class.One is from Canada,______is from Japan.

A.other B.the other C.others D.another

7.He is______his key,but he cant______it.

A.looking for,find B.finding,look for

C.look for,find D.looking for,look for

8.—______you sing this song in English?


A.Can,can B.May,neednt

C.Can,dont D.Can,cant

9.—Can you stay here longer?

—______.I have to go home to look after my old grandfather.

A.Yes,I cant B.Im afraid not

C.Id love to D.No,thank you

10.I like playing______guitar while he likes playing______tennis.

A.×,× B.×,the C.the,× D.the,the

11.Why not______your teacher for help?

A.ask B.asks C.asking ask

12.He doesnt talk______,but he is respected by his calmness in his class.

A.much too B.many too

C.too much D.too many

13.She cant______us because her mother is ill.

A.joining B.come C.join D.coming

14.I feel very sorry______I cant go to the concert with you all.

A.and C.but D.that

15.______students listened to the talk in______afternoon.

A.Whole the,the whole B.All the,the whole

C.The whole,the all D.All the,the all

Ⅲ.句型转换 按括号内的要求完成下列句子。每空填一词。

1.I have to study for my English test.(改为一般疑问句)

____________have to study for your English test?

2.I want a cup of tea.(改为同义句)

I____________a cup of tea.

3.—Can you help me clean the room?(作肯定回答)


4.Thank you for your help.(改为同义句)

______________ me.

5.We are studying for the English test.(对画线部分提问)

____________you studying for?

Ⅳ.汉译英 根据汉语句子,完成英语句子。每空填一词。


What time do you usually get up____________?


Its my birthday____________________ .


______________ me______your birthday party!


I have____________homework this weekend.


We____________study for the geography test.

Ⅴ.介词填空 用适当的介词填空,完成下列句子。

1.They are playing football______the team from No.1 Middle School.

2.Im watching a football match______5:00 pm______TV.

3.Li Ling invited her foreign teacher______her home for dinner.

4.Anna has to study______the chemistry test at home.

5.We stay at school______11:30 every day.

Ⅵ.单句改错 从A、B、C、D中找出错项,并加以改正。

1.These boats are look like ducks.Do you think so?


2.—Would you like to come over to my house?


—Yes,I have love to.


3.—Do you free tonight?


—Yes,I think so.


4.Can you play the tennis with me? If you can,I will be very very happy.


5.—Is that your brother David?


—No,my brother isnt.


Ⅶ.补全对话 根据所给的首字母,补全空白处所缺的单词,完成对话。


B:Hi,Alice.Im going to have a party next week.Would you l______(1)to come?

A:A party? Thats cool!W______(2)it for?

B:Its my birthday on Wednesday.Im going to be sixteen.

A:Oh,dear!Im afraid I c______(3)come on Wednesday.

B:It doesnt m______(4),my birthdays on Wednesday,but the partys on Friday.

A:Oh,thats OK.W______(5)time will it begin?

A:At 8:30.

B:Right,that would be no p______(6).

A:Its g______(7)to be at the London Hotel,near the town centre on Shindy S______(8).

A:OK.I can find it.Ive g______(9)a map.

B:Wonderful.See you t______(10).

A:See you.


Once a rich woman invited Martin Brown,a famous singer,to sing for her friends.But she__1__him to have dinner with them.She told him to eat__2__her servants.

After the meal Martin stood up and said to the servants,“Now,my good friends,I__3__for you.” He sang several songs and the servants were quite__4__.

Then the rich woman asked__5__to come to the sitting-room.“We are waiting for your songs.__6__you ready?” the woman asked.

“I am sorry,” Martin said.“I have sung__7__.I usually__8__once in one evening,and I cant sing__9__.”

And with a polite “ 10 ”,he left the rich womans house.

1.A.doesnt invite B.dont invite

C.didnt invite D.havent invited

2.A.with B.for

3.A.sang B.shall sing

C.sing D.was singing

4.A.sad B.bored C.exciting D.excited

5.A.the servant B.the friend

C.the woman D.the singer

6.A.Were B.Is C.Are D.Be

7.A.ever B.already C.never D.yet

8.A.sings B.will sing C.sing D.sang time B.two times C.once D.twice

10.A.Good night B.Good morning

C.Good afternoon D.Good day



Mrs Greens telephone number was three-four-six-three,and the number of the cinema near her house was three-four- six-four,so people often made a mistake and telephoned her when they wanted the cinema.

One evening the telephone rang and Mrs Green answered it.A tired man said,“At what time does your last film begin?”

“I am sorry,” said Mrs Green,“but you have the wrong number.This is not the cinema.”

“Oh,it began twenty minutes ago,” said the man.“I am sorry about that.Good-bye.”

Mrs Green was very surprised,so she told her husband.He laughed and said,“The mans wife wanted to go to the cinema,but he was feeling tired,so he telephoned the cinema.His wife heard him,but she didnt hear you.Now they will stay at home this evening,and the husband will be happy!”


1.Mrs Greens telephone number was______.

A.3634 B.3463 C.4636 D.3464

2.People often made a mistake and telephoned her when they wanted______. sleep B.the shop

C.the cinema D.the visit

3.When Mrs Green answered the phone,who didnt hear her?

A.Mr Green. B.The man.

C.The mans wife. D.Anybody.

4. How did Mrs Green feel when she heard the man ask about the film?

A.Surprised. B.Angry.

C.Not happy. D.Not strange.

