Unit4 Unforgettable experiences课本要点精练


中学生英语高中综合天地 2008年7期




1.He was shaking with f_______as if he had seen a ghost.

2.The boy succeeded in r_______a drowning child.

3.The lecturers voice was s________ by the noises of the traffic on the street.

4.We went to a beautiful town and spent an u________day there,which will remain in our memory forever.

5.He tries to seize the o________ to speak to her alone in the lift.

6.The girls got ________(分开) from the group in the dark.

7.I hope we can finish this before the________(最后期限).

8.Its ________(淘气) of you to pull your sisters hair.

9.Older people sometimes seem out of ________(接触) with the modern world.

10.In 1862 the American slaves won their ________(斗争) for freedom.



1.After stealing,the thief________to the house.

A.catch fire B.set fire

C.on fire D.make fire

2.On my way to the cinema,I heard my name________. B.calling call D.called

3.He got angry ________I could explain why I was late again.

A.before B.until C.since D.when

4.It________that she doesnt like the book.

A.looks B.seems C.appears if

5.Great changes________ in my hometown these years.

A.took place B.were taken place C.have taken place D.were taking place

6.She stood leaning________the blackboard,with a book in her hand.

A.on B.upon D.against

7.Lucy came to No.2 High School in 2003,and it wasnt long________ she became a good teacher.

A.since B.when C.before D.after

8.We cant wait any more.The clock is________ twelve.

A.beating B.hitting C.telling D.striking

9.On the way to the school,she was________in a heavy rain.As a result,she caught a bad cold.

A.swallowed B.seized C.kept D.caught

10.I am afraid that I will never have the________ of hearing him play the piano.

A.solution B.situation

C.opportunity D.means

11.The wounded young man________ on his feet and________through the snowstorm.

A.dragged;flew B.pulled;went;struggled D.stood;fought

12.— Have you heard the story of “The ________Merchant of Venice”?

— No.When and where does the story________ ?

A.take up B.take off

C.take on D.take place

13.There have been great________ in telephone equipment in the last quarter of the twentieth century.

A.excitements B.communications

C.progresses D.advances

14.He studied very hard,but he failed in the final examination.When he got the papers,all his hopes were________.

A.rescued B.shaken

C.destroyed D.separated

15.You should________the opportunity to go abroad.It may never come again.

A.catch B.hold

C.seize D.grasp



1.Im using the pen which he bought it yesterday.

2.Is that factory which your father once worked in?

3.The man whom I spoke is from Canada.

4.July 1,1999 is the day when well never forget.

5.The student whos book I had borrowed didnt come to school today.

6.Im going to work in the hospital where needs me.

7.Which is the book which she wants to borrow?

8.I dont like the way which you talked to your friend.

9.That is the last place when I want to go to.10.That was the reason because she looked old.



1.________ (我还没来得及说),she told me what I was thinking.(before)

2.They sat on a rock on the top of the mountain after a hard time of climbing,and they found it difficult to________(站立起来).(get,foot)

3.While travelling in London,you should always take an umbrella with you in order not to________(淋雨).(catch)

4.A great wave came,________(冲垮了大坝)and the rice fields.(sweep)

5.My little sister________ (抓住我的手) tightly when we walked in the dark on that rainy night.(hold)

6.The power suddenly went off and they looked into each others face________(用一种惊恐的眼神).(with,fright)

7.________(我突然想到了一个好主意) as I was reading the newspaper.(strike)

8.In order to get more information,I called the travel agency________ (它的电话号码)I found in a newspaper.(whose)

9.After________(经历了)so many hardships,they finally made it.(go)

10.Oh,youve just finished your trip to the Himalayas?________(那一定很刺激吧?).(must)


Flora heard somebody shouting.She looked around and __1__ Jeff.Jeff was __2__ his arms.Flora found a wall of water __3__ towards her.Flora was so __4__ that she couldnt move.Soon the water swallowed the garden.Before long trees went down under water.Flora was also swept down.Then Jeff__5__her up.She struggled and struggled,but couldnt get on her__6__ .finally she stood up.As they got to the steps,they__7__another roar and the wall of house__8__.Flora quickly began__9__the stairs.Another wave struck the house,and a strange cracking noise began.Flora ran up the stairs.There she stopped,__10__ to the strange sounds,while the house moved.★


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