5.Why was Mrs Green very surprised after she answered the telephone?

A.Because the man rang a wrong number.

B.Because the man said sorry to her.

C.Because the man didnt answer her and said something else.

D.Because the mans voice was very low.


Everyone has his own birthday.People celebrate their birthdays in different ways in different countries.Here are four people from different countries.They will tell us how they celebrate their birthdays in their countries.

Sandy Morison comes from Madrid(马德里,西班牙首都).He says happily,“My twenty-first birthday is on Saturday,and Im going out with some friends.To wish me a happy birthday,theyre going to pull on my ear twenty-one times,once for each year.Its an old custom.Some people pull on the ear just once,but my friends are very traditional.”

Mr and Mrs Sato are from Tokyo.Mr Sato is going to be sixty tomorrow.In Japan,the sixtieth birthday is the beginning of a new life.The colour red is for a new life,so Japanese people always give something red for a sixtieth birthday.Mrs Sato says,“What am I going to give my husband? I cant say.Its a secret!”

Li Xiaomei from Beijing feels very excited and tells us,“Tomorrow is my sixteenth birthday.Its a special birthday,so were going to have a family party.Im probably going to get some money in lucky envelopes from my relatives.My mother is going to cook noodles.Noodles are for a long life.”

Phillip Evans,from Paris,smiles to others,“Im going to be thirty next week,so Im going to invite three good friends out to dinner.In France,when you have a birthday,you often invite people out.In some countries,I know its the opposite——the people take you out.”


1.People in different countries celebrate their birthdays in the same way.

2.To celebrate his birthday,Sandy is going to pull on his friends ear.

3.On his birthday,Mr Sato is going to receive something red.

4.Li Xiaomei is going to cook some noodles on her birthday.

5.Philip is going to take his friends out to dinner on his birthday.



A:Hi,Peter.Can you come to my party this Saturday?

B:Party? What party?

A:Its my 15th birthday party.

B:Oh.Happy birthday to you!Donna.Id love to.What time?

A:At 6 p.m.,October 25th,at my home.Do you know my address?

B:Sorry,I dont know.Could you tell me now?

A:Sure.Its No.108 Green Street.If you cant find it,give me a call,0561-7022618.By the way,can you ask Ann to come together?

B:OK,I will.Thanks for inviting us to your party.


Its a__1__party!

From whom:__2__.



Phone number:__5__.

Come and join us!




Key to Unit 4:

Ⅰ.A)1.minutes 2.miles 3.depends 4.worry 5.riding

B)1.takes 2.stop/station 3.must 4.early 5.quick

Ⅱ.1-5 BCBDB 6-10 ABBDA 11-15 ABCAD

Ⅲ.1.How;go bus 3.How long 4.dont;or 5.How far

Ⅳ.1.A。 What→How 2.B。 minutes→minutes 3.C。 he→it

4.D。 去掉his 5.B。 fly→go

Ⅴ.1.ride a bike;take the north 3.It takes;to walk

4.How far 5.other things


Ⅶ.1-5 BABAA 6-10 CBBBA


B)1.He worked in a post office.2.She went to the city by train.

3.No,she didnt.4.About forty.5.No,she didnt.


Ⅸ.One possible version:

Im a student in Class Three,Grade Eight.My name is Li Yi.There are forty-eight students in my class.Twenty-five of them are boys.The others are girls.Class begins at eight in the morning.Twenty-eight of the students come to school by bike.Twelve students come to school by bus because they live very far from the school.Eight students like walking to school.They can take exercise while they are coming to school.We dont want to be late for school.All of us get to school on time.

We can do many things in the afternoon.The boys favorite sport is basketball.The girls like singing.We have a good time every day.We love our school.And we love our teachers.

Key to Unit 5:

Ⅰ.A)1.another/an 3.lessons 5.tomorrow/this

B)1.chemistry 2.American 3.whole 4.match 5.concert

Ⅱ.1-5 BDBCA 6-10 BADBC 11-15 ACCDB

Ⅲ.1.Do you 2.would like 3.Yes;I can 4.Thanks for helping

5.What are

Ⅳ.1.on weekdays 2.the day after tomorrow

3.Thanks for inviting;to 4.too much 5.have to

Ⅴ.1.with;on 4.for 5.until

Ⅵ.1.A。 are look→look 2.C。 have→would 3.A。 Do→Are

4.A。 the tennis→tennis 5.C。 my brother→it

Ⅶ 2.Whats 3.cant 4.matter 5.What 6.problem 7.going

8.Street 10.tomorrow

Ⅷ.1-5 CABDD 6-10 CBCDA

Ⅸ.(A)1-5 BCCAC

(B)1-5 FFTFT

(C)1.birthday 2.Donna 3.At 6 p.m.,October 25th

4.No.108 Green Street 5.0561-7022618

Ⅹ.One possible version:

Dear Mary,

Thank you for inviting me to your party,but Im sorry I cant come.My mother is ill.The doctor told her to stay in bed for a few days.I have to take care of her.Thank you for sending me such a beautiful postcard.I like it very much.Give my best wishes to your family.


Zhang Juan


Group the words
新目标英语九年级Unit10 STEP BY STEP随堂通
新目标英语八年级(上)Unit5 STEP BY STEP随堂通
新目标英语八年级(上)Unit4 STEP BY STEP随堂通
Unit 12 STEP BY STEP 随堂通
Unit 7 STEP BY STEP 随堂通Section A
新目标八年级下Unit 4练